Wednesday, November 4, 2009

As I was meditating this morning God began to speak to me concerning "The Secret Place." He then directed me to the scripture below:

It is written, "1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." (Psalm 91: 1-2)

Once I read that scripture, God then directed me to search out the meaning of the word "secret."

"Secret" - 1. kept from public knowledge or from the knowledge of a certain person or persons. 2. beyond general knowledge or understanding; mysterious or esoteric; 3. concealed from site or notice; hidden

People of God, there is a place that is a resting place in God where we are able to go and NOONE is able to find us!

Now, to those who may be "super spiritual", yes, we do realize and recognize that God may have granted you "heightened" discernment and you may be able to "pick up" on things in people's lives. But even those with the sharpest levels of discernment ARE NOT able to "pick up a person" or "find a person" who is dwelling in "The Secret Place" in God! You may "detect" a few things but you WILL NOT know the fullness of where they are spiritually located in GOD when they are resting in "The Secret Place."

That's why YOU as an individual must KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt when God has allowed you to become sheltered in this "secret" place. You must KNOW who you are in Christ! When you arrive at this place the enemy will come to say they "sense" where you are when in actuality THEY DON'T! They CAN NOT locate you when GOD has you hidden! They are simply TRYING to spiritually locate you but can't find you because God has you sheltered. However, their curiosity in desiring to know where you are will drive them to continue to try to find you!

I want to encourage those of you today who may be going through something to go to "The Secret Place!" If you're feeling overwhelmed, left out and left alone, just find your way to "The Secret Place!" This is where you will find the rest, peace and the strength that you need to continue on to do what our Father in Heaven has commanded and commissioned you to do!

I love you all with the love of Christ,
Apostle Adrienne

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Comment by Rachel Williams on November 5, 2009 at 4:23pm
This is so amazing because God gave me Psalms 91:7 on Monday "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; [but] it shall not come nigh thee." All I was told was that it would not come nigh thy dwelling. By reading what you have written, it has given me a different insight into this scripture. Thanks for such an encouraging word from the Lord. I allowed a co-worker to read it and she was excited and said that she would never read that scripture the same way again.

Be Blessed!!
Comment by Prophetess Laura Cecere on November 4, 2009 at 9:19pm
Thank you so much for your obediance in writing that word...I really needed to hear that. I need to go to that secret place and DWELL there(means live in that place) that is something to be learned.Then he will hide us..Lord teach us to learn to dwell in the Secret Place,so that you can cover us in the Shelter of your wings..from our enemies,and those who seek us out for wrong motives..Thank you Jesus for your word..
Bless sister Adrienne for all her obediance in this hour,send her the seasoned help she needs to do all that your have put in front of her and may she be lifted up,and exaulted in her season to your glory..amen
Comment by Evangelist Michelle Hall on November 4, 2009 at 7:36pm
Wow!!, let me tell you that as I was in prayer today and He was leading me into exactly what you are sharing. God is so amazing. Thank you so much for confirming that I am on the right track and thank you for sharing this and not sitting on this. Bless You!!
Comment by Queen Royalty on November 4, 2009 at 7:30pm
Praise God! that was a timely WORD form GOD~

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