God bless you! When He blesses, no one can curse. When God is with you, it is impossible for anyone to be against you (Romans 8:31). When God has put His Hand upon you, every way will open with blessings to others. The greatest thing that God has allowed us to come into is the plan of distributing His blessings to others. "I will bless you and...You shall be a blessing" (Genesis 12;2). When we know the power of Almighty God, we never need to be afraid of any weapon that is formed against us (Isa 54:17), believing that the Lord of Hosts will rise up and stand against the enemy. "The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face, they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. (Deut. 28:7). God's power upon us, His wonderful blessing of us, His providential promise written down for us are to make us ready, every day and under all circumstances, to know that He who promised will surely fulfill. What a wonderful Christ! God has chosen a blessing for us in the mist of anything we encounter. The power of the Highest overshadows us, the glory of the Lord is behind us and before us! Who is able to withstand that almightiness! God, breathe upon us so that we may be "enduded with power from on high" (Luke 24:49), enriched with allenrichment of heaven, crowned with blessing. The Lord will lead us forth from victory to victory as His People, His kings and priests! Oh, What a blessing to know that we are the very fruit of the Lord! His people are the precious fruit of the earth. I am not afraid to say these things to you because I know God wants to bless you. Why should you go away without blessing when God has promised that you will have a portion that cannot be measured (John 3:34)? Why should you fear when God wants to remove fear? Are you ready? You say, "What for?" Oh, for His blessing that will fill your life, overflow you, change you. Are you ready? Ready for what? To get a childlike simplicity and look into the face of the father and believe that all His promises are "Yes" and "Amen" (Cor. 1:20) to you. Are you ready? Ready for what? To be awakened into that "Spirit of adoption" (Romans 8:15) that believes all things and dares to ask the Father. We are not to be ignorant about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God does not intend for you to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts: gifts that have revelation, that have divine knowledge, that have within them the power to deliver others and power to pray through. The gift of intercession, the gift of laying hands on the sick, the gift ofprophecy, the gift of the word of wisdom, the gift of the word of knowledge, the gift of discerning of spirits, the gift of tongues, and the gift of interpretation--all these are included in this one verse: "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant" (1 Cor. 12:1). So I implore you to think seriously in your heart- because you have to be in the world but not of the world --that you need to be a personal manifestation of the living Christ. Just as Christ walked about as a child of God, with power and manifestation. People do not take time to read the Bible, so you have to be a walk epistle, "known and read by all men" (2 Cor. 3:2). Seeing that this is so and that you have to completely comprehend that Jesus is the Word and that you have to believe the Word of god and not change it because of people who ahve other opinions, take the Word of God, Yes, Take the Word of god; it will furnish you as you stand strong in the Lord. It is there that you will find out that you do not need anything better. It is there that you will find all you need: food for hunger, light for darkness, largeness of heart, conceptions of thought, and inspiration. I like the words of Paul. They are beautiful. and they come forth so often by the power of the Spirit, such as this word: "Strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man" (Eph.3:16). This might of the Spirit can fill everybody, and it brings forth the revelation of God's Word. We have clearly seen, I believe, why gifts were particularized, why there are varieties of gifts and varieties of positions in which to hold gifts. We must not forget the Giver is to be received before the gifts. Salvation always precedes sanctification, and sanctification will always precede the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification prepares the body for the Holy Spirit, and when the body is rightly prepared for the Spirit, then the work of jesus to baptize with the Holy Spirit but many Christians have be sanctified and their body prepared but have not received the infilling of the Spirit of God, by Christ..The Holy Spirit makes Jesus King in your life, you regard Him as Lord and Master over all things. You are not afraid to say, "You are mine, I love you!" I love him. He is so beautiful; He is so sweet, He is so loving: He is so kind! He never turns a deaf ear, He never leaves you in distress. He heals brokenheartedness; He liberates the captives; and for those who are down and out, He comes right into that place and lifts the burden. It is truly said of him, "He came to His own ans His own had no room for him; but as many as had room for Him, He gave them power (Dynamite) to become the very sons of God! (John 1:11-12). Thus i bring you again to the nature of sonship;it is by grace bestowed, poured out, pressed through,or covering you, preserving you from all evil. It is boundless grace that brings capability for your lack of ability, as God has you in His own mind and purpose. In 1 Corinthians 12:8, the Word of God tells us about the word of wisdom: "For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit." It does not say- and you must clearly understand it- it does not say "the gift of wisdom", but " the word of wisdom." You have to "rightly (handle) the word of truth." (2 Tim 2:15) because it means so much to us. The gift of the word of wisdom is necessary in many instances. For example, when you get laid off of work or you have important decisions to make, a word of wisdom is needed regarding where to go to find the job, Remember when God was going to elect the first king of Israel? The Prophet Samuel told Saul the donkeys had been found. He had received a word of wisdom. A word of wisdom is meant for a needy hour when you are under great stress concerning any business transaction, you can ask God what to do and you will receive wisdom along two lines. It may come through the gift of the word of wisdom, or it may come forth just because the Holy Spirit is upon you. I have been trying to show you that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit within, the Holy Spirit can manifest any of the nine gifts, as he wills. At the same time, you are not to forget that the Word of God urges you to desire earnestly the best gifts, so while the best gift might be to you the word of wisdom or some other gift, you should not be lacking in any gift..

If you will continue your study on how this same anointing and infilling of the Holy Spirit that was poured out on the day of Pentecost, is the same anointing God placed upon every king, every priest, and every prophet, God used throughout both the Old and the New Testaments. Believers in this day and hour are to be anointed in power as well. Being prepared of Christ to rule and reign with Him in His coming Kingdom on this earth for 1000 years.

S.W. on Spiritual gifts...

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