Man has always had a fascination with the supernatural. Ever since God created him 'in His image' and then tragically he lost his relationship with the very source of his being through rebellion and disobedience, he began his search to rediscover his supernatural origins. Biblical man soon understood the place and power of a sacrifice. It was a foundational part of their Old Testament relationship with God. Whether it was an altar for animal sacrifice or a memorial or prayer altar, it opened up a portal into heaven.
Now the devil is an opportunist and soon he trapped man into discovering that by making sacrifices or observing sacrificial ordinances he could gain supernatural powers and authority from demonic sources. Once an altar was erected (whether to God or the devil), its efficacy would largely depend on the quality of the sacrifices offered upon it. Servants and priests of the Satanic kingdom have no other credible method or means of strengthening their altars other than through blood sacrifice. If the one offering the sacrifice could meet the conditions of the covenant-sacrifice then he would receive answers to his particular need, so he brings his costly offerings of goats, a cow and sometimes of human blood, in exchange for what he demanded. Even in the kingdom of God, the rule is applicable. We will have heard many teachings on the subject of sacrificial giving as the key to supernatural prosperity. The Scripture explicitly teaches that nothing goes for nothing.
“But I say, he which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully”(2Cor 9:6)
The man whose sacrifice is meager should not expect a plenteous harvest because whatsoever a man sows, he shall reap. Sacrifice can therefore be defined as the act of giving up something important or valuable in order to get something more important or more valuable. The big question, however is, how did sacrifice come into existence? What brought about the need to offer sacrifices?
Sacrifice itself is an act employed at the Redemption. The entire work of Redemption was performed on the altar of sacrifice. But we must realise that if the first man, Adam, had not sinned, there would be no need for the Redemption and ultimately, there would be no need for sacrifices. Cain and Abel had to offer some sacrifices to God in order to buy themselves the favour of God, which would not be needed in the first place had their parents not gone astray from God’s presence. Sacrifice can then be seen as the permissive will of God. The first Adam said, “Not your will oh God; but mine be done.” Hence, there was need for substitutive sacrifice. The Second Adam said, “Not my will oh God; but yours be done.” Hence He represents Perfection or Perfect Obedience . Sacrifice represents a means by default for man who has lost touch with the perfect will of God.
What then is the perfect will of God? It is simply OBEDIENCE.
“But Samuel replied, Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better that sacrifice, and to heed better than a fat of rams.” (1Sam 15:22)
According to the dictionary obedience is involves matching up with a particular set of instructions and standard or of acting in according to given instruction. Adam was given an instruction in Genesis 2:16-17. As long as he obeyed the instruction, he and his offspring (of which you and I are part) would not need to offer any sacrifices for mercy or favour because he (and we too) would have remained within the parameters of God’s perfect will for mankind.
In the verse quoted above, Samuel, by divine instruction commanded Saul as the anointed king of Israel to destroy the entire nation of Amalek and all that was within her borders. Saul disobeyed this divine instruction by sparing the best of the livestocks. He also took their king alive and brought him to the land of Israel. God of course already knew about it and sent Samuel to rebuke king Saul. God told Samuel that he was grieved to have appointed Saul king over the nation of Israel.(1 Sam 15:1-23) God is grieved whenever we choose to go the way of sacrifice rather than the way of obedience. This is why I dare to say that there is a greater 'way' than sacrifice, and that is obedience! ….for as Scripture says “to obey is better than sacrifice”.
However, no-one can really understand this 'key' of obedience until you come to Christ Jesus and find Him as your Saviour, for Jesus was obedient even unto death for you which made his sacrificial on the cross to be the perfect “once and for all” sacrifice. Jesus did not first offer Himself as the sacrificial Lamb of God before “obeying”. No, He first became obedient before giving his life as the sacrifice.
What would you rather do? Accept Jesus sacrifice for you or receive the penalty for your rebellion and sin which is the sacrifice or forfeit of your own salvation and escape from the judgement of God. If you have already done that, then the next step is to adopt a disciplined life of studying your Bible, meditating on it and praying always for the will of God to be done in your life. This way you will fulfil the destiny God has for you and bring pleasure to the Father.
Yes indeed,.....sacrifice is good, but obedience is far better; and the truth is that it is the... 'perfect will of God' for you.
Be blessed

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