Unexposed struggles can become major Demons in your life!

How many times have you been in a situation where a certain temptation constantly kept bugging you? It may have been something very embarrassing to admit to. It may have been something that has been plaguing your family for many years or generations. It even may have been something that caused you to feel very different from others around you. Whatever it was or is, do you remember the struggle you went through at the very onset of it? You felt a need to tell someone about to get it off of your conscience yet you were possibly ashamed of the response you would get. Therefore, you chose not to bring it up and to quietly go on with your life and just deal with it in your own little way! However, to your surprise, the struggle only intensified! You thought that if you ignored it that it would eventually go away but you were wrong again! Then when you started to be nagged by it on a consistent basis, you finally decide to seek direction on how to be rid of it only to find that it had grown much bigger than you had ever anticipated! Apparently, when you ignored it all of those times and did not want to expose it, you allowed it to grow and intensify into something that would eventually latch on to your very existence and get so entangled with your spirit that you would possibly destroy the very fabric of your sanity trying to untie yourself from its grips! Yes---my brothers & sisters---I know we all have had those types of issues in our lives and still wrestle with similar adversities on a daily basis! However, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the struggle you find so overwhelming now (especially if it is beginning to take root in your character and outward actions) is the proof that a demon has set up camp within your soul and is not planning on leaving anytime soon! It now has grown into a spiritual cancer that is constantly feeding off of your joy, peace, & sense of direction until it invades many of your thoughts, words, and actions! Now I do agree that every demon does not behave in the same manner. The demons we read about in the Bible may have caused people to foam at the mouth, shake violently, howl at the moon, live in graveyards, and do all other manner of inconceivable things within the host of whom they lived. This is because they eventually were allowed to live uncontested for so long that they overwhelmingly became the determining factor of the personalities of those they lived in! Now we need to also understand that the Devil has many associates, fallen angels, evil spirits, and such like in his realm to aide him and they all stay updated with the latest methods of attack against us! Do you believe that? Why do you think that the chest cold you had 20 years ago seems to always intensify every time it presents itself back into your life after being virtually eradicated the last time around? Every time it comes back, it is stronger than before! The question is...are we?
Now consider this...the demons we face now may not reveal themselves as they did in the case of the real life story of The Exorcist because of how we tend to harbor them! Demons, much like certain types of camera film, are sensitive to exposure. This explains why they threw people down to the ground in the Bible before departing out of them as well as why they caused a whole herd of pigs to run over a cliff and commit suicide! You see, demons can not stand to be exposed! When they are, the most important part of their power becomes ineffective! Therefore, consider this...the more unrevealed shelter we provide them with basically determines the more strength they gain against us in our daily lives!

Having said that...consider your own ways! What is it that you are dealing with on a daily & weekly basis that you just can not seem to overcome? Could it be something that you also are keeping a secret from everyone else? There is an old---but true---saying that "confession is good for the soul" that we often hear yet rarely utilize! Even the Bible said, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed..." in James 5:16!! Yet how many of us take advantage of the power behind this principle? We are more worried about people knowing our business and struggles which causes us to keep silent about what we are dealing with! Or we may choose to evade the issue altogether and tend to fool our own selves into believing that we are not plagued by anything! However, who are we really hurting? Now I do agree that everyone does not deserve the chance to need to know your business! However, only a big fool will continue to believe that they can make it on their own forever without receiving help from someone at some point along the way! The truth is that when we confess our faults, sins, and struggles to someone else, we tend to spiritually pull the cover off from over them so that they can not remain hid! You see...something that is a mystery can not be properly dealt with because it is not really understood what exactly is the nature or weakness of it! However, once discovered, more suggestions can be found on how to overcome it! More methods can be taken advantage of to properly treat and hopefully destroy it! Its nature, strengths, and weaknesses are now known because it is now uncovered!

Therefore, my friends, seek GOD to find someone that He will link you up with so that you may properly confess your innermost struggles to! For in so doing, you will regain the power of the demons in your life that may now have the power over you! Just as in the Bible, and even more so in the pages of everyday life, demons begin to dwindle out of our lives when we begin to expose them for what they really are and seek the Word of GOD for the Power to rid them of our existence completely! Even confession has to be made for true salvation to begin (Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 1:9)!!

Still not convinced thoroughly, then let me leave you with this to ponder...in the natural order of life who are you easier to forgive without question? The one who committed an offense and continued to deny it until they are caught up in a lie? Or the one who commits an offense and confesses that they are guilty without having to be found out completely? Better yet...how many people can you think of that practice illicit lifestyles of whatever habits but tend to spend most of their time trying to persuade people to believe just the opposite of what their struggle really is?

Here is a good example...right now there are preteens teenagers everywhere that practice many bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex, gang violence, etc...) that they are ashamed to admit to their parents, Church members, or true friends! Why do you think that is? They are ashamed of the humiliation and harshness they would have to face if they admitted to it not because they know people would embrace them in love...but because they fear the separations and excommunications they would be subjected to from their confession! Once again...lack of exposure will cause that demon within every time to gain more strength over them! Then, eventually, without the love and support needed to overcome what they dealt with, they become exactly the opposite of the expectations and predictions of everyone! They end up alcoholics before they even finish high school! Maybe end up as habitual drug users! Some wrestle with smoking several packs of cigarettes a day before even being old enough to purchase them! Young girls (the youngest I have heard of in truth was 9 years old) coming home pregnant before they even decide what college they want to attend!! Those boys & girls that are even displaying worse sexual characteristics that GOD did not intend (homosexuality)!! When those under 20 die from gang-related activity the people around them want to know where did they go wrong? Answer...lack of confession of personal inward struggles!!

Therefore, I encourage everyone that reads this to forward it to everyone you possibly can! It is a highly serious & important issue more than many others and is slowly eating away at our very essence of existence! It is time to stop being "hush-hush" about it and deal with it before we lose any more people to "inward demons" as they tend to be called in mainstream media! Will you help me spread the word please?

May your life be Blessed beyond measure!!!

In the Name of JESUS CHRIST (Philippians 2:9-11)!!!!!!!

Pastor CabbyJr

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Comment by Tara Robinson on March 11, 2009 at 11:03pm
i was just having a discussion with a person i know who has this struggle trying to get them to see the truth but they were in such denial this blog is a god sent i just e-mailed to the person hoping they will read this blog and get some help. this person is stubborn and don't want to admit the anger problems they have besides other things tied to it i am just trying to help so the person can get free so i pray this blog can go where my words would not and bring the godly change that should happen by receiving this truth as well. God bless.

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