Psa. 19:11 There's more: God's Word warns us of danger and directs us
to hidden treasure. - The Message Bible

When it comes to relationships, we often times ignore God to get what
we feel we need at the time. We want someone cause we are lonely, or
we want to marry because everyone else is getting married. Many times
people seek marriage or engagements because they need to feel wanted or
they are trying to prove something to their family or friends.
But no Christian on earth should ever form relationships until "GOD gives the
thumbs up!" I know that's hard to swallow because we like to feel in
control of our own relationships. But only God knows the end as
well as the beginning, so his advice is priceless when it comes to
marriage and family. And God will always give you warning signs before
you ever commit to the wrong person. He will show you what's up, but
you must take heed and listen to him. If your fiance' is abusive to
you now, then it will get much worse when you marry them! If your
boyfriend got a little sugar in his tank now, marrying him is not gonna
make the sugar go away! If he or she is not saved now, then please
don't expect them to get saved after you say I do, especially after
they see you disobey God by being unequally yoked to them. If you
can't stand them now, chances are, you won't be able to stand them
after the wedding!

We must learn to ask God before we decide to do things like marry,
date, or even search for a mate. God has the answer and he will show
you very clearly. But you must learn to hear him and obey what he
says. Divorces, abusive relationships, and long separations,
are all signs of selfishness and sure signs of disobedience. God does
not take us through bad relationships to teach us a lesson or give us a
powerful testimony! God does not glory in divorce and he would that no
man put asunder their marital vows. So, he is in the business of
warning us before we ever get into these situations. God wants to
protect you from a bad relationship so he sends warning signs. But
because of loneliness, low self worth, or stubbornness, we decide to go
our own way and ignore God's warning signs. The saddest part is that
we get ourselves into a place where we have ignored the voice of the
Lord so much, we can't hear him anymore. And at that point, we
are on our own, bumping our heads, trying to fix what we have messed
up. Children get involved and destroyed, our home gets torn apart, and
drama begins to follow us everywhere, all because we did not heed the
warning signs, Please, do not ignore God's warning signs about your
relationships. You must understand that God wants the best for you and
he does not glory in you being abused and hurt from a bad relationship.
You deserve better and you must allow him to bring the best to you. If
you see yourself as God's child, then you must allow him to choose who
he feels is right for you. (Check out our videos on this subject - "The Power
of One:Message to Christian Singles, and for marriages - "Strengthening
the Bond" available at:

Suggested Reading: Jer. 6:10, 2Cor. 6:14 , Matt. 5:32, Matt. 19:6

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