I am a avid car enthusiast and often search local classified ads and Craigslist looking for my next project car. It is not uncommon for me to find a classic ride that is starving for some much needed "TLC". In my mind I envision the end result of this "diamond in the rough" as a future restored car show winner. I often imagine the candy paint job and the newly stitched leather interior and shiny chrome parts that this car will have. I then usually print out a picture of this potential project that I am just ecstatic about and show it to a few friends and family. Surprising to me the response to my soon to be prize winning show car is "What a piece of Junk" from the majority of these selected individuals. I think and wonder how could this be said about this soon to be beautiful car?

Well the truth is most people do not see potential but rather what something or someone is right that very moment. I rejoice in knowing that God not only sees but knows our potential. God does not look at me and my inabilities, short comings and call me a piece of junk but God sees me in my restored state. God sees us covered in the blood of Jesus just as I see that beautiful paint job on that project car. God truly is the ultimate "customizer" specializing in restoration of lives, marriages, careers and the list goes on. We that have a relationship with God and have been restored by the blood of Christ must see past someones sinful state and intercede on that persons behalf. We have to see that their soul needs some "TLC" not just "tender loving care" but "The Love of Christ". Always remember we all were once a "hoopty" until we were restored by Christ. Much love and stayed blessed-TW McMillion

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