When you have given out to the point of total depletion and its seems that you are spiritually drained from all of those that are in your arena that appear to only withdraw and never deposit, it is in times like this when the enemy closes in on you and attacks on every hand, (Men and women of GOD need to be restored and replenished like never before)
people that you would never have imagined can sometimes turn on you and allow the enemy to use them to be more of a hindrance than a blessing, this also includes close friends and love ones who during this season of attack seems to be preoccupied with their on problems and circumstances or so caught up in the flesh (rather than in the spirit). that they can't hear from God or even discern in the spirit that you are in warfare and its not about them at that particular time its about you.The World as we know especially the Church have high expectations for men and women of God (AND BY RIGHT THEY SHOULD ) they expect us to always have it together, never make mistake, and to be there for them when they need us, most of us have tried to .But when I say to you. this past season has proven to me like never before that if we have ever needed a revival we sure do need one now. and this one is for the men and women of God. leaders are being driven away in their own lust, falling like flies, caught up in everything you could imagine, and I contribute this tragedy to several problem areas, Pride of life, Lust of the flesh, and the love of money. By any means necessary the enemy will and have done everything he could to bring shame and discredit to the Pastors and Leaders of the Church and the entire body of Christ, the standard of the church has been lowered in order to please the flesh and increase its business ventures, sadly to say the spirit of Antichrist has been in operation in the body of Christ for the last decade, We as the levites must be the first partakers in setting this thing in order. Its time to rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus. rewrite our purpose and this time include the will of God concerning our lives and the Ministry he called us to. Be steadfast unmovable aways abounding in the word of the Lord.. God bless You!

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Comment by T.L. Hawkins on May 26, 2009 at 12:48pm
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Confirmation on what I've been saying. We DO need a REVIVAL. The enemy is attacking us full force and definitely attacking families. Families are already broken as it is, now, it's almost unbelievable.
Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on May 25, 2009 at 10:44am
It takes the power of God through prayer. Although the above comment was not made in reference to myself, i am not above deception. I do remember as a christian when I was walking in compromise as a christian thinking I was on the path. God sent a servant all the way from Kampala Uganda just for me. I sat self righteously in my seat thinking "Im already saved" as he made the altar call. He walked over to me and pulled me out of my aisle. He prayed for me and the power of God hit my life like no other time since. The lights came on and I saw more than I was prepared to see (TMI) but one thing is for sure, it sent the Eygpts in my life up in flames I haven't looked back since. My attacks have been many and consistent but never overshadowing that moment in his presene. The power of God through the prayer of the righteous.
Comment by Prophet David Amey on May 25, 2009 at 6:06am
The Lord will forever help and keep you my sister, now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless, is the word that comes in my spirit. Don't look to the left or the right. Look to the hills from whence cometh your help.Put not you confidence in man or the flesh, trust in the lord with all thy heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Like the women with the issue of blood she tried everything and everybody,God gave me a revelation about that,she had to because he wanted to use her testimony to help us. My sister God knew our paths before we even knew it was a path. just like the prodacal son God is waiting on alot of his children to come home.GOD BLESS YOU< and stay in touch w/ Prophet David Amey
Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on May 25, 2009 at 1:42am
We continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will bring revelation. It's extremely difficult for one to see spiritual things when the enemy has distracted you, you've compromised and are now operating in the flesh. It's difficult to see how far from the path you have strayed. The flesh wars againt the Spirit. Only the Holy Ghost can bring the revelation. We need his help!!!

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