Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.'s Comments

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At 4:45pm on October 20, 2009, Apostle Prophet Per Einar and p said…
God bless you thank you for accept my as a friend
Glory too God I love you all and pray for you from me heart
Testimony from Apostle and Prophet,Per Einar Jensen
saved since 1966 God Jesus Christ meet my in the street in my home town Kristiansund in Norway I was alone,no people was there.
Jesus Christ touch my and saved my and healed my from alcohol problems and many other things.God gave to my many gift for helping the body of Christ. Please I need yours prayers.Friends you are in my heart and I think about you, and pray and fast for you, we need togeder.
Jesus Christ healed my from bladder cancer for 4 years ago in phone call with a women from God,with gift of healing
My first wife dead of adomen cancer 51 year old
Jesus have miracles heald me from diabetic,heart sick and many oter sicknes
my wife prophetesse Aina pray for my and Jesus healed my from diabetic
I am 65 years old and with good health glory to God.

love from Per Einar Jensen Born i Norway but living now in sweden
minystrys email
At 4:44pm on October 20, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
Pastor Gloria Elderidge
God bless you woman of God. I am honored that you sent me such a poignant and anointed message of endurance, perseverance, faith and God’s love, mercy and glory. I have taken the liberty of taking your message and presenting it on AnointingWorks Presents…;
“The Strength of a Mother Willed by the Glory of The Father”
Through this act I am confident there will be a deliverance to others of hope, rescue and recovery.
The Word in me is the God in me
God blessings ,
Prophetess Sandra Dukes
At 11:55am on October 20, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
My Dear Sister Annette,
Hallelujah and Praise God for your comment . It was greatly appreciated and of significant value to empowering the building of God's Kingdom.
God bless you gracious and anointed woman of God.
At 5:56pm on October 18, 2009, Careca Akarue said…

Thanks for the connection, i feel lead to share this with you, Billy Graham of blessed memory had an interview and the interviewer ask him a very profound question what will do again if you are given the chance? He replied “make more friends” I sense in realm of spirit God is connecting friends again Luke 11:5 to 8, especially prophetic evangelist and prophetic intercessors together to engage in dead body evangelism. Stayed connected, together we are stronger! SHALOM

At 5:07pm on October 16, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…

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Anointing, Incorruptible, Undefiled, Inheritance, Joint-Heirs
At 5:05pm on October 16, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
At 10:18am on October 14, 2009, Guardian said…

Hello my friend
Fall Season is here
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 10:43am on October 13, 2009, KHADINE BECKFORD said…
At 12:56pm on October 11, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…

Sovereign Grace International Fellowship Ministry Prayer Line Live! Coming 11-7-09@ Noon EST!

Category: +Religion and Spirituality
Description: by: Apostle Joseph B. Howard
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 66471

Kingdom Blessings,

Apostle Joseph B. Howard, Sr. Th.D. - Exec. Producer

Min. Sandra Dukes, A.M. - Director

Battered Clergy: from Victim to Victor...coming June 2009

Battered Clergy - The Movie coming Fall 2009 Chicago, IL

Battered Clergy - The Stage Play...coming April 2010 to Dallas, TX.

"...Because you never know what happens when the church doors close!"
At 8:12am on October 11, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast;

I will sing and make melody. Awake, my soul! Awake, O harp and
lyre! I will awake the dawn. (Psalm 108:3)

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Anointed Works sd & Phoenix of Grace Writers Forum

Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul! I will
praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God all
my life long.
(Psalm 146:1)

Prophetess Sandra Dukes
At 6:21pm on October 10, 2009, Dr. Jean Howard-Hill said…
Subject: A Need For Men and Women of God in Politics!

Dear Preachers and Those in Ministry:

I need some bold preachers to go with me into the lion’s den!

I am a veteran African American Republican who in 1979, God sent into the Republican Party to bring about change and to bring down the walls of prejudice and call the party back to the place of its original birth as the Party of Lincoln.

This has not been an easy battle. I have shared those experiences in the book I wrote, Black Eyes Shut – White Lips Sealed ( Yet I have stood against all odds, and now it is time to take it to the next level.

What I have seen is that the racism, mean spiritedness and the foolishness that is within the Republican Party is mostly at the top. Those who rise to the top, in most cases are the perpetrators. But when you go to the grass roots level, this almost is not there or it is in lesser degrees. Many at the grass roots level are those who believe what we believe, work with us and even share sweet fellowship. However, when you begin to get involved at the party level, this is where the demons of racism rear their heads and stand as gatekeepers.

Having taught American Government, State and Local Government and International Politics and Culture of Non-Western Countries as a political science professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I understand government at all levels – even globally. I know what it will take to break the hold and to get pass the political gatekeepers. Sit-in and protests will do absolutely nothing! Even prayer alone will not suffice. But with the power of prayer, as well as the wisdom of God, we have to move into both parties and carve out a place for ourselves as Americans, if we want to share in America’s political power base. Yes, this means moving even into the Republican Party.

As the national chair for the Black Republican Women Organization, I began back in 1987 recruiting African American women into the GOP, who were not willing to be tokens, but who could retain their blackness.

Presently, I head the National Republican African American Caucus. It is a unique republican organization because it allows African Americans to be a part of a collective body that can and will bring about change. Our goal is 1.5 million by 2012, and 500,000 in 2010. You may ask why so many? It is because political strength is in numbers! In politics, believe it or not, it has very little to do with color. It has to do with numbers and the ability to write the check. If you can show you have a substantial number of people who can stand as a voting block, and have the ability to finance your own cause, then you become a significant player within the political landscape. This is the ONLY way that we gain and retain political power. This is how we as African Americans get to the table, have a voice and place ourselves in appointed and elected positions. This is how we stop some of the foolishness that is going on in politics.

As an African American Republican, I proudly voted for President Obama in the general election. But his ability to win was because he was able to get beyond the gatekeepers and become a political player within the Democratic Party. Now we have to do the same thing within the Republican Party!

Having said all of this, I need men and women of God who will join with me to fulfill this mandate, and will join the NRAAC and even begin local caucuses. I don’t want everyone! Because it is important to remain political players in both parties. We need to be in the Democratic and Republican parties. I just need a significant number of praying people, and those who are strong and can take a stand for what is right to come into the Republican fold, so that our voices are heard.

I ask you to go to the NRAAC website at and see what we are all about. Then pray about this and see if you are one of the ones who God is saying, “I call you to take a stand on the other side (the Republican Party), so that you can make a difference.”

Also see if perhaps God is calling you to serve in a leadership capacity. In November, we will be making new appointments of regional and state chairs, and advisory board and national board members. If you are interested, and decide to become a member, you may submit your name, bio/resume for consideration.

I look forward to those of you who are godly and truly believe in justice and compassionate, yet self-responsibility and responsible government, joining our ranks!

…And for those of you who already are Republicans, we welcome you to the family of African American Republicans.

Let’s ALL go forth, and make a positive difference regardless of which party we are in!

Feel free to e-mail me at or, and to pass this e-mail on. Tennessee also has a state caucus at The websites for other states should be up by the end of October 2010. We welcome members from all states!

Look forward to hearing from you and even seeing you at the April 9th – 10th NRAAC Conference. Our theme: Setting the Republican Agenda to Include People of Color.

In His Service,

Dr. Jean Howard-Hill, Nat’l Chair
At 9:40am on October 10, 2009, PASTOR JEROME BENTON said…
At 4:27pm on October 9, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
At 9:58am on October 9, 2009, DR. ROY KENNEDY FARLEY JR. said…

At 9:53am on October 9, 2009, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
Pray Together from Anointed Works sd

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Prayer for the Day and the Days Ahead -sdukes

Heavenly Father we repent of sins of omission and commission. We lay this prayer at the throne of your feet for deliverance and favor. Create in us, oh God, a clean heart and a righteous spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Protect us going in and coming out, let us be above and not beneath, send your ministering angels on winds from the north, south, east and west, prepare blessings and provisions in the baskets of our store houses. Prepare our mind, heart and spirit to be receptive to Your Word. Humble us, our Dear God so that the carnal man is no more and we are of the Spirit; spirit- man with Spirit. Abide in us until the Holy Ghost overtakes the flesh and we are no longer spirit –man with the Spirit but ascend us into the Kingdom where you rest and become spirit–Spirit with Spirit-God . In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Amen

2 Corinthians 3:18 (New International Version)
17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit

Have a blessed week-end

Prophetess Sandra Dukes, Assoc. Minister

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At 11:43pm on October 8, 2009, REV. DR. B.STEPEHNDEVAKUMAR said…
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
From Darkness to Light (my personal testemony)

I was born in an orthodox Hindu Family. I was brought up in an atmosphere of much piety. As a result I took pains to learn a good number of the Hindu Ethics. I was growing up in the fear of Hindu Gods. My sins also abounded in proportion to my piety. Sin prevailed upon me. In this way I completed my seventeenth year. If anybody chose to argue with me about Christ I gave them strong answers and dismiss them quite easily by hushing them into silence. One day a close friend of mine began to talk to me about the love of God. But I argued with him and boldly refused his claim that Jesus Christ alone is the real living God. I gave my assent to the fact that there is only one God but gave emphatic "No" to his claim about Jesus Christ. In this way, I whield away a few more months. The Lord began to speak to me in manyways. I was indifferent to it. He spoke to me through proverbs 28:13. But I turned a deaf ear to the divine talk too and was continuing to waste my life. Many time the Lord made this gracious intervention in my life. Finally the Lord unmistakably spoke to me by getting me involved a dreadful bus accident. At this stage I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. I commited my whole life into His blessed hands of protection and confessed all my sins sincerely. The Lord pardoned all my sins, and I was quite convinced to His matchless Grace. From that day, He has enabled me toenjoy heavenly joy and peace of mind which the world can never give me nor can take away. He also gave me triumph over sin. He delivered me from all the sins to whichI have been miserrably subjected till then. Then the Lord spoke to me through Acts.22:16 and in obedience to His voice, I took water Baptism on 30th August 1970, afterwards, I encounted much oppositions in my own Home. The whole of my house, my own kith and kin began totear and set fire to my Bible. They put me to countless sufferinggs and hardships and did their best to win me back to my former Hindu faith. But the Lord Jesus confirmed His word in accordance with Isa 54:17. In this way the gracious Lord is keeping me in His precious way be actually bearing me up against innumerable difficulties. The burden of taking this precious Salvation is still in my heart and I am praying that God would strengthen me physically as well as spiritually to carry His word to the hundreds and --thousands of young souls like me who perish in darkness not seeing the precious light of Salvation. At present we are having more than 50 Churches in Tamil Nadu and in Kerala State. We have sent more than 700 Orphan children trained in our Children's home. We minister to the poor and needy by means of the Gospel and Social Services. At present we have 50 churches all over the State of Tamilnadu. We build our own church buildings and parsonages for the pastors and their families. We support 40 pastors and their family each month. Beside this, we also run two children's home for destitute children, we are free boarding the housing for 100 children. We also run three English schools for the public for a moderatefee. Through these schools, we introduce the Living Christ to the children. We are also engaged in a literature ministry, so far, we have published more than 25 books such as an exposition for Psalms, Joshua and Ruth and five volumes of sermon outlines for Pastors, stories for children, etc., in our regional languaes. More than 7 million people have benefited by reading our books. We also reieased five volumes of Christian Music on audio cassettes. Recently, we have started a free lending library, with more than 2000 books and audio and video tapes for the benefit of chrisitian Believers - irrespective of denominations. India ua a ripened harvest field. The last few years, the spiritual climate has changed dramatically. People are open to the Gospel as never before. The hour of God's visitation land. India is searching for a Guiding star, looking for a sure foundation, crying out for a Saviour - it is time to take action.

Therefore, Please take time to consider it and put it before The Lord. "THIS IS A CITY THAT NEEDS JESUS."

As I close may Jesus keep you and guide you in whatever way for you to become a part of OPEN DOOR MINISTRIES.
With love and prayers.

Covet the prayers of one and all on my behalf.
B. stephen Devakumar
Founder & President.

At 12:29pm on October 8, 2009, Bishop Edgar Young Jr said…
At 11:37am on October 8, 2009, BISHOP JL ARY said…
Sharing is God's Way to prosperity

At 8:48am on October 8, 2009, Guardian said…

Hello my friend
Have a Blessed Day
From Guardian

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At 5:26pm on October 7, 2009, Queen Royalty said…

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