Deacon Ron Gray's Comments

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At 5:40pm on August 15, 2012, Michael Thompson said…

At 12:29am on July 5, 2012, MINISTER PAQUITA HENDERSON said…


I'm writing to let you know about 'Alpha & Omega w-e Ministries'

Take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make 'Alpha & Omega w-e Ministries' happen. For more information go to Facebook, we currently have two pages-- under construction, please be patient and prayerful.

At 3:28am on May 30, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 11:47am on May 14, 2012, rita said…

How are you,am Rita by name i saw your profile and i found you worthy to be mine as whom i can lay on his arms,please i will like us to be friends, if you are interested to know me just write me with this email( )just to enable me to send you my photo i will be expecting to read from you soon,Rita.

At 4:39am on May 10, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 2:40am on April 21, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 2:12pm on April 8, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 12:42pm on April 4, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 9:31am on March 24, 2012, Prophetess Latrice Johnson gave Deacon Ron Gray a gift
At 1:22am on March 23, 2012, Evangelist from India said…

 Dear Bro Deacon Ron Gray,

               Greetings to you in the Precious Name Our Lord and Saviour  Jesus Christ.


               Grace be with all those who love Our  Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity.


                                     I am a Gospel Preacher from India,working for 5 small churches in villages and tribal areas in Andhra pradesh,India. It is just a great blessing to see you.I often provide food for the orphan kids and old Widows.Please keep them in your prayers.I would really love to share the Lord's work with you and the saints there.We need your kind love,encouragement,support and prayers for the Lord's work here.It would do a great help to bring many lost souls to Christ.It would be a great blessing to hear from you, 

                                                                     We are Bound to thank God always for you  As It is Fitting because your Faith Grows Exceedingly and the Love of Every One of you all abounds to ward each other


                                 I Thank my God always Concering  you for the Grace of God which was Given to You by Christ Jesus.


                               You also Helping to gether in Prayer  for  Us.


Thank you ,

Yours in his Service,

Anil Raju G. Evanglist,


At 1:58pm on March 20, 2012, Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness said…

Geetings Deacon Gray, It has been awhile brother but man has it truly been a blessing. I missed talking with you but so much is happening with our company and it is nothing short of a blessing. JUST LIKE BEING THERE WHEN APPLE, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE OR MICROSOFT GOT STARTED, 218 339-2487 then enter 8013190# and record #030512

At 10:36pm on March 16, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 11:55pm on March 8, 2012, Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness said…

A Live Interview with Dr. Ann de Wees Allen from the United Nations General Assembly

Dr. Allen: Absolutely – because no scientist should own or control any important
breakthrough that can help children worldwide. After almost 3 decades as a Clinical Researcher for the largest food companies in the world, specializing in the Glycemic Index, L-Arginine, obesity, diabetes, anti-aging, and global health, I now want to focus on bringing future-science to the public. The best way to accomplish this goal is to align with like-minded companies.

United Nations Interviewer: Your patents and research have generated over $ 1 Billion dollars globally, and were even featured on the front page of the Wall Street journal. What new areas of research are you involved in now?

Dr. Allen: Scientists can lead the global force in New Science, such as Sickle Cell, Thalassemia, Anti-Aging, and new approaches to childhood and adult obesity and diabetes. Let’s face it, the standard approach to these ailments is NOT working, and we need to find solutions that actually get results.

The answers are within our reach, and those solutions need to be exploited and expanded for the good of human health everywhere on the globe.

United Nations Interviewer: Thanks very much Dr. Allen for the time you have spent with me today.

At 11:52pm on March 8, 2012, Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness said…

Deacon Gray, Check out Dr. Allen's interview at UN Assembly

A Live Interview with Dr. Ann de Wees Allen from the United Nations General Assembly

United Nations Interviewer: Congratulations on your presentation today to the United Nations at the United Nations General Assembly, regarding your research on L-Arginine.

Dr. Allen, it is indeed a pleasure to speak with you in person, as I have followed your research on L-Arginine and Sickle Cell, and had the pleasure of attending your scientific lectures in many of the countries in Asia when you spoke in Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan at the Tokyo Convention Center.

Dr. Allen: Thank you very much. It was a great honor to be invited to the United Nations General Assembly to present the current research on L-Arginine, Sickle Cell and other global genetic polymorphisms.

United Nations Interviewer: Your research partners from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute, and the National Medical Association, are here with you today at the United Nations.

Dr. Allen’s Research Partners:

“Dr. Allen is pioneer in the area of L-arginine research, and began her study of the amino acid L-Arginine in 1983, years ahead of any other scientists.

Dr. Allen is solely credited with the discovery that L-Arginine is a Blind Amino Acid® and that without a Blind Amino Acid Rider®, L-Arginine can be quite dangerous in humans. Dr. Allen’s research was validated by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the Johns Hopkins Trial on L-Arginine. For this research, Dr. Allen received a Federal Patent.

Dr. Allen’s research on L-Arginine covers Growth Hormone, Testosterone, Anti-Aging, IGF, and nitric oxide (NO). Arginine is one of the twenty amino acids that are the building blocks of protein, and serves as the precursor to the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the body. NO circulates in the bloodstream and plays an important role in relaxation of the blood vessels, contributing to reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Considered the leading L-Arginine researcher in the world, Dr. Allen’s L-Arginine discoveries and Patents revolutionized the safe long-term use of arginine in humans. These Patents will forever change the face of genetic poylmorphisms, such as Sickle Cell in Africa and African/Americans and Thalassemia, the most widespread genetic problem in Asia.”

Dr. Allen: We have worked very hard together for the past five-years, and today it all became worth it. It’s astounding to stand before all of the countries represented here, and humbling.

United Nations Interviewer: In your lecture to the Representatives of the United Nations, you discussed methodologies for using L-Arginine in the treatment of genetic polymorphisms, including Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, particularly in children worldwide.

Is it true that you have offered to provide the use of those patents Pro-Bono to every country represented here at the United Nations?


At 8:24pm on February 9, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 8:02am on February 4, 2012, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…

At 9:29pm on January 20, 2012, Christian Promoter Shawn Papi said…

Hello Church Family & Friends,

Please feel free to post your ministry events to my network website. The website is used to keep everyone updated of Christian events and community service activities around the world!

You can also add your Prayer Request and have a Private Chat Room online available.

I will love to have you as a member of my Christian Promotions Social Event website! People are calling it the Facebook for the Christian community. Membership is Free and all are welcome to join! Post/view your next church, ministry,business or community service events so my 10,000+ contact network can see activities.

Sign up & join & fellowship at


Talk soon I hope this information will help for your marketing & promotions needs!

Love & Blessings!

At 10:06am on January 11, 2012, Prophtess Willie Mae Davis † gave Deacon Ron Gray a gift
At 8:22am on January 10, 2012, robert evans said…

to know more about my directions at this time from the Lord - please go to and look to other heading like -

prepare ye the way or lighthouse ministries


apostle robert

At 6:04am on January 10, 2012, Dr. Terence Redd said…

Thank you for your invitation and I will check the site out and get back with you Deacon Gray...

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