Ambassador Vanessa Ann's Comments

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At 4:56pm on March 2, 2010, Pastor Darryl Miller said…
Making Dreams a Reality
At 10:39pm on March 1, 2010, Pastors L.T./Jacqueline Stewart said…

Dearest Sister Vanessa:

Holy is the Lord, all dominion, glory & power to Jesus our King & First Husband (Isa. 54:5) Hallelujah!

Thank you for taking the time to respond, for the awesome picture of the Lion Of Judah-your message inspired our souls.

As you know, the Lord commissioned us to come against the darkness of domestic violence (work of iniquity is what the Bible calls it), knowing that satan is the author of all violence & our warfare is not against flesh & blood but satan, spiritual battle.

As you know, in this hour, days of sodom/as those in the days of Noah; violence and corruption is increasing-with a major attack against God's leaders, people & children.

All forms of domestic violence: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, econom. & sexual is increasing. Due to this iniquity the love of many are waxing cold. Matth. 24:12-14. Incest (form of fornication) is at an all time high. Too many demons/devils accessing the souls of our babies and children through this door--thank Jesus for His precious cleansing blood.

The Lord is having us to embark upon obtaining a hugh property & land this year, 2010, for the purpose of a "Christian" Safety Refuge/Deliverance in JESUS, for victims & their babies, children & teens.

Too many secular domestic violence shelters use healing methods of yogo, false god worship/meditation, self visalization, divination, wiccan powers, homosexuality, lesbinism, man hatred... to escape their inner pain. As a matter of fact---they forbid the name of Jesus and certainly will not appropiate His precious Blood to deliver & heal God's beloved creation.

We will pray for you & ask your continual prayers for our ministry too.

We love you in Jesus,

Pastor Jacqueline Stewart
At 9:46am on February 28, 2010, A.IMMANUEL BENJAMINE said…
nice to meet u I am pastor.a.immanuel benjamine from india please pray for us see pictures and vidios in our page amen its all from india

Find more videos like this on BABIYATHA MISSION INDIA

Find more videos like this on BABIYATHA MISSION INDIA
At 3:11pm on February 26, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…
free counters
At 3:05pm on February 26, 2010, Pastor Joshua Momodu said…
The Healing Power of our Lord Jesus that is in you…
• Jesus healed a broad range of illnesses — in fact, He healed "every disease and sickness."

Matthew 4:23-24 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and HEALING EVERY disease and sickness among the people. News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them. (caps mine)
Christians serve a healing Savior, Jesus Christ. His heart, as here, is for “the people.” The Gospel records abound with illustrations of Jesus healing the masses, the men and women on the street. He preached and taught, yes. But He also “healed every disease and sickness among the people.”

“Every disease and sickness” — Christ’s healing power is without limit. His healing touch is available to everyone. There is no illness beyond His ability to cure. He healed them all, including:
• those “ill with various diseases”
• those who were “suffering severe pain”
• the “demon-possessed”
• those “having seizures”
• those who were “paralyzed”
So don’t hesitate to bring any healing need to Jesus, because He demonstrated His ability and His willingness to heal “every disease and sickness among the people.”

To order for this DVD series please call,
At 1:00pm on February 22, 2010, House of Praise Ministires said…
Religious Myspace Comments If friendship lives inside our hearts and soul then you will always be with me my dear friend because thats where I will carry you every single day on to glory''
At 9:56am on February 22, 2010, House of Praise Ministires gave Ambassador Vanessa Ann a gift
At 10:19pm on February 20, 2010, Prophetess GayNelle said…
At 5:24pm on February 18, 2010, Fern Simpson Jinkins said…
please left me up in prayer.
At 12:49pm on February 18, 2010, Hardest Working Woman in Credit said…
If you have any credit questions, feel free to email me or call me at 321-287-0987.
Author, Regina Littles (Book Promotions/Packages)

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At 2:04am on February 18, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…

God gives divine abilities to conquer dominions and principalities for His Glory! The New Day is upon us! We declare war on the dark hosts that mock our God with evil attempts to weaken the saints - but we shall arise in triumph because the Lord will cause the plans of satan to fail by His Power and His Love for the saints choosing to fight for His cause! Winning is God's expertise - losing is the lot of the fallen angels - they shall see soon enough the Hand of God at work! The TRUE GOD and the Risen Saviour of humanity has chosen this day to defeat our enemies! SHOUT with the victory!!! The Lord strong and mighty - JESUS - our King in the battle - shall bring down the evil structures in the world systems and give dominion to His stewards. Be glad for this day!!!!
At 10:01pm on February 17, 2010, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 8:31pm on February 16, 2010, Bishop Keith & Myrtle Johnson said…
We bless God for this divine connection. God is so awesome and worthy...We receive all of your blessings..Expect to receive a prophets rewards. God is going to do something VERY special for you simply because of your faithfulness to Him. Much love to you!
At 8:28pm on February 16, 2010, Bishop Keith & Myrtle Johnson gave Ambassador Vanessa Ann a gift
Thank you for all of your prayers, love and support. God bless you always!
At 4:57pm on February 16, 2010, Minister Mildred Green said…
At 7:45am on February 16, 2010, Lorna said…
Thanks to those who were in devotion this morning.we will be using this # and access code as of tomorrow Mon-Fri 5:00am to 6:30am.1(605)475-6006 code 178-1951.You may feel forgotten or forsaken BUT YOU ARE NOT. God will never forget you. He WILL come through for you.Thank u so much for your comments
At 4:34pm on February 13, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
thank you, and bless you
At 7:13am on February 13, 2010, Pastor Arlee Turner Jr. said…

At 4:16am on February 13, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…
At 9:58pm on February 12, 2010, Guardian said…

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