Ambassador Vanessa Ann's Comments

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At 5:20pm on January 9, 2010, Eric Hancock said…
Woman of God
I know that flesh and blood did not reveal this to you,only the Spirit of God...we must learn to be sensitive to what the spirit is saying..I receive all that was given from the Prophetic to the planet Earth..God has already shown me EXACTLY what you just said..I must Learn to be patient and wait on the Lord at the same time dont Lose focus...
At 10:21am on January 9, 2010, Minister Karen L. Ribeiro said…
At 10:00am on January 9, 2010, Apostle Saundra Baylor (FL) said…
My dear sister in Christ Jesus God bless you. You have a Jesus filled weekend also. You are such a gift to the body of Christ.
At 4:44am on January 9, 2010, Richard Okoe Tetteh said…
Greetings Venessa
May this Year be your Year of Nothing Want.
I declare and prophecy right now that, may 2010 be your year of divine protection, blessings, breakthrough and open doors. As you read this message, i pray that may the Lord bring this prophetic words come to pass in your life according to your faith in him and may it also affects your finances, marriage, children, Ministry and your entire Congregation in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen
stayed Blessed
Pas, Richard
At 3:35am on January 9, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…


The battle is raging - WAR ON battle saints! 2010 is a new year of "breaking through" to your new beginnings. The artillery of the enemy is heavy on attack! But don't sweat - YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE VICTORY! Everyone is battling - but you will receive your reward as you fight and defeat your Giant - your personal Goliath - the thing that's holding you against your great destiny! I love winning with God - He has NEVER lost a fight with the devil - OUR GOD - THE TRUE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS GREAT - defeats all turned enemies!!!
I am spiritually strong and I emphatically protest the devil's devices daily! I was born a fighter! I was born a VICTOR! I shall inherit the promises of Abraham overwhelmingly!
All the greats in the bible had to fight for their inheritance and territories - it is the same for us - even Jesus withstood the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and left him with an eternal reminder of the fight he lost!
You are like Jesus - You have the ability to fight and win every battle!!!! God bless you, your home, your ministry gift for the body, your place of worship with abundance and undeniable VICTORY!!!! God has given you the weapons of warfare to WIN!

Always your sister,
At 10:48pm on January 8, 2010, Apostle Saundra Baylor (FL) said…
God bless. Thank you so much woman of God. May the Lord continue to richly bless you.
At 3:31pm on January 8, 2010, M. Jones said…
Thank you for the inspiration sis. Hope you have a great weekend.
At 12:45pm on January 7, 2010, Apostle Priscilla Otuya said…
I miss you sister V. Happy new year.
At 8:45am on January 7, 2010, V.D. Coleman said…
Have an amazingly blessed 2010!!
At 9:06pm on January 6, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…

BELOVED - I pray that you will walk in the blessings of Abraham - an appointed & anointed giant of Business and a world class billionaire of his time! This platform was used to speak the Word of God and live it before the world who considered this the ultimate success - however, in the Kingdom of God - having great material wealth is just another reward & benefit for a child of the true KING of all kings (Jesus) - God in Heaven - our creator and giver of all good gifts! God bless you in grand style and continue to cause you to rise above your peers and defeat every enemy of your destiny! Your purpose is great and the God inside of you is not able to be defeated - YOU ARE DESTINED TO WIN EVERY BATTLE!

With the GRACE of God may you carry your cross with humility, wisdom, dignity, godly character and holy conviction - being a true disciple of men - so the unsaved would not hesitate to give their lives to Christ Jesus committing themselves with heart, soul & mind, to worship Him and live in complete obedience.

As you walk living "heaven on earth" may you be full of gifts to give back to our God and make His heart smile with a father's true pleasure, delight & eternal JOY. The only weight we are to carry in this life - is the GLORY! Have a wonder-full day!!!!!

Vanessa Anne Gray
Kingdom Ambassador
At 8:31pm on January 6, 2010, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 6:13am on January 4, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…

The High Praises of God is upon my lips! I STAND with a two-edge sword in my hand slicing into pieces and pushing back the forces of darkness. I use the weapons of God to defeat my enemies - they cannot withstand the ABSOLUTE POWER of God. I am the bride of Christ - the FAVOR of God rests upon me & is unconditionally abounding me towards my priestly purpose & pre-destined kingly wealthy place!
At 8:01am on January 3, 2010, Pastor Stephen T. Nichols said…
At 1:10pm on January 2, 2010, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…

YOU ARE GOD'S SPECIAL DAUGHTER AND DESIGNED TO CONQUER EVERY STORM! Prayer points to speak into your atmosphere: All boasting powers delegated against me, be silenced, in the Name of Jesus.
I withdraw all my benefits from the hand of my oppressors.
Let all unprofitable marks on my life be erased and replaced with the victor's crown on my head.
Let every good thing eaten up by my assigned enemy from hell be vomited up - In the Name of Jesus.
Let Heavenly fire ignite my prayer life - thank you Holy Spirit for helping me to pray with power.
Let the anointing for Spiritual Breakthroughs fall mightily upon me.
O Lord God, empower & energize my prayer life!
I reject every spiritual contamination - in Jesus Name.
Let every negative plan and activity against me fail and be reversed to a busy life of blessing activity and prosperous distribution towards the needs of the Kingdom of God.
I refuse to be used as a bad example! Holy Spirit I rely on you to help me in this area. I trust and lean on your divine guidance.
Lord, let me be at the right place and the right time throughout the days of my life - in Jesus Name.
Lord, purge all infected areas of my life with your Holy Fire!
Lord God my Father - make me the voice of deliverance and blessing.
Lord JESUS - THANK YOU for answering these prayers!
By your Spirit - it is done!

Love you sis,
At 9:04am on December 30, 2009, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…
At 12:03pm on December 29, 2009, Rev. Dr Kevin D. Strickland, Sr. said…
At 9:53pm on December 28, 2009, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…
At 9:52pm on December 28, 2009, Ambassador Vanessa Ann said…

Myspace New Year's Countdowns 2010 will be a year for saints to tap into the immeasurable Glory of God as we walk in Great Faith! Celebrate now and get ready to labor in the Harvest and enjoy multitude blessings!
At 10:48am on December 28, 2009, pastorhummer ochim said…

Dear beloved of God,

Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ, we are so grateful to God who has kept you up to this time and who as enabled you to over come the challenges you had in life this year it was by his grace that your were able to stand. glory be to God.

We are praying that as you are crossing the new year, may the favor of God be upon your life that you may know his ways as Moses cried out to him “That lord you have known my name help me to know your ways that I may enjoy your goodness and your favor”Exodus33; 12-14, Exodus23; 20-27.may God bless you as you meditate upon this scriptures.

We are praying for you that may the favor of the lord our God rest upon you, and may God establish the works of your hands in Jesus’ name

We are so grateful for your generous support towards this ministry, financially, spiritually, and materially, towards this ministry, the orphans, and widows. Your generous support enabled us to reach the empty hurting lives 2 cor: 9:8-9.

May the lord continuously open doors of blessing upon your family and ministry wishing you a blessed and favor New Year, happy New Year 2010(zach 4:6)

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Hummer Ochim.

New hope in Christ community church

Ray of hope widows and orphanage care center

NB: As you rejoice entering this New Year keep on praying for Africa for salvation, deliverance and healing on the land of Africa , pray for the widows and orphans God will bless you abundantly remember your eyes, hand and legs of Jesus Christ God bless you.
At 6:40pm on December 26, 2009, Minister M said…
You have a powerful testimony my sister! May God bless you and your family. I'm interested in knowing where you were able to go and down the audio bible to your webpage.

Jimmy McClain

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