Apostle Abel Aureli's Comments

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At 8:55pm on April 25, 2009, Karen Kennedy said…
We would like to network with you and give you some information that will help all business people.

This networking website will bless you. First of all we are here to promote the Gospel
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There are various clubs you can join. This site can move your business to another level.
This site is for everyone, wanting to increase their buisness. You can talk to various business people.
At 1:18am on April 25, 2009, duvonne patterson said…
At 7:41pm on April 20, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 1:08am on April 19, 2009, Thomas J Rodgers II said…
Thanks for the welcome. I am interested in hearing more about your ministry and sharing the word of God, testimonies and brotherly love..
At 9:14am on April 18, 2009, Tonia Mccoggle said…
McCoggle Travel

Praise The Lord Apostle Abel Aureli, I wish blessings upon your day!! I would like to THANK YOU for your friendship...through God's Grace..continue to being a blessing to others in your Ministry and you will see your reward at the end...You Be Blessed and Have a Spirit Filled Weekend!!! Your Sister in Christ Jesus, Tonia
At 2:50am on April 15, 2009, Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala said…
Welcome Apostle Abel to minister to us in Kenya. God bless you and your ministry.
At 12:10pm on April 14, 2009, Prophet Jesus Rosario said…
God Said:

Thus saith the Lord, I'm sending all flesh, for you open your mouth and tell my truth, do not be afraid, even if they are rebellious and hard of heart, they will hear my voice, I'm going to use your mouth to salvation, liberation, restoration and consolation, this month is a time of resurrection for many, will begin again, many of which I put before you come to make pacts with me, when you get them ready, you'll see how some of them for years have always said no, but now it comes, the next few days will be partying, get ready to celebrate because others will return to my home, the prodigal returning to the Father, and are dressed in new clothes and shoes are adorned with jewels, and ready with new perfumes .

"But the father said to his servants: Get the best clothes, and clothe and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And bring the fat calf and kill, and let us eat and party, because this my son was dead, and revived, was lost and is found. And they began to rejoice. "Luke 15:22-24.

Prophet Jesus Rosario.
At 9:46pm on April 13, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 12:27am on April 12, 2009, GOD'S APOSTOLIC AMBASSADORS said…



At 2:38pm on April 11, 2009, karen d washington said…
Wednesday night (04/08/2009) I had a vision and in the vision it was about 6:00pm, evening time. I was standing on the top of a hill which was hidden by the trees. The trees was tall with short branches and covered with pine needles on the upper area of the tree. I heard a call within my spirit to turn to the east and as I turned to the east, I looked up towards the sky. Darkness began to cover the earth and a tornado began to form in the sky and it hit the ground, coming through the trees. I could not move but stood upon the hill as it passed by. Then another one came as the first it passed over me without harming me. I remember feeling the strong breeze of the tornado passing over me. The spirit of the Lord led me out into the field continually looking into the east.

There were people standing in the field unaware of what was about to take place or what is even happening now. As the tornados began to form and touch the earth, I began to guide the people away from the storm. I can feel the way to overcome the storm is to watch and pray, never try to direct the storm but allow it to pass over.

As I was standing my grandson walked up to me and we began to face each other face to face. The darkness was deeper than before. He began to speak words to me but I did not understand what he was saying; however, I felt what he said. He said, "Grandma, look to the east." Both of us looked to the east and there was a great tornado, bigger than all of the others. It covered the earth and there was no time to run. We continued to stand face to face, staring one another in the eyes, giving power to each other. The storm passed over without harmining a hair on our head because we stood together.

Saints of God, it is time to make a stand together in the Lord, for the storms that are about to take place in this world we will need each other. People who know the way it is time to teach others the way. Lead the people to Christ because Christ is ready to receive them as his own. The harvest is plenty but the labors are few, gather the harvest before God throw in the sickle.
At 11:56pm on April 3, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 8:51pm on March 31, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 11:01pm on March 28, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 10:50pm on March 27, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 9:25pm on March 23, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 12:29am on March 19, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 11:47pm on March 16, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 7:43pm on March 13, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
At 11:11am on March 7, 2009, Caliph Ndemo said…
Greetings from Kenya. The hand of the Lord moving here mightly doing miracles. all the glory back top Jesus. Amen
At 11:04am on February 26, 2009, Mommy Dearest said…
Thanks for extending your friendship! May God bless you, keep you, gift you and give you His peace.

God is Love,
Mommy Dearest

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