Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.'s Comments

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At 7:35am on November 11, 2009, Sheba Goneh said…

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At 9:17am on November 10, 2009, Mrs. Ansatu Ahmed said…
Good Day,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs. Ansatu Ahmed, 54 years old widow & a Christian convert, suffering from long time cancer of the blood (Leukaemia). According to my doctor my condition is critical and I might not survive. Although as a christian, I beleive in God and I know that I will not die but leave to declaire the glory of GOD. I have gone through your profile and with the direction of GOD i have been directed to donate some money for you to put up a charity organistaion. Get back to me through this email address for more details.

Remain blessed in the Lord
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Ansatu Ahmed
At 12:41am on November 10, 2009, Pastor Stephen T. Nichols said…

God has warned His people that in the last days many "so called" ChristianS will have a form of Godliness denying the powers thereof. We are in those days. In this powerful message Pastor Nichols shares the importance of staying in a intimate relationship with God.

Move mouse over video to view all parts of this anointed message...God bless and your feedback is very important to me....Have a great week.
At 6:42pm on November 8, 2009, Pastor Linda J. Bates said…
Greetings Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.,
Thanks for the friend request and remember that you, your family and your ministry will always be in my prayers. God Bless You
At 4:40am on November 8, 2009, S. Bernard Mitchell said…
Pastor Turner thank you for sharing. God bless you.

Agape love,
Minister B-Nard
At 1:54am on November 8, 2009, Tina Rountree said…
Thank you once again Man of God for the clip. It is sad but it is true, hell is indeed a real place. That's why we as the saints of God need to stay on the wailing wall. We have to keep one another lifted up before God continuously! I , like no other time before, am sensing a urgency in the spirit! A red alert! A pulling in the realm of the spirit, that we are to intercede like never before.
I sense that church is nolonger going to be church as usual. There's going to be more and more manifestation of these evil spirits because satan's time is running out! He already knows that he's defeated! My prayer is that the saints of God will continually equip themselves for the battle ahead. I also pray that their hearts will not fail them with fear, due to the things that are about to manifest. Please pray my continued strength in the Lord. Stay blessed.
At 12:26pm on November 7, 2009, Rev. Veronica Slater said…
Thank you Pastor Turner, I have always said that I could see one thousand sermons in The Movie The Matrix. You have just preached 1001.
Be Blessed my brother in the Lord!!!!!!
At 1:44am on November 7, 2009, Evangelist Cathy Guyton said…
LOL! Interesting rendition of "The Power" but oh so true.
At 7:59pm on November 6, 2009, Virtuous Lady said…
God Bless you my Yahoo 360 friend lol. Thanks for the invite it is great seeing you on this Network. You have a Powerful Testimony. To God be the Glory!
At 6:13pm on November 6, 2009, Tina Rountree said…
Wow! That video was POWERFUL and INSPIRATIONAL! Thank you Man of God for it is a definite that you are an ORIGINAL! Stay blessed!
At 5:30pm on November 6, 2009, Mommy Dearest said…
Thanks for extending your friendship! May Gos bless you and yours!

--Mommy Dearest

At 3:17am on November 4, 2009, Prophetess Arleen said…

At 2:31pm on November 2, 2009, EVG.ELIZABETH MOSES said…
Dear Pastor Arlee,
I am grateful to God Almighty in heaven for your life and what he has deposited in you and i pray God to strengthen and empower you with more spiritual anointing in Jesus Name Amen.Have God's salvation in Christ.

Your's woman of God,

Evangelist Elizabeth
At 3:54pm on October 31, 2009, Dr Paula Mller said…
I am haveing a problem e-mailing you.I guest that is the same problem your having.
At 3:32pm on October 31, 2009, Dr Paula Mller said…
Hello how are you?
At 6:45am on October 28, 2009, Dr. Jean Howard-Hill said…
Good Morning:

Did you ever respond to my e-mail regarding the NRAAC?

Be blessed!

Dr. Jean
At 2:47am on October 25, 2009, Kingdom Authority Int.Ministries said…
God Bless you man of God...what an awesome video... Thank you for sharing.

In His Love & Mine,

Your Humble Servant Angela
At 6:52pm on October 22, 2009, Prophetess Yolanda O. Irons said…
Hello Pastor Turner ... I pray all is well with you ... I was wondering if you still have that information about Free Masonry ? If so , shoot the video to my in inbox so I can see it again ... thanks and God bless you !
At 6:51pm on October 22, 2009, Prophetess Yolanda O. Irons said…
At 2:57pm on October 16, 2009, KHADINE BECKFORD said…





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