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At 11:59pm on October 28, 2008, Prophetess Fredericka said…
At 9:14pm on October 28, 2008, Bishop Ronald S. Hobson, Sr. said…
God bless! how are you doing Pastor Benton?
At 9:05pm on October 18, 2008, Pastor Bernadette Hill said…
thank you Pastor, i pray blessings, healing upon you and your family, may you continued to be bless, and let your light so shine, god bless, and thank you
At 11:28pm on October 15, 2008, Apostle Ken & Prophet Sabina Cox said…
Thank you so much Man of God, we are in Nashville, Tn. for revival as we read your message, please lets talk, we look forward to speaking with you! Bless you , call us at 919-638-5707
At 8:32pm on October 8, 2008, KING OF GLORY MINISTRY"S said…
At 10:10pm on October 6, 2008, Pastor Sean M. Lee said…
At 10:02pm on October 6, 2008, Minister Sharon Jackson said…
Just stopped by ... My friend, How are you? I trust all is well and your are experiencing the the blessings of God in this hour.

God bless!
At 9:18pm on October 5, 2008, Apostle Ken & Prophet Sabina Cox said…
Man of God;
thank you for accepting us as friends. We are excited about the connection. Please email us at so we can exchange numbers and chat.
At 10:28pm on September 27, 2008, Apostle E. Scott said…
Bless you man of God, continue to remain strong and keep the faith. My sermon tomorrow is qualified for the master's use relating to the trails we must sometimes endure to come forth as gold. Know that you are one of the vessels of gold in the big house.
At 11:37pm on September 24, 2008, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
Praise God for your physical recovery via your spiritual strenght , I will keep you in my prayers, we need each other to survive. God Bless and Keep You. Sister Sandra Dukes
At 9:53pm on September 22, 2008, Minister Sharon Jackson said…
Thanks my Brother for the B-day wish. I feel the warmth in your words.

His Grace and Mercy are sufficient!
At 12:32pm on September 22, 2008, Apostle E. Scott said…
God bless you, Pastor. I can identify with your testamony. Much is given, much is require. It is a cost to embrace this torch. But we who are chosen must continue to transition to kingdom living. My prayers are with you.
At 11:30am on September 22, 2008, Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m. said…
Comment to friends 9/22/08
Dear Friend and Brotherin Christ,
Thank you for your blessed message of encouragement and welcome. I invite you to please go to my page to learn some things about how God has destined my life. Be patient with me, the Holy Ghost is directing me, on the format of the remainder of my page. I thank God for the powerful women and men HE has brought in my path via Black Preaching Network and Sanctified Sisters of Faith Ministries. I also thank GOD; I have a teachable and reachable spirit, enabling me to be empowered with words of wisdom.
Thank You, Your Sister -Sandra Dukes
At 1:09am on September 15, 2008, Dr Beatrice Gardiner said…
God Bless you. If its the Lords will I will see you then.
At 12:56am on September 15, 2008, Prophetess Fredericka said…
At 10:17pm on September 12, 2008, Octavia L. Brooks said…
thank u.
At 1:56pm on September 10, 2008, Sis. E said…
God bless you Pastor! Thanks for adding me. I know my Bible says that God shall restore everything that the locusts has eaten. Get ready, get ready, get ready... restoration is on the way and it is yours in Jesus' name. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. Amen. So be it!!! Be blessed!
At 6:41pm on September 8, 2008, Pastor Lenora Peterson said…
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Please say prayer for the family loss some one 9-11
At 5:32pm on September 6, 2008, Bishop Ronald S. Hobson, Sr. said…
Just wanted to stop by and encourage you Man of God, do not give up for your season is approaching. If there is anything we can do to help assist you get your ministry back oon the ground just ask..We are here to help!
At 12:06pm on September 4, 2008, mutongole said…

Read Philippians 2:3 I pray and believe that God is doing great things in your life and ministry there!
Am so happy to learn about you and I ask the lord that he may open up a door in your heart that we can become kingdom friends.
Listen The bible says in Ezekiel 33:25-28 that we have sworn to God to press on in what ever way as he provides guidance and wisdom,
More so Isaiah 6:8 whom shall I send and who will go for us? I Isaiah pointed himself out and said here am I, send me! God was trying to find out whom to send to bring revival for his people and Today God is yet calling someone like you and wants to send you here in AFRICA to Join me to Bring revival of this land, please don’t hastate because God will make you able to make it here.
One thing that makes us feel we can not go out there is just because we feel we can not sacrifice that we have been blessed with to bless others with the good news of the kingdom of God! Let’s wake up straight to his call and he going to cause other might men and women all over the world come in to stand in support of your willingness to go and reach the not reached lands with the word of God. A lot of People in the USA, UK and all over the globe are just waiting to hear that you have chosen to go out for Jesus and then they can fundraise for your success. Don’t get weary in good deeds for in due season you shall reap a hundred fold.
Beloved if we don’t act now as the pioneers of this work to help others know about Jesus, what shall we tell him when he returns, shall we say we had no money and that is all? Let us get ready before the return of our lord because the scriptures state it’s very soon.
God bless you so much.
I Am Pastor Moses Mutongole with Emmanuel Ministries/ Emmanuel Children ministry here in Uganda Africa. I was so blessed to meet you on this web because it was designed for God’s purpose to connect ministries and I pray that you and your ministry will accept my invitation for friendship with you.
I hope and wait upon your Reply soon
God bless you so much.
In Christ Love
Pastor Moses Mutongole
Emmanuel Ministries
Uganda- Africa
Email me at: or


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