Evangelist Tabitha S. George's Comments

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At 10:42am on November 20, 2008, V.D. Coleman said…
Blessings Woman of God....

Have an awesome holiday weekend.
At 8:41pm on November 13, 2008, Bishop Edgar Young Jr said…
At 12:51pm on November 11, 2008, Minister Terry Durham said…
At 5:20pm on November 1, 2008, Minister Sharon Jackson said…
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At 2:15pm on October 29, 2008, EVANGELIST GAIL FLETCHER said…
God bless,

Thank you so much for the invite. There is no Greater Love than the Love of God. Continue to walk with a pure heart. " Only the pure in heart shall see heaven." Where there is a cross, there is a CROWN? Agape
At 12:19pm on October 23, 2008, Corinne's Fashion World said…
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Can’t wait to hear your response

Have a bless day!
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At 3:50pm on October 22, 2008, EVANGELIST GAIL FLETCHER said…
Thanks Evangelist continue to be bless.
At 2:31pm on October 22, 2008, Missionary Rachelle~TruePraise said…
Glory to God in the highest. I pray that all is well with you. Just stopping by with Christian love. May God bless you today and always.
Sister in Christ Jesus,
Missionary Rachelle

At 6:19pm on October 13, 2008, Artis C. Newton, Jr. said…
Do you have dvd that I can view of you preaching?
At 1:12pm on October 10, 2008, Artis C. Newton, Jr. said…
Thank you, we are a very small congregation with a great heart for the Lord. We are doing the work for the Lord to bring more youth to Christ. Lot try to please the world and try to fit themselves in there with the world stuff. I am asking that you please keep me in your prayer beecause I am preparing to do something awesome for the youth in my community. I need more youth role model and I need more youth witness that are not afraid to tell other about Christ. You are welcome to come and fellowship with us. I preach every 4th Sundays at my church because it's our youth day on 4th Sundays. Don't hesitate to contact me for anything.
At 10:36pm on October 9, 2008, Minister Darnell V. Miller said…
Praise the Lord Evangelist,
The youth Ministry in my church is presently growing spiritually, the Lord is definately at work in their lives, But because of the many hats that i have to wear we dont meet as often as we should, me being a mother of three
(11 year old is the baby and demands much of my time with his home work)and I am also attending college right here at home, i have a 8am - 3pm employment on weekdays, and also having to lead our prayer and bible study every Wednesday, in addition, I minister once a month on Sundays. Sometimes i feel spiritually burnt out, but i am sure that the Lord will give me the strength to go on for Him. (Thank God i dont presently have a husband, even though i desire one (SMILE). And it is my desire that he will be a man after God's own heart and will love me, even as Christ love the church, and i will work at his side in ministry for our Father. Please continue to pray my strength in the Lord
At 11:56am on October 9, 2008, N'ZI Amani Germain said…
Hi dear sister in Christ!

I'm glad to be your friend!

Bro. Germain

At 9:52pm on October 7, 2008, Missionary Rachelle~TruePraise said…
Praise the Lord my friend. I trust you had a blessed day. May God continue to bless you; going out and coming in each day. I thank God for His grace and mercy which are new every morning. I thank God for blessing me with my online family friends. Continue to stand on the word of God and every promise. There is none like Him. God bless you.

At 1:24pm on October 7, 2008, Chief Apostle Joseph D. Timmons said…
Praise The Name Of Jesus,
Grace and Peace to you. Thank you for the heart felt comment. It would be a joy to connect ... We have a lot of good things in 09/10 coming up.
At 10:06pm on October 6, 2008, Pastor Sean M. Lee said…
At 8:45pm on October 6, 2008, Missionary Rachelle~TruePraise said…
God bless you from whom all blessings flow. If you have a need today remember that God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. What an awesome God we serve. There is none like Him. I give God all the glory and honor. Turn your belief into faith today. God is more than enough. God bless continually this week and always.

At 2:01pm on October 4, 2008, Bishop Stewart McClain said…
Keep on prasing him woman of God, Jesus is worthy to be praised glory to his name.
At 3:09pm on September 30, 2008, Overseer William E. Stinson, Sr. said…
Grace and Peace,

As river do not struggle to flow, sun do not struggle to shine so may the remaining days of this week bring you good things without struggle and stress !! As the prints in your plam cannot be erased so therefore the will, and the plan of God for your life cannot be altered or cancelled. You have a future and not an end!! Anything you cannot accomplish now know that God wants it to be done by Him so Let Him do what He does, and watch how swift your arriving and destination will be.

I decree and declare this for my sisiter and so it is according to the power and authority of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Forever In His Presence,

Dr. William E. Stinson, Sr.
At 3:16pm on September 28, 2008, Prophetess Leerma said…
Your welcome and always be blessed in Christ.
At 10:59am on September 25, 2008, Harry stevenson jr said…
hello women of God, I want to encourage you to keep holding on. The storm is almost gone. The battle is already won, and the devil is already defeated. My sister, keep the fire burning, and hold on to your faith. May God bless you real good, and i mean real good.

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