As I was sitting here in thought of a discussion the HOLY SPIRIT said talk about what is a reason or reasons to leave a church. I have what I beleive is the only reason one should leave, but I am egar to see how people feel across the country.

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Bless You,
This is Christian conversation for the Kingdom, I didn't come to debate the move of the master, because we are all in the race.
If you have been planted there, work it out through fear and trembling. The parables which were used, are meant for the individual, we are so busy worrying about ourselves, and knowing what scripture is meant for what, that so much of God's word never penetrate our hearts. Too many people continue to believe that thry are not being given the proper food.
Peter stated that he would follow the Lord, even to death. Eventually he did. My, Great-Grandmother would quite often tell us ( A rolling stone gathers no moss) You see we must let patience have her perfect way. Learn to endure to the end, we must. I am not writing to try to prove a point, rather to share my experience. For in the I have asked the Lord a many of times to move me!! But to the contrary he has not.
How about letting God prove who he is in and through us. I would rather hear the nay-sayers than to be lauded and approved all of the time. Jesus, and all who came before , and after him were reviled and ridiculed and mocked. They even went as far as too kill them. We have not resisted too the point of shedding blood. Why did we come too Jesus? If it were for applause then you came to the wrong place.

I am not trying to prove a point either.
Many have this confusion of mistakenly taking the church as The Kingdom of God rather than The Word of God as the kingdom of God.

Notice how Jesus and His disciples moved from place to place. There is no sin in moving from fellowship to fellowship. In my younger days, it was a delight to visit this church or that church, no one felt threatened.
In this day of the knowledge of the tithe, pastors teach their congregation that it is wrong or a sin to attend another church. They will tell you to back everything up by scripture. Where is the scirpture that says going from church to church is wrong or a sin.
The planting is in the Word of God itself. To all that received Him gave he the right to become the sons of God. Jesus says that He is the True Vine, abide in Him and let His words abide in us.
Nowaday, it seems that cults are forming. I have read that one of the first things a cult does is cut you off.

My admonition is to stay in the vine of Jesus Christ, the Word of God.
Visiting is one thing, but this discussion is on when you should leave a Church, And truly everyone must begin to read the Word for themselves. And so because we know the truth, The truth has made us free. One thing we should note: is that most of these preachers, prophets, and evangelist these days; are usung the word and the pulpit for some sort of self-help, or motivational speaking. You know the cults that you are speaking of, Alot of our Churches have cut-off. You know in todays Church you are not to be poor or transformed for that matter. Folks are being taught that you should go and take back what the Devil stole from you. But never taught that it is the Christians right too suffer. James spake of the differences ( thae one with it all, and the one lacking) you know we bless those that have it/ do nothing for those that need it.
I've noted the same thing that you have noted, pulpits are used to sell books, tapes and other things. Hopefully we will see a shift into building people as opposed to building ministries.
Let us stay close to The Lord and obedient to HIS Word, no matter what church you are in.
aND BY THE WAY WE ARE GRAFTED INTO THE VINE,The church is the body of Christ.
( For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing where were the smelling?
But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet one body.
And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
Exactly Adrian, this is so well written. So why the confusion about the church. We come together to edify, encourage and build one another up.

The Word of God is the Seed that lives in The Body.
Hello Evangelist Eunice, good to hear from you today.
You know a person grows really doesn't come from "the church".
It comes from obedience to God's Word.
Take for exampleAbraham, he never went to a church but he is called the father of the faithful.
He believed God and God counted it upto him as righteousness.
The same God who counted Abraham righteous is the same God that will count us righteous when we believe His Word today.
If the seed is never planted, how and where can it grow.
The Father is the Husbandman St. John 15:2
And that is the only reason that we should leave? You know we have so many ministries that are started and instead of the Church we call it a ministry ( Ministers are servants/ ministries are services) So why do we feel we are being called out when we at first were called in.
We must remember Adrian that our High Call is the call to be obedient children of God.
To follow Jesus and put His Words into practice thereby, bearing the fruit of the Spirit.


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