Today, most Christians are bogged down with the cares of life. It is like we all want to be important to the world. And at the sametime do not make a dent in society. Yes, we could drive and eat the best, wear the latest fashions, have high yielding jobs etc... And at the sametime be insignificant.

Ponder this and see is success really Significant.

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Great discussion Brother West, great discussion! We do get busy in the world and we do allow the world to dictate rather than letting God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour dictate. The riches of the world will do us no good because all the riches of the world are His anyway and we won't take anything with us. Bill Gates will be just as naked as the rest of us. As Brother Anthony put it so well, we should be concentrating on bringing fruit and not being a dried branch. The riches that will be provided by God when this world is over will be sufficient. I believe we all (well I'll speak for myself on this) get caught up in the world that is led by satan (his domain and realm) and he makes it as hard as he possibly can for us to concentrate on the world and less on Jesus and salvation. He knows we're in the last church age and then it's over for him so he's trying to prolong what he feels he can. I use to feel anything other than concentrating on God and Jesus Christ was wrong and wordly. I don't know but it was how I felt and still do at times. I know we have to pay our bills and we try to produce a comfortable living for our selves and family but really at what cost. To me all that talk about God wants us to be rich as I've heard from the time I was little from Daddy Rich and Daddy Grace and from some of these TV preachers I hear (turn off after only so long) is ridiculous to me but then that's just me. We will never make a dent in society as stated because society is all about the world and this world is defiled and lost. Good discussion again my Brother. Thank you. Great reply Anthony.


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