It appears that there are many married couples that have suffered in their marriage, because of a spouse that is involved in ministry. The cause of suffering, their focus is more on ministry than on their family. There is no time being spent at home or doing things together as a family.

Recently, I have met a few couples that are working in ministry together and they seem to like it very much. Their take on it is, that they are able to spend more time together and their marriage is being enhanced.

Are any of you in the network married and working together in ministry? What are you finding to be the benefits from doing so? Are there any of you out there that would not want to work with your spouse in ministry, if so what would be your reason?

I would love to hear from you on this topic. My husband and I are discussing this now on our show would love some guests to call in and be on the show. Please get in on this discussion. If you think you and your spouse would like to be on the show please email us at we'd love to hear from you.

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When two become one, it means just that. So if the husband or the wife, isinvolved in the ministry both should be. barring that they are unequally yoked. That is another issue. And the biggest benefit to all of this is, You keep the Devil under our feet. That way we can serve together as one. and kill the flesh also.
Thank you so very much for replying to the discussion. Could you expound on your statement about the benefit of "Keeping the devil under your feet".
What i meant sister is that we keep the sins that easily trip us up. Meaning that working along side my mate, helps too keep me from spending time with sister lonely. keeps me at home for dinner and spending time with my sons. When we become married we are of one flesh, my statement means just that, we are too bruise his head and never let him rise up through our lives. we honestly need to have some real married folks in ministry, not just what it looks like but what it is. I am sure you heard all of the opinions abou the Paula and Juanita, I am a firm believer that where ever I am in the Lord there should all of me be. Not she's in Washington and I am still in Florida. Too make it plain, no seperation whatsoever.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree with you 100%. I just wanted you to clarify it for someone else that may be reading. Yes, we do need some real couples in ministry, ones that are determined to have the relationship that God intended.
I did not take you wrong, i was just doing as you requested. maybe I should word myself differently. Great discussion, and I agree with you 100% my sister.
May god continue too work in your life and on your be-half.
Thank you so very much.
My husband and I are in ministry together. He prefers to be in the background. He is my supporter and motivator. But our marriage is our ministry as well. And we work just as hard on it as we do on Backside of the Desert Ministries. We are partners in Christ.
What would you say to a spouse that would not want to work in ministry at all with their spouse?
CT Jermain: I have spoken to a few couples, that have said prior to them working together in ministry their marriage was a little rocky, but once they started to work together in ministry their marriage took a positive turn. It's simple to see that once you walk in the will of God everything else falls into place. May I ask if you agree the correct order in life should be: God first, family second and ministry third?
That is correct. The word of God said ministry (charity) begins at home and then spend abroad. Not only that but how can you take care of God's house if your home is being neglected. What example are you setting for the body of Christ?
There has to be order and it first starts at home.
Find out the reason why-but also by the same token if you knew this person was involved in ministry then they should know what to expect. That is selfish on their part not wanting to be a blessing to their spouse in the kingdom of God.
I would want to know is that person saved?

I have been so busy and haven't had the chance to reply. You are so right. I believe couples have to embrace their ministry that God has given them. It may not always be an easy thing to do but with the strength and grace of God it can be done and will work for the bettering of their marriage.


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