Multiple law enforcement sources are already treating Michael Jackson's death as a homicide, and they are focusing on Dr. Conrad Murray.

Apparently, he was enabling Jackson to do something that was both illegal and harmful to his very existence. The actions of this Doctor is the reason why we are mourning the death of Michael Jackson. It is true that if this doctor refused to help MJ with these drugs, he could have found someone who would. But let’s just imagine for one moment that no Doctor would help him by becoming an enabler. He would still be alive.

I do have a point in posting this topic. We as Christians (The church) have taken on the same attitude of enabling. We see that there are those who are taking spiritual dope and on the verge of spiritual demise. We see the effects of our leaders administering poison (leaven) as well. Leaven kills and when we drink the leaven or allow others to drink it knowingly, their blood will be on our hands.

I know that some don’t like the subjects of sin in the camp, and feel that we can pray the sin away, but until the change comes we have got to deal with this issue. Time is only getting shorter and it is time to expose the enablers. Enablers are those that give people what they want but not what they need. As in the case of Michael Jackson, his Doctor was probably taken in by the money and saw that as more important than MJ’s life. We see that same pattern in our churches. The money seems to be more important than the soul of the members. As long as the money is coming in, I won’t preach against sin. That seems to be the attitude of some of our Church leaders.

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oooooo weeeee.... I can hardly think of anything else that needs to be added to this!

I see that God is putting this on the heart of many people while many others still shy away from it. Why? Because they still live by the saying:

"What happens at home, stays at home"

Many abusers use this saying as mental prison bars that keep the people in and others out!

How many dead bodies will be buried in our back yards before anyone addresses it?

Sister, there will continue to be dead bodies as long as you have lukewarm Christians who want to continue nailing Jesus to the cross. The message of Jesus and his apostles is to repent, but many today think that we must sit back (become enablers) and keep our mouths shut. A baby only grows through proper nurturing. How can we expect a baby to grow if we allow them to drink kool-aid every day because they choose to.

You can't give a child cookies and cakes everyday and expect them to grow up healthy. Our churches want to keep the people eating junk food and thus they can control them better. Many are old in age but very unlearned as evident by their handling of our spiritual diet. We all must grow and in order to do this we must eat the proper spiritual diet. (no leaven included) We need to take our own thoughts to the dumpster and start seeing issues the way God sees them. He hates sin and so should we. LET ME CLARIFY THAT I SAID HATES SIN BUT NOT THE SINNER. I DON'T WANT SOMEONE TO SPIN THIS AROUND AND SAY THAT EW HATES SINNERS. I feel quite the contrary. I love them which is why I speak the truth as this is the only thing that will set men and women free.
Well the only way ones will be able to deal with the sin in the camp, is to STAY in the camp, and fight it spiritually with the Word of God, so those OUTSIDE the camp need to hush until they get the backbone to come in boldly with the Word. Thank you very much mho only
Somehow we think that God's camp is the church buildings. If that is the case, what church was Jesus and the apostles members of? This new church institution is just that, new and set up according to the traditions of man. You have members of the body of Christ all over this world that are not affiliated with any church. The Azusa street revivals started in someone's home so don't confine the power of God to a mere brick and mortar building where moths a rust doeth corrupt.

Churches don't have a monopoly on the power of God. I have been to outdoor tent revivals Where the holyghost swept through and souls were saved and delivered. As sister Busby stated on another post, church homes are popping up all over the place because we are meeting the people where they are when they refuse to go to a church.
LOL.... Sis... LOL is all I can say....

You said:

Somehow we think that God's camp is the church buildings. If that is the case, what church was Jesus and the apostles members of?

LOL... Amen and amen'd!!

so uhm EW.. what church do you belong to?? LOL j/k
Sis. I belong to the same Church that Jesus and the apostles belong to. LOL

Seriously, though, as I mentioned to you before, we are gearing up to take our show on the Road. I don't see the lost coming to the churches so we must go to them. Church politics is getting out of hand because our elders don't want us to rock the boat. In the mean time, our young people are dying. EVERY DAY. No man (or woman) will put a muzzle on my mouth and I will certainly say what needs to be said when it's time to speak. God is a good God and it's time the world finds this out instead of viewing God through the actions of Lukewarm Christians.

Amen Sis.
You know... I wonder how many non-virgins in the Youth of most Youth ministries will say they are that way because the adults that are their role models are .... slippin and tippin with one another and those adults assume the youth don't know LOL

Youth #1 says, "Didn't you see Minister Bradshaw leave Sister Tamika's house last night in the wee hours?"

Youth #2 says, "yeah, her house is behind mine and next door to yours. Do they think we're stupid?"

And we want to pop them in the mouth for saying that we (adults) can't tell them anything when they see the mess we are involved in the church. Don't we see that it is making them cynical and feuling their rebellion.

Also, you can't preach against homosexuality when the First Lady and her armor bearer are found bare naked in each other's arms!!! Oh wait, homosexuality amongst church leaders is just suppose to be the men right? NOT!

ok, Imma stop before I get BPN in an uproar and they think I'm some controversionalist. (is that a word?) oh you know what I mean... "a sower of discord"
Brother I know exactly what you are saying. My husband and I were invited to a church not long ago to speak to and pray for the youth. The co-Pastor, The pastors wife, had a 3 hour conference with me in her home. We talked about the young people and the messes they are in. Her and her husband differ on how to deal with the issues in the camp. This woman of God said that in the midst of prayer, the Lord spoke to her and told her to have my husband and I pray over their youth.

We heeded to this call and the Spirit of the Lord began to work in this service. Many of these young people and even their parents began to flock to us outside of their church. The Lord once told us not to compete with anyone's Sunday service so they are free to continue fellowship at their church but our doors are open any day. One time the Lord sent a bishop to our house, he was there to buy a car we had for sale but we ended up having church right there in our driveway. This man said that God really sent him here for a message, my husband ministered in such a way that this bishop acknowledged God's leading as a blessing that had nothing to do with buying a car.

Somehow, church folk think that God is going to be rapturing a bunch of buildings when he comes back for his church. We the people are his church and the fellowship of Christ happens where two or more are gathered together. Many seem to get off topic as I think we were talking about the enabling spirit that killed MJ is also present in the churches.
Minister Busby, you made me laugh, lol with your post, how delightful, please understand that I understand the church is not a building, as someone mentioned the Azusa Revivals started by William Seymour, he FIRST preached at a church in LA on ninth and Santa Fe, then went to homes that branched out into churches all over the world.

I understand also God making a way for you, You mentioned the most important thing PRAYER, you went into prayer.

Now I want you to study that " Your gift will make room for you" in scripture it does not mean a talent, if you read it in context, it relates to a bribe. I know that is not what you mean't?
We must first establish the meaning of sin. Sin is the breaking of the Torah. If no one is teaching Torah, and that by breaking it, it becomes sin, then there will be a continuation of Torah breakers, and more problems(consequences of sin) will arise. To avoid sin, we are to keep Torah.
Well hello James. how are ya? Glad you stopped by to chime in.
Hey Minister,

I am great! And you?


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