Multiple law enforcement sources are already treating Michael Jackson's death as a homicide, and they are focusing on Dr. Conrad Murray.

Apparently, he was enabling Jackson to do something that was both illegal and harmful to his very existence. The actions of this Doctor is the reason why we are mourning the death of Michael Jackson. It is true that if this doctor refused to help MJ with these drugs, he could have found someone who would. But let’s just imagine for one moment that no Doctor would help him by becoming an enabler. He would still be alive.

I do have a point in posting this topic. We as Christians (The church) have taken on the same attitude of enabling. We see that there are those who are taking spiritual dope and on the verge of spiritual demise. We see the effects of our leaders administering poison (leaven) as well. Leaven kills and when we drink the leaven or allow others to drink it knowingly, their blood will be on our hands.

I know that some don’t like the subjects of sin in the camp, and feel that we can pray the sin away, but until the change comes we have got to deal with this issue. Time is only getting shorter and it is time to expose the enablers. Enablers are those that give people what they want but not what they need. As in the case of Michael Jackson, his Doctor was probably taken in by the money and saw that as more important than MJ’s life. We see that same pattern in our churches. The money seems to be more important than the soul of the members. As long as the money is coming in, I won’t preach against sin. That seems to be the attitude of some of our Church leaders.

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AWESOME! So tell me, in addition to the comment you've already made, what else say ye on the topic at hand....???
Ok Ok... I say so much about what "irks" me about church. Let me take a moment to say what I absolutely love about it... well at least the ones that I do absolutely love (smile)

1. Community - a Body of Believers that are "village-minded". They view themselves as a community and literally take responsibility for one another. You KNOW they are members of the body by their love for one another.

2. Leaders who truly lead in word and in lifestyle. The unspoken word speaks VOLUMES to the community that see you on a regular basis. Their servant leadership mentality is to seek God's face for HIS directions for the people. They seek the Lord for any new ways to communicate the truth in God's word to the people. They seek God's face on how to prepare the people to LEAVE not stay. They seek God's face for who to appoint in leadership positions. They examine the lives of their leaders. They are not controlling but loving yet not condoning nor tolerant of leaders who are not leading in both in lifestyle and word.

3. There is an environment in place to handle conflict and resolve it biblically. There are also avenues for biblical counseling. (traditionally, the Black Church has not appreciated counseling... but man we needed it big time!!!) Also, the pastor isn't always the person who does the counseling. If he is not equipped (trained) to do it, he shouldn't do it and mess up someone's lives with his opinion.

4. Not only will the church help the people within the four walls but train them and expect them to help their "neighbor"... who is my neighbor? Well should I tell you a story about a good samaritan. Outreach is sooooo important and I don't mean merely global outreach. We need to see that there is a need in our communities, our literal neighbors in our apartments our homes our lofts, our brownstones, as well as our neighbor in Africa, Tibet, South America, etc. Sometimes, you can break the barrier of intimidation of evangelism by just having your people deliver water and peanut butter crackers to people on the street that they see every day. Or maybe have a day where you don't just gather up canned goods but actually to down to the Food Bank and help out. Or go over to the old ladies house who lives next door to your mega church and rebuild her house....lifestyle evangelism speaks VOLUMES! It's like sitting at a well and along comes someone for some... water. (smile)

5. Oh and sending your elementary children on mission trips within the city. What can elementary children do??? Are you kidding? Your outreach ministry should have the largest budget in the church!

6. And the biggest thing is those who partner with one another. No, I don't mean the partnership where you send a monthy some of money... although I'm not against that. What I mean are those churches who realize that maybe they are too small to do something on their own but they can team up with another church (even another denomination GASP... did I say different denoms working together????!!!) Or maybe your larger church can team up with the smaller church and affect the community by helping the neighborhood school. Have you ever thought of raising money for another church that may be struggling financially? WHAT raise money in OUR church and give it all to another church... are you kidding? I am just passionate about the BODY OF CHRIST... not just the four walls.
Sister, I hear your message loud and clear and this is what the church is all about. When Jesus and the apostles had the attention of the multitude they preached and preached the gospel. Now after the 5,000 gathered souls were taught they were then fed. Not one time did Jesus and the Apostles put there heads together and say, we have 5,000 gathered, lets raise an offering. LOL

They went there to meet the needs of the people and so Jesus met their needs. I am all for working with the community and doing what can be done. I think if Church folk would see this vision and act on it we would find ourselves in the will of Christ. As a young person some of the older sisters use to take me and my sister and a few other young women to the nursing homes. There we adopted grandparents and oh what a time we had. I can honestly say, that as a teenager, I really enjoyed spending time with these people at the nursing home and they looked forward to our weekly visits.

I am teaching my children to forget about yourself sometimes and think about others. Our churches need this type of interaction with the communities and not always trying to get people to come and stuff our pews and give us money. My husband and I produce small Christian film and PSA messages and we work with the youth, their parents, and other churches. We are currently working on two productions and we always use our taping time as an opportunity to spread the word.

There are many churches that do have this type of outreach, but they are the unsung heroes. We don’t here about them because their platforms may be to small to recognize by the big elite. Let’s pray for this sister. That our churches can get a grip and meet the needs of people.
Minister, I agree with all that you have said, especially:

"the pastor or anyone else in authority isn't always the person who does the counseling. If he is not equipped (trained) to do it, he shouldn't do it and mess up someone's lives with his opinion."

I cannot tell you how many inmates that we meet that grew up in church and were not helped because no one was interested in the root problem, they were told simply to take this off, don't listen to this or that, don't do this, don't do that.

I have to say that the men and women that have sold their lives out to God, will not tolerate the legalism that some individuals hold fast to.

I being in prison ministry for the past eleven years know that work outside the four walls is what God has called us to do. When ministry has gone forth there has to be a place of refuge for these that have accepted Christ.

To come in and be nurtured and love. We have many that have irks about church but truthfully the majority of this is not about us but about the gospel of Jesus, if we focus on HIM and what HE has told us to do, we don't have as much irkish time.
Can I just be frank with you guys? I've have been with my church family for over 10 years. And while here I have visited many many other churches just because I love to see what is happening "out there".

And I tell you, where I am the majority of the congregation is NOT Black. I can't even call it multi-cultural because the ratio is so low. When God sent me here to work it was a culture shock. No, not a shock to work with another race because I was raised in a multi-cultural environment so that is what I am most comfortable in. The shock was the mindset of the ministry leaders as well as the congregants here!!! But God had a perfect plan for me being here that I didn't really fully understand until just a few years ago.

Now when I say that I was raised in a multi-cultural environment I wasn't talking about church, I was talking about school. But I grew up in the hood and went to mostly all-black churches. I grew up in an all Black Catholic Church. Went to all Black Catholic private schools. And as a teenager we switched and went to an all Black COGIC church. I was saved there and baptized there. I later married a Baptist minister and went to an all Black Baptist church and then some years later we became non-denom. It wasn't until after that divorce that I experienced other "culture" churches. I dated an Egyptian Copt (Egyptian Christian), White, Spanish, etc. I began to see the differences in the way we "Black folk" worship and the way others worship and how they run their churches.

Where I am now is a Presbyterian Church by way of a staff position that has, as I said earlier, lasted for over 10 years now. Presbyterians are FAR from perfect, and the one I'm at is sooo different from many other Presbyterian Churches. They could actually be non-denom without a problem LOL. But here they have a dollar for dollar mentality (all money coming in must go out in Outreach -- the city, the state, the nation and the world.) They do set some aside for Opertations Budget, but the majority of the money that comes in goes to Outreach in various ways. The teaching of the children all the way to the seniors is basically, take what God has given you (time, talent, treasure) and use it to help someone else. My son has been on sooo many mission trips both in the city and abroad and has learned so much about how his life compares to those have NOTHING! We are not rich but we aren't starving every day.

But it doesn't stop there. This place has been my church FAMILY. I was a bank Teller Traininer for 7 years before I came here... and there is NO way the corporate world would have helped me like my church family has helped me and my kiddos. Oh my goodness! the village that is here at this church is absolutely amazing. And we have 4,500 members!!! Even with that number it is a village mentality. Yeah there is some mess every now and then.. but I have YET to find a mess-less church. Some are just drowning in it more than others.

I'm not all that fond of the denomination per se. But I am fond of THIS particular Body of Believers who just happen to be part of the denom.

So, when I speak about churches, I've been exposed to many more than I have mentioned here. I don't mean just visit one day, I mean I have been behind the scenes with the leaders and KNOW what happens! I may seem cynical but really I am just ... oh I feel like Jesus did when He turned over tables or when He ran across Pharisees.... it's just FRUSTRATING when you know what you know. *sigh* And you KNOW that there's a better way. EVERY church I've been a member of, it was only for a season. (Years or months). And EVERY church, in hindsight, God placed me there to help in some way with setting up some sort of structure to help that particular body of Belivers with their Sunday School programs, week day programs, starting this or that etc. But I never get to stay. There isn't controversy around me leaving it is just time to go. LOL But here, it seems he has me here to both work and be fed.

Do you guys understand that? That God can have you in a place to be nurtured and fed while you are out working in the fields. Some say that I'm not keeping my covenant with this church because I help so many other churches while I'm a member here. LOL Isn't that just goofy to think you shouldn't help another church LOL

Don't they realize that where God places you to be nurtured, fed and financial needs met that He will also give you all that you need continuously so that you can be a help to someone else? It's like I'm being continually filled. Like a cup that is running over because it is keeps being placed under a faucet that never shuts off. You take a sip.. some of you is poured out.. or even if it is accidentally wasted or knocked over, you are placed right back under that faucet... out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water.

I was once the woman at the well and man, after the first sip.... the well has yet to run dry.

What God gives you, if He wants it to be given to many others... then do it!!! Don't be shackeled by the mindset of others who want to label you as rebellious or a trouble maker or even.. dare I say a church hopper. LOL

I can help a leader build thier ministry. But the likelihood of me staying once there is a firm foundation is unlikely. Why, because this is MY journey a plan that was laid out for ME (Jer 29:11). And then He "hooked a sista up" with a man of God who he deals with in the same way! Only God could do that!

Any other man would not be able to be with me because of how the Lord deals with me. And the same with my husband. Not just any woman would be able to deal with how the Lord leads him and where the Lord leads him. Just because you two people are Believers doesn't make them perfect partners. God has to do the match-making! Amen??!!

I KNOW when the Holy Spirit tells me to leave a place. I KNOW when He tells me to stay in a place. And I know when He is silent.

I can hear some folk thinking right now... hmmm... so if God leads you to different places, where do you send your tithes and/or offerings? LOL Do you give it to that Presbyterian church you've been at for over 10 years or do you give to the churches that you also visit?

The answer is... God leads us in ALL things! If you want specifics, you won't get them from me. Why? Because I don't have to tell you just because you are curious. LOL
In order to deal with the problems in our churches we must first be irked by them. Usually when we are not irked by something we will sit still and not deal with them. Jesus and the apostles were irked by sin which is why they were constantly reprimanding it. Especially Paul. If we tolerate sin and not demonstrate the righteousness of God things will continue to spiral out of control.

Here is what Jesus had to say on the subject:

Matthew 23:15 KJV
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land (evangelize) to make one proselyte, (new convert) and when he is made , ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

What is the point in our ministering if the new converts won’t stick and stay with the Lord. (Because of our wrong teachings & mishandling of them)
The first thing one has to do in reference to a new convert is to stress that one must study to show THEMSELF approved, they are to follow Christ NOT MAN. Now I personally do not know of anyone that is saved, filled with the Holy Ghost that intentionally teaches wrong or mishandles these.

These that the scripture speaks of were doing this intentionally for the credit of it. I did this, I compassed (evangelized) sea and land, not to the Glory of God

If you are speaking of interpretations, then it is the responsibility of the convert to grow in the Word, not man, but in the Word
Churches full of Holy ghost filled people do it every day. (teach people wrong and mishandle new converts) We can't blame everything on the Devil. Some of this stuff we see happening is a direct result of man.
Sis, you said:

Our churches need this type of interaction with the communities and not always trying to get people to come and stuff our pews and give us money

Wow, many pastors may not like what I am about to say but RARELY... VERY RARELY do I tell a person to go to such and such church. If THEY ask me, then I will recommend one, but rarely will I initiate that part of the conversation unless truly led by the Holy Spirit to do so... example: he puts a ministry in my mind as I am talking to the person and I KNOW that ministry will help them.

What I WILL do is what Jesus did.. met the need and walked away to meet another need somewhere else. And He didn't always come at people with shoving a scripture down their throats. He taught biblical principles and truths in parables. Stories that His audience at the time could understand and actually grasp the principle.

What is funny is that it was the disciples who seemed lost to the meaning of the stories... LOL. Church folk want church lingo when you are talking to them. Church lingo won't work on the street!!! LOL

This quote from Christianity Today says it best:

"In Christian writing common colloquialisms are often referred to as 'Christianese'. These phrases have meaning for those who know Christ, but often sound like some sort or code to those who are not Christians."

We must be careful not to teach Christianese more than we teach scripture. Some Believers may find themselves quoting Christianese and not sound doctrine or a biblical truth.
a brother in CHRIST,worker in the "vineyard",fellow laborer ,etc. (smile) shared this with me not long ago; he was @ lunch with some of his peers (pentecostal bishops), he'd also invited a friend of his (a lawyer,who was not "churched) it was a business lunch, as the meal progressed ,conversation flowed,every time one of the peers would say something outrageous/funny ,they'd say "loose here!" this went on for a period of time ."loose here!" finally his friend the lawyer,leaned over to him said into his ear,"man i don't want to appear dumb,but who is LUCY?"
That's a good one sister rofl


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