This modern tradition of telling people they are saved if they ACCEPT JESUS as their personal saviour is ridiculous.

Hahahahah! - now tell me WHY I am wrong.

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It's not really one scripture in particular, but several. I will use as an example the Roman road to Salvtion. In these scriptures you are asked to accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Why Personel Lord and Saviour.? Salvation trully is free to whom so ever will . Yet a Person must ask Chrsit Jesus from there own heart ,for there own personal salvation, For him to come into there lives. { personel]. here are the Scriptures for the Roman road,in them you willfind personel saviour

Where is scripture telling you to "accept" Jesus as savior and into your heart?? The roman road does not say "accept" him.
You skipped over Romans 3:29-31 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
"...It's not really one scripture in particular, but several. I will use as an example the Roman road to Salvtion. In these scriptures you are asked to accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Why Personel Lord and Saviour.? Salvation trully is free to whom so ever will . Yet a Person must ask Chrsit Jesus from there own heart ,for there own personal salvation, For him to come into there lives. { personel]. here are the Scriptures for the Roman road,in them you willfind personel saviour

So you are saying that from reading those scriptures a person only has to ACCEPT Jesus as their personal Saviour - NOW THEY ARE SAVED?
Because thats not what was done in the bible.
YES , Because salvation can not be earned or worked for. Salvation is a free gift from God. The shed blood of Jesus the Christ atoned for all our sins. Past sins, present sins and Futre sins. This does not give a us a license to commit sin. There are consequences to sin immoral sex/aids,vd. alcohol abuse serious of the liver, drugs , body parts fall off etc. I live you with Romans 10:9 if you confess with your mouth and believe in your on the lord Jesus then you are saved . Psss just that simple and easy.

Your future sins are not covered, because if they were, then its no need to repent everytime you DO and WILL sin. You cannot forget about REPENTANCE. "Belief" in Hebraic understanding is to DO. It does not mean to simply believe, and not act on your faith. You must act out your faith through obedience to the Torah.
Ditto Pastor Valentine.

There are many on this site that do not believe or understand how to receive salvation. This is why we read so many comments pointing towards "works" and "obeying the moral laws" as a means of salvation, not to mention the other areas of disagreements.

It's one thing to study the Bible, which is exactly what we should be doing, but it's another to receive confirmation or correction as needed of our understanding of scripture from the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is who I turn to for confirmation or rebuking what others are teaching and preaching.

There's no separation between moral and ceremonial laws. That's Christianity's attempt to pick and choose which laws to obey and which to not obey. We are to keep THE TORAH. We know how to obtain salvation, but after you receive it is what counts. Are you gonna obtain salvation, and then not obey Yah? You have another thing coming! Obedience WILL BE the deciding factor on our eternal destination(Matt 7:21-23).

If you are not sealed with the Holy Spirit, then you might want to check your salvation. Keeping the Torah is your choice. Following Jesus as my Lord and Savior is what He commands of me and in doing so I will be obeying the commandments He set forth before me.
@ Sister Harris

The only way to obey is to observe to do it.

When your parents said, Go clean your room. Did you say, well Mom and dad I am going to follow you because that is what you commanded, and that is how I obey.

Do that not sound crazy?

That is what you are saying ultimately. Your mom didn't say follow me as was commanded, and that is how you will obey. She said clean your room.

It is the same way with the Lord. He said keep his commandments, and you shall have eternal life. Keep not his commandments, and you will see eternal damnation, Period. Are you going to rely on following Jesus as your Lord and Savior, without keeping his commandments, which are really the Father's commandments, so you are rejecting the Father and the Son.

Let us stop trying to get around the truth.

I am sealed by the Spirit. Keeping the Torah is my choice, true, but its also commanded of His people. Do you think following Yahushua is absent from His commandments? I think you should read Luke 11:28, Matt 5:19, Matt 7:21-23.
@Brother Vaentine

Now you are just talking for the imagination of you own heart. What happened to that hunger for knowledge I saw earlier this week.


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