This modern tradition of telling people they are saved if they ACCEPT JESUS as their personal saviour is ridiculous.

Hahahahah! - now tell me WHY I am wrong.

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I like your approach in leading people to Christ. Its similar to my own. I always think how Jesus never beat nobody over the head about following Him. He ministered, and He prayed, and met the needs of people as He was led. And/Or as His Father in Heaven showed Him. He was a witness but certainly not as we define witnessing. He was a witness to the glory and love of God on behalf of man, to the manifold wisdom of God available to us.... Not to a sect or denomination or creed. Most Christians are as bad and as wrong as Roman Catholics in their dogma

btw Jesus is a personal savior because he is closer to us than a brother; as a persona of the self existing one he knew us before the foundation of the world --- and knows us better than we know ourselves; he prayed that we might be one with him, even as he and his father were one. There is no more separation or spiritual therefore emotional distance between man and his maker.... makes it pretty personal to me.

for some of the rest of what I read here ~~~~ all of this is so foolish.... endless debating .... adds to strife.... folk got too much time on their hands and no imagination on how to use it
Thanks Sis. Toni,

It takes a like-minded spirit to stand in agreement on the Word, especially when it comes to the wonderful gift of salvation!

God bless you,
Sis. Pat
Sister Harris, what is salvation?
To ask such a question mean one of two things:

-Chaplain Harris SERIOUSLY don't understand what salvation means from the NT standpoint
-You SERIOUSLY don't understand what salvation means from the NT standpoint

Judging from what I've seen of you and others of the Torah believers, I say the latter is true.

Yes, His word is true! Forever settled in heaven.... I'll tellya something sis, you keep doing what you're doing for the Lord.... its just one reason the attacks come. And even so, they are only light afflictions which work for us.

even if they are lightweight.... feebleminded....clanging chattering things that make a lotta noise....
WoW its been really long since I posted anything on this site! I have watched in the distance as some of the same ole conversations took place and realized how easy it can be to get caught up on this site having debates about the Word. But as I read this post and all these reponses I was just wanted to ask this question, how is he not your personal saviour? If when we stand before Him in the day of judgement we wont be collectivley(sp) judgeed, but judged individually. And when Paul told the guard in Acts to stay his hand everybody was there did the guard ask how could we all be saved or "what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30 To me that just sounds personal.

Now I'm going back to my window seal view, watching the "wheels on the bus go round and round"
"...But as I read this post and all these reponses I was just wanted to ask this question, how is he not your personal saviour?..."

May Jesus be EVERY bodies personal Saviour indeed!!
The problem is - that this is now the way people are SUPPOSEDLY getting their sins remitted and it's not based on the teachings or examples of Jesus and His holy apostles.
Its a hip thing to do but its not biblical...Its American as apple pie but its not scriptural.

So NOW the question is - are the people - that are sent home after 'accepting Jesus as their personal savior' - even saved?

And is the blood of these people upon the head of the men that TOLD them they have had their sins remitted because they SPOKE those words?

Men of God help a young sister out please.

I heard that 90% of billy graham "sinners prayer" people... go home NOT really regenerated. Its simply an emotion experience that last a few minutes, and then they are off to their normal lives as usual with no spiritual results.
Its about REPENTANCE and turning back to the TORAH. This is what Yah is calling His people to do... NOW through Messiah.
Bro James,

Ok God is calling His people (all colors Pharoah) through His Son.
When they hear the call what must they do for remissions of sins?

They must turn from their sins, and then be baptized, which symbolizes the remission. In the OT, one is ritually clean once they are dipped in the mikvah. It symbolizes cleaniness of the person.
"...They must turn from their sins, and then be baptized, which symbolizes the remission. In the OT, one is ritually clean once they are dipped in the mikvah. It symbolizes cleaniness of the person."

Yes they are to repent and be baptized...
Thats for NT believers - correct???


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