Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Saint John 1:5


Darkness, commonly refers to ignorance, guilt or misery.  Here, it refers to ignorant and wicked people.  Jesus came to teach an ignorant, unenlightened and wicked world.  His efforts to enlighten and save people have been like light struggling to penetrate a thick, dense cloud.  Darkness did not receive the light, darkness refuses to admit light.  The bible teaches us that people were so ignorant, debased and guilty that they did not appreciate the value of Jesus´teaching.  They despiesed and rejected Jesus.  And it is still so.  Sin always blinds the mind to the beauty and excellency of Jesus.


This morning I was thinking about all the effort people spend trying to suppress, or hide things that make them feel uncomfortable.  On this network, we have a powerful example a man who has spent his life running, and dodging truth as if is were a heat seeking missle honed in on him (and it is); Ronald D Howell Sr, false apostle of Life Changers International should realize that eventually the whole truth is going to strike him, like so many of the air strikes we read and witness hitting Al Queda targets.  Howell, you may be hit while you are running, or it may come while you are asleep, but rest assured you are going get hit.  You won´t escape.  A man exposed has no where hide, and no where to run.  All of your members are going to see you go down.  All of us former members already realize that it is only a matter of time.  I bet Bin Laden looked just like a deer staring at oncoming headlights when the seals took him out.  That is just the way Howell is going to look when he gets taken out.  I urge Howell to go stand in the mirror and practice that look. 


The Bible tells us that there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.  We have reasons to celebrate that at long last we have Howell by the tail, and we are forcing him into the light so that all may see and believe that he is not of God. 


I am very pleased by the responses that we are getting from Ronald Howell on this network.  I ask that none of you take me wrong, but it is necessary for me to expose and taunt a sexual predator out into the open.  Again, I know that those of you who Howell is attacking are much stronger than him, and that all of you are well able to withstand his attacks.  I believe that those Howell is attacking he is very much afraid of them, and I would like to know why.  Anyone having this information please blog on the site, or you may yahoo me. 


It takes some doing to get Howell to come to the table and post what he is posting; we are commanding his attention.   Howell normally uses Bonny Williams his consort or Victor Jones to answer for him.  So all of us should be proud of oursleves for getting Howell out in the open.


Remember the more evil and the more exploitation that goes on, the more slander and propoganda we can expect from Howell; darkness is the hiding place of evil.  At least Ronald Howell no longer denies that he molested all of these women.


I am sure that Mr Howell is a very angry man right about now, and he shows us by his conduct.  Haven´t I been saying that Howell practices cursing people?  Here´s your proof Noble Son.  Just look at what your fallen leader is doing on this network.  People are not stupid, everyone knows that Howell is posting all those lies and nasty things about people, and in so doing, we now know both the heart and spirit of the man. 


Remember, that Howell can´t hurt you.  There is absolutely nothing that Howell can do to any of you!  a false apostle can´t do you no harm because God is on our side.  Let Howell continue to rant and curse because he has been rejected of the Lord, and abides in death.  


All of our situations and destinies are in the hand of the Lord.  So, whose report will we believe:  "WE SHALL BELIEVE THE REPORT OF THE LORD!"




Sister Shelly



Oh that one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would not light useless fires on my altar!  I am not pleased with you saith the Lord Almighty, and I will accept no offerings from you hands


Malachi 1:10


God thought it was better to shut the doors, rather than to contiue worthless worship.  Not everything that is offered to God as worship is accepted by God as worship.  Sometimes God would prefer that it just stop and simply says:  I have no pleasure in you.


Life Changers International:  God is not pleased, and He has no pleasure in you.


Yes, we are concerned with church growth, evangelism and planting churches. Yet in some cases the best thing we can do for the cause of the Lord is to shut the doors on many churches.  Life Changers International is such a (so called) church. 


This morning, as the members of LCI get busy to be at the cult center they will give their tithes and offerings in support of a sexual predator, Ronald D Howell Sr.  To God, their money is useless because it goes to support an evil cause.  God is not ever going to bless evil.


If you will not hear, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory unto my name says the Lord of host, I will even send a curse upon you, I will even curse your blessings, YEA, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart.  Malchi 2:2




It was not money that caused God to curse them.  It was because they refused to give glory to God's name.  So God told them that He would curse their blessings, He told them that He had cursed their blessing already.  God did it because they did not think it important to give glory to His name.  When you support Ronald D Howell, you are supporting a man who practices evil.  How does it bring glory to the name of the Lord by supporting a sexual predator?


WHO IS REALLY CURSED?  Galatians 1: 6-9  (The False Gospel of Life Changers International)


It is evil to make mindless offerings to God, the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.  They think they are doing well, and doing God good service, when they are doing ill, they know not truly the object of worship, nor the spiritual nature of it, nor the right end and true use of it.


Cult churches like LCI have become a breeding ground for perverts, many will say that they were violated in the cult and church.  A sexual predator gets to lead a church?  REALLY?  I urge the members of LCI not to give any tithes or offerings in support of Ronald D Howell Sr, a man who is morally and ethically unfit to hold any office in the ministry.  Remember once you know the truth, you are held accountable.



For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater has any inheiritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.  Let no one decieve you with empty words for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them.


Ephesians 5: 5-7


My friends, one of the quickest routes to poverty is through fornication, spiritual uncleaness and covetousness.  We have been hearing a lot about this Jezebel spirit.  This spirit inflicts poverty, infirmity, divination, and a spirit of religion.  With these basic tenets of the the Jezebet spirit we are able to understand the member of Life Changers.  Ronald D Howell Sr masterfully intertwines all four of these characteristics into the fabric of the minds of his followers by his spirit.  Men such as Jim Jones, David Koresh and Warren Jeffs are used of such a spirit to catch those who are weak in the faith, idolatrous, covetous, and full of fornication; this is the way that spirit was able to gain control of Ronald Howell and use him.


Jezebel spirit also brings confusion, fear and doubt into lives and circumstances, thus you can understand such characters is Keith, Colm, Lacie, Noble Son, Growing Christian, all of these who make posts are possessed by this spirit.  These people are not in control of themselves.  This is there reality.  When you offer yourselves to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey, and if you are a slave to sin, it leads to death. (Romans 6:16)  This scripture provides "proof" why Victor Jones obeys without question whatever Howell tells him to do.  The scripture provides perfect light on Bonny Williams why she is the slave of Howell.  Remember Howell taught about soul ties?  She is soul tied to Howell, she is his slave, in as much as Howell is a slave to the spirit of sin.  The next time any member of LCI turns the other way, runs away, spies on you for Howell you will understand that it is this Jezebel spirit that has influence over the lives of LCI members, and it is no different than those 900+ people who drank that poison Kool-Aid at Jonestown.


This Jezebel spirit targets the annointing while people are ministering.  Have you ever felt as if the life and breath was being squeezed out of you?  Did you experience an attack of dizziness or confusion coming over your mind while one of Howell ministers were praying with you?  Remember that Howell taught that no one could operate in the Kingdom of God illegally.  This means that this "PYTHON" spirit was at work through the cooperation of the Jezebel spirit.  It was perfectly legal for this spirit to attack the annointing because of the people such as Bonny Williams are it's slave.  Take a good look at Howell's minister; each one of them operate under this type of control, those who are helping Howell are in league with the devil.  Howell has been preying upon women; he is soul tied to many women, and refuses to repent; therefore, this spirit has control over Howell - he cannot repent, he cannot tell the truth even if he wanted to because like Jezebel God gave her a space and time to repent, but she refused, and the same is true of Bonny.  They belong to the devil, these two people operate out of a perpetual spirit of fear, and lust; therefore, the ministry is no different than those lying prophets of Jezebel.  The Bible is the same today, just as in the time of Elijah.


Jezebel used both witchcraft and deception.  She operated by control and manipulation, intimidation and domination.  She did a lot of decieving through a religious spirit.  That is why Bonny Williams and Ronald Howell can lie at the drop of a dime.  This is also the reason why Bonny and Howell always demand that certain members prayer requests are brought to them.  They in turn either have that person the next time come to them, or they use one of the lying ministers to speak a lie into the ears of that LCI member or occasional visitor.  Now you can understand why we continue to tell people that Life Changers International New Horizon's Ministry is a cult.  We are not making fun of them, we are serious.  This is a matter of life and death, especially eternal life or death.  This is why so many of us are praying for the people who are slaves in LCI and they do not realize what manner of spirit is talking to them.  It is only the grace of God and a privilege that we are being allowed to minister to them as the members of LCI are reading these posts.


The Jezebel spirit operates mainly through an Ahab.  Ahab was not a weak, or spineless man as so many suppose, but he was a srewd leader that accomplished many things.  Wick people can accomplish things, and they have intelligence.  But the fallacy they are faced with is that they fail to realize that God has set them in slippery places.  This is the reason why Howell continues to blame Heike Stubbs for his losing all those court cases.  It was no ones fault but his own, and because his reality is decieved, he is spiritually blind to the truth.  Remember the word of God teaches that because they refused to LOVE the truth and be SAVED God would send a STRONG DELUSION that they should BELIEVE a LIE.  This why Ronald Howell speaks lies, and HE BELIEVES HIS OWN LIES.  He has no choice, and those who support him are running a great risk of losing their souls.  Again I give you JONESTOWN.  Those who support Howell's lies do not love the truth and are not saved, they too will be the recipients of the same STRONG DELUSION that they should BELIEVE a LIE.


One thing about Ahab, he will not engage in a battle of wills with an equal or a superior.  When in court at Sister Serena Milliedges hearing, Howell was on the stand and turned coward, he denied ever knowing these German sisters, yet about a month earlier he went on the Wordnetwork and blasted these women.  See how stupid and cowardly Howell has become?  Ahab has to make sure that they will win, and that is why when Howell was requested to return to court his leaders sent a letter stating that he would be out of town.  Outside of the gates of LCI Howell is nothing!  Anyone with an ounce of intellect could tear him to pieces.  He is weak without his possy.  Ahab will do his best to use skill and logic, they use the social system when it is to their advantage, or most likely they will limit themselves to activities where there is no contention or battle of will.  Ahab strongly opposed the Word of God, and we all know what became of Ahab.  HE DIED IN SIN - HAVING BEEN A MAN THAT FOUGHT AGAINST GOD!  HE LOST, HOWELL LOST JUST LIKE AHAB!  Do not allow the fact that Howell continues to rant and rave decieve you, all it is - is just a bunch of air.  The man is gasping for air because that PYTHON spirit is squeezing the hell out of Howell, you can tell it when he come on here slandering innocent people, bad mouthing his members behind their backs, and when he so often loses his temper.  When Howell gets taken out of commission by this spirit he is not going to know what hit him!  That is how quick it is going to happen, he will have no time to repent.






Sister Shelly



But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall die.

Due 18: 20

Defining the fasle prophet and their fate can be found in the scripture as noted. In Jeremiah God says that He seen in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, they walk in lies, they strenthen the hands of evil doers, that none doeth return from his wickedness they are all of them unto as "Sodom" and the inhabitants thereof as "Gomarrah." Jer. 23:14

The motivation of the false prophet, and false apostle is MONEY! THEY NEED MONEY BAD! Micah 3: 9-12 says things like this: they dispies justice, and distort all that is right. They build with bloodshed and wickedness. Leaders that use witchcraft and say: IS NOT THE LORD AMONG US! NO DISASTER WILL COME UPON US! In verse 12, God says that Zion, Jerusalem and the temple will be destroyed.

Sadly, many people actually prefer false prophets. The bible calls such people as lying and rebellious children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord. These people trust in oppression and perverseness. But remember this: THE PROPHECY OF FALSE PROPHETS DOES NOT ALWAYS FAIL! When the false apostle and false prophet speak concerning things such as teaching people to follow another god (Due 13:2) DO NOT FOLLOW THEM! That man and that woman is trying to turn you away from the Lord.

Ronald D. Howell Sr is such a false prophet and false apostle of our day, ordained for the purposes of testing God's people, and God is going to test HIS PEOPLE to see whether you love Him with all your heart and with all your soul. God is going to see if you prefer truth or the false apostle and false prophetess. God will know if you prefer lying and rebellion. Those who are members of Life Changers International do surely love oppression and perverseness as they support a lying man and his mistress in their preverseness. They allow Ronald Howell to con them into believing that they are sons and daughters of the Kingdom of the Light. Anytime anyone can tell you that you have to be a cult up to six days a week, and that you are to shut down your facebook account, and that you have to get permission to go on vacation because there are messages that must be preached, and that you must get a false apostle's permission to date and marry, THAT IS OPPRESSION! It is PERVERSENESS to support a fake apostle that molest women, using the church as a cover for his sickness.

Ronald Howell has been lying to his followers about the inpending disasters that came upon him; he has been blaming people for his failures when any person of intelligence can find out the truth through public records, and if one can find out the truth, why would they continue to follow a liar and the lie he continually tells, year after year for the past 17 years.

It was a spirit of pride that made Howell leave the church he attended. He did not want to be told that he was ready and now the leader who told Howell to wait was 100% correct! All of Kaiserslautern, Germany is finding out the truth about you Ronald D. Howell Sr. I wonder if the the people of the KA paper and WordNetwork ever think about what they are posting and airing? Someone on each staff has to asking themselves the questions about a sexual predator posing as a (excuse the expression) posing as a man of God.

People of LCI that read these posts, (and I know that you are reading these posts) get out of Life Changers while there is still time. If the those who perished in Jonestown and Waco could come back from the dead they would warn you that obedience is better than sacrifce. You do not have to obey a liar! You don't have to go to hell for nobody. I am sure that their is many a soul that if possible they could return and get another chance they would not follow a liar, or the lie.

I beg you to reconsider about staying in LCI, I am not playing, and this is not a game, your leader Ronald D Howell Sr is a liar (not name calling) It is TRUTH! He has preyed upon women, IT IS TRUTH! He does have a concubine right in front of your faces, IT IS TRUTH! The man is lying about the finances, HOWELL GAVE YOU PROOF! If you are a member and Howell has used you to spy for him, may you be convicted to leave right away.

Many of us are praying for you that you will come into the light, and don't be afraid of a reprobate, because out of all the worse that he has done to people his fate is far worse than even he can imagine.


Sister Shelly

When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous. but terror to evildoers.


Proverbs 21:15


Destruction belongs to those who work iniquity, those that make a trade of sinning, whose whole life is a continued series of sin and iniquity; who take much "pain" in committing sin, and are a constant at it; everlasting destruction is in their ways and dreadful horror at death and to all eternity.  While this is not going to change of the minds of either Ronald  D. Howell Sr, or his consort Bonny Williams, it is something to think about:  "everlasting destruction being played out over and over again to a lost soul, unending, no comfort, no joy, only torment being played out in the mind of someone lost for eternity.  That is dreadful horror.


Ronald D Howell Sr is Life Changers International New Horizon's Ministry; again the name life changers is a contradiction to life itself, but it definitely "changes" a person.  For the past 17 years this man and his ministry represents his life, a life dedicated to making a trade out of sin.  There is nothing humorous about a man who has painstakingly made a career out of committing sin - this is his job!  This is what the members of LCI are singing and shouting about; they give praise to a man who has dedicated his life to sin, and they call him HOLY!  


I do not wish destruction on Ronald Howell, but he invited it.  I wonder if Howell can imagine a hell where his sentence is to be tormented with the constant reminder of the women he molested, only in hell these women turn out to be demons that are allowed to torment him, and they DEMAND that he molest them. HORROR!  PAIN!  SUFFERING!  In this place of the wicked dead Howell will be reminded of the warnings that came his way and he ignored.  Howell will be constantly reminded about all the sick children that he forced the parents to bring out to Life Changers and shoved into sickness, a place he called "Children's Church.  In this place of suffering, Howell will be tormented into collecting offerings for lying causes, yes, he will be reminded over and over.  Howell will be reminded of at least two unborn lives; lives he caused to be cut off because of his selfishness; they will testify to him about his lie, and the women he hurt, there will be no escape.


This is not funny, it is a sad commentary of something that does not have to happen to anyone.  Escape hell while you still have a chance, don't go to the place of horror and the abscence of love.  Repent, turn and live.




Sister Shelly

Say to them as surely as I live, declared the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their wicked ways and live. TURN! Trun from your evil ways.  Why will you die, O House of Israel?


Ezekiel 33:11


Ronald Howell, I am sent to tell you that God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked.  God does not want you to spend eternity in hell.  While you have committed such egregious acts against many women, children and families, God is generous, he will have mercy, God will abundantly pardon.  You have a part that you must do:  "repent," step down, and turn loose every single person in Life Changers.  Not one of your pastors, bishop,elders ministers - none of them are qualified to lead holy people, because all of them are called by you.  You have grieved the Holy Spirit by your ways, and for the past 17 years you have failed to heed all of the warnings sent to you.  I am not talking about any one else but you, and Ronald, I am telling you the truth, that your end has been foreseen, your night is coming, please repent before it is too late.  Not even I want you to be lost for eternity, but you must repent, and step down, let those people go.  It has been long foreseen that Life Changers is going to be empty, and those people will leave.  If you don't trun them loose and continue in your way, you will be lost.  You will send your ownself to damnation.


Please surrender Ronald Howell, surrender to God, repent and live.



No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.  And GOD IS FAITHFUL, and HE WILL NOT LET YOU be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it.


1 Corinthians 10:13


What habit gave you the sex habit?  What causes any person to forsake their allegiance to God and lead them into idolatry and sin? 


It is possible to become addicted to anything, possibly the easiest addiction to develop is sexual; this is an abnormal use of our sex drive. 


Sex addiction symptoms are when someone has an increasingly unsatisfied and drawn into more unusual and risky behavior.  If you are reading this and you are one of those who have this problem and taking it lightly your sex drive can take you over.   Your sexual addiction has lasting effects on those around you.  THIS BEHAVIOR IS NOT PRIVATE BECAUSE IT LEAVES OTHERS BROKEN AND DEVASTATED IN YOUR SELFISHNESS.


Any person with this inordinate affection must first recognize that this addiction started with a feeling of emptiness and low self esteem.  You have replaced it with sex, and sooner or later most will have guilt for their sexual misconduct but become even more desperate for the sex-drug.  Many sexual addictions will escalate until the person is forcibly stopped by arrest or worse.  Left to yourself you CANNOT stop yourself.  You require help.


If you are a member of the ministry, I beg you to seek help before you destroy somone and yourself.  God is well able to deliver you from this addiction. I am on this site in an attempt to help facilitate healing for the many women victims of Ronald D Howell, a.k.a 'Apostle' Howell of Life Changers International New Horizons Ministry in Kaiserslautern, Germany.  For the past 17 years Ronald Howell has victimized/VICTIMIZING many women using the "church" as a platform to draw women and use them for his selfishness.  I am seeking help for these women and I would like legal action to put a stop to Ronald Howell.  I am offering $10,000.00 towards a legal defense fund to bring all the victims of this sexual predator together.


It was Ronald Howell that taught about the great question:  "What Habit Gave You The Sex Habit?"  Howell used this message as a veiled attempt to admit that he is weak in faith concerning his addiction to his disgusting sexual habits.  His message was so esoteric that only those who are victims and those who are spiritual will understand that the reality is that Ronald D Howell Sr is asking for help; he is asking for someone to help him.  His message is an admission that he is out of control and their is no one in his organization powerful enough to stop him.  Howell appointed every leader in his cult, Life Changers, God did not call one of them, and Howell is not subject to any higher authority other than the law and public scrutiny and contempt.


Ronald Howell wanted the respect that comes with ministerial titles of the Five Fold Ministries and he has taught his followers the same, yet Howell refuses to accept the responsibilities that come with the position.  There is no such thing as a Spiritual Father or Man of God that includes being a sexual predator.  Being a Sexual Predator is not one of the Five Fold Ministries.  For years Ronald Howell has used his hand picked female leaders to make excuses for him.  Howell will ask challenge his followers by asking them:  "if they got it all right," and other such nonsense to buy him an easy out (ABSCONDING) for his responsibilities.  He is too weak to step down, and I am in hopes that we will be able to help make his transition from the pulpit most expeditious.


I urge you sisters out there to not let a man make you his play thing.  Do not let a man buy you, and do not give him any sex unless that man is willing to BE A MAN  and commit to you (Marriage).  Don't let any man, and especially a preacher use you to fulfill his nasty fantasy.  Right now Howell has four committed women at his beck and call, and these wayward sisters help feed his sexual addiction.


For those of you in the ministry who are like Ronald Howell, I urge you to get help before you find yourself in a a downward spiral that leads to a point of no return.


For my lovely sisters who have been victimized I wish you a wonderful day in Jesus Christ who sees you a the beautiful "new creation" in Him.


I Love You,


Sister Shelly







You are not living up to the standard of a clergyman. You are lying on innocent people and are living up to what Wanzo and others are saying about you. Do you think it’s fair to wrong these people with no apology and then slander them? They trusted you to shepherd them and you abused them. They gave you a shot and you failed at being instrumental in their Christian growth; therefore, you should do a self- evaluation. When God really raise up the people you abused instead of mentor, you will not be able to look at it through the eyes of a proud Dad like you could have. Trust me that day will come like the day when our children will look at us being a grown men and women. I pray you do a self-evaluation.

LCI, this is what you are supporting. While you are in it, it seems justifiable but there will come a time when you see this as being wrong. I am not the “Allen” that Howell accuses me of being. Reality is, your pastor has slandered an innocent man who is probably no even reading these blogs. You will be surprised at who has access to what this man done. The world is a small place. Just know, that you are now aware of what he is capable of and the decision is yours to make. Allen my apologies for what Howell is doing. I believe the Word to be true and Ps 37 outlines in clear detail the destination of the wicked. I believe that Howell is aware that we are not the same person but want’s to seem in tune with God and have someone to lash out at – that’s my honest opinion. LCI, you are not exempt when you decide you have had enough – now tell me, are all these people lying throughout these 50 pages of blog? You do the math………

Howell, what I sense, is Shelly and others wanting you to step down and get help before more people are hurt. As you can see, you are still in that business…..

When you think about it, Howell does live dangerously, as there are many people who could anonomously posts some of the most damning things about Howell.  He is taking a chance that some might post some pictures that neither Bonny or Howell would like.  I hope that people will not stoop to Howell's level.  Howell has already provided ample proof that he is without a doubt guilty of preying on these women, and he posted a letter from 2007 on the web proving that he was raising funds to purchase a parking lot, just as we reported on this network, yet that money disappeared and no parking lot was ever purchased.  Howell forgot about courts proceedings which will exhonerate Sister Stubbs of any wrongdoing, and clearly point the finger at Howell that he did indeed try to cheat all those contractors out of what was owed to them. 


Howell used to tell the lie that Victor Jones and him personally put in place all those seats in the sancturary, but Jones was not even there when the seats were put in place.  I wonder if Howell wouldn't mind if I told his LCI members who actually installed those "cheap" seats?  Howell has told so many lies to his members he forgets that there are those of us who know the truth.


Howell's members might as well know that there is plenty of "proof" about the married women and him, it is no lie and no joke.  Even the LCI teenagers past and present see Howell and his married thing together.  Again, my husband would not like it if I spent my time with another man, and I sure would not like it if he spent time with another woman.


I know for a fact that several LCI members are reading these posts, and eventually they will wake up and leave Howell.

Enemies of God

I have been watching this forum for a while and I have come to the conclusion that there are people that are against God, I say this because, if you are against a man or woman that is trying to do God’s will then you are against God. This forum is really sick and the people are idiots. After reading all of this mess, I come to the conclusion that these are fallen leaders and some of them I’ve experienced myself as a saint.  Knowing what little I know of Apostle Howell, he will not take the time to address these idiots, but I will. Listed below are fallen leaders that are behind this mess, they use fake names because they are cowards. If any of this mess was true, why not use your true identity and speak.

Only cowards hide behind an alias! This site is no more that a haven for “Clergy Killers.”(check out the book) People who are only hating the fact that they can’t be blessed, as these people, because they are hiding, not only on this site, but in their entire lives. You pretend to be one thing and always end up being something else. But; I guess as the saying goes, “once a coward; always a coward!” You all are a disgrace to the Christian race.

SGM Terris & Cerstin Collins

I remember these leaders.  Terris acted like a spoiled brat when he didn't get his way.  Always waiting in his car for his wife to finish at church instead of helping her clean up.  The only time he ever offered to help was when he was offered a position as Elder.  He also had a problem with respecting women, shutting the door in women's faces when they were walking through.

Cerstin I remember always had an attitude problem with women that she didn't get along with.  However she was always friendly with men.

Aaron Wilson

Aaron Wilson always wanted to be in charge and talked negatively about people over him to make them look bad and set himself up to take their place.

Allen Wilson

I believe Allen Wilson was fired from every job he had in the ministry.  His oldest son told me twice that he couldn't stand him.

Heike Stubbs

Heike Stubbs was furious when she was told to work with sister Milledge, because she also had a problem with other women that she felt threatened by instead of helping them.  It is believed that she was taking money from the lawyers that were representing the church

I am making the Egyptians so stubborn that they will follow the Israelites.  I will receive honor because of what I will do to Pharaoh, his entire army, his chariots and cavalry.


Exodus 14:17


The word of the Lord is that they will have no sense of danger, and be fearless of it, incautious and thoughtless, hurried on with wrath and fury, malice and revenge:


And they shall follow them, the israelites into the sea, supposing it to be as safe for the one as for the other:


And I will get honor upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hosts, upon his chariots, upon his horsemen: by the utter destruction of them in just retaliation for the many innocent infants that had been drowned by them in the river Nile.


God is the same yesterday, today and forever:  Good, Righteous and Holy is the GOOD WORD of the Lord of Host.


This is the word of Lord that came to me early this morning, it's revelation so startling as this word also pertains to Ronald D Howell and those who support Howell in his crimes against the people of the Lord.  The Lord will in just retaliation bring about the downfall of Roanld D Howell and Life Changers International New Horizons.  The Lord has cause Howell and his handful of wicked leaders to follow us on this network, lying and spying for a serial sexual predator with no sense of danger, incautious, thoughtless and fearless hurried on with the wrath, malice, fury and revenge against a righteous cause.  The wicked do not know at what they stumble, and no one should make friends with an angry man, because anger rest in the bosom of fools.


Ladies, my dear sisters know that God will fight this battle against the man and his small army, and God is going to prevail against all the devices of the wicked.  Howell is in a no win situation, rest and be patient, wait I say upon the Lord.

Remember that Keith Johnson is also Ronald D Howell Sr, the digraced and fallen leader-sexual predator of Life Changers International New Horizon's Ministry in Kaiserslautern, Germany and Huntsville, Alabama.  Again, I am offering $10,000.00 towards the legal fund in support of my sisters that were victims of this sexual predator.  Again, I want those of you whose pictures are posted to rejoice at what Howell is doing to you, because all of you are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. 


For the general public, Ronald D. Howell Sr, is a false apostle who for the past 17 years has been sexually preying upon several women, to include the ones pictured on this network.  Ronald Howell is a demonically possessed man who is out to attack the truth as his sexual perversion is being brought to the light and it has been reported to several organizations to include the National Organization of Women (NOW), and the authorites.  Howell is also guilty of lying and using manipulation to raise money for causes he never intended to to take up and failed to tell his members.  Howell's organization is over 2 millions euros in debt.


I Love You,


Sister Shelly


Shelly, that was a good breakdown and makes plenty of sense. This was educational and informative. Thanks for your labor and research


Mr Howell, where do we go from here? Will you continue to fight with God or realize you were wrong and that this should not have happened to anyone's daughter? Just ligitimate questions that I have for a person that was once my pastor. I think this is a fair and deserves an answer.


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