Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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"An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah.  And he left them and went away." 


Jesus Christ, Matthew 16:4


Every former member of Life Changers International, New Horizons Ministry has come to understand that LCIs prophetic movement is a dark, evil wasteland filled with a false apostle, false prophetess, false healings, money hungry, con men and women of whom are overshadowed by Satan and his demonic forces.


From the prophetic movements of our day comes the doctrine of demons.  Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr, brings his counterfeit gospel, counterfeit spirit and counterfeit "Jesus Christ" who disguises himself as an angel of light, but is a false apostle and most definitely a false prophet; his decietful workers, men and women who appear as servants of righteousness, but are being decieved five to six days of week for the slave mentality they accepted.  Howell has given the title of people with low self-esteem.  When you view the LCI website, you see a bunch of low self-esteem yo-yos.


In 2 Timothy 3: 12-13, the Apostle Paul warns what to expect from the world and wolves in sheep's clothing.  Paul warns that evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, decieving and being deceived.  I am feeling very sorry for two other friends in the LCI camp cult, my Sister White and Sister Harris.  Both of these women were drawn in by Howell's big plans and they are now enslaved helping Howell to decieve in the finance department.  Please keep our sisters lifted up in prayer.  I am going to do them a favor at the end of this month, it is for their own good that I do it, but one day they will appreciate it.


The LCI Cult is falling deeper into deception and delusion.  It's organization is crumbling, it's fruit is foul and rancid and the environment is too toxic to breathe.  Apostle Howell's dream is a danger to the mental, spiritual welfare of those people who are trapped. 


When the crap hits the fan against LCI, do not be surprised at what slithers out and spews from the mouths of this bad man, Apostle Howell and his false prophetess and bishop.  Expect to hear all kinds of accusations against all of us and be prepared to be strong as it is only their last ditch efforts to lash out at us even though they are still going to go down.  Right now, Howell is being scrutinized very closely, he should be aware of it by now.  The worst is yet to come.

Now that Ronald Howell has had the opportunity to have his glimspe inside the LALC site as a result of using a former gullible member, it is good.  He now knows that nothing is a lie.  I imagine that Howell was shocked to find so many former members in one place on the internet sharing their experiences in his cult; even further, Howell probably had forgotten some of the people he had abused. 


What is even more awesome is that Howell now knows our resolve to bring to the light the lies that he has told these past 17 years.  Lies that he has been telling on so many people, but now it is the truth's turn to expose a dirty man.  The church world and people everywhere need to know about the kind of reprobate that Howell truly is and avoid Life Changers altogether. 


I think it was a wonderful 17th anniversary present for NIMROD - Howell to read about himself on LALCs. The site tells Howell just what he needed to know, that he is a no good,  and that he has been ripping off good people for so long.  You know, Howell has no shame.  He does not care - yet.  His days in the pulpit are numbered. 


I have a wonderful anniversary gift for Ronald, and he deserves everything that is coming to him for the rotten things he has done to so many.  Again, this is not hatred, this is what Howell asked for.  During Howell's cultic celebration, I am going to announce the gifts I have prepared for Ronald.  I think everyone will agree that what I have done is more than fair.

I am hopeful that all former members of Life Changers and anyone reading these posts will be mindful to teach our daughters and sons how to watch and report sexual predators and abusers of the rights of people by members of the clergy.


We must ensure that our children learn from our experience in order that may avoid ministries like LCI and false leaders like Apostle Ronald Howell and Pastor Williams.  We must teach them to not only to be able to recognize a cult, that which is contrary to sound Biblical doctrine, but make sure our children know that is in not alright for any member of the clergy to put their hands on them or make any suggestive sexual inuendos towards them.  Most of all we must teach our children how to properly report such evil and wicked types of poeple to the law, something which we are now in the process of doing.  We are going to our part and demand justice against Ronald Howell.


We must  teach our children and others that it is wrong for church leaders to take away their freedom and finances under falsehood such as the 100 + former members of LALC have the power to prove against this reprobate apostle and enemy of righteousness.  Together, we are an advocacy group and we have the power to bring many charges against Life Changers and make them stick!  Trust me, Apostle Howell is afraid of us.


I would like to go on the record as having personally seen Apostle Howell and the woman in question together and the sickening display of affection that Howell demonstrated towards her.  For the moment that is all I will say about this, so Bishop Jones there will be no need to ask any more questions as I have said all I am going to say about the matter in this forum except that in Howell's arrogance and pride he slipped up.  Apostle's libido rules him.


Again, I want to urge LALC members to report Life Changers International, New Horizon's Ministry abuse.  As former members we want to serve as a victims advocacy - oriented ministry.  Our goal is to help former members and members of LCI to break down the walls of silence and inaction surrounding LCI abuses committed by Ronald Howell as he has said so many times, that "he is in charge."


We intend to give victims of sexual, land, property, financial abuse a venue to report, question and dialogue on issues affecting them.  We now are for certain that members of the law enforcement community are interested in what you have to say as Howell is being investigated once again.  Now is not the time to hold back, as a group we have the power to put a rogue minister out of business.  If Howell has ever put his hands on you or your children - REPORT IT NOW!!!  If Howell has ever misled any of you/us in a matter of finances such as his phoney shepherd's appreciation - REPORT IT!  If your child ever became ill over there in the children's church, REPORT IT!   Remember, that Howell has told the people that it is wrong for us to report our giving on our taxes, and that he asked us to give cash inorder to avoid paying the German's thier tax, which is a Bible violation.  Remember Howell does not give anyone  a statement of what they gave him during the year.  I have been making my report to a particular agency, and if you are on this forum and email me, I will give you the names to report any of these matters, they are listening and doing something about it.  You have a right to justice agianst this perverse man and his ministry.


Our ongoing effort is to help bring visability and accountability to the wrongs committed by Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr.  Please, do not let this moment pass you by.  Let's help some other family, and especially woman from ever being touched, felt up/on by this man ever again.  Let's help be a voice to help others from having their finances stolen by deciet.



This thought suddenly occurred to me today: "The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force..." As is my habit, I immediately googled this thought, which is part of scripture (Matt. 11:11-20; Luke 16:13-17). Thank you Holy Spirit for prompting me! (I encourage you to read "The Violent" by Craig Bluemel http://www.bibleanswerstand.org/violent.htm)

I was a faithful member of LCI for as long as the Lord allowed--that is UNTIL my eyes were opened and mind enlightened by the Holy Spirit. The Lord will always provide a way of escape for you when you are tempted beyond your natural means of resitance. I thank God for keeping His hand upon me.

Howell and LCI is an excellent example of how the kingdom of heaven suffers violence at the hands of violent men. I have felt a heavy burden for those left behind at that cult. It is NOT a church. Unfortunately, many people at LCI came seeking a legitimate church. My heart is heavy for them, because they have been VIOLENTLY deceived and ensnared, no matter how good/legitimate it looked, felt, and sounded.

My prayers have been/are directed toward entreating God's mercies on those still trapped in that cult. My prayers have been/are that the LCI stronghold be broken and no longer able to render violence against Your kingdom. Open blinded eyes and deaf ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is and has been saying. We need your direction Lord, and are completely lost without you. You have given us powerful weapons to defeat such strongholds. In the name of Jesus, that stronghold is coming down and the captives are set free! Amen! 



You are so correct in your statement that LCI isn't a Church and I have refused to call it such. I do pray for the ones there for when under the spell of manipulation everyone else is the bad guy while the true perpetrator sits back with the innocent look. Shelly is really taking a stand and I thank her for her efforts to get this false prophet of the streets. This could be my daughter that is molested or my son's family broken up; therefore, I take a personal interest in the end result. These men (Howell, Jones and Williams) are definitely violent as their posts have indicated. They are aware of the mischief and abuse and protect this minister of darkness while he continues to abuse God's "very own" people. I know it's not a lot I can do as far as reporting this predator, but I will continue to do what it takes to warn others. I agree with Shelly for those who were abused by this man in any way should report it.

Paul said it better to marry than to burn; however, this predator prefers to have concubines in his congregation instead of getting married. As we know, no woman would be able to withstand the abuse of this type of person. I have seen it, time and time again. It starts off peachy then the verbal and physical abuse starts. Williams if you are chosen before you are too old, which I doubt, this is what awaits you.  If it’s true that his ex-wife was on drugs, being with such an abuser would almost explain this story. Not giving her an excuse for such an act, but a man that’s able to love like Christ loved the Church will be able to cover his wife when she’s hurting and make here better not worst – so Howell stop preaching on marriage and learn to live it first!!!! Anyone can read a book and preach it…….. Like I said earlier, it could be our daughter molested or son who loses his wife to Howell's concubine chain and leave our grandchildren neglected thus allowing them to grow up with all types of rejection and insecurity issues - all because what one selfish man wants. This is sad and must be dealt with.

if all this is real why not just call the police


Let's not forget what's important. This man has done what over 100 people say he has. Even if it were to a small degree, it is still unacceptable and he has no regrets for those he has slaughtered - this is what should be the focus. If it were only a few, I would not be on this blog. Rather someone goes to the police is irrelevant. What do we do about this predator in the meantime? I believe the rest will handle itself but warning others of this False Prophet is an absolute must.

I was a member of the holy temple of deliverance and then life changers for about

5 years, i must say that i am surprised at what im reading here, i found the folk at LCI to be good

people and found the apostle howell to be very learned and full of passion.  Objectively i do not see why

he would do such things, he could easily take on a few women and if they all consent to sharing him well then thats their own business.  LCI did seem like a bit of a cult but hey thats church for ya, i was brought up a catholic

and we never read the bible so our sermons are very luke warm and lay people really dont know each other, i consider myself to be a bit of a smart cat and from my understanding apostles howells teaching

comes pretty close to how it was done at Aniock(not that smart), anyways, i also went to spiritual warfare

nights and wouldnt see why if this guy is out of the grace of God why would he mess with this side of things 

This is for Colm Heaney and any other of supporter of Ronald D. Howell Sr for his violence against women.


IT IS NOT ALRIGHT!  You are just another Howell surrogate, and he is a sorry excuse of a human being.


Do not insult our intelligence.  If you go back and read previous posts, they read about the professional responsibility and liabilty of those in the Ministry, just as it applies to a lawyer or doctor.  In this day and age people like Howell are being prosecuted for their "moments" of indescretion.  Howell has had his hand in the cookie jar for the past 17 years.  He "uses" his position of influence to get with these vulnerable and impressionable women, so it is not consent, it is called molestation.  This is the reason he is under investigation.  If you scroll backwards and read previous posts, you can read about such a woman as BW, she was vulunerable and impressionable after her husband left her, and she is not the only one in there in that position that a creep took advantange of.


In Christiandom, it is called "FORNICATION," and Howell taught us that it is WRONG!  Howell taught us that homosexuality is wrong, adultery and fornication is wrong.  Howell taught us from the Bible; he even sold the CDs/DVDs.  Howell taught the same thing as the Apostle Paul, LET EVERY MAN HAVE HIS OWN WIFE!


For a smart cat, you have a lot to learn.  To begin your education I suggest you read a couple of articles @

www.now.org/issues/violence/clergyabuse_factsheet.html (google it) and you will learn about people such as yourself and apostle. - smart- cat!


P.S. the reason Howell did all the nasty things he does is that he is arrogant, wicked, and just plain stupid.




You write all of this scripture and take it upon yourself to try and get people to come forth and report apostle howell, yet you forget that the word says vengence belongs to God.  In all of this you assume Apostle is guilty yet he has not been convicted of anything.  People have spoken of investigations on Apostle Howell for years and yet here you are.  You say all of this but have you even been on LALC?  If you have you'd see that there are not 100+ members that say things and report of Apostles evil doings.  There are over 100 members true, but 100 members that have been invited to LALC, not 100 members that have said anything.  I can create a group and start inviting people to it that doesn't mean that they are aware or even want to be a member of the group it just means that they were invited.  Of the 100 member only maybe 20 or 30 say anything and of those 20 or 30 I've been told even fewer say anything Bad about Apostle.  I've also been told nobody on there has said that they were molested or sexually assaulted or raped.  What you are doing is illegal.  You are trying to incite people to come forward for a cause that may or may not be righteous.  In 17 years and after however many investigations he's still here.  Next you'll be getting people to lie about what he's done.  You are twisted.  We are not to do what you are doing.  You are not doing what a christian should do.  If Apostle did something to you then you take the responsibility of reporting it.  If he didn't then what you are doing is wrong.  You can't go off a whim and take what other people have said and try to be an advocate for all the women "hurt" hurt by Apostle if you weren't hurt and nobody you personally know was hurt.  You are rediculous all of you.  Please if there are investigations, then let them do the investigators do their job and stop this.  You think you know what you're doing but you have no idea. 


There IS an investigation. (period)


My reasons for doing what I am doing are my own, I do not owe you an explanation.


You just go and enjoy your celebration of the wicked.


As for us thinking we know what we are doing, and having an idea - we are doing just as fine as your false prophet - false apostle, false prophetess-pastor sick and you think you are doing.


Again, you are not in charge, so stop giving us orders, we are not in your cultic organization and last thing any of us need is advice from someone who has no respect for women. 


Have you even learned how to respect your wife in public yet?  Last time I saw you in public you did not even know how to speak to your wife.  So before you come on here giving us orders go take a lesson in manners, and learn how to respect your wife.


You of all people have no right to talk about righteousness.  You want to talk about inciting people, then OKAY!  Let's talk about Apostle Howell.  He has repeatedly used his media ministry agianst people to humiliate them, and I can call names of these people that Howell has publicly attacked, to include other church organizations and their leaders.  Stop being a hypocrite!


As for Howell still being there, let us also examine and remember two things:

(1)  The Bible says that because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.  Eccl. 8:11


You see, for 17 years, your Apostle has been doing his dirt, trying to cover his tracks.  He had to know that one day scratch would meet it match - GAME ON!  I am not going to give up until your apostle has all the noterity he deserves.  I am tired of apostle abusing women and anyone else. I am taking a stand, and the reason I came on this site was hoping anyone of importance will read it and be warned not to come to your wicked, dirty and nasty cult.


(2) Apostle Howell on numerous occassions said that he would be leaving.  He said that the Lord had called him away from Kaiserslautern.  He said that he did not only belong to that area, and he even gave a date that he would be leaving.  That date is over two years old.  So when is the lying apostle going to hit the trail?


Here's a question for you Noble:  What would the rate of molestation, manipulation, and abuse be if Apostle leaves Kaiserslauern?


Here is another reason not to boast about your false leader being in place for 17 years.  When this man falls there will be no doubt, not even in your mind that he was a false leaders.  The evidence is so stacked against him, the evidence of 17 years.  I think the only one that will be in shock and disbelief is BW, but she is sick anyway.  Just remember, King Saul, and King Ahab ruled for over 20 years a piece, and both were "rejected" by God.  So, I caution you not to boast about things you do not know.  For a bishop, you are not very bright, and that explains why Howell picked you.

Man, im really not trying to get dragged into this, how i popped up, well, i googled apostle howell and this came up, we havent talked in a while , lets keep in touch, its been a busy year, i have a pretty good idea who you are:).  Shelly was giving me a bit of a hard time.  I was simply saying that  i wouldnt see his motivation for doing such things, it may seem a little insensitive to anyone who has really be hurt, however people are innocent untill proved guilty.  I did know bonnie williams, not personally but she was there when i was there and i did know of her husband, though i know nothing of the behind the scenes of there personal life, so unless she has something to say i know nothing. I would like to see what comes of this.


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