Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Eight characteristics of a spiritual abuser.  Can anyone tell me if they might know someone who owns the following traits?

  1. charisma and pride,
  2. anger and intimidation,
  3. greed and fraud,
  4. immorality,
  5. Enslaving authoritarian structure,
  6. Exclusivity,
  7. Demanding loyalty and honor,
  8. New revelation.


At the end of our Solemn Assembly.  I will answer.

Of course this is an EXCELLENT decription of Ronald D. Howell Sr., and Big Junior Jones.

focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat, come, buy wine and milk without money and without costs."


"Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy?  Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight on the richest of fare."


"Give ear and come to me, hear me, that your soul may live.  I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David."


Isaiah 55:  1-3


This invitation is to everyone, but everyone who thirst!  Only those who thirst will come to the waters.  If we are not thirsty for what the "Lord" can give us, then we will never come to His waters.


Those who do thirst, answers the Lord's invitation, don't need to bring money.  Their money won't really do them any good.  They can simply bring their trust and faith, and receive what God has to give them.


This water, wine and milk, it's all free.  It is not that the entrance into the Christian life is free, and then we must be "charged" to advance in the Chirstian life, it is all free.  Our growth is as much a gift as our salvation!


With God's invitation, He asking us to ask ourselves, why do we spend money for that which does not satisfy?  Think about it, in the light of all the "things" we can pour all our time, money and effort into, "things," which will "NEVER" satisfy, the Lord can satisfy.


God's invitation is clear, His offer is made, His provisions are made, and everything is available, but we still must do some things.


First, we must listen dilligently! The satisfaction  God promises does not come to those who do not listen, and listen dilligently!  It takes time, attention and effort to listen dilligently, and some are not willing to do this.


Second, we must eat what is good!  This requires some discernment!  We must choose what is good, and then eat that!  Many just eat whatever spiritual meal that is set before them, without taking care to see that it is good!


Third, we must let our soul delight in the abundance of God's Holy Word.  We must conciously incline our ear to hear what God will say.  This explains why some people can listen to a message, and some will be deceived, and others will be set free to life.  Remember, listen dilligently to what God will say.  Men (women) often have an agenda that is not in line with what God has said in His word already.  This is how come people can end up being "off-ended" (offended) by a false gospel.  Not every message is the good news of Jesus.  Jesus is often used by people with their own agenda, but eventually that work comes to an end.  Simply it is not what God called for, and God is not going to accept any being built on His foundation that He did not order!  


Men put up regulations, heavy burdens, and stumbling blocks and call it a ministry!  The Word of God calls it false doctrine!  False doctrine originated with Satan!  Satan's emissaries, demons, or evil spirits spread his lies and false doctrine.  The Bible says that now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.  (1 Tim. 4:1)


It is a false doctrine of Satan, that gets in between a marriage.  It is a false doctrine of Satan, that tells people they must put in a leave form in order for them to go on a vacation, and it is "silly" for anyone to use any excuse that you can be denied your rights to take a vacation by any cult or church leader.  Again, God's invitation is not laced with false doctrine, such as we are witnessing being written during this Solemn Assembly, so listen dillgently (read), to what is being written.


The church (the body of Chirst) is always under attack by false doctrine, false apostles, false prophets (prophetess') and false teachers, and false pastors.  The Bible says that My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray.  Jerimiah 50:6 


Go back and read the post from this weekend, and even before.  Some valuable information is given to warn the people of God to listen dilligently to what God is saying!  Do you have a personal relationship with God?  If there is always a human voice in your ear, trying to tell you what to wear, when you have to be at church (cult), who to marry, who date, I can take my blessing, I can curse you, tell me your dream, you can't go on vacation because there are messages to be preached, you need your required feedings,  you will always have a man between you and God, you can't hear from God on your own, what will be the anthem of your life, and the list goes on, and on.  IT IS A BUNCH OF "SILLY" CRAP!  Don't fall for it!


Eat what is good.  The Bible says to let no "man" (or woman) deceive you.  (Mt 24:4), let no "man" beguile you beguile you.  (Col 2:4; 18), "BEWARE!"  (mT 7:15; pHIL 3:2; Col 2:8; 2 Pet 3:17), Neither give heed (1 Tim. 1:4; Tit 1:14), Be not carried about (Eph 4:14; Heb 13: 9), "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT!" (1 Jn 4:1)


How can you determine if a doctrine is right or wrong?


By asking God in prayer!  OPPS,  you mean I can go to God without having a man in my ear five to six times a week!  "YES WE CAN!"  (James 1:5)


By studying the church's (cult) doctrine.  (1 Tim. 4: 13; 5:17)  Make sure that what you are joined to, covenated with lines up with the WORD OF GOD!  If you have a leader that is never wrong, and you can't ask questions - GET OUT OF THAT PLACE!  It is not of God.


By studying the Bible personally.  (2 Tim 2:15)  You don't always need another person around you five to six times a week telling you what the Bible says, so you CAN ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, EVEN IT IS TWISTED, AND WRONG!  A good example of that, in the cult, ALL THINGS ARE REPORTABLE!  Tell on thy neighbor, forget about loving them, because in a cult everyone must be in lock step, they can not afford any deviations.  In the cult, it does not matter what you read in the Bible,  all that counts is what the leader says is in the Bible, and what the leader says it means.  You are never free to have an independent thought.  In fact, you are not free, you better be here - ON TIME!  It does not matter if you or your children are sick.  If I can be out here when I am sick to give you your five to six days a week feeding, then by golly you better be here to let me indoctrinate (brainwash) you.  That is the cult!


By looking to the Holy Spirit as a teacher.  (Jn 16: 13; 1Jn 2:27)  What a novel idea, but it ESCAPES THE CULT!


This weekend, we have read posts by leaders who clearly do not line up with God's Word.  Their invitation is LACED with false doctrine.  DON'T DRINK THAT KOOL-AID!  Nothing is free in the cult.  You are not free in the cult.  The message of the cult is meant to  bind you, not loose you.  The message of the cult is to CHANGE YOUR LIFE, not for Christ sake, but for a false dream, driven by a mad man, angry at life, deceived by the devil he serves.  The invitation to come and buy (Ish 55: 1-3) in the cult, is an invitation to death! 


Let your soul delight itself in the abundance of God's Word!


focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

Mr. Jones,


Have you noticed a change in demeanor of some of your members?


"If this ministry cost [sic] me my life, it is my privilege."  -Apostle Ronald D. Howell, Sr.


That is the banner on your organisation's home page.  Does that message sound like someone who seems certain about himself or his future?  HE KNOWS!


I'm telling you RIGHT NOW, be careful who you trust.  As a matter of fact, get legal counsel ASAP.


If you don't believe me, keep a close eye on Howell's itinerary.  If there is a mention any short-notice trips, just out of the blue, you'll know he's running.  You'll be left holding the bag.

Proverbs 26 

 4Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

   5Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

The foolishness written by foolish men and women on this site is not all answered, like that of silly accusations that one would have to purposely not exercise common sense to discern the lie in it.  You don’t want to answer something like that and succumb to that idiotic level, like talking about their children because they talked about yours. 

Now other things you must answer because they misrepresent scripture, the Christian faith, and most of all God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  So they don’t think they know, what they don’t know.  Heir go being wise in their own eyes. 

Now a fool is going to be a fool, it’s rare that a fool is converted, you can tell that at the rejection of wisdom on this site and the regression to childish sayings like “eat a mop, take a hike,  I saw such and such sleeping around (this was about a minor child).”

Jeremiah 20

   9Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.

   10For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

   11But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.

There is nothing new under the sun, the same thing these people are doing was done and recorded in the bible.  If God didn’t let it prevail then, He won’t let it prevail now. 

So the question is who is on God’s side?  Well, what is the character of God? I know for a fact that a true word is being spoken at Life Changers…some of these people on here are actually still trying to talk like Apostle Howell, while they err.  Some still have suits and gifts given to them by Apostle Howell.  Some tried to come back to the church after they left in their disorderly fashions.   Nevertheless, a true man of God will stand, he will continue to do what God is telling him despite men’s faces, men’s blogs, men’s threatenings, and through people leaving and everything else.  God himself told Gideon to let many, many, many people go.  So that when he had to battle the number the odds were not in his favor, because the number was great, but God made sure that when it was time to fight everyone knew it was God that gave the victory.

Apostle Howell encourages all and he himself always gives the glory to God.  You can come hear for yourself the word being preached, hear the testimonies that those on here deny even though they have good things to say themselves, though they refuse.

But, you don’t know these people, they don’t reveal themselves and only have a one sided view, this is unrealistic.  You can see the people they talk about, they’ve called them by name and told you the place where they are.  You can talk to real people if you chose to…who would choose to believe an alias over a real person.

 Rats hide in darkness veiled by an alias, rats have something to hide, that’s why you can’t see their picture and talk face to face with them.  Rats lie, rats steal, rats cheat, and rats always get caught.

If you want to know what we represent come to Life Changers where Jesus is the light and truth and way and is always present.

These Pearls of wisdom are for those that have an ear for truth and not gossip.

God Bless all you who thirst after righteousness, you shall be filled.


Praise be to God for a beautiful uninterrupted celebration of 17 yrs. for LCI!!!!!   Rejoice!!!!

What is folly is how you expect me to "believe an alias" instead of declaring your true identity.  Have you banned Mr. Jones from visiting this site?  You know very well your time is nigh.  You know you can feel the pressure closing in on you.  What's sad is that you will use Mr. Jones as your patsy; possibly cut a deal so you can get a lesser penalty.

"Rats lie, rats steal, rats cheat, and rats always get caught."

Indeed.  And it's soon time for you to pay for the misery you have inflicted

focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content

You have well spoken of your leader, Rats hide in the darkness.  Rats steal money for speaker they know will never show.  Rats place debt on innocent and unsuspecting women.  Rats refuse to give annual tithe statements.  Rats chase you around Vogelweh, telling you that you are cursed because you left LCI.  Rats, go on the WordNetwork and blast innocent people.  Rats stalk women.  Rats lie about being a cult, The RAT had a face to face with everyone that left, but THE RAT would not heed wisdom.  The Rat is losing members and money. The Rat has plenty to hide.  The Rat can't keep his filthy hands where they belong.  The Rat is about to join the pastor and celebrate a nervous breakdown.  The Rat hired a spiritual bankrupt man for a bishop.  The Rat told us he was collecting money to buy the lot accorss the street, and then the money disappeared.  The Rat has no favor.  The Rat is a false apostle.  The Rat runs a disease laden children's church.  The Rat has no victory.  The Rat did not enjoy his cult fest this past weekend.  The RAT is already caught.  The Rat is leading his members straight to hell!  The Rat's view is the only view he will accept.  The Rat has a fixation on particular women.  The Rat misuses the Word of God, and teaches his blind followers to do the same.  The Rat fails to realize that Life Changers Internations is NOT A CHURCH, IT IS A CULT! 


Can you please tell me the next scheduled date for Mega Cult Fest 2013?


I want to schedule another Solemn Assembly.



focus on Jesus Christ.

Apostle Ronald D Howell Sr. is a vicitm of cyberstalking there are posts on this discussion as well as others that is proof of this, below is the definition of cyber stalking, it is apparent that these people will go to great lengths to stalk and defame the character of Apostle Howell.  You decide for yourself if this is what is going on before believing what they say...

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.[1] Cyberstalking is different from spatial or offline stalking. However, it sometimes leads to it, or is accompanied by it.[2]- Which would mean they would sit outside the house of the person and note who's at their house

A number of key factors have been identified:

  • False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.[5]
  • Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [6]
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.
  • False victimization. The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases


Preliminary work by Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij has identified four types of cyberstalkers: the vindictive cyberstalkers noted for the ferocity of their attacks; the composed cyberstalker whose motive is to annoy; the intimate cyberstalker who attempts to form a relationship with the victim but turns on them if rebuffed; and collective cyberstalkers, groups with motive.[14] According to Antonio Chacón Medina, author of Una nueva cara de Internet, El acoso ("A new face of the Internet: stalking"), the general profile of the harasser is cold, with little or no respect for others. The stalker is a predator who can wait patiently until vulnerable victims appear, such as women or children, or may enjoy pursuing a particular person, whether personally familiar to them or unknown. The harasser enjoys and demonstrates their power to pursue and psychologically damage the victim.[15]

The most common behavior is to post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact.[17] In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory content


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