Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Reply by Colm Heaney on April 20, 2012 at 9:33am

"So Shelly, what do you want to happen, lets agree that howell has broken up familys, lets say he had sex with some members and lets agree that he has walked around with a married woman, so what now. He's also taken a lot of money from people but if people are silly enough to give him there money well thats on them.  Ever hear of the rich man who met the wise man..the wise man went away financally richer and the rich man went away wiser."


I felt compelled to dredge up this little nugget. 

This is typical of a sycophant and enabler to try and rationalize bad behavior.  

So if we are all to admit Howell has done all these terrible things, we should call it a lesson learned in move on as if it were a pearl of wisdom to be taken advantage of.

“…thats [sic] on them.”  Words to live by?

The answer to give Colm is to allow both the justice of God and the due process of Law to takes it course as both are doing now.


God has warned Howell several times over the years, and what did Ronald do?  He chased away every warning God sent, and that is why in the day when Howell cries, God is not going to hear him.  Howell´s reputation in the church world, and the Kaiserslautern, community is in tatters.  Even the Bishop is running arond the community speaking to former members talking about:  "they talking about us."  That means the warning of others to avoid this dangerous cult Life Changers is working.


Faith means taking risks, and I am willing to take this risk, if it means that no other woman will be molested, a family remains together, a marriage remains in tact, and children can grow up without being thrown into a place filled with sickness and disease, all of this because of some shallow egotistical baboon that calls himself an apostle but in reality is a sexual predator, just a wolf in sheeps clothing.


Ronald Howell is not rich; all that he has gain through wickedness, lying and deceit will be taken from him.  Before this man´s dies, the Lord is going to allow him to see the vast waste of his life, and then shall Howell cry, and this cry will be uncontrollable, there is no consolation for someone who has tasted of the heavenly gift, and turns his back on God.  Ronald Howell sold out to his lust; he traded God, for the world.  It is sad, that all Howell has is in this world, and that´s it.  This is the only joy that he is going to ever have.  He has become a self-made fool, Howell says in his heart, that there is no God.

I continue to think about Noble Son´s insistence, that it is nothing wrong with Howell hanging out with another man´s wife.


Now I remember that Ronald taught that this type of behavior is wrong.  During Ron´s teachings of the Business of Marriage, I distinctly remember fuzz face teaching us about this behavior as being unacceptable.  Too bad Howell does not eat some of the spiritual food he serves his congregation.


What Howell did not know, is that over two years ago, he was seen by former members at the pediatrics center in Landstuhl.  Howell has no children, but he does have a sweet tooth for this same married woman from his cult, that works there.  So the hospital staff was notified and given a picture of Howell, and his sweetie.  See everyone, Howell has been caught a long time ago, and he didn´t even know it.


This leads me to this thought, my husband would not like it if I was always in the company of another man.  Any man worth his salt, would not like it if their wife was always seen at the gym with another man, or the man was always coming to my job, or we are seen at other rendezvous´.  My husband would not like it if while he was working at the call center in the cult, I was at the apostle´s house.  My husband especially would not like it if another man sent me a text message telling me that "HE LOVES ME."  These are the things that Noble Son Howell is vigorously tring to defend as right, when we all know that it is wrong, and he and his leader are so lame as to insult everyone´s intelligence by saying otherwise, and besides Howell, you were already spotted, so there is no need to keep on denying.








I don’t know if anyone here is aware but I believe Apostle Howell, somehow, convinced the LALC coordinator to shut the site down. I was an ex-member who somewhat believed that Howell was innocent until now. Why would he want the site closed, if he was truly innocent? This has shown me that maybe what I have been hearing has some truth to it; I just don’t know. This site was helping me cope with what I believe was maltreatment. I am receiving good counsel from my new pastor. The LALC group, however, helped quite a bit in my recovery and will be a great lost to a lot of us. Is this a place for the rest of us to get the help we need? Thanks in advance for your help.

Well Frank,


You have someone more than the LALC site, Jesus Saves, and He heals.  I just finished praying, and I feel excellent!


if the site is ever closed down, we can alway begin a new site, all of us know the members of the site.  Not a problem.


The site serves as a place of healing for former members of LCI, and many of us are on each other´s facebook.  No matter.  It was a closed site.  No one other than the members could see what was said.  Howell was able to weasel his way onto the site through an unsaved woman, who sleeps around Kaiserslautern, looking for unsuspecting servicemen to marry, so she can have an I. D. card, and keeps on having a babies so she can get free money from the German government, sleeps all day, and party´s at night.  This woman and Howell are a perfect match in that they are both parasite, they subsist on others to make their living dishonestly.  Maybe both of them should go in together and start a club, afterall, that is Howell´s dream, and that girl loves the night life, both would be perfect serving their lusts in a club rather than using a church, and watching that skinny Winne of a married woman, who always has a bad hair and make-up day, girating badly to the music on stage at LCI.  (if she only knew how "silly" she looks)


Howell has the Hazards of a Suspicious Mind, and just knowing the site exists is a dig in his lost soul.  It torments this man, because all of these people are a reminder that he is a failure of a leader.   All of the LALC members suffered some form of abuse at one time or another under Howell.   They will heal, God will see to it, they must look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.  LALC has done a terrific job, and again I praise the creator for being an astute, and remarkable person. 


The good things is, that there are plenty of sites denoucing Howell, and the leaders are going to wear themselves down chasing everyone.


So do not be concerned if LALC actually closes, We can start another one.

Therefore, to him that knows to do good, and does it not, it is sin.


James 4:   17


The attitude of someone caught up in a sexual sin (molestation, rape, adultery, etc.), you know when a person has it, when you can´t tell them nothing, and they run, then make excuses for themselves.  Such as the case of Ronald D. Howell´s and his cohorts, which come on this network trying to defend such behavior.


The message to them is don´t blame it on a spirit, it is an attitude; when you know better you have no excuse.


Some people caught up in sexual sins have the urge to change, but refuse, they fight change!  Noble Son, Colm, Lacie, Jorge, all Howell operatives are fighting change.  I want them to know that the attitude of sexual sin leads to uncommital, that is why Lacie shall always be the bridesmaid, and never the bride, she will always be one of the other women, no more than a passing fancy, a whim of the moment, until some other strumpet comes along.  It is a sad thing to watch a woman grow older, waiting on jive turkey to make up his mind to do right.  Lacie, don´t spend your time looking out the window checking out other options.  Get out of Life Changers, and get a life before it is too late.  You have lost much, your reputation is preceeds you in the community; people, especially women are looking at you, and wondering what is going on in that mind of yours, that you would waste your life on someone that only cares about his needs.  I can understand Noble Son´s conduct, while most would say that stupidityy is no excuse, but Noble Son wears stupidity better than Howell wears his suits.  Perhaps one day Noble will shed his garments of darkness in exchange for truth, in the meantime I can sort of accept that stupidity looks good on him.


This attitude of sexual sin has led the cult leader to a life of uncommital, and it exposes him in a different light.  Often we heard Howell publicly remark about the fault of his former wife, blaming God for his divorce.  We heard Howell say that he would probably never marry again, because he was hard to live with, yet this lying wonder wants us to believe that it is all his former wife´s and God´s fault that he is the way he is.  If Howell would cut down on his stupid remarks when he is suppose to be preaching then it would have served him better.  Instead for every idle word Howell gave, it is now bringing him into judgement, and he has the audacity to claim that he is the victim.  Howell is a victim of himself.  He did all of these dirty things to himself, he defiled himself, he practiced deciet himself, no one made him do it, but he did it to himself, and HE KNEW BETTER!  This is a personality defect, and as long as he stands aloof he will not get any better, and everyone, would you like to know how I know that Howell won´t get any better?  BECAUSE HOWELL TAUGHT THIS SAME LESSON TO ALL OF US!


Everytime, that a person is caught up in sexual sins, and they seperate themselves, this type of person grows cold, and feels uncomfortable around Christians.  Therefore, Ronald Howell is comfortable around Noble Son, Lacie, Jorge, Colm and the rest of his members, because they are not Christians.  No cult is a part of the Body of Christ.  No false teacher of the Bible is of Christ, and those who follow Howell and know that this man is guilty may excuse him if they like, but the end of this is sin unto them. 


People who currently attend LCI, have to hang their heads in shame in the Kaiserslautern, Huntsville communities.  People everywhere are wondering what makes people follow a lie.  Women, want to know why another women would follow any leader that preys on women.  The best thing that ever happen to every former member of LCI is that all of us had a falling out with the devil, and we won!


Many have lived trying to accomodate their comforts, and wants; this brings about a deformity in character.  It is always about that person, and to that person, everything in that type of life is fine as long as they get what they want.  This type of person will never get a break-through.  This type of person is not capable of asking God for anything, as long they have their own resources, and that is what Noble Son, Lacie, Colm, Jorge, and the membership of LCI represent to this reprobate, they are all no more than a thing - resources.


Howell was hungry for power and fame.  I had to laugh at him; one evening during the cult service, when Howell was annoucing all of his little plans for Huntsville, I see his small mind planning his assualt on that city.  Howell laid it all out how he would go into Huntsville and get power and be a force to be reckoned with among civic leaders.  I imagine that even God was laughing at Howell, and even the demons who faithfully fill the empty seats in LCI were making fun of Howell and his "silly" plans.  Howell will never attain because of a wrong attitude.  Howell did not go to God to get HIS plan, instead Howell would rather steal, kill and destroy, and that is why the demons cackle everytime Howell has a plan; they are smart enough to know that no matter what Howell attempts, that he is going to fail. 


Howell knows that he cannot ask God, because his plans are something he - Howell wants, he knows that what he is offering those poor; tired remaining souls in LCI is not something that God wants.


Noble Son, and especially Lacie, I want you to know that you can do something wrong for so long, until it becomes right to you, and when someone comes along telling the truth, then you want to kill the messenger, because you failed to deal with the truth.


Howell keeps on asking, seeking and knocking, but he receives it not.


These posts, that Noble Son, and Lacie are fighting are even a chance for them and Howell to repent and make things right, before it is too late.


I had the opportunity to read through most of the posts and it blessed me to know that what I was feeling was not my fault. After reading everyones post, I am more educated on why things happened the way they did. I see the importance of learning God's Word for yourself. A young Chrsitian would never consider a Cult bieng disquised as a Church. This is what I really had a hard time dealing with but I see the truth through all of this. If he ins't easy to live with, why did he teach us that we should be such? I thought you teach what you are presently doing? Just trying to make sense of this. I had three friends who wanted to attend this Church upon getting to Germany but after reading about him on the internet have changed thier minds. I read earlier where a few churches were recommended and will pass this on to them as well. I feel LALC was a private group and not open to the public. Now all we have is to express ourselves in public. Shelly, if another group isn't able to formed, I can vent this way without using my real name. Whatever you'll decide concerning a support group, I am in. The leadership I am presently under are very loving and the people are encouraged to put family before the Church. The Pastor believes if God is really first, then He would want your family affairs in order before serving in the Church. After hearing that I disagreed but after seeing how divorces were not taking place there something clicked on. People were serving and thier homes were in order. God is Awesome.......

Yes, God is awesome.


Again, it is too easy to start another LALC, and the people would join.  It is a good group of people that I wish we were all in the same neighborhood.  Howell labeled LALC as a cult because he could do nothing else.  Howell's only strength is in lying, manipulation and intimidation.  They tried that on here and got kicked.  No one on here is afraid of a two bit lying apostle.  (smile)


I constantly warned people going to Germany about LCI, and I am very graphic about the monster Ronald D. Howell Sr.  I let people know, that LCI has more demons than humans attending it services.  One day Howell will be gone, let's hope that it is soon.   I am happy to know that people are reading these posts, and are being saved from going to LCI. 


If and when LALC closes, I may begin my own LALC site.  Again, just so you, and others know, that when googling Howell with particular words, (all bad ones) there are a lot of bad things on the internet about Howell, and I did not see crazy Lacie, or Jorge claiming that people were cyber stalking them, so I am proud and happy that all of us were able to get Howell and his thug leaders out of their comfort zone.  They do not sleep well at night, but I can't imagine that any of this has done anything to curve that appetite of Noble Son. 

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.


James 4:3


The thing that a person refuses to deal with will eventually expose them.  When everything is for self image, it has to be dealt with, and when you confront self image, it will cause you to correct what is wrong, such as blaming everyone else for your failures.


God has given many messages to Ronald D. Howell about Howell's self image.  All of the messengers over the past 17 years told Howell that he was exposed, but Howell ignored every warning.  Because Howell refused to deal with his attitude = pride = God resists Howell. 


Everything that comes out of Ronald's mouth is about pride, and about showing off.  Howell expected God to give him "stuff," just to show off.  When a person is delivered, they do not try to impress no one.  It is not possible for Howell NOT to see himself as the center of attraction.  Howell took a stand against God, by lying on Him, and siding with the opposition.  Howell may have once had a legitimate desire, but now it won't happen because of his attitude.  No one shakes the fist at God, and gets away with it.


There are those who try to fornicate with God, to get what they want; they treat God like anyone else they slept or fornicated with.  Many times I watched the leader of Life Changers; he was frustrated because his dream of mega church had not come true, Howell simply could not get what he wanted from God.  He refused to deal with his image and attitude.


There is no need to clean up, smell good, and come to church, just to go to Hell, which equals someone who has no intention of doing right.  If a person is going to go to Hell, they should leave the church alone, and go to Hell in style.  Ron now runs around the city with his lip stuck out, mad at the world, blaming everyone because of his choices.  Howell now wants to blame others for the things he did to people.  Howell wants to play the role of the victim.   During the past couple of months, Howell and his cronies have done the best they could to confuse the issues, through fraud, and deceit.  It has failed.  They brag about such little things such as "Howell is still there."  Yes, and it is a good thing that Howell is still right where he is, because it serves as testimony against Howell, because Howell said that he would be gone from Kaiserslautern, over two years ago.  That again, makes Howell a false leader.  The deception is so bad, that it hold a small membership in place.  Pray for those poor souls.


Howell is so decieved that he continues to try to con God, hollering:  "IN JESUS NAME," and not doing right.  Ronald has a committment problem to a woman (Lacie), and God, no one can get Howell to commit to anyone but himself.


Howell should not wait to change his attitude, he should not assume that he has all the time in the world to change.  Many things are going to continue to happen to Howell this year, like Ahab, God says nothing good to His enemies.  Only false prophets speak what Howell wants to hear, and those prophesies will lead to his destruction.


It is fun taking Howell's messages and using them against him, it is like taking his own gun, and shooting him with it.  I imagine that Howell's behind is sore from the tail kicking his own messages are giving him.  I have a lot of fun listening to the false prophet talking about things he cannot follow, but insists that others fall in line behind him.  What a joker he is.


For our readers, we only want to warn the public not to go to Life Changers International, where the leader is a sexual predator, an enemy of marriage, an abuser of people, and a lover of money.  LCI is a cult, not a church.  LCI does not have the interests of God, but the interests of a man.  Howell always tells his members, that he does not need their opinions, they are to just do whatever he tells them.  Like Jonestown, and Waco, there are many victims in LCI, and we want to help others avoid making this mistake.  Sometimes you have to go above and beyond to warn of others of the dangers they will be exposed to if they go down the wrong path.  There are many testimonies from people who experienced a short death as members of the cult LCI.  Now, these people are free, and blessed.  It does not mean that these people (mostly women) have not had a hard time, but by the grace of God, these people have rebounded, and are free and blessed. 


I have a dream that no more women will be molested in LCI, or anywhere else: I also have a dream that Ronald D. Howell 's reign of terror, and falsehood will soon be over.  It will be a wonderful day when LCI is closed down, and the leader's rebellion is brought to an end.


After reading these post, all I can say is Howell you are something else. I have to say I have a lot of respect for the gentleman that came on from the LALC site and spoke his peace. First, he was humble and meek in spirit. Now what I have a hard time understanding is: he took away the LALC site; however, Howell still displays these lies about him on this erroneous blog. These were people God entrusted in his care. Howell, you are a rotten individual and should not be behind a podium. I will not insult you but will tell you what you would hear if you were accountable to another person. My prayer is that you find the error of your ways. This story will not end well if you do not change.



 People of LCI, it is a matter of time for this individual hurts you too. There was a group with over 100 ex-congregants who were in some way abused by this leader. He was so heartless that instead of finding a way to apologize for his wrong he went in relentless pursuit for it to close. He has no regard for his actions and is only concerned about his empire. Believe what you are reading. It is impossible for over 100 people to have the same testimony. You have ruined families and countless of children will grow up without their fathers because of you. However, you will have your kingdom but they will be without a father.

Again, we can open up another closed facebook site, and call it LALCs, and there is nothing Howell can do about it.


Howell did not particularly care about the site, he saw several women on the site that pose a specific danger to him.  Got some news for the old reprobate, these women still pose a threat to him, he will soon find out.


Again, you will not lose your clearances.  Do not be afraid of Howell - anyone.

Is this the norm for most churches? I wish I had this type of warning. Many will be grateful for such a warning.


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