Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Again Frank,


LCI is not a church.  Howell has been decieved by the devil, the one he works for.


For the past three years, I have warned many people heading towards Kaiserslautern about LCI.  I have helped to lead people in the right directions, and I urge others to do the same.

Who NEEDS You? 


1Corinthians 12: 12-27


Before I begin my posts this evening; I notice, just as I am sure everyone else notices the strategy of Howell, to run, dodge, and take down his Black Preaching Posts, so that none of will have a chance to comment about this scum bag of a lying apostle.  His other aim is to get this blog moved as far down from the view audience as possible.  Got news for you Ronald D. Howell, there are many people who probably will not let that happen, at least not yet.  I found several sites with Howell´s name and comments about him.  Again, Ronald, your hour of fame, is nothing more than your hour of shame. 


How do you like you now - False Prophet?


I am unable to speak for Wanzo Brown, but I am sure that this is no coward.  The good thing about him, her, or them is they are not wasting time defending against whatever that idiot Howell and his other cohorts are saying.  That means Wanzo has what Howell has never had - The Victory.


Now, for the rest of the story:  Who NEEDS You?


The Church should be recognized in the community, in which it is located, as pursuing and maintianing a higher standard of morality than that of a worldly society.  It should be the friend, defender and example of all the virtues and the uncompromising oppenent of all wrong and evil; it should be able to command the respect of the world and as the salt of the earth.  Life Changers International is quite the opposite.  All this cult cares about is itself and its reputation, LCI does not care about women, children, families, and marriage.


If you are only doing something for you, then that is idolatry; you are serving yourself and not God!  That is why Howell preyed upon all these women, he was serving himself.  When Ronald failed to serve or function in the body, he ened up falling backwards.  Howell fell into depravity, where he remains to this day, for the past 17 years.  Repentance is the only thing that will get this type of person back on track.  For now, Ronald is not in a position to hear from God, and is misleading congregation of people we dearly care about.


Ronald Howell is a man that loves words he uses great swelling words, but produces bad things, and this makes his ministry a lie.  Life Changers is not a church, it is a cult., it is a lie.  Howell is looking to get to his destination cheap, be irresponsible in the process, and it is irresponsible when you fail to do what is right.




This is a message to everyone about Storm´s recent stupid comments about security clearances.


The Black Preaching Network is privately owned, and since everyone is using an alias, your security clearances are not in jeapordy.  I should know.


The thing that is being investigated against Ronald D. Howell Sr involves sexaul predatory practices, which he is accused of doing over the past several years.  This is what authorites are concerned about.  If authorities were concerned about these posts, then Howell would have went to jail years ago, or been sued.  Howell continues to post personal ID information about his former wife, now you can see what kind of a scum bag he is.  Howell continues to have this fixation on these German women, and he continues to post lies about them.  No one has contacted Howell about his posts, so do not be afraid, it is only a lame attempt on the leaders of LCI to try and make this go away.


Storm is none other than either Howell, Bonny Williams, or Victor Jones, who also uses the alias Wanzo Brown.   The Three Stooges, Larry, Curly and Moe-"JO."  Three badly aging, overweight people. 


Remember that Howell is a master manipulator, he operates in deception.  I am not afraid to move forward in faith.  Faith means taking risks.  I am going forward with my charges against Howell, and I am unmoved by his cowardly attempts to intimidate me, Wanzo, or anyone else.  Ronald D. Howell has been doing this type of thing for over 17 years, and because no one really ever put up a challenge he thought he could keep on doing his dirt and gettin away with it.  I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but I am going to continue to stand on the wall, cry aloud and spare not.  I hope as many will join in, and tell their stories about the disgusting and nasty false apostle Ron Howell.  Obviously, he is running out of steam with his bag of lies, and dirty little tricks.


Let me tell you a secret (everyone)  For those who remain quiet, and do not come forward and tell the truth, will always be backing up everytime the devil has done something to you.  Howell represents Satan, and Satan operates through Howell.  If the devil can get you to keep quiet about the evil he has done, then you do not have a ministry for Christ. 


Right now, Howell is doing everything he can to shut people down, most women.  We are the victims, not Howell.  He thought he could keep on violating our bodies and expect us to keep quiet in the name of the ministry. 




Ron Howell is a sick demented man, who is eventually going to get his dues.  If by my coming on this site will keep another woman from getting molested, then I will continue to come on this site.


Do not be afraid, Howell can not hurt you, he can only threaten, intimidate, lie, cheat, steal, and abuse, this is all he can do to you.  The truth is going to prevail.  Howell has already lost.  He is no more than a chicken that has lost its head, running around flapping in the wind.  Eventually, just like the chicken, Howell will fall dead.

This evening, just a small note from some information I recieved.


The news about Ron Howell being a sexaul predator is all over Kaisersluatern community.  Let's keep up the pressure by getting the word out about this monster.  Women need to be warned not to go to go to Life Changers.  We are making a difference by being on this network, and all the other media available to us.  Write the mayor of Kaiserslautern, and tell your story about nasty Howell.  Write the finance ministry about any information in your possession, tell about Howell's finances, especially about the accounts in Wiesbaden, and that Howell told us to give cash, and how he is using women to attach the debt of LCI, and ruin their credit.  Write the German health department about children's church, and the sicknesses you observed.  Report abuse of the children that Howell beat.  Whatever you got, tell it.


It is only a matter of time before Howell goes down.  One way are another, the rat is not going to beat this rap. LCI has finally earned it true and rightful place of attention as being a sex cult instead of a church.  Howell does have a conubine sitting on the front row.  Their are four select women, all victims, for their sake, report this sexual predator.


Life Changers is cursed, and it is just like I said, Howell cannot hurt you, and you will not lose your careers, or security clearances.  Do not be afraid of them, they cannot hurt you.  Tell what you know.

I write this post as a concerned Christian. I have read through the blogs and must say as Christians we have a job to do. I have read others pleading for this man to repent and I don’t see it happening. When silent, we allow the same thing to happen to the son or daughter of someone else. We should not be silent because it isn’t ours “yet”.  Howell might have gotten the site closed down, but we still have this blog and we can draw from the strength of one another right here. This man has instilled fear from day one and it should stop here. There is nothing he can do!!! I know his time is coming but we must warn as many as we can for it’s our duty as Christians. As sad as it may sound, LCI is not a Christian organization but a Cult as Shelly said and many who are our brethren are being deceived. One more woman molested or family destroyed is more than anyone should be able to handle. I noticed that Howell’s people only came on to cover up, never to repent. That was enough for me to join this cause. I realized that here were many people in LALC for a reason and I can’t allow that number to become 200 in the next few years. God Bless everyone and I will pray your strength in the Lord.

Mr. Howell, how many more people are you willing to hurt before you realize the error of your ways?

Well Concerned Christian,


There is now a new site, and I am sure you will be invited to join, by the creator of the new site.   And I can garuarntee that this site won´t close.  (smile)


It´s already gaining members.



Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve.


Sir Walter Scott


One thing Ronald Howell Sr taught us is that a guilty "dog" wags it tail.  Ronald D Howell you are wagging that tail.


Who outside of Life Changers do you think is going to believe that you are innocent of molesting these women?


Howell has no power outside the gates of his cult Life Changers.  The only one who believes your lies are those simpletons you proselytize and yourself.


May I give you some advice Mr Howell?  Never send people on your behalf if not asked, it makes you look even more guilty.  How could you be so stupid?  I guess that is what it means when they say that sin makes you do some S.T.U.P.I.D things.  Howell, you have now fully established your own guilt.  You make it easy for the authorities to convict you.


Another thing that I can almost garuantee, is that Howell does not have any better sense than to holler, nag and complain about everything coming against him before his crowd.  Howell was stupid like that.


For our viewing audience, if you are in Kaisersluatern Germany, or Huntsville Alabama, please get the word out about Apostle Ronald D. Howell Sr, that he is not a qualified counselor, in fact authorities both American and German need to verify his educational credentials, in fact they need to verify that Howell even graduated from High School.  Past leaders of LCI verify that his education is unaccredited.


Get the word out, especially to ladies, that Howell counsels with his hands.  Howell likes to "feel" up the women.  The word is getting out around the community, help me with get the word out a little further.  Women, please do not go to Life Changers and become a victim of Howell and his assistant Bonny Williams.  Don´t let them counsel you.  These two work as a team. 


Now for those who are helping Howell in his lie, this is for you:


Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord and so bring wrath on yourself from the Lord?  2Chron 19: 2


For Bishop Jones, Bonny, and those who have daughters, and are helping Howell, you bring wrath on yourself from the Lord, and you will reap what you have sown.  In that day, Howell will be gone, but you will still be on the earth.  Think about how each of you are going to feel when some low life put their hands on your daughters.  In that that day when this evil is visited on your doorsteps, remember how you help the wicked Ronald D. Howell Sr, the one who hates the Lord. 


Other women are going to come forward and report slimey Howell, he will soon reap the reward of the wicked for all the pain and suffering he is causing.


I have a nice surprise for you devil boy.  This is going to blow you out of the water, when it happens you are going to lose your mind.  You know Howell, you talk too much, and everytime you open that big mouth, you give evidence against yourself.  Thanks for the gift - reprobate.


Here´s a pleasant surprise for those desiring a new LALC home.  There is now a new site, soon, those from the old site will receive invitations to join.  This time no one is going to close this site down.  (smile)


Thanks to everyone for their support in getting the word out about this sexual predator.

There is no system in place to prevent this type of stuff in the Church. LCI should be the safest place. However, I can say most secular places are safer in my opinion. Mr. Howell, really bruised me at a time when he should have been mentoring or Shepherding me. He is the meanest man I ever met and I grew up witnessing abuse. When I read about him throwing a chair at one of his members for making a mere mistake, I did not doubt it. After reading the post on LALC and this blog, my eyes have opened and I see things for what they are by the day. Only if I had this warning before joining, I would have avoided this detour and trap.

Well Frank,


There are the victims, that are coming forward, and reporting Ronald Howell.  These are brave souls, and because they come forward, and our warnings against this sick, demented sexual predator, these other women will be spared, at least from nasty Howell.  It takes my appetite away when I think of that nasty man touching me.  HOW DISGUSTING!


The system in place is called "AWARENESS & PREVENTION!"  Women need to be aware not to allow themselves to be so trusting of any spiritual leader, do not forget that they are human.  Women, do not find yourself alone with your spiritual leader, and do not allow that person to touch you.  No more than a handshake or a hug, in the company of others.  Do not go to the spiritual leader´s house, or find yourself on his couch in his office.  There are women sitting on the front row of LCI that have been in the house of Howell all night.  Howell taught the singles, that this is inappropriate, but he allows his woman pastor to shack up with him.  He allowed married women to be in his house alone with him.


We should not discount our time spent in LCI; we are now able to help inform others about cults, and their demonic persuasion.  We are able to speak about people like Lacie, Jorge, Noble Son, how they would go as far as to hurt someone for the likes of Howell.  We are now able to tell others about the misuse of money, how a spiritual leader misleads and cheats unsuspecting people out of their hard earned money.  Howell takes up a lot of offerings.  Some of the people often hold up empty hands during the robbery  ( I mean offering), during the prayer either by Petty or Nettles, and when those white buckets come down past their seats, I often laughed at them placing their hands in the bucket.  I laughed because these people were putting one over on Howell, and the fact that when the bucket came to me, it was empty.  (smile)

There are lots of thieves and robbers in the church; we must learn to discern who is standing before us.  When wickedness comes to your ear, it is an attempt to make you fall.  If you continue to allow the wickedness to speak into your life, then you become infected, stay away from those types of people.


Ronald D Howell Sr has infected a lot people over the past 17 years with his brand of deception.  I need everyone to understand that Ronald is affected by a demon.  Ronald is not in his right mind.  He has a lying spirit, and he cannot help himself;  the only thing that he can do is lie, Howell  is not capable of telling truth.  Both his cohorts, Victor Jones, and Bonny Williams are no different.  They will lie, and cheat for Ronald Howell, because they allowed Howell to infect them years ago.  They are not able to help themselves.  So now, we can understand (not accept), why Ronald will continue to deny that he did anything wrong to these women that he preyed upon, and the Fab Four (one is married) women he continues to enjoy at will, all sitting on that front row in the Cult Life Changers International New Horizon´s Ministry in Kaiserslautern, Germany.


For the current membership of LCI, you leader is pure evil, and ladies of LCI, you may continue to sit there in denial about the monster standing before you behind that stupid marble slab, but be warned, do not go into any counseling sessions with your false apostle, and you need to consider the fact that you, and your familes are infected with the deceptions that Ronald Howell speaks into your ear everytime you attend your cult sessions.


Some of the women of LCI are so skinny, frail, and weak.  One of them suffers from an identity crisis.  If you look at her picture, her skin is pulled so tight against her body that she looks like a dress up skelleton.  The married mistress in the concubine has a problem with the color of her skin. She is unhappy with the color God gave her, so she wears so much makeup that it turns her face whole different color.  If she wanted to be a clown, why didn´t she join the circus?  These arr just a some examples of the cause and effects of demonic activity in LCI.  Howell did a teaching about the transference of evil spirits, how they are primarily transferred through sexual activity.  It is too bad that Howell did buy a copy of his own teaching and follow the directions.


Ronald Howell once said that we are justified reviling those who speak untruth; he said tell them that you are not judging them, you caught them.  At this point Ronald would say:  "NOBODY SAW ME DO ANYTHING TO THESE WOMEN!"  All of these women coming forward, saw you Ronald D. Howell Sr.  They felt your nasty hands, and stinking hot breath on them.  They smell your nasty body on them.  All of these women experienced filth at its lowest level, the day you touched them.  


That married woman, who used to clean Howell´s house, we know what happened to her.  That woman that you promised marriage to, just so you could get in her pants, and after you got what you wanted you moved on, we know what happened to her, don´t we Ron?  And the list goes on and on.  Many of us know the trauma that these woman are still going through, all because of a man with who has an overrated opinion of his arrogant self.


For those German women, that Ronald Howell is currently targeting, remember that it gives God glory to work out a problem.  God will REMOVE" sources of problems, and situations, He may not do it the way you think He should, but know that right now God is orchestrating all of these events that are unfolding in front of all our eyes.


Let Howell continue to make excuses, remember this:  "low self-esteem always breeds excuses."

Shelly you have made an excellent point. Mr. Howell isn’t going to change and I believe it’s what you indicated. Somehow, he has yielded his members to Satan and will only destroy those around him. Frank, I recommend you not taking your mistreatment personal he only can display what he has yielded himself to. I believe he has been entangled with the enemy so long that the journey back to righteousness may be well out of his grip. Nonetheless, I know God can do all things but Howell’s efforts seem to be futile concerning change.

We are dealing with a man who, I hate to say, is a sinner leading what he calls a church. This is the sum of the equation. Shelly and Frank, we can’t expect God’s supernatural love to generate for an unregenerate person. The sad reality is Mr. Howell isn’t finish and will continue until God completely remove him and it will happen in God’s timing and God’s way. All that can be done is warning those who may be unaware but, at the end of the day, the choice is theirs to make. My prayers are for this organization to close down before more people get wounded but I know God is perfect and this will work according to God’s divine plan.

LCI, you are under a man who is posing as a Shepherd who loves you. Read through these posts and you will see differently. It is his job to make all of this look as an attack against him so you can continue to fund his lavish habits that an Army retirement can’t afford. His two henchmen are on the payroll for that is what motivates them to make this go away as well – this is affecting their pockets too for the love of money is the root of all evil. You should give God what’s his but God will only have you give to something that is yielding His fruit. If you are giving seed and what you are reading is the fruit thereof, your seed is being sowed in corrupt ground.

Amen. Well said Concerned Christian. Your last paragraph sums it up well, especially for those who may need a basic explanation or appeal for righteousness in a most logical sense.....


I hope people listen, carefully to all that has been said. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. The Spirit of God will not FORCE or drive you to any choice. The choice is yours. However, you will be held accountable for yay or nay. By staying and continuing to partake of LCI, you are in agreement with what is taking place and are just guilty--when you have been informed. It's just as if you were in the car while someone committed a crime, even though you didn't physically commit the deed......Besides, you know the truth. Trust me. As a former LCI member who "swatted" at the truth trying hard to "make" it "not so", what you are sensing/feeling/seeing/dreaming is the Holy Spirit revealing ugly truth. Yet truth it is!! Please, listen to Him.


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