Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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A hypocrite is someone said to possess certain traits, or criticize people who do not have them, but they don't have them, themselves.  Howell is dead.


Ron Howell once said that after a person committs in a marriage, the only way they could absolve themselves of the marriage is by "spiritual death."  I now have a better understand of why Ronald is possess with a demon, in particular, a lying spirit, Howell is spiritually dead.  Ronald Howell who taught others, twice, could not keep his marriage vows, therefore Howel has no problem violating women, and others marriages.  Howell has no problem occupying another man's wife time at the gym, on her job, at his house, paly dates, and sending "I love you" text messages to that woman, it is what a reprobate does, with no conscience at all.  Howell is spiritually dead.


The attitude of adultery has little to do with the act, but it has more to do with an unclean spirit, and his sexual deviation was a symptom, not the problem, just like a runny nose, and a sore throat are symtoms of a cold.  Howell's adulterous attitude was long before established due to his worldly committment.  Howell never surrendered to God, he only pretended.  Howell is dead.


Howell has low self esteem problems, that is why Howell molested these women.  Howell has issues with being under authority, but he has no problem with telling another person that they need to be under authority.  I often wonder is Brother Nettles ever thinks about that when he admonishes the crowd in LCI that they need to be under authority, yet his sexual predator of a leader answers to no one.  Ronald D. Howell Sr, is rebellious, and the people in his cult are too spiritually blind to see it.  I now understand why Howell would lie about the other churches in the community never inviting him to community events.  The people remember who Sergeant Howell was; a man without honor, cheating on his wife, a gambler, a hustler, and a thief, and now all of a sudden he rises through the ranks to become an apostle.  At least now, the people know that Howell never changed, he is the same old liar, only now he wears colorful pimp clothes, and pimps a front row of women.  Howell is dead.


The attitude of adultery starts with selfishness, this attitude is only concerned about: "what's right for me."  A selfish attitude shifts in fundamentals from "I DO" to "I DID."  Again, Ronald is not qualified to tell a gopher who to marry, let alone people.  Howell could not walk the walk, but the liar has the nerve to tell people who they can and cannot date.  When someone does not listen to Howell, and goes ahead with the marriage, and Howell sees you in the community, the man becomes a raving lunatic, running behind people, yelling curses at them.  This too is on file at the Military Police Station in Kaiserslautern.  Howell is dead.


There are many characters in a person, what if you have a character in you that is not a friend of Jesus?  That is the character that Howell has, and he is infecting a small group of people to have the same attitude, like Victor Jones, and Bonny Williams, all of Howell leaders have a character that is not a friend of the Kingdom of God.  Howell is dead.


An attitude pull on your life to retrograde you is not going to advance you.  Howell is dead.


Don't commit under words of deception, make sure your word create the right environment for committment, and you won't be a partner in stupidity.  You cannot be absolved from a committment you made just because you or somone else is acting up.  Howell died.



Be encouraged in the Lord. It is clearly repeated throughout the Bible, how the Lord often uses unorthodox--even outrageous--means to accomplish His ends. That's why it takes bold and outrageous faith and WORKS to please God and make HIS will happen here on earth, as it is in heaven.


Be encouraged. You have definitely encouraged me and have confirmed so much that the Spirit has shown me while I attended LCI. EVERYTHING you have said regarding the characteristics and behavior of that cult and its members is true. Everytime I randomly come across a (what I believe to be) current LCI member, I think about how you told me that they will act funny:-) Sure enough. They do. SO STRANGE. Wow. LCI is a cult!!

Yes, those poor souls are decieved, but eventually most of them will have their eyes opened, and they will leave LCI.  Many of them that leave LCI will go on to tell some of the same stories we are telling on this network.  They will tell stories about how they were decieved by a false apostle.  I am interested in their story of how God opened their eyes to the death that is surrounding them, and caused them to leave LCI.

Boy I tell you. What I would give to have had these warnings before joining LCI. You guys are awesome and it's good to see people like you caring about people you have never met. It speaks volumes. This has inspired me to keep going and let God continue the healing process. God did not allow his deeds to go unpunished.

Howell is not getting away with nothing.  I don't care how much he lies, or who helps him, he is paying for his terrible acts against women, marriage, and children.  More to follow.

Maybe Howell should consider physical castration, that may be an option, while it is physically multilating, it is acceptable treatment for sexual offenders.  I hear it makes men more affectionate, or is that a dog, that it makes more affectionate?  In Howell's case, what's the difference.

To outsmart ones self means to defeat oneself unintentionally, by overly elaborately intrigue, scheming or the like.  It often surprises the individual.


I have given a great deal of thought about the sites that Ronald Howell created on the internet, using the aliases of S. Jeffereys, NIMROD, and I thought about Lacie Monique's post about IP addresses leaving evidence.  Howell and his lady friend have outsmarted themselves.  By putting pictures of particular people, they have given the authorites a lead, and an open door of information, all that will incriminate Ronald D. Howell Sr. (smile)


I bet all of those people can provide a a great deal of information against Howell.  This time Howell has helped put his own neck in the noose.  See, I told you, that sin will make you do S.T.U.P.I.D things. 


Howell often talked about hanging out with the wrong people, he often taught about taking along, or going with the wrong people is like inviting destruction on oneself.  I guess that is what Lacie, and Noble Son represent, Howell's eventual destruction.


Noble Son kept asking for proof, and now it appears that is what all these people are going to provide that Howell stupidly singled out.  Anyone as dumb as Howell, Lacie, and Noble have no business operating any business, especially what they call a church.


Congratulations Ronald D. Howell Sr, you finally outsmarted yourself.


For those who are members of LCI, take a good look at a defeated man, and realize, that some of you help to hang him.  Thanks for your help.

An opportunist is a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by principle.  It is the concious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage; an opportunist is usually a greedy person who uses every opportunity to be in control of someone or something to move up at anyone's expense.


Ronald Howell once said that it is easy to look at one's self, and be depressed.  I imagine Howell has no mirrors around him.  Therefore Ronald, please allow our posts to become your mirror as you take a real good look at yourself.


The public should understand the difference between a visionary, and an opportunist.  A visionary thinks or plans the future with wisdom, this does not describe the cult leader, Ron Howell. Being an opportunist comes quite easy to  Howell.  He lives to exploit women, by taking advantage of single moms, women going through a difficult transitions, inparticularly with relationships gone bad; Howell loves to instigate breakups between couples, and he cleverly uses his brand of ministry to destroy relationships, especially families.  Ronald Howell is clever at spotting any opening into the lives of women, and that is how he has been able to get by with preying upon women all these years.  Like a tiger on the prowl, Howell carefully stalks his victims.  Howell loves women who lacked a father figure, that is the main reason behind his spiritual fatherhood authority.  Howell uses the role of being a spiritual father as license to have his way with his female victims.  BAD SPIRITUAL DADDY!  BAD DADDY!  Let me tell you married woman, Howell is a poor excuse of any type of father, in fact, he don't even make a good brother becuase when your back is turned - Howell will stiff you.  All of you better be careful


Howell the opportunist, has picked the pockets of the  current "silly" membership (silly is the word Jorge used), while they are singing, shouting and saying "amen" to his cultic messages, Howell passes his white "vomit" buckets to take up a collection.  Howell has perfected the best means of being a rip-off/con artist.


Howell once told us about a carnival where there was a master illusionist.  This illusionist was able to convince the his audience that he had a chicken being pulled by a piece of string, when in actuality it was only straw being pulled by the string.  Howell said that eventually someone who had not been in on the "trick" when it began was able to recognize the deception. 


The people who are able to recognize that LCI is a carnival, with a Howell as a master illusionist, can see Howell's trickery over the people he curretly leads.  Howell should realize the eventually someone in his current group is going to wake-up and realize that they have been had.  Current members of LCI are being pull along, just like that chicken on a string.  Howell has you "clucking' all the way to his bank, bed, and to the poor-house.  That goes for both male and female,  All of them are in bed with the enemy.  All of them sleep the sleep of deception, and eat at the table of death.


Eventually, some of those members are going to wake up from their present dark situation and realize that they are not peculiar people, not members of a royal preisthood; they will realize that LCI is NOT a holy nation.  They will realize that they have been getting dressed up, singing and shouting, and giving their money to a man who affords expensive clothes, jewells, cars, and lives like a king, spending $2500.00 weekly on a 30 minute broadcast "who was" hoping to score and make it big, purchasing property in Huntsville, Alabama, hoping to grip and grin with high society, and the educated elite of Huntsville.  Just think, a dirty old over-sexed predator rubbing shoulders with high society trying to pass himself off as a clergymen.  That is like dressing up a pig, but it still "oinks," and it is still a pig.  Get the point Howell?


Here is the funniest part of the whole scheme of Howell; he convinced Victor Jones that he was going to be a big shot as "bishop," he made Victor believe that lie.  Can you imagine what people would have thought when they seen that over weight man with a microphone in his hands giving a sermon about: "His man of a god?"  I laugh everytime I think about it, and I know that everyone else who watches that clown will be entertained for a short while, then they will get up and go find a church instead of a circus.

You do remember the old fashioned circus, that had all kinds of curiosities?  Let's see, they had the fire and sword eaters, the fat lady, human pretzel, and the man who stuck his head in the Lion's mouth.  Does anyone remember these things about the circus.


At LCI they have clowns,  Victor and Bonny, Livestock (chickens), these are the members clucking and chirping to their Ring Master cult leader Howell.  Instead of a fat lady, LCI has a fat cult bishop; instead of fire eater, they have a dragon for a pastor, that represents the serpent of old, Satan. Instead of the human pretzel, they have demonically oppressed females who starve themselves and look worse than a pretzel.  Instead of the man that puts his head in the Lion's mouth, Howell puts his foot in his mouth.  You see everyone,  all the while we were attending LCI, we were attending the circus.  I am so glad I stop buying tickets to worst show on earth.  Let's not forget, that no circus would be complete without a monkey and organ grinder.  Everytime I see those two musicians, especially the one playing the drums, I remember that mechanical monkey, you know, wind it up, and watch its head bob up and down, while its arms are flailing  up and down beating that drum. What would cultic worship be without its "monkey's?"  Lastly, let us not forget the caged, and chained animals; that is what the children church (camp disease) represents.  I hope the authorities will go by and take a look at children coming out of that cage late nights, some of them barefooted.  Yes, go by and take a long good look at children being neglected by decieved parents who have those poor little ones out five to six nights a week, or the parents just leave the little darlings "home alone!"


In case anyone finds this funny, it may seem like I am insulting these people, but everyone mentioned is a leader who has helped Howell in the past with strong arm tactics against our sisters. All of them have been a hand, eye, finger, toe, leg, mouth in aid to a sexual predator.

It is excellent to know that there are people out there that will not let Mr. Howell continue to destroy other people. Silence is agreement. Shelly may be a little radical but there is a point in her message. LCI members, we love you and want you to be free, but it is our jobs as Christians to warn you of deception. God will insist we do so. Just know what your money is supporting…..What now since you have been warned? Will you continue to support what may be your own demise? Remember, his job is to cover this up to continue to drain you dry. After this, he will move to the next victim and you will be destroyed like the 100 or so. As long as you are going along with his program, you are ok, but when you decide you want to do what God requires, everything will change.

One of the sad misfortunes in the cult Life Changers International involves the children.  Noble Son eludes quite well about the fate of the children; society calls it child neglect, both Ronald Howell and Noble Son call it a sacrifice for the cult ministry, due sermons that have to be preached.  Howell always told us that he did not want to hear nothing about family time, family outside of the cult is not important, and the children of cult parents are victims as well as their parents.


The child whose parents are members of the cult Life Changers (and any cult) are held hostage to the cult leader Ronald Howell´s peculiar ideas of childrearing; that explains why Howell beat children without permission.


Within the totalitarian context of the cult LCI, there is a primacy of Howell´s idealogy over biology, I call it "Howellogy"  Howellogy says that the leader does not recognize the rights of people, or their families inside the cult.  Howellogy strives to regulate all time of its members.  Howellogy says, that you must get "permission" to go on vacation because there is a message to be preached, and you must get your feeding.  Howellogy, is full of crap, but as Jorge-Howell explained it so well, there are a few of "silly" people following Howellogy.


For those who have not experience it, I know that you can only imagine what childrearing in a cult is like within a group where any human concern is seen as so completely secondary.  According to Howell, even he enjoyed the nuturing of "family-time" down on the farm.  We were always subjected to Howell´s countless stories about growing up "HEE-HAW:"   This shows, that the deceived man can remember growing up in an environment where he "enjoyed" time away from the a church (cult) setting, growing up with his parents and siblings.  SO WHAT CHANGED HOWELL?  Perhaps, Howell hated his family.


The question appropriately raised: What is the abuse of the young?  Obviously, mistreatment, neglect, and abuse may encompass a whole spectrum of behavior, including physical harm, which testimony is given on this site by a former member, sexual abuse, the creation of systems in which children are simply placed within institutional settings allowing for little or no contact with their parents or within settings in which intellectual stimuls is limited in order to foster acceptance of Howellogy.  That is a the primary purpose of Howell´s children´s cult church, otherwise known as "Camp Diease," where both children and adults can catch sicknesses because the parents are coerced into coming even when they or the child are ill.  That is Howellogy. 


Life Changers International falls within a broad category of cultic groups described as "Neo-Christian."  In this type of setting, just as Noble Son described, the very totality of parental absorption within cult work makes it difficult for parents to involve themselves in rearing their children.  Moreover, the unpredictable Howell will preclude any parent playing a significant role in their child´s growth and development.  There is a facebook page of teenagers who speak about what it was like growing up in the cult Life Changers, and their language tells a better story than I can explain.


A fundamental factor contributing to the cultic child neglect in LCI is the denigration of biological parent.  Ronald Howell elevates himself as the "Spiritual Father," and thus, opens up another potential danger of a young female being preyed upon by a cult leader.  This may already be a reality in Life Changers.


Authorities would be advised to drive by LCI all week, Saturdays, and Sunday, and note the child neglect that takes place.   Noble Son already stated that child neglect is an ordinary practice at Life Changers International New Horizon´s in Kaiserslautern, Germany, now, all you have to do is see for yourself.  (I knew Victor Jones would be good for something other than filling his pie hole)  Howell loves surprise visits from authorities.


Eventually, I will get around to talking about "Bonny-ism," you can learn a lot in a cult.



You are right concerning the children. My children until this day are affected by what went on at LCI. It took many cousnseling sessions to get them to somewhat of a normal life. You go in wanting to please God and are exploited instead. Your desire to please God is redirected towards Mr. Howell. Anyone can sit here and say that you have a choice but spiritual abuse is something I had never expreienced and did not realize what it was until later and it became more vivid after reading through the posts in LALC and this blog. I can see how this can help those in bondage be liberated. It has hleped me tremendously.


Yes, it is so funny to hear Noble Son, and Lacie praise Howell and celebrate his annual reprobate service, yet others like Jim Jones, Warren Jeffs, and David Koresh, I can think of no other individual who has done so much to destroy the lives of families, marriage, and especially children, yet they celebrate a sexual predator.  Shows how silly they are.


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