Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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This is what happens, when there isn't any accoutability. One will only repent, when thier MO is to please God. I have given up on the dream of Howell repenting and getting things right with God.

For years, Howell did everything he could to ensure secrecy; his biggest fear of being exposed has become a reality.  I want encourage those who are steping forward to report a sexual predator.  Do not be afraid.  Howell will do whatever he can to intimidate those who are brave enough to come forward.  Ronald cannot hurt you.  Howell has no power to hurt your careers, or have your security clearances taken away from you. Howell will not be able to sue you either.


Ronald Howell does not want to be held accountable for his nasty behavior, but he is going to be held accountable, and those who help Howell lie are going to be held accountable as well, so they want to be careful about sticking their neck out for this man.


For those reporting Howell realize that threats, violence and bribery may be used by Howell and his cronies, but do not back down.  If you experience any intimidation of any kind, immediately report the matter.


Howell has convinced himself that nothing deviant has happened; he lies easily, and with conviction when confronted about his disgusting and dispicable crimes against women.  Howell taught about:  What habit gave you the sex habit?  Howell taught that those who are caught up in sexual deviant behavior are NOT able to stop on their own.  Howell is not going to stop his predatory practices on his own, and he is certainly not going to ask for help.  If their are any women currently in Life Changers and you are a victim, please do not participate in your own victimization.  You will be doing other women and yourself a favor if you turn Howell into authorities, and most of all ladies, you are doing Howell a favor if you turn him in.  Howell needs to be set from the pulpit because he is sick, and requires professional help, this is not a joke.  Please, I appeal to everyone's sense of decency who has knowledge of any sexual predatory practices, and unethical financial matters commited by Howell to report him to authories. help save lives.


Remember a sexual predator, the tendecy is to continue  - even after being caught when the opportunity arises.  If not caught and stopped, and given specialized treatment, Howell will go on to continue this type of behavior.  Do not allow Victor Jones, Bonny Williams, or any of the other LCI leadership keep you from doing what is right.  You will feel a whole lot better once you have done the right thing.

Sadly, you are correct. He will continue until God dethrone him. All we can do in the meantime is sound the alarm. Never thought I would see such mess in ministry.

Another of Ronald D Howell Srs old hang ups and false teachings is the denial of God´s power to use anyone God chooses, in anyplace and time.


Howell made it a habit to run down the chapel - worship services.  Howell loves to say that his cult ministry is "legitimate, called of God, not caused by a split, and that it is not a duplicate of the chapel system."


For a moment, I want readers of this blog to understand that Life Changers International, New Horizon´s ministry is a run off of Creflo Dollars ministry.  Howell worked hard to copy not only Creflo´s messages, but to create a mini version of Creflo´s church.  So Ronald Howell is lying again.


Life Changers is a DUPLICATE system of any other cult, like Warren Jeffs´brand of Mormonism, Jim Jones´People´s Temple, and David Koresh´s Branch Davidians.  This system of false chrisitan reformation founder is none other than Satan.  Ronald D. Howell Sr is in league with the Devil.  Howell is very skilled with using and twisting God´s word, but even though Howell uses the Bible, Howell is still a liar, no different than the Devil in Matthew 4.


It is apparent that God did not call Howell, but Roanld D. Howell out of pride and arrogance called himself!  God´s is not the author of confusion.  God is not a segregationist!  God does not restrict people´s freedom by telling them they cannot go on vacation, attend to family matters or such as we have been discussing in this forum.  God is not a SEXUAL PREDATOR.  Howell refused to listen to leaders in a previous church he attended many years ago, and Howell decided to begin what he is calling a church, in his living room, and since then Ronald D. Howell has been responsible for molesting women, destroying marriages and families.  Howell has used his members to lie and cheat the government out of what is rightfully theirs, and he has used the German women to attach debt to, because the low life refuses to sign his name to anything, yet Howell has publicly declared that HE IS IN CHARGE, AND THAT HE MAKES ALL THE DECISIONS IN LIFE CHANGERS!


Howell is very subtle, like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, when Howell says that he is not a duplicate of the chapel szystem, he is putting the chapel system down and in effect saying that God cannot use or operate in the chapel.  Howell has repeatedly denounced military chaplains, and his reasons are "silly."  Howell, you smoke and drink, you cuss, and curse people out, you chase people around the community calling curses upon them, and yet you still say that you are of God.  I told you everyone, everytime Howell posts information about himself on the internet, he puts his big feet in his mouth.  The only reason I  am celebrating Howell´s 17 years in the cult ministry is that he has left a trail of evidence against himself!  Howell is a false apostle, and false prophet.   Howell even tries to take credit for a stupid weather prediction, and his handful of followers are just decieved enough to believe the dummy.  Has anyone ever heard of the study of Meteorology, or Atmospheric science?  They also said the same thing about that particular weather clamity, but because the people spend up to six days a week in that cult, they don´t have time to listen to weather reports.  So Howell takes advantage of the people´s faith and pretends to be a prophet.


Here´s something for you Howell, can you tell me how many women and the names of all of them that are going to come forward and report your old nasty behind, you dirty old man!

I want our victims, and the authoirities to consider that if Life Changers Intenational New Horizon's ministries, "IF" Ronald D. Howell Srs organization is answerable to any other ecclesiatical authority, then by now that authority knowing that Howell is in trouble would have taken steps to ensure the rights of the victim, LCI, and Howell were being safeguarded.  THEY WOULD TEMPORARILY REMOVE HOWELL!   This would be done until after Howell is cleared, or convicted of these, are any other charges.  Instead, Howell is all alone with no authority over him.  And installing one of Howell cronies, such as Bonny or Victor would only be a "rubber stamp."


This is another reason why  that Life Changers is dangerous, and should be closed by the Germans.  Even Chaplains are answerable to their ordaining denominations, and the military.  Howell may give some gratuity to some organization, but Howell insist that his so-called spiritual father is dead.  Not one time in all the years of Holy Temple of Doom, or LCI has anyone showed their face, and said that they were/are serving in the capacity as someone that Howell answers to.


Because Howell answers to NO ONE, thes ecular law will be the instrument used to take Howell to task for his predatory practices. 


The German finance ministry should take Howell to task for "fleecing" his flock in order to teach this wayward profiteer about the financial sacrifices he demands.  Especially now, since Jorge called the people "silly!"  The German finance ministry should start with interviewing former German members who can provide valuable information about Howell's financial internal controls.  Some information is already on file with the German courts.  The Germans should review Howell's board of German directors, and see how the structure is established, by making victims out of these women, having them sign away their lives, and they do not understand what they've inheirited until it is late, and millions of euros are assigned to their names.  I bet old Howell is working overtime to make sure the current board members are cleared.  Better cover your tracks, at least for the current board, for the others, Howell is too late.  Lots of evidence against Howell.


The secular law should take Howell to task about his educational credentials.  There are laws regarding advertisting false qualifications in order to draw unsuspecting people, just for the purposes of deceiving them. I believe that the state of Alabama should be notified about all of Howell's dangerous activities, and those associated with his coverup.


I feel sorry for whoever Howell has for a lawyer, because Howell is going to set up the poor sucker, and lead them right into a trap, because Howell is not going to tell the truth, and he has left a mountain of evidence against himself.  Lastly, Howell does not know what the people are going to present as evidence against him, and Howell has already shot off his big mouth, and posted information about former member all over the internet, thus further damaging his reputation.  The church should never be in the hands of such incompetence.  That is why I am glad that LCI is justly called a cult, and not a church.


Howell advertised that he wants to see and talk to perspective member, he even said that his members are anxious about meeting perspective members.  What a phoney.  Whenever anyone leave the cult, Howell "silly" members run the other way, like scared rabbits, and fully cut off social media contact, and all other forms of communication from former members.  A good example is Martha Summers, she did not know any better.  What Howell's members do is because their ungodly leader told them to do it, and I am a witness that so many times Howell told us not to have anything to do with members who leave.  That is not what Christians do, and LCI is not a Christian organization.


I believe in God given leaders, but maintain that leadership is only worthy to be obeyed and followed as they follow Christ.  Those who abuse, and manipulate individuals for personal gain, and corporate wrongdoing bring shame and reproach to the name of the Lord, and cause His name to be blasphemed among sinners!  Romans 2:24


That is who you are Life Changers International New Horizons Minsitry (LCINHM), that is the real Ronald D. Howell Sr.


Run to Alabama, but any lawyer worth their salt is going to tell you that if you run, you will look guilty.  Besides, I am sure that people, and news organizations in Huntsville, Alabama already have gotten wind of this nasty behavior.


Have you considered evangelizing in the desert, I am sure the snakes would love your brand of ministry.


Love Shelly 


Shelly has stated something that is somewhat the sum total of the issue at hand. He was part of another church and would not submit to the leadership, but demands he be submitted to…..Wow. Well, we can’t expect him to submit to God. I guess my disappointment is due to the fact that there is no checks and balances for any hothead that decide they want to purchase a building and start a Church, However, I believe it can work if a person would submit to God but we see that this is not the case concerning Mr. Howell. He will continue to operate like a loose cannon until God gets tired and make a spectacle out of him. This will happen and I pray that God will have mercy when doing so. Someone mentioned earlier that God wanted Howell to stop before He leashes His wrath and like you all mentioned, he ignored it and will one day see why he should have taken heed to all the warnings given. Mr. Howell, you must really believe God doesn’t exist to continue to do what you do with no remorse. I must say, you are a brave man and I don’t mean that in a positive way.

Look!  Listen and Wait!

Wait for the sound of justice, and the sound of evil bursting.


You can't put evil behind bars, sooner or later, evils kills itself.


Ronald D. Howell is rotten, and evil clean through, evil and no good.  Sooner or later, Howell is going to get all that is coming to him.  There will be no lawyer, no lie, and no LCI member that is going to be able to help the old reporbate.  This is for an appointed time, though it tarry wiat for it; it will surely come, and will not delay.  Those who have helped you in the coverup will share in your curse, just you wait and see.


At the crux of the problem is an egostical lying false apostle, Ronald D Howell who has used his authority, influence, and at times physical, aggresive nasty behavior to force himself on women, destroy marriages, put out false information on innocent women and rob innocent children of their parents time through manipulation, and intimidation using death as a means to bind people.


This problem of Life Changers International New Horizons is fairly expansive, involving several members of cult leader Ron Howell's staff, to include his appointed bishop and pastor, and a familiar female elder, all who are activiely engaged in the coverup.


A church, of all places should be a refuge, in helping to protect victims of sexual abuse, not perpetuate it.  The church should be able to be trusted with the most intimate and private matters, but Life Changers and Ron Howell make it a habit of posting private and initmate details of peoples private lives on the internet.  Ronald Howell is personally responsible for posting his former wife PIN information on the internet, and providing personal information about a former leaders son, all of which point to the fact that Life Changers is a cult, no a Christian orgainization.  Howell also continues to allow one man to be a minsiter in his cult, although this man ran out on paying his just debt.


When it comes to being a "qaulified" counselor, Howell often boast of "several" upper level college degrees, yet Howell has remained in Kaiserslautern for years, and the degree that Howell claims to have or not offered online at the time Howell claimed to have earned them.  Again, authorities would do well to verify Ronald Howell's education qualifications, as Howell uses this as a means to draw people, such is illegal to do.  Also, women should beware not to attend any "counseling" sessions of Howell, as it produces strange effects, a notable example is Lacie Monique-BWHowell, ever since her counseling sessions with Howell she has become a raving lunatic living in self denial, and posting stalking information on this network.  Howell is a terrible counselor, I know this from personal expericence.  Beware ladies, do not allow Howell to be alone with you, and do not ever go to his house!  Howell brings?allows both single and married women into his house.  Howell taught us that single people such as himself shoud not do this, and now look at the trouble Howell is in.


The fact that Howell is allowed to continue to "shepherd" a flock using his LCNH name and image, and being in trouble, with leaders in Germany and the one location in Huntsville Alabama not being forthright and disclosing what they know about these incidents is going to hurt all of them.  It only shows that there is no ecclesiatistical authority able to temporarily, or "permanently put a stop to Howells willful negligence. 





Don't be misled, "Bad company corrupts good character!"


1Corinthians 15: 33


If you do not bring God glory, the only thing you bring is shame. 


Ronald D. Howell Sr, Cult leader of Life Changers New Horizons Ministry, Kaiserslautern, Germany & Huntsville, Alabama.


I love using Ronald Howell's messages because these messages are excellent evidence into the mind of a corrupt and immoral man, and they show someone who talks the talk, but cannot walk the walk.  Howell is very good at shoving words down everyone's throat, but his life is no shining example.


I often wonder if  for one minute, a clean thought crosses Howell's mind, and he ponders on the fact that he has misled many people, and that he is going to have give an account for it, before God.  I wonder if a reprobate can think like that.  Like Nebuchadnezzer, unless Howell can for a moment stop what he is doing and from the heart look towards heaven and give God glory, Howell will continue to destroy, and mislead people.  I keep wondering about Howell's leaders who help him mislead folks.  I wonder if they consider the curse that is on their very doorsteps.  Many of them have daughters, and I am sure that none of them would like it if some smelly old goat of a false apostle molested their daughters, but those bad leaders insist on helping Howell.  It's coming back to them.  They will live to regret helping a liar and cheat.  They will reap what they sow.  Better get ready for it.


Even Howell said that when you attack innocent people God will have a problem with you.  Howell said not to take advantage of people when they are helpless and weak.  What do we find Howell doing?  He has been lying about LCI finances, titilating the women, living in luxury, and being a jerk!  Yep, I think that God has a problem with this lying leader, because Howell said so.


This is not a joke; God will destroy those who take advantage of those who are weak and helpless, and Ronald D. Howell Sr, said that as well!  So Howell, God is going to destroy you, and your helpers are going to get some of that wrath because all of you took advantage (WITHOUT CONSCIENCE) of people who were weak, and often helpless.  Life Changers is no different than the People's Temple, or Branch Davidians, it too will move to the heap of destruction. 


The only hope of escape for those who are helping Howell is to repent, and leave LCI.  This is not a joke.  God will avenge these people, in fact it has already begun.  Howell is in a losing position no matter which way he turns.


Howell taught that when you dance or play with the Devil, you are not viable to the kingdom of God; you are not consistent because the Devil has some control or total control over you.  I guess Howell's only defense is that the Devil made him to all those nasty things he did with the women.  Huh?  Is that a good defense strategy, lawyer?  Let's go to a secular court, and put the Devil on trial, right next to Howell.  You know what the Devil is going to do to Howell?  HE IS GOING TO LIE ON HOWELL!  Yep, that is correct, the Devil is going to get the last laugh on Howell. 


Here is a little something for the prosecutor:  Ronald Howell taught constantly that he as the "shepherd" of the flock is to "AUTHORIZE" both marriage and divorce.  You can back this up with what Noble Son has already said on this network.  Here is more "proof" for you Noble Son.  Howell can be often heard telling the cult members that it is not good for a "daughter" to marry against his counsel.  You, Howell wanted to keep all the women for yourself.  Howell is the type that will promise a woman marriage, get the goodies, lead the woman a merry chase, and move on to the next target of opportunity.  Let that woman find a man that is serious, and Howell will send his handful of men to that man's job, or house to try and strong arm the fellow into joining his cult, or dropping the woman.  That is the kind of man Howell is, and that is exactly what he did.



Someone pointed out a strange coincidence to me.


I did not know that David Koresh's actual name was Vernon Wayne HOWELL!  How about that?  Possible deception runs in the name.  HA HA HA!


Howell, are you going to legally change your name like old Vernon did?  Just in case you need some ideas for a name change here are a few:


Chester the Molester.

Richard Ramirez.

Ted Bundy.

John Wayne Gacy.

Albert Fish.

Jack the Ripper.

Jack the Zipper.

Dirty Man.

Old Nasty.

Dr Stank O' Pus.  (Howell loves titles)


If you stay in Germany, that is if the German's don't give you the boot, here are a few  German names:


Heinrich Himmler.

Hermann Goering.

Joseph Goebbels.

Franz Stangl.

Ernst Kaltenbrunner (my favorite)

Adolf Eichmann.


Whatever you change your name to Howell, for all our sakes, and for the Kingdon's sake just don't call yourself no apostle, because you are not!

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corithians who tolerated sexual sinner in their midst:


Your boasting is not good.  Do you not know that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump?  Cleanse out the whole leaven, that you may have a new lump.  For what have I to do with outsiders?  Is it not those inside the Church whom you are to judge?  God judges those outside.  Drive out the wicked person from among you.  1 Corinthians 5: 6, 12-13


Note, that Paul does not single out the clergy as being the only ones at fault for not dealing with sexual sin.  It is ALL the church who are responsible to prevent sexual sin from being tolerated.  Such sin if allowed to be tolerated, as in the case of Life Changers International & Ronald D. Howll Sr, would prove a disease in time that would undo the work of gospel.  That is why LCI members behave as they do, Howell has undone the work of the gospel in them.  That is why they lie for Howell, and run from former members.


The congregation is rebuked because they fail to judge sexual sin.  Do not be fooled, there are many in LCI, both in Germany and Huntsville Alabama, that are aware of Howell's sexual sin, but choose to turn a blind eye to it.  Lay people are specifically called to judge those within the church and hold them accountable for their sexual conduct.  Since their is no oversight of LCI, and the members are willing to turn a blind eye to Howell's sexual predatory practices, Howell will continue to practice this nasty behavior against women, and eventually Howell could graduate to children.  Howell once taught that those who refuse to repent of any sexual sin, will eventually move over to other sexual sins.  It has already been reported on this network that Howell beat others children without their knowledge.  Authorities should inquire of these parents, and former members about this.


Our civil authorites know something about sexual crimes that member of the clergy seem to have forgot, sexually abusive people have a high rate of recidivism, meaning if they abuse once, there is a good chance they will do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again.  Bonny Williams found out this fact the hard way when she found out about the the text message to the married woman in LCI.  Bonny convince herself that it was only a test, but she could not take it, as she broke down hysterically.


A sex offenders promise that they will not abuse again, is not a reason to return the perpatrator to a position of trust, although Howell has yet to be taken out of position, therefore, he continues to abuse women.  This is regardless of how sorry Howell may be that he was caught.


There are three simple steps that need to be taken towards preventing any further abuse by Howell and helping those who have been abuse:


1.  First, stop this sexually abusive false apostle.  Many have, and are coming forward to the authorities, and many are not willing to talk to authorites about Ron Howell's sexual and other abusive conduct.


2.  Second, do what we are doing, WARN PEOPLE!  This may be done on websites, billboards, pass the message to other churches, tell a friend, get the message out about this deceptive reptile.


3.  Aggressively reach out to those who are victims of Howell's filthy touch.  Eventually, Bonny is going to require out help, and so will the other women on that front row, they are victims as well.


In addition, those who have knowledge of Howell abusing these women should report him to the police.  Again, those who yahoo me will "without question" receive POC information of who they can report Howell.  There is an investigation ongoing, and their are plenty of witnesses against Howell, he is not going to escape.


Christians should not remain silent.

I received some good information from the National Organization for Women about a webiste for victims of sexual abuse by priest, I invite my sisters, and brothers to view this information.  Go to:  www.snapnetwork.org


Take a look at the:  "Murder of our soul," and view other items on this page. 


If you are a victim of a sexual predator, please look at this site, and report it to the police, be brave, be strong, and let's put a stop to sexual predator clergy like Ronald D. Howell Sr, of Life Changers International, New Horizons Ministry.


I especially invite Bonny Williams, and the rest of those women in LCI to view this site, and I strongly urge all of you to reconsider, and report your leader Ronald Howell to the authorites.  Remember, many of you have daughters, and all of us would hate it if someone like Howell put them through those awful things that he has done to other women, and yourself.

Howell doesn't know it yet, but again by his own stupidity he has posted some valuable information "proof" on the internet that will coroborate what we have been reporting on him, and what Noble Son, and Lacie have been denying.


While we can all acknowledge the silence of the dark side from our posts, they are scared, and reading these posts everyday.  They are working the internet sites trying to give proof that Howell is an apostle.  They are doing what they can to regain the public trust, but it is not going to work for you Mr Howell.  I told you to be stil and do nothing, but you keep on putting out information that is going to hurt you.  I am taking that information and using it against you to the authorities.


Again, thanks for the gift.


Your nemesis,




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