Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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The truth about Sister Shelly is that she is actually a man posing as a woman... who is not really posing at all. He's living out the truth of who he actually is.  He poses as a SGM in the army.  His problem is that he is fighting an inward battle.  he had a man crush on Apostle Howell but he was rejected.  This is why he has so much hate towards Apostle. He is obsessed with Apostle.  You figure it out for yourself.  Why would a person devote so much time bashing someone else? Why would a man take on such a personality; like a woman full of vengeance...or better yet a female dog?  WHY??  Because he is a sick man who has no respect for women; not even his own wife. So he comes on here acting like a woman thinking that other women would be stupid enough to fall for this.  SHELLY COLLINS rejection is painful isn't it?  Now to your wife... every time you wish he would talk to you but he gets angry because you're interrupting the only thing he has passion for, it's only a matter of time before you are a target of his hatred.  Don't ever disagree with him or you will see the devil you married, for real.  Collins you are a disgrace to Christians, the uniform, manhood, and humanity as a whole!!! GET A LIFE!

This didn't answer my question. Mr. Howell, have you done any of the things you are being accused of? Have you taken advantage of any women that were entrusted in your care? No disrespect, I just would like to know. The emotional tone used by Shelly indicates to me that she is a women beyond a reasonable doubt. Just my opinion.

Mr Howell,

I beleive I gave you ample time to respond to my question. I believe the truth is owed to me for I supported your ministry. You responded with criticizing a person who hasnothing to do with my question. Your silence on the matter concerns me.


Shelly, I will send you an email for this list will help me get some closure on this issue. I believe some of my suspicions will be answered for I wanted to hear it from Howell first. I quess I will have to get it how it get it  : (


Like you mentioned I have read some things and I am sick ofwhat I am reading. I know Terris and the things you are saying about him areincorrect. I know every one of us have our battles but trust me homosexualityisn’t SGM Collins fight. I once visitedyour church once and felt an uneasiness about it and now I see why. I oncedoubted that this stuff about you was true but after reading what you saidabout someone I know quite well, I now consider the radical statements made byWanzo and Shelly even though they are quite rough at times. At first, I thoughtsomeone was just trying to get back at you, but these lies have put things in a different perspective.You were once a NCO and you dishonor the NCO Corps by lying on a leader who ischarged with leading our sons in daughters because of what has been exposedabout you. Your church seems to be the only thing you are concerned with. Whatabout the people you have hurt, do they matter? Collins is married and so isthe other young man that you are bashing. These men are going along with God’splan to marry than burn with passion. You are choosing to take advantage ofwomen to satisfy your passion so in my opinion Terris and Aaron are the heroeshere. A real man will commit to a wife and they have earned my respect.

You haven’t confirmed or denied these claims. Statementssuch as you not having time to address this forum, are a lame excuses and a wayto cover your guilt in these crimes. Like Frank asked, did you do it? Peoplereading this forum Terris is a committed husband and Soldier and does notdeserve the slander that Apostle Ronald D Howell is imposing on him. Readthrough these post and see what Howell has done to so many women and families.Now “as a pastor” he is slandering some of his ex-members on the internet withno proof that they are saying anything.

Life Changers Church of Germany this is what you pastor isdoing. My question is: would Jesus do this? Whatever Jesus would do is what aChristian must. You are who you follow………

Terris is a wonderful SGM, husband and friend. You havestepped completely out of bounds. You have already lost your church. All thepeople just haven’t left yet. When it’s all said and done you will only haveyourself to deal with and you should have done that a long time ago. RonaldHowell, you are very vindictive and this is something I would expect from awoman versus a man. Women please don’t take this the wrong way for I am onlymaking a point. Point being, Howell has to evaluate his girlish ways beforefalsely accusing someone else. Terris be encouraged and I did not believe thisfor a second!!! Terris you are doing the honorable thing by not responding.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.


Isaiah 26:3


In whom do you trust?  This morning I received this word: "peace."


God is a keeper; he will keep or to hold or retain in one's possession.  To my sisters I want you to know that God is holding you "up" as His very own possession (treasure), God sees all you as someone of great depth, strength and beauty.  God is the one that gives beauty for ashes.  Praise the Lord for each of you.


The mind that has confidence in God is not soon shaken, or agitated by trails or any situation; because you trust in God and believe in His power to deliver you are going to witness a miracle.


You see, the enemy at work on the black preaching network, you can see how the devil is able to control the mind of what he "keeps" and "possesses" you are able to see how soon shaken and agitated Ronald D Howell Sr, a.k.a. Colm Heaney, Keith Johnson, NIMROD, Lacie, Noble Son, etc. all of them have no peace, all of them are agitated.  Isn't that funny, someone professing to be an apostle of God, yet he has no peace, and you know why?  The Bible says that there is no peace unto the wicked.  Therefore the mind of Ronald Howell is at war with himself.  Mr Howell is destroying himself day by day.  He is haunted by his past coming to life because it is his celebrated wicked past that exposes him. 


Truth is a beautiful thing as it brings to light both the good and the bad.  My sisters, those of you who have been victimized by a false churchmen, I want you to "CELEBRATE" your peace today and rejoice in the fact that trouble will does not trouble always.  Know that God is going to put a stop to this liar and sexual predator Ronald D Howell Sr.


I urge the public, be warned:  please do not to attend Life Changers International New Horizon's ministry either in Kaiserslautern, Germany and Huntsville, Alabama.  Ladies, we've got to get the message out because it's our job to protect one another.


I Love You,


Sister Shelly



Great peace have they that love they law; and nothing shall offend them.


Psalms 119:165


This is the word of the Lord that stayed with me all day. The people God have great peace because they love God's law and nothing shall cause us to stumble.  Contrast that to Ronald D Howell's frustration of the revelation that he is a sexual predator and a crook.  I thought about how Howell is offended by truth.  If he had been on the side of righteousness his ministry would have grown into something beautiful.  Instead, now Howell is attacking and slandering innocent people and it is not going to help him.  I would like for Howell to remember that none of the people he is attacking or slandering caused him to stumble.


We are now receiving information about the atmosphere inside of Life Changers, we are familiar with Howell's rantings and at how he takes out his frustration on the members when the heat is on.  I make no apologies for trying to help my sisters, and I am glad that I have done just what I am doing.  I don't regret it.  It is right to stand up for the truth and it is right to help anyone in need.


Yesterday, Howell used the word obessessed when speaking about our brother, yet I don't see anyone but Howell, and all his alias, Kieth, Shelly-Collins, NIROD, Jeffereys, etc.  Howell is the only one posting pictures and lying.  Howell used to say that you always know when a dog is guilty because it is that dog which the brick hit.  The truth hit Howell so hard that he will not recover because he is offended at the truth. 


Members of Life Changers International you will continue to be offended until you stop supporting a sexual predator and a crook, you won't have peace.


Be encouraged my sisters and on this week let us enjoy the peace that God has given us.


I Love You,


Sister Shelly



In reference to our prior conversation, can you inbox me the list. I am intrested in what you have to say for I have not heard back from Mr Howell concerning my question. I am by no means trying to hurt anyone but want to know the truth. That is all I am looking for.

Mr Howell, if you did it, I am in no position to judge you. I just ask you apologize to the people concerned. I am still awaiting an answer for I once sowed into what I believe was righteous, and I believe you owe me atleast that. If Shelly is the only one willing to answer me, then I only have that to go by.




This makes perfect sense and this has really enlightened me. I now have peace about the situation. I can look through the post to see what was given. Thanks for your insight and knowledge.

God Bless You!!!!

Surely You set them in slippery places,You cast them down to destruction.


Psalm 73: 18


Slippery places, not in a solid and permanent postion; not where the wicked´s foothold would be secure, but as on smooth and slippery rocks, where they would be liable at any moment to fall.  However prosperous their condition may seem right now, yet it is a condition of uncertainty and danger from which they must soon fall into ruin.  In their prosperity there is nothing of permanence or stability; and this fact will explain the difficulty that the wicked face.


When a person is in a slippery place they cannot stand long (remember God´s Timing) and without danger, and the higher they are the more dangerous, being slippery, such places are honor and riches.  This is for you, Noble Son:  "This phrase denotes the uncertainty and instability of these things and the danger of those who possess them of falling into destruction and misery."  So never brag about you fallen leader´s riches, or about how much money he has.  IT´S NOT ABOUT HIS MONEY OR HIS MOTH EATEN RICHES!  Your boss, Ronald Howell is in a slippery place, and you are there with him, better be careful and read what I am saying to you and the others who are now asking questions.


Another way of understand the phrase "slippery palces" is that God "set them in darkness."  Does Ronald Howell realize that he is set in darkness?  He should, that is how he operates.  I believe that some of your members are begining to come around and see for themselves that their leader is "SET!"  Being SET is a form of control used by Howell when he is unhappy with his leaders.  When appropriate, being set is a good form of discipline, but in the Life Changers International cult, Howell has raised it to a whole new art form.  Howell does not realize that he has been set, and we can see it by his internet ramblings and postings.  Just like a chicken with its head cut off, Howell is running around, flapping his wings and trying to cluck out a false gospel message.  TOO LATE HOWELL!  You have had 17 years to make things right and you ignored the Lord.  I would not care if I did not have a single follower as long as I had the Lord´s approval.  Who care about a cheering audience when one is on the road to perdition?  Howell, you would be better off repenting and making things right with the Lord because you are in a terrible condition - NO JOKE!  God is so gracious that he will forgive you.


To be in slippery places and in the dark is very uncomfortable, unsafe and dangerous.  All of us would do well to remember that riches, honor and promotion come from God and it is He who sets people in places of honor and profit.  Nothing for a foolish Noble Son to brag about on his fallen leader.  Besides God did not sit Howell in a position of honor and profit, Howell set himself up through deception and lying.  He did not trust God to give him a position of honor and profit, instead Howell took to lying like a duck takes to water.  Howell is quite a schemer, and God is not about scheming.


The scripture lets us know that the wicked are brought down into desolation as in a moment!  This is an exclamation of godly wonder at the suddeness and completeness of sinners overthrow.  HEADLONG IS THEIR FALL!  Without warning and without escape. Without hope of future restoration.  THAT MEANS NO GLORY DOME FOR YOU - HOWELL!  This time you won´t be able to blame you former wife for all your woes.  I guess false pastor prophetess Bonny Williams will be left holding the bag when all is said and done.  Despite all of Howell´s riches and gold chains and his pretty clothes, DEATH stays not for manner, but hurries the wicked away; and stern justice is unbribed by a wiked person´s wealth, it just hurls them into destruction.  The wicked are utterly consumed with terrors.  Their is nothing left when all is finished.  The wicked cease to exist among the people, their is nothing left of their former glory.  I often remember Howell making fun of the men who had grown older and still trying to wear their former glory LETTERMEN JACKET!  That about sums up Howell, his trophies won´t matter on that terrible day, in fact he won´t care about them, his mind won´t be on none of the things he was so preoccupied with here on earth in that terrible moment.  Oh, how I wish that Howell would repent and turn from his way, and embrace the Lord´s way.


When the wicked are cast down into destruction, ruin is before them and the end will surely demonstrate the justice of God.  That is why I am tellig those of you who Howell is slandering, just hold on, pay day is coming, he is not going to get away because Ronald D Howell Sr is in a slippery place.


By the way, my last post I stated that Brother Joel Olsteen made a particular comment, but I was wrong, it was Brother Hal Lindsay.  God Bless!


Ladies, as always, you are beautiful and don´t let no one tell you different!


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly


Something has really been in my spirit for some time now. The person who began the LALC site decided to close it down; however, you are now blasting him and calling him your enemy. Now I see something that is quite odd. This man was the bigger man and shut the site down as he was directed by the Holy Spirit to do so as he was directed to start it because many were healed as a result. As Paul stated in Rom 8:14, as many who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God, thus saying that those who are spiritually mature allow God to lead them and not their flesh. This is the mark of maturity “not a title”. Attacking innocent people in hopes of attacking the people “you believe” are exposing you is flesh and not spirit – point blank. God is doing the exposing buddy and the people are only the instruments. Aaron is definitely the mature on here and you are not. He closed the site down and despite your attacks he still followed his conviction to keep it close. Maybe he should be the Pastor of what’s left of your organization for he displays the fruit that is indicative of a Shepherd. The fruit you have shown is that of the False Prophets Jesus warns us of in Matthew Chapter seven. No Pastor in their right mind would go as far as slandering sheep God has once entrusted in his care. The reality is you know that God did not send them there but the enemy in hopes to destroy their destiny – but God…..

LCI and those reading this blog, does anyone else need to say more. The proof is in the pudding. These people under Howell’s attack was once members who believed in Howell just like you but time passed and they realized he was a False Prophet like you will when your eyes are opened. Then there will a new group and hopefully this cycle will not continue much longer. Ask yourself the question – why doesn’t he have pastors in different city, states, etc. for he is an Apostle that has been in ministry for 17 years? A mature minister would pick up what Howell is all about and would not follow him. Howell only preys on the weak for the purpose of dominating them. Genuine Shepherds have sons under their tutelage where they are nurturing them while they pastor their churches. This is what the Apostle Paul did for Timothy. Howell, on the other hand, dominates his leaders keeping them within his four walls. Howell understands that freedom for his leaders to hear God will ultimately lead to them leaving his cult. A genuine Shepherd, on the other hand, do not fear such a thing because he knows he is leading with God’s love and kindness which draws people. When other methods are used to draw people, witchcraft is used to keep them.

Howell, take your punishment like a man and repent. It’s nobody’s fault but your own. All the fun you thought you had with these innocent women came with a price. You enjoyed the sin for a season so it’s only fair that you pay the price. It felt good while in the act - didn’t it? No one felt what you felt but you, so you should not want anyone else to reap the harvest that has your name on it, but those who remain loyal to you will do just that, unless they throw you overboard like those sailors did Jonah. It’s sad but it’s true…..

Howell, upon you repenting or removing yourself from position to hurt more women and families, I plan to remove all my statements from this blog because this is ministry not personal. I would reccomend that everyone take this approach.


I am the first to give praise when it's deserved. I heard your message titled “Jesus can work it out” and you are on target. It was a Word I believe we all needed to hear for our edification as it pertains to living holy. My only concern is this – did you find yourself needing that Word and realize that you have some repenting to do and some relationships to salvage? The reason I believe you have not genuinely repented is your attitude towards apologizing to those you have wronged. You are slandering instead of asking for forgiveness. This give the perception that you are not sorry and are still exhibiting this same behavior. This is what we all want to cease. It’s nothing against Howell, per say, but the protection of God’s people. This could very well be your daughter in danger and you would want her protected. Howell, I welcome your thoughts………

Shelly, that is a good point. I am trying to give Howell the benefit of doubt. I really wish he would see the imminent need for his repentance.


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