Are people decorating their houses for halloween, where you guys live? this unbelieveably has started in our community, I'm not talking pumpkins in the yard but orange lights on their houses like it's christmas, giant black cat murals in their windows, it's sad.

anybody else seeing this

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Halloween is Pagan.
I think this has been going on for decades.
Hasnt it? At least where I have lived.
Yea, decades would be the word.....
I don't follow in because it is pagan, but to each his own.
What are your thoughts on a church having a "Hallelujah Night" as an alternative for children who want to participate in Halloween? I believe their motives are pure. Some have kids dress up as biblical characters or non-demonic characters and it is typical focused on teaching the wrongs in Halloween. But I've often wondered if this is kinda confusing to children. Because it is done on Halloween so they are still observing the day Oct 31 but not celebrating the "reason" for that particular "season"

What are your thoughts?
We put up all sorts of stuff. Its fun to decorate your house on holidays.
Rev. Luckett, that is the way I see it, take back what the devil stole, now that would be a perfect time for the children to be involve in a muscial, or mime workshop, with emphasis on the bible characters and the accounts of the bible.

The same as we do at Christmas, we celebrate the fact that Jesus was born, no Santa Claus, Jesus


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