The Greek word for BOUND is "deo" meaning:

To bind tie, fasten - to bind, fasten with chains, to throw into chains

As a metaphor:
1) Satan is said to bind a woman bent together by means of a demon, as his messenger, taking possession of the woman and preventing her from standing upright

2) to bind, put under obligation, of the law, duty etc.
a) to be bound to one, a wife, a husband

3) to forbid, prohibit, declare to be illicit

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READ: Luke 13:10-17 – physical and spiritual bondage

In this passage Jesus mentions a woman who was bound by satan with an infirmity, physically. But who is spiritually bound in this passage? There are others who are bound and don't even know it.

If you are not sure of the answer to the question read the rest of the passage.

The second metaphor – BOUND BY THE LAW, LOOSED BY THE LAW
READ: Romans 7:2-3, I Cor 7:27, 39 – companion scripture: Matt 19:3-12, Leviticus 21 & 22, Deut 22 & 24

If these are biblical laws for marriage then, why are there so many divorces in the body of Christ? (I speak this to myself as well, because I am also divorced) Have you ever seen so many people searching for “loopholes” in the law just so they can have things their way? Do we do things our way or God’s way? If we want God’s results, we must do things God’s way. If not, then the divorce stats amongst Believers will continue to rise.

Romans chapters 6-8 tells us about being bound to a law and being loosed from that law, But look at Romans 7:6 – which law is Paul describing that we were bound to and loosed from? Is there more than one law being spoken of in these chapters?

READ: Matt 18-15-20 companion scriptures: Matt 18-21-35; 2 Samuel 12:1-15

This passage is the law of love demonstrated in rebuke and discipline of a brother caught in an offense – it is church discipline with the desired outcome of repentance and restoration. Here, repentance is a requirement of restoration.

This being said, why are we so eager to publicly humiliate one another BEFORE we go to each other in private and address the issue? Yes, what is done in the dark will come to the light but let the torch of truth be lit one on one before you fan the flames for a Salem witch hunt on your brother and sister in the Lord.

These are just a few things concerning binding and loosing. We often are so eager to “bind the devil” that we forget about the other aspects of this principle.

Also, if Believers are to bind the devil, with what is he bound? Can satan be rebuked by saying "I rebuke you Satan"? Please give scriptures to support your answers. (hint, it is a simple answer)

~Minister Tracy Curtis~

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