Luke 2:7-11
And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there were no room for them in the inn.

How do you spell Christmas? Is it with Xmas or Christmas? That being said, let us spell Christmas. C is for Christ God's Son who was born to be the Savior of the world. H is for the heavenly host who sang praises to our Savior. R is for Him being our Redeemer/resurrection as all believers rose with Him to a life of righteousness. I is for Immanuel, which means God with us. S is for Savior because He paid our sin debt. T is for His body the temple that would be destroyed and raised again in three days, M is for the Messiah because He is the promised Messiah promised 42 generations earlier. A is for His atoning work on the cross at Calvary, and S is for salvation. Without Christ's atoning work there would be no salvation or hope of spending eternity with God our heavenly Father.

Therefore, when we place an X in Christmas we X out Christ. Christ and His work in the lives of humanity are far too important to leave Him out in our celebration of this holy day.

Christ is the Messiah who came to shine the brightness of God's glory.

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