Next Friday, I would like to hear from people about counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.  Let's base our discussion from 2 Thessaloanians 2


I would love to hear of people's experience in the supernatural of these three things, and how you were able to discern the real from the counterfeit.


Love you,



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He opposes every so-called god or anything that is worshiped and places himself above them, sitting in God's temple and claiming to be God.


2 Thessalonians 2:4




In the counterfeit churches a think blanket covers the peoples so that they are ever hearing , they attend cult/church services several times a week, but never perceiving and they feel safe in spite of a wicked heart.  What has happened is that the people become drunk with the false grace message.  This results in increased sin in the church so that there is an abomination.  The abomination is that God is no longer crowned and man exalts himself over God.  In the counterfeit churches the false leaders set themselves up in between people and God, they take the place of Jesus; they institute rules for living (MANIPULATION & INTIMIDATION). This is how the institution of “SPIRITUAL FATHER” get used and MISUSED, ABUSED and people become enslaved to the rules of wicked leaders.

Man sets himself up as a god inside the temple!  In the temple is where these FALSE god’s gives instruction on when to come and go, how many times a week to come and go, when to go on vacation, IF YOU CAN GO ON VACATION; who you can marry and date; HOW MUCH MONEY TO GIVE!  If you get a revelation – better run it by the leaders.  ALL KIND OF SILLY CRAP and violations of your body!  In the counterfeit churches people are only means of living; false leaders NEED YOU for their selfish purposes, FOR THEIR NEXT LEVEL!  They set themselves up as god.  And the people who follow these wicked leaders are none the wiser.


Who opposeth - That is, he is distinguished as an opposer of the great system which God has revealed for human salvation, and of those who would serve God in purity in the gospel of his Son.  The counterfeit churches have their own ELABORATE system they call “MINISTRY!”  GOD CALLS THEIR SYSTEM AN ABOMINATION!  I don’t care how many times a week you attend the counterfeit churches services it is still an abomination to God.  I don’t care if you give them 10% of your money; your OFFERINGS ARE ABOMINATION to God!  ALL DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD IS SIN, and there is NO SACRIFICE that God receives OR BLESSES FOR SIN!  JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!  JESUS IS THE LIGHT!  JESUS IS OUR MEDIATOR – NOT MAN!  NOT MAN’S SYSTEM!  It is either GOD OR NOTHING AT ALL



COME OUT OF THE ABOMINATION BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  Ahab failed to receive the truth, and he was destroyed, and you too shall be destroyed going to churches THAT ARE NO CHURCH!  You can sit up until MID NIGHT IN THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCHES and STILL GO TO HELL!  Shouting praises and prayers, listening to messages about a God, your false leaders KNOW NOT, AND GOD ANSWERS THEM NOT!  Their miracles are FALSETHEIR SIGNS ARE NOT FROM GODLEAVE THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE


And exalteth himself above all that is called God - That is, whether among the pagans or the Jews; above a false God, or the true God. This could be true only of one who set aside the divine laws; who undertook to legislate where God only has a right to legislate, THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCES LEGISLATE!  They tell people who to associate with, WHO TO MARRY.  The counterfeit churches tell you WHAT TO DO AND WHO TO TALK TO!   It was because of fear of the TRUTH!  Truth haunts the lying wonders in the counterfeit churches, AND ONLY THOSE WHO ANSWER THIS CHARGE ARE GUILTY! So, go ahead and BARK!   


This legislation was contrary to that of God. Any claim of a dominion over conscience; or any arrangement to set aside the divine laws, and to render them USELESS, would correspond with what is implied in this description. It cannot be supposed that anyone would openly claim to be superior to God, that is not the way counterfeit leaders operate.  You must listen to what they say VERY CAREFULLY in PUBLIC, in the pulpits, on their DVDs/CDs, BROADCASTS, what they say and do IS PROOFTHEIR SINS ARE THEIR PROOF that they are lying.  The counterfeit churches FORGET that there is a record that stretches for many years.  While the wicked CELEBRATES, they leave much evidence against themselves. 


There was a lot of EVIDENCE against Ahab.  He had the nerve to WHINE that A REAL MAN OF GOD NEVER HAD ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY TO HIM! That is because AHAB SERVED HIS OLD SELFISH SELFAHAB WAS FULL OF CRAP, and GOD WAS LETTING HIM KNOW THAT HE WAS SETUP set for a fall – TRAPPED if he went to war (2 Chronicles 18).  Don’t you know that Ahab was so full of ABOMINATION and so full of HIS OWN WORD, that he failed to see TRUTH.  Ahab had a FALSE SENSE OF GRACE!  That is what happens when someone operates illegally in the church.  IT IS ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE TO SET THEMSELVES UP IN THE PLACE OF GODIT IS AN ABOMINATION!


THOU SHALT NOT TEMPT THE LORD THY GOD!  I guess Ahab was unaware that he broke that commandment, but since he was NOT STUDDIN GOD for all those years on the throne, an arrow creatively AT RANDOM hit him.  PURPOSEHIS NEXT LEVEL = “DEATH!”  That is these entire counterfeit churches amount to – death.


Sitteth in the temple of God - That is, in the Christian church.  Not all churches saying that they are Christian BUT showing that they are CHRISTIAN!  It is not CHRISTIAN to abuse people, and deceive them.

My sisters, we must continue to pray for those who are trapped in the abominable counterfeit churches.  Are prayers are working.  God can do it, I know that He can.  As usual my dears, you are all beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made, and DON’T LET NO ONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT!

I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

He will confirm his promise with many for one set of seven time periods. In the middle of the seven time periods, he will stop the sacrifices and food offerings. This will happen along with disgusting things that cause destruction until [those time periods] come to an end. It has been determined that this will happen to those who destroy [the city]."

Daniel 9:27

"The prophet Daniel said that the disgusting thing that will cause destruction will stand in the holy place. When you see this (let the reader take note), those of you in Judea should flee to the mountains.

Matthew 24: 15-16




That abomination leads to Desolation!  God leaves the sanctuary.  But the counterfeit churches do not recognize that HE IS NOT THERE!  They gather together, sing songs, collect offerings and listen to sermons full of FALSE GRACE, and God IS NOT THERE, yet they don’t know it. 

Without God we are lost and doomed since He is the resource and source of all life and energy and finances and health and love and light and everything that is good.  Without God we are cut off.  This is how one can know when they are in a church where God is not attending.  Look at the energy of the dying false churches; those people are having the life drained out of them by their false five-fold masters.  The finances are under a divine curse, because God does not bless mess. Why should God bless wicked leaders? May all their plans fail – In Jesus Name – Amen.

Everything that is good is absent in the counterfeit churches.  Love is absent.  If the counterfeit ministers and priest LOVED GOD, they would not hurt women and children.  If the love of God were in the counterfeit churches, the false leaders would not lie on God, nor approve and give license to others to do the same.  They are cut off from God.  Ahab did not understand that he was cut off.  Ahab could not hear the man of God telling him that he was cut off.  If Ahab had heard and understood, then he would not went ahead with the plans of wickedness which drew him to his demise.  Remember, it does not take any great preparation for God to destroy the wicked.  God allows their plans to DESTROY THEM!  Their agenda destroys the counterfeit churches.  Their offerings and finances destroy them.  Their conferences destroy them.  Every activity in the counterfeit churches is set to destroy them, for they are under a divine curse. Our God is creative; he can use any plan or scheme of the wicked to bring them down at once.  They won’t know what hit them when destruction comes.  When you sow in darkness, in darkness you shall reap.  IT IS GOING TO COME TO LIGHT

Jim Jones’ abomination led to desolation.  He sowed in darkness, he misused the people, he abused the women and the children, he lied to his congregation and he lied on God.  One day, judgment came to Jonestown, and it found Jim Jones.  God allowed the plans of this man to destroy him.  It came to light.  In the day when truth come to light, there will be no DENIAL; there will be no discussion, no threats of intimidation; there will be no arguments on the day of the destruction.  No one will be asking for “PROOF!”  God has all the proof that He needs.  On that day, no one is going to be able to help the counterfeit churches.


The abomination of desolation - This is a Hebrew expression, meaning an abominable or hateful destroyer. The abominations of the counterfeit churches, their leaders are regarded with divine honors.  Holy titles are meant for HOLY PEOPLE!  People who are not PRACTICING A LIE!  In the counterfeit churches, lying is habitual; it is a way of life.  Yet, these leaders love to be called by Holy titles.  Anyone purposefully living in darkness should be called what they are.  If one honors God, then they are called Saints.  But if one lives in darkness, then they should not dishonor the holy titles.  It is shameful for a priest to sexually molest women and children, use the holy title of priest.  NO!  That man or woman should be called a DEVIL!  Because their conduct betrays the trust invested in the holy tittle.   In the counterfeit churches, they use holy things to deceive the people, just as the man of sin described in Daniel and Matthew is going to do.  In both instances neither has any shame or regrets, just a silly stance.


Standing in the holy place - Mark says, standing where it ought not," meaning the same thing. All Jerusalem was esteemed "holy," Matthew 4:5. The meaning of this is, when you see the Roman armies standing in the holy city or encamped around the temple, or the Roman ensigns or standards in the temple. When the city was taken, the Romans brought their idols into the temple, and placed them over the eastern gate, and sacrificed to them there."  In the counterfeit churches the leaders are standing where they ought not, conducting what they call “MINISTRY!”  They bring idolatry to prayers, conferences, offerings, and THIS IS THEIR WORSHIP!  Their temples, sacrifices of money, and life ARE DEFILEDALL LIARS ARE DEFILED! The false five-fold ministry do not belong in any pulpit.


Desolation is a state of complete emptiness or destruction, anguished misery or loneliness.  Always remember that misery loves company.  But make no mistake that the counterfeit churches are in a state of complete emptiness, daily being destroyed.  Is it not strange to see the people in the counterfeit churches all surrounded by destruction and they unaware? 


In the scriptures, the great prophet Elisha had a servant and although they were surrounded by Angels and chariots of fire, that servant could not see it.  The prophet prayed to God for that man’s eyes to be opened that he might see.  Dear sisters, we must pray for the lost in these false churches that God will be merciful and open the eyes of those who are deceived that they may see, leave these awful nasty wicked demon infested places and live.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


My sisters, I pray for you, that you are blessed and that His seed remains in you.  Please continue to pray, our prayers are working, and GOD IS taking care of business.  Don't stop praying, because the counterfeiters aren't.  The counterfeiters are still preying.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

"Flee from Babylon! Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins. It is time for the LORD's vengeance; He will pay her what she deserves.  Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD's hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone madBabylon will suddenly fall and be broken. Wail over her! Get balm for her pain; perhaps she can be healed.  "'We would have healed Babylon, but she cannot be healed; let us leave her and each go to his own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the clouds.'


Jeremiah 51: 6-9



The church then turns into the counterfeit church and it is the Great Prostitute and a haunt for demons (they have zip codes), and every rebellious spirit. The counterfeit churches can’t get along with no one; they say and believe (WHINE) that everyone is persecuting them, and/or want what they have.  (laughable) These institutions don’t own what they have.  Tell me something:  why would anyone want ANYTHING from the defeated, demon haunted, and rebellious counterfeit churches?  There is nothing that liars have to offer, but another lie.  Read Revelation 17 & 18. 


Don’t ever envy haters of God – don’t desire to be like them; they are set for destruction.  All that the wicked has is left behind for selfish relatives to fight over, or for the IRS to assess, sell and tax.   Their debts still have to be paid after they are gone.  Cremation is not free.  That is unless those left behind take a can of gasoline and “do it yourself.”  I KNOW – I KNOW!  The whole thing sounds kind of ghoulish, but what can one expect from those who walk in darkness and debt?   I just figured that they would take the cheap way out; again let us remember that the counterfeit churches ARE COUNTERFEIT:  THEY AIN’T REAL, so why in death should it be any different?  The counterfeit gospel IS NO GOOD NEWSIT IS A VERY CHEAP IMITATION OF GOOD NEWSIT AIN’T REAL!  Only the most discriminating of taste (O TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD) will either know or come to understand the different taste of the pure and unadulterated gospel, and the fake gospel:  like “stinky beluga caviar” that someone with no taste is trying to serve you, and they get mad when you tell them that the crap they are serving is NO GOODWE WANT THE REAL GOSPEL


When one has tasted of the true and living God, nothing else will do.  I don’t want no fake spiritual parent in place of God.  Don’t need a stupid title because I am not letting no-one bind me.  I am no longer tithing into false, and CONDEMNED ministries.  I will not help no more lying ministers buy a fancy car.  I will not be a party to making wicked people rich; riches that God is going to take from them anyway.  And, I respect myself enough not to let anyone abuse and use me, and I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.  THAT MAKES ME FREE!  I am accountable and responsible, just not prostituable. I am not a sellout, I can’t be bought by peddlers of the fake gospel because I have truly tasted and I see that Lord is GOOD!   Whatever the counterfeit churches offer, don't take it, it is not worth your soul.  And besides whatever they offer is cursed of God.  You won't prosper.


Flee from Babylon! Run for your lives! He shows that there remains nothing for them that abide in Babylon but destruction. and deliver every man his soul; or "life"; from the destruction coming on the city, and the inhabitants of it; be not cut off in her iniquity; or, "that he be not cut off" with her, in the punishment inflicted upon her for her iniquities; which is the same as partaking of her plagues, Revelation 18:4; for this is the time, of the Lord's vengeance; the time fixed by him to take vengeance on Babylon for her sins against God, and the wrongs done to God’s people: God will render unto her a recompense; the just demerit of their sins; a reward by way of punishment for them; see Revelation 18:6. For everyone who remains in the counterfeit churches there remains nothing but destruction.  Just think, right in the middle of a sermon, or a praise and worship song in these counterfeit churches, destruction could hit.  It could be at a mid-night mass.


When you want to reward someone, it means that you want to express an appreciation for whatever activity has been rendered.  The word appreciate is to recognize the full worth of value - estimate - appraise - evaluate – rate, and appreciation is estimation - appraisal - estimate – valuation; you might say that this verse points to God having His own Shepherd’s Appreciation against the counterfeit churches.  He has appraised its value to the Kingdom of Heaven and has found the counterfeits worth as rebellious.  IN APPRECIATION for destroying, lying and deceiving people God is REWARDING the wicked counterfeit churches with destructions AT A SET TIME!  God will repay the wicked for lying on Him, and abusing His people.


Made all the earth drunken - The cup of God's wrath is the abundance of punishment, which God inflicts on transgressors. It is represented as intoxicating and making them mad. This is best represented in the lives of the false five-fold ministry leaders who live in the delusional state of denial.  So NOW we can understand why any false church leaders live in a state denial:  THEY HAVE DRUNK OF THE CUP OF GOD’S WRATH – THEY ARE MAD!  Their minds are not right.  Again in Romans 1, it states that God gave them up and over to a reprobated mind.  God allows the wicked to destroy themselves.  One may ask:  “where is your proof?”  THERE SIN IS THEIR PROOF & AND THE COUNTERFEITS DENIAL IS PROOF OF THEIR MADNESS!  Read the papers; listen to the news about the nasty things that men and women in the false ministries are doing to people.  Read about all the scams of abominable people hiding behind HOLY TITLES!


Babylon was strong: as God’s cup of gold, she was rich and beautiful, but neither saves her from ruin.  There is nothing that the wicked counterfeit churches can do to stop the oncoming destruction.  Babylon had made them drunk with the wine of her fornication, with idolatry, so that they were intoxicated with it.  The counterfeit churches have made people drunk with the wine of her fornications, and idolatry.


 Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken. Wail over her!  Much sadness has already been seen for the counterfeit churches.  I say this with much humble solemnity.  God has allowed His people to see the end of the wicked – that they will be cut off.  There is no bragging or rejoicing over the Lord’s judgment against these counterfeit churches.  The destruction of Babylon was brought about in a very short time, considering the strength of it; and was unexpected by the inhabitants of it, and by the nations round about; but, when it was come, it was irreparable: so the destruction of mystical Babylon will be in one hour, and it will be an utter and entire destruction, Revelation 18:8.  When the day of evil comes against the enemies of the true Church, though it is expected, it will be at an unexpected time by the counterfeiters, and those in the Christian community.  All will hear about it.

Take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed: or balsam; which is said by way of derision and mockery, or in an ironical and sarcastic manner; suggesting, that, let what means so-ever be made use of, her wound was incurable, her ruin inevitable, and her case irrecoverable.


My dear sisters, their only hope is to flee the counterfeit churches.  Let us continue to pray, OUR PRAYERS ARE WORKINGDON’T STOP PRAYING!  God will deliver those who are lost in the counterfeit churches, just keep praying.  I pray that all of my lovely sisters will have a blessed weekend.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

God will judge those who are outside. Remove that wicked man from among you.

1 Corinthians 5:13




The counterfeit churches are now a gathering of people that think they are saved or “safe” and yet is unknowingly rebelling against God.  There are distinct differences in the counterfeit and true churches.


The true CHURCH gets all energy, money, and love from God and therefore wants no sinners (those who refuse to acknowledge Christ as savior & OBEY HIS WORD) in the church because of fear that God would leave them.  The true church does not have to cater to man they love, but do not cater to him.  They only fear losing God and not pleasing Him because God is our everything.  The true church will, when necessary confront sin and occasionally “expel the wicked person from among them.  Of course it is a different story when the wick person are the leaders over the congregation.  Some may quarrel that it is God’s job to get rid of the lying leaders.  I AGREE!  It is our job to WARN THE WICKED and if need be WARN THE PUBLIC of the dangers that the wicked pose to the community.  Don’t you think that it is right to warn the public about priest that take advantage of women and children?  Is it not right to warn others about these con-artists of the counterfeit churches?  YES, YES and again I say YES it is right to put the spotlight on those who use the ministry to take advantage of others.


The false religious leaders of every era did not have the wisdom, to STEP DOWN, or stop playing with God!  Religion is no different than any other drug people use to obtain a HIGH.  False leaders get high on exerting authority over others, abusing others, manipulating others.  THEY GET HIGH ON THIS!  So God has to bring them down.  Remember that Religion is the opium of the people, BUT HOLINESS COME FROM GOD, NOT MEN!  Man-kind molest the church, they give us the counterfeit gospel.  They lie to us, MAY THE LORD EXPEL THESE REPROBATESThe Blood of Christ is against you all.


The true church understands clearly that we are not to be unequally yoked and are to touch NO UNCLEAN THING so that God will dwell among us.  The greatest blessing is to be EXPELLED from the counterfeit churches.  That means you have a chance of going to be with the Lord one day.  The counterfeit churches have all the heaven they will ever receive on earth.  THAT’S IT!  See how poor they are?  See the debt against LYING, KNIVING & DECEIVING?  This is the entire ministry of the counterfeit churches. There is no prosperity in being a cheat and an adulterer.  THEY ARE UNCLEAN, according to the Bible.  The greatest joke of the lying churches is that they CALL YOU unequally yoked, but they are lying, stealing, fornicating, misusing, abusing and musing about it; YET THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TELL YOU SOMETHING AS STUPIDYOU ARE UNEQUALLY YOKED!  Look at the foolishness of these counterfeit churches leaders.


Who out there, professing to be a Christian, wants a leader that fornicates, but tell YOU NOT TO FORNICATE?  Who wants a church leader that tells YOU not to lie, BUT IS A LIAR?  No REAL CHRISTIAN wants a devil telling them anything.  One of the tools that the counterfeit churches use to smooth over THEIR SINS is to tell you something to the effect that no one is perfect, or they may ask you if you got it right the first time; something stupid that only people who don’t know the Lord, OR HIS WORD fall for.  JESUS SAID THAT STRAIGHT – STRAIGHT – STRAIGHT IS THE GATE, AND “NARROW” IS THE WAY that leads to life, AND THERE BE FEW THAT FIND IT.  You know why? 


Because so many people are on the path that leads to destruction.  THEY ARE UNEQUALLY YOKED TO BAD MINISTRY & THEIR SIN IS THEIR PROOF!  The ministry, OH NO, I think not.  At least NOT GODLY MINISTRY!  I am sorry for the blind guides who think that what they are doing is GOD’S WILL!  They are lost.  I would love to ask a few defrocked priests why they thought it was ministry to take advantage of women and children.  I want to know WHAT SCREW IS LOOSE IN THEIR EMPTY HEADS!  I want to know why they USED THE HOLY TITLES to abuse people.  WHAT DEVIL GOT IN THEM?  I wonder if they know their devil’s name.  I would love to hear their explanation of why they thought they would continue to go along and NOT GET CAUGHT


To every lying leader out there, you are going to get caught.  The net is spread for you, you are going down.  God is going to EXPOSE YOU!  God is going to expose the counterfeit ministries, YOU BETTER REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  You better take God’s warning seriously.  Stop collecting offerings, stop your phony Sunday schools, and stop your false preaching’s; stop having conferences and symposiums, ALL THESE THINGS ARE DETESTABLE TO GOD, and HE IS TIRED OF THE LIARS, THE WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING!  You could die in your car, while driving to your churches, and be lost for eternity.  Oh false leaders, you could die in the middle of your lying sermons, and be lost for eternity.  On your way to the podium, you could die instantly, and be lost for eternity.  EXPELLED!  Go ahead and laugh if you want to, keep on mocking God, and see what happen all of you in the fake churches.  You won’t be laughing on the day of your judgment.  You ain’t even going to know what hit you.


I am WARNING the counterfeit churches leaders, that all of you are in an unsafe position, you are in danger of God’s wrath – abides on you.  You think that you are safe, but you are not.  You are not saved!  You are an abomination headed to eternal desolation.  I urge to repent before it is too late.  In hell there is no place of repentance.  What you call ministry is not ministry, it is called DECEPTION!  Stop celebrating your deception, before it is too late.


God is not into lying, abusing, manipulating and intimidating people – THAT IS NOT THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRISTGOD IS NOT THE MINISTER OF SIN!  If you are a ministry that does these things – IT IS NOT A CHURCH, IT IS A CULT-COUNTERFEIT CHURCH, and you better run before it is too late.


When we say sin, we are not talking about someone who has made a mistake.  NO, NO, NO!  The Bible declares that we have an advocate with the Father in this instance.  We are talking about people who are PRACTICING sin, making a living OUT OF SIN, ENJOYING SINOOOOOH, THAT WAS GOOD FORNICATION SIN,  that is what we are talking about.  Someone in love with sin, then they come to what they call a church, and preach to you because they don’t have enough sense to see THAT THEY ARE UNQAULIFED TO BE STANDING WHERE THEY OUGHT NOT TO STAND!  Hiding behind Holy titles in order to draw disciples after them.    DON’T YOU THINK GOD IS GOING TO PUT A STOP TO THIS MESS


To everyone claiming to belong to Christ, you don’t want a devil for a spiritual father; you don’t want to be a spiritual son or daughter of the devil.  You don’t need no devil telling you when to come and go.  You don’t need no devil putting their hands on you.  If you belong to Christ, you don’t need the devil’s approval, because God disapproves of the devil.  You don’t want a handout from the devil.  Don’t even take a piece of bread from the counterfeit churches.  Don’t allow them to marry you or even say the last rites over a loved one, THEY ARE AN ABOMINATION, even their baptism and communion services stink.  Because they PURPOSELY WALK IN DARKNESS.  The counterfeit churches walk in darkness.  They have no business handling the elements of communion.  The FAITHFULLY UNGODLY ADMINISTERING COMMUNION!  You got to be kidding me.  Faithful IN SIN, and trying to administer communion – ALL OF YOU LYING LEADERS OUT THERE HAVE A LOT OF NERVE!  You never miss an opportunity to cause someone to stumble, but you want to preach.  GOD FORBIDLEAVE THE HOLY THINGS ALONE


The true church is a house of prayer because God is THE RESOURCE!  God is not in the counterfeit churches.  It is useless for all counterfeit churches to have prayer vigils – GOD AIN’T COMING TO AGREE WITH THOSE WHO ARE UNFAITHFUL TO HIM.  If God just happened to come to a counterfeit churches prayer vigil, I bet He find the false leaders asleep.  God does not want to YOKED TO NO LYING MINISTRIES!  Whenever the counterfeit churches get a miracle IT IS FALSEIT DID NOT COME FROM GOD – READ YOUR BIBLE, especially Thessalonians and Revelations. 


My sisters, continue to pray, this matter of the counterfeit churches are an extreme importance.  Don’t stop praying for God to deliver those deceived by the devil in these lying ministries.  In Jesus Name, I pray, AMEN!


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

We know that God doesn't listen to sinners. Instead, He listens to people who are devout and who do what He wants.


John 9:31




Sinners do not talk God’s language, and sinners do not do what God wants.  The counterfeit churches are not speaking the language God.  They use the bible, in fact many of these false preachers know the scriptures very well, but what they teach is not the language of the Holy Spirit.  The counterfeit churches pray using the name of Christ, but it is in vain, because the counterfeit REFUSES to do what God wants – AND GOD IS NOT PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO A PROSTITUTE CHURCH. Every time counterfeit churches gather it is only entertainment for themselves.  God is not amused with sin, deception or the deceivers.  No whoremongger can please the Lord.  No whoremongger is holy.  A whoremongger should not be in any pulpit leading a congregation.


The counterfeit religion is cheap, they live life on the cheap.  The religion of fake Christianity is CHEAP!  They may have an expensive façade, but fake Christianity is cheap. All of it is cheap; a fake Jesus, a fake gospel (= NO GOOD NEWS), fake praise, fake worship, fake faith, but the evil ministries are costing a lot of people their lives. The expensive parts of counterfeit ministry are the souls taken in by the lies and deception of the adversaries, wolves in sheep’s clothing- the false five-fold ministry.


In the counterfeit churches they have to flatter and appease people until they are hooked on the lie of the false gospel, because people are their resource for money and energy.  The great prostitute does not have answered prayers because “We know that God does not listen to sinners.  Again, I want every lying ministry to understand the reason why things are not working out for your crippled and heavily indebted ministries is because YOU ARE NOT PLUGGED INTO GOD!  All counterfeit churches are INSANENOTHING YOU DO IS GOING TO BE BLESS BY GOD.  Why should God bless or listen to any ministry THAT IS DRIVEN AGAINST HIMCHRISTIAN Leadership driven is only blessed when yielded to God; otherwise those leaders are driven and THE DEVIL IS DOING THE DRIVINGGOD LISTENS TO THE GODLY, THOSE WHO DO HIS WILL!  You will know when you are not in a godly ministry.


The church with sin is not plugged into THE GOD, the resource of all things, so it gets its money, tithe and energy from man-the closet thing to God since man is made in His image.  THIS MANCHINE has to keep members signed up for ministry affairs and give them official positions so that they may stay busy.  But down deep they are falling apart and the families are falling apart and the counterfeit church is using them as a battery pack and is therefore sucking the life out of them.  If any of you know people who belong to these counterfeit ministries – TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT HOW SIN SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF THEM, sin dries you up; sin makes you old before your time. Ungodly CHEAP counterfeit ministries suck the life out of you, and YOU STILL AIN’T SAVED!  No fake Jesus ever saved nobody.


How does this sound:  Minister fake, Pastor fake, Apostle fake, Elder fake, Deacon fake, Evangelist fake, Teacher fake, sister and brother fake.  THAT IS THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCHFAKE, FAKE, FAKE!  The leaders of these movement do not like being outted.  These leaders will do anything to keep the truth from coming to light, but even if I go away, GOD WILL RAISE UP SOMEONE ELSE TO TELL THE TRUTH!  There is no escape, no place to run or hide.  The hour of exposure has come to the fake gospel churches, and there is nothing they can do about it.  THEY WON’T ESCAPE!  THEY ARE GUILTY OF LYING AND COMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF GOD!  They are already found out.  All a coward can do is TAKE A CHEAP SHOT AT YOU!  That is all a coward has.  The counterfeit churches are cowards, their leaders take cheap shots, and it always boomerangs on them.  (laughing)  The counterfeit churches always look more silly by trying to defend itself.


A defining characteristic of the counterfeit churches is THAT EVERYBODY ELSE IS WRONG!  All the people who leave the counterfeit churches ACCORDING TO THEM, those people are wrong.  According to the counterfeit churches THEY ARE NEVER WRONG!  Steadily losing members, people leaving, and all those who leave the counterfeit churches, and come to the light ALL SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT & WHY THEY LEFT.  Again, the counterfeit churches are a church in denial.  A PIPE DREAM IN DENIAL!  Too bad the false leaders of these churches do not have enough sense to stop wasting people’s time, energy – YOUTH!  Most of these bad leaders are going to die chasing after their own delusion.  Many a follower of these counterfeit ministries are going to be hurt so bad when they eventually find out that what they were in was demonic.  They had nothing in Chirst, nothing to do with the CHURCH after all.  They are going to be disappointed.  I want every lying church leader to know that you will be exposed.  Your legacy is fixed, just like Jim Jones and David Koresh:  YOU ARE THE ADVERSAIRES OF GOD!


No Christian leader willingly rebels against God’s provisions after receiving and fully understanding the “knowledge of the truth,” which is Christ’s offer of salvation.  No Christian leader substitutes Christ’s offer with their offer – NOT A CHRISTAIN!  Listen everyone, if you have a leader offering to take you to the NEXT LEVEL and all they talking about is property, land, STUFFFORGET ABOUT THAT MINISTRY!  They are a worthless ministry and GOD IS NOT THERETHAT IS NOT THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST, and that ministry does not glorify God.


When a church leader freely chooses sin this is not to be considered a minor transgression, but a deliberate turning away.  This kind of sinner cannot turn back again for he or she is denying the basis for such return.  Church leaders and people who reject Christ have a fearful expectation of judgment.  Those who have defiled their temple, God will destroy.  Like I said, the false leaders are not getting away. 


God’s judgment is already against the counterfeit churches.  Any church leader, man or woman that twist God’s word, abuse people, lies, manipulates and intimidate has called to themselves a deadly disease.  It’s just a matter of time.  You will look for them, but they will not be found.  Only a hard hearted, sick minded, twisted and perverted person continues on the path against the Lord.  Yes, they can still climb into that pulpit without a conscience and give a message they call the gospel, but God is not there.  God is not listening to the prayers of liars.  I often wonder about those priest who abused women and children; I wonder who they thought was listening to them pray.  We must understand that in public counterfeit churches leaders must pray to PUT ON A GOOD SHOW, they know that it is expected of them.  But it is still a fraud.  Any church that uses it own people to commit sin is cursed.  Again, that is a cowardly act, despitable even in the eyes of God.  Those who betray the trust of the ministry of Christ Jesus are cursed, yet those who leave a liar - YOU ARE NOT CURSED!  Only the liar is cursed. 


Today, people around the world attended a counterfeit church, but they did not know it.  People heard what they thought was a message of GODLY HOPENOT WORLDY HOPE!  People thought that those ministering to them had a connection with God, but THEY DON’T!  Counterfeit ministry is dangerous, and a lot of people are going to lost following liars.  May God attack all the counterfeit churches, and expose them, In the Name of Jesus I pray – Amen.


My dear sisters, please continue to pray, I assure you that our prayers are working.  God is not sitting still and doing nothing about those who lie on Him and disrespect human life. Pray that God will close down every counterfeit ministry , and that He will rescue those who being held captive by lies, false signs, false miracles and wonders.


Ladies, please enjoy Labor Day, and don’t forget to pray.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.


1 Corinthians 5:  11




Not to keep company - To be wholly separated and withdrawn from such a person. Not to associate with him in any manner.  This is what the Apostle Paul said is to be done by those of the true Church:  WE ARE NOT TO ASSOCIATE WITH PROFFESSIONAL HYPOCRITES!  The counterfeit churches PRACTICE A LIE, THEY DO IT ON PURPOSE!  The next level that any leaders in these churches are taking their followers to is ALL A LIETHE NEXT LEVEL IS A LIETHE NEXT LEVEL IS A DEVIL!  


If you are reading this, and you are in a counterfeit church, YOUR PURPOSE IS A LIE!  You may have a holy title, you might be tithing, you may be attending a service several times a week, but your purpose is a lie, you don´t have salvation, NO CHRIST, NO HEAVENNO HOPE, all you have is a bunch of lying five fold ministers OF SIN!  Your leaders may look and sound important, but it´s all a sham to lead you to hell, which is where the bible says ALL LIAR are headed, and that is where the counterfeit churches are going, straight to hell.  No Mercedes Benz or Caddy´s in hell.  No fancy Jewellery in hell.  No fancy clothes in hell.  ALL LIARS; ENJOY YOUR SIN WHILE IT LAST!  ENJOY THE LIES YOU TOLD AND STILL TELLING - WHILE IT LAST!  Because there is no joy where you are going, and I don´t say this with any amount of pleasure.  I know that it hurts the heart of God to see any person lost, that is why God sent HIS SON JESUS, to save, heal and to forgive man of sins, but since the counterfeiters refuse to renounce their sin, what more can God do than to allow the lying wonders to go to their destruction.


Any professing Christian; any member of the church, be a fornicator, or an idolater - Or a railer - A reproachful person; of coarse, harsh, and bitter words; a person whose characteristic it was to abuse others; to vilify their character, and wound their feelings. It is needless to say how much this is contrary to the spirit of Christianity, and to the example of CHRIST, "who when he was reviled, reviled not again."   Again, THIS SIN IS “PROOF!”  This is the leadership of the counterfeit church, this is what they do, this is who they are, and they do these things simply because the love Christ is not in them.  And again, whenever the counterfeit churches are EXPOSED they must fight vigorously to defend the lie in order to survive.  LYING IS THE ONLY WAY OF THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCH!  This is the way that Jesus spoke of that leads to destruction.  Again, and again, the counterfeit churches prove that they are being destroyed, because the Word of God tells us so.   “PROOF!”  “PROOF!”  “PROOF!”  To the leaders in all counterfeit churches, your knowledge of your sins of fornication, idolatry, railings against the TRUTH, and other abuses ARE YOUR PROOFYOU KNOW YOUR GUILTY – DON´T YOU?  Stop lying to yourself counterfeit churches.  The more evil you do - the more exposure God is going to bring to light on you.  YOU BETTER STOP LYING!  THE PROOF IS COMING OUT AGAINST THE LYING CHURCHES!


Or a drunkard - Perhaps there might have been some then in the church, as there are now, who were addicted to this vice. It has been the source of incalculable evils to the church; and the apostle, therefore, solemnly enjoins on Christians to have no fellowship with a man who is intemperate. So many church leaders love liquor, and constantly hit the bottle, and I even heard a preacher tell us that it was nothing wrong with drinking.  The preacher told us that those who do not drink would be the ones with all the stomach problems.  The preacher openly endorsed drinking alcohol.  We learned that this preacher was a boozer.  Again, who wants a church leader telling you how to live, and they can´t live without a drink?  No person addicted to any of these vices should be in the pulpit, because they cannot walk the talk they demand you to live.  Again, this is clearly demonstrated in the counterfeit churches.


With such an one no not to eat - To have no contact or fellowship with him of any kind; not to do anything that would seem to acknowledge him as a brother; with such an one not even to eat at the same table. This refers to the contact of common life, and not particularly to the communion. The true Christian was wholly to disown such a person, and not to do anything that would seem to imply that he regarded him as a Christian brother.


The true church is plugged into God like the branch to the vine.  The counterfeit church is plugged into man and uses flattery to keep people there.  It does not turn from their sin and will even tell them that God does not care about repentance.  Jesus said that there would be many false prophets.  If you are deliberately sinning, there is no sacrifice for sins left but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire. 


Some churches say that they teach repentance and laying down sin, but they pick and choose what sins they tolerate.  There are many leaders who tolerate THEIR SIN, but you better not sin.  For many false leaders, it is okay for them to fornicate, abuse people, break confidences, lie, cheat, and swindle, but it is not okay for you to do it.  THIS IS A HYPOCRITE!  This is not a man or woman of God, these types of people are not to be respected or recieved in the church leadership - DON´T FELLOWSHIP A DEVIL!  DON´T INVITE A DEVIL TO YOUR ASSEMBLIES!  LEAVE TH COUNTERFEIT CHURCHES WHERE THEY ARE - HOPEFULLY ON SOME BACK LOT WHERE THEY WON´T CONTAMINATE THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY!  Warn everyone about the devil in your neighborhoods, tell everyone not to fellowship with Satan or his followers:  RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!




The counterfeit churches are not surrendered to God, they do not obey God´s purpose, their next level is destruction, they are doomed.  THIS MEANS YOU!


My dear sisters, it was a lovely Labor Day, and I hope that all of you enjoyed a blessed day.  Please, continue to pray for the lost, and those who are blind to the light of God´s truth, especially those in these counterfeit churches.  So many people have been abused, and God has heard the cries of those who have suffered from wicked leaders, and God is doing something about it.  We must continue to pray, OUR PRAYERS ARE WORKING!  Don´t stop praying, and remember that the prayers of the wicked mean nothing to God, because the wicked do not obey God.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly



Samuel said, "Why do you consult me, now that the LORD has turned away from you and become your enemy?

1 Samuel 28:16




Early Christians came to Christ on HIS TERMS and were born again as new creations to walk in a new life.  Can you have tolerable levels of rebellion (sin) to God?  How much rebellion is okay with God before He turns and becomes your enemy?  What happened to Ananias and Sapphira when they sinned against the leading of the Holy Spirit?  When they dropped dead, a fear seized the whole church.  It is clear that Jesus, the Apostle and the Prophets (REAL ONES) all taught us to turn from rebellion to God.  Remember that someone caught in sin was taken outside the camp and stoned in Moses’ day; the rebellious sinner was expelled in Paul’s day.


Today in the counterfeit churches the terms of salvation are based on obedience to man’s system of religiosity.  There is no NEW LIFE in cults and counterfeits:  ONLY CUFFS & COLLARS! That includes the spiritual ones meant to bind, and those used by the lustful DEMONDRIVEN” leaders behind the scenes.  If you don’t believe the latter, just listen to the news and read the papers about all the NASTY things counterfeit church leaders are doing TO MEMBERS!  These leaders use the holy titles, and have tolerable levels of rebellion to God?  These are scoundrels masquerading behind titles with no regard for God or people.  I want everyone to know THAT NONE OF THIS REBELLION IS OKAY WITH GOD! Furthermore, these counterfeit church leaders ARE CAUGHT by the Lord, whom they ought to have feared.  God will avenge the wrong committed against His people.  Every false church leader needs to understand that your pay day is coming – you won’t escape.  THIS MEANS YOU

When any person goes from the plain path of duty, everything draws us further aside, and increases our perplexity and temptation. Again, we now can understand why counterfeit church leaders lie, cheat, steal, commit all kinds of sexual sins – THEY LEFT THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS!  This path of duty was traded in for THEIR PURPOSE, THEIR NEXT LEVEL, THEIR VAIN DREAMS OF GLORY!  People will trade God for a car, suits of clothing, shoes, boots, a ring, money, a singing contract, a title, some sex, SOME MORE SEX, DRUGS, and LIQUOR!  I am talking about cultic leaders.  THOSE AMONG US, THOSE WHO SHOULD BE EXPELLED AND THE PUBLIC WARNED ABOUT THEM!  The saints of God should be holding THEIR OWN PRAYER VIGIL against the false churches.  We should be conducting CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUMS against the false leaders, WARNING people not attend these FAITHLESS MINISTRIES OF “WORKS!”


King Saul desires the woman to bring one from the dead, with whom he wished to speak; this was expressly forbidden, De 18:11. All real or pretended witchcraft or conjuration, is a malicious or an ignorant attempt to gain knowledge or help from some creature, when it cannot be had from the Lord in the path of duty. While Samuel was living, we never read of Saul's going to advice with him in any difficulties; it had been well for him if he had. But now he is dead, Bring me up Samuel.  You see, when a person lives the life of the lie to get by, eventually the evil doer will have a need for TRUTH, not to be AFFIRMED!  The people around these counterfeit leaders spend a lot of time telling these rotten leaders how great they are, just like those lying prophets of Ahab promising him success – but it was not true.  The same is true for the evil counterfeit churches leaders:  THOSE IN YOUR EAR – THOSE CLOSE TO YOU, WHISPERING IN YOUR EAR – THE INNER CIRCLE:  THEY ARE LYING TO YOU!  What else can they do?  This is what they’ve been taught to do – THIS IS THEIR PURPOSE, AND THE NEXT LEVEL!  The counterfeit church leaders are surrounded by the liars they’ve taught to lie. 


Many who despise and persecute God's saints and ministers when living, would be glad to have them again, when they are gone.  I imagine that the counterfeit churches leaders’ wishes to see people who ARE REAL, instead of having some lying follower running behind you all the time.  Just remember this, every counterfeit churches leader YOU’LL REGRET THE DAY YOU PERSECUTED ANY OF GOD’S PEOPLEGOD GUARANTEES IT!  Every wicked leader is going to regret putting their hands and their mouths on the saints.  Keep on praying – you will see it.  No one need fear any person in the counterfeit churches, they do not have any power over you.


 The whole shows that it was no human fraud or trick. Though the woman could not cause Samuel's being sent, yet Saul's inquiry might be the occasion of it. Remember that both Saul and Ahab once had a chance to be successful BY ACCEPTING THE TRUTH!  Because the counterfeit churches leaders chose to EXCHANGE THE TRUTH FOR A LIE, The bible says that God’s would send them a STRONG DELUSION THAT THEY SHOULD NOT OBEY THE TRUTH


The counterfeit church strongly prefers sin to holiness and error to truth anyway.  Wicked counterfeit churches have pleasure in being unrighteous  THEY ENJOY SINTHEY ENJOY TELLING LIES, FORNICATING, STEALING, SWINDLING and every evil work they call NOBLE!   See the ignorance of those in sin?   They call this MINISTRY!  God’s word declares the reality of them as DELUSIONAL!  The wicked are so blind, they call themselves MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD, and God has nothing to do with fornication, stealing, and swindling, abusing people.  GOD IS NOT A BOOZE BRAIN!   See how sin leads counterfeit churches leaders to say and do dumb things?  THEY BELIEVE THEIR OWN LIES THAT THEY SHOULD BE DAMNED!

The wicked church leaders have made themselves the enemies of God!


In our bible text, the woman's surprise and terror proved that it was an unusual and unexpected appearance. Saul had despised Samuel's solemn warnings in his lifetime, yet now that he hoped, as in defiance of God, to obtain some counsel and encouragement from him.  Again, when the wicked had a chance to repent and makes things right THEY REFUSED!  They despised the solemn warnings given to them, and now the wicked counterfeit churches leaders find themselves SCRAMBLING TO MAKE THEMSELVES APPEAR HOLYBUT IT IS TOO LATE!

This is my warning to every counterfeit church leader:  don’t expect anything good to happen for your cursed, demon infested organizations when you have lived in defiance of God.  THERE IS NO ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOU!  You own leaders within lie to you.  You have made yourselves the enemies of God!

Sisters, please continue to pray for those being led astray by the wicked counterfeit churches.  Our prayers are working, we are making a difference.  God truly has heard the cries of those who have been abused, and HE IS going to take care of these offenses, but we must continue to pray – DON’T STOP PRAYING!

I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.

He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.


John 14:23 - 24



Accountability is central to what it means to be an ethical leader.  Not all cult & church leaders are ethical, and of course when leaders are found to be cheap, dishonest, and scoundrels, the public needs to be warned.  Sadly, we have too many fallen spiritual leaders due to unethical conduct, men and women who are not be trusted with shepherding people.  ALL CHURCH LEADERS ARE TO BE FAITHFUL TO CHRIST, especially since they say they were called of God.  Christian virtue demands that members of the clergy be responsible even if members are not.  This is in keeping with the character of Christ.  Any church leader who ignores confidentiality is not to be trusted with the privilege.  In fact, when you find out that a church leader has broken this sacred trust, you need to be careful.  Don’t ever trust that leader.  Be careful what you tell lay ministers when going up for prayer. 


Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness.  A spiritual leader who is not faithful in their marriages or single life is not to be trusted, THEY ARE ALREADY UNFAITHFUL, so don’t confide in that leader.  If a man or woman cannot be faithful to their spouse, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THEY WILL BE FAITHFUL ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS – DON’T TRUST A REPROBATE!


Leaders who are unfaithful to Christ are not to be trusted.  If you encounter ANY CHURCH LEADER that says something about God that is not true from the bible:  DON’T TRUST THEM!  I have witnessed several church leaders LIE ON GOD!  Don’t confide in a leader like that.  KNOW YOUR BIBLE!  A scoundrel HAS NO VIRTUE!  No scoundrel belongs in the pulpit, and YOU DON’T OWE A SCRONDREL ANY LOYALTY!  Also, churches rarely inform members that they are signing a legal document Some counterfeit churches have leaders that were ignorant and did not know what they were doing when allowing members to sign papers that incorporated the organization’s debts to their good names and credit.  BE CAREFUL OF SOUNDREL MINISTRIES!   SOME CULTS & COUNTERFEIT CHRUCHES KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING!  If you belong to a ministry where the leaders names are not attached to anything, you have a careful, crafty COWARDS FOR LEADERS AND YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THATSCOUNDREL MINISTRY!”


Pastoral Confidentiality is an Ethical and Legal Responsibility Pastoral confidentiality is both a moral and legal obligationDO NOT WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO CONFIDENTIALITY EVER


When encouraged or invited to join ANY CULT OR CHURCH, ask detailed questions about confidentiality. And stay alert about confidentiality issues after you join. If you see that cult & church leaders and members form cliques, backbite, gossip etc, that violates confidentiality and creates an unsafe atmosphere. Find out their attitude toward those who have left--an important source of information, especially when leaders broadcast on television not to associate with certain people that left the cults & churches, and when leaders publicly over their pulpits run down people who have left – THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT and it is a WARNING that these leaders cannot be trusted.  DO NOT CONFIDE INFORMATION YOU DON’T WANT TO BE REPEATED IN THESE MINISTRIESDANGER, DANGER, DANGER!

Everything confided in cult and church leaders must be kept confidential.   Here is a rule to follow, 'Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.’  But remember in the cults and counterfeit churches these leaders are out to exploit people NOT HELP THEM.  I don’t care if these leaders give you money DON’T TRUST THEM!

Some leaders or teachers require followers to disclose intimate material in the form of letters or journals. Major problems can come up if this material is not used responsibly and isn’t safeguarded. An unethical leader may keep a dossier on each member, noting that person’s vulnerabilities then cleverly use that material to shame or confuse the person, or in extreme cases, for blackmail, and other means of intimidation.  When this happens REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY TO THE POLICE!   For regular churches where the leadership is accountable report this violation to their higher and even highest leadership.

You should never be tape recorded, photographed or videotaped without signing a release form, especially if this is in connection with a workshop or seminar/conferences.  Unethical leaders will use this information against members who decide to leave, as a form of intimidation and abuse.   

Best rule of thumb is It is best that you not share sensitive information or any material in writing with anyone, unless you and your cult & church leader have jointly signed a legal document such as a release form that clearly spells out the ways the material will be used, and that it will be kept in a secure place, than either destroyed returned to you in its entirety upon your request. Your concerns about confidentiality should be respected.   


Any church or cult leader that breaks the confidentiality of any member is a scoundrel and you need to leave that organization immediately and warn the public.  HELP OTHER S AVOID THE SAME TRAP!  Don’t just leave your cults and churches, and go somewhere else without helping others avoid the destructive religions of the damned.

If your concerns are not respected, this is important information about the nature of the cults and counterfeit churches.   

Some leaders may seem almost ULTRA SPIRITUALLY intuitive about each follower concerns and vulnerabilities. It is easy to forget that if people routinely disclose intimate matters to the leader and the leader keeps a file on each person, it’s easy to keep track, and not evidence of any spiritual gift.  In one such cult that I attended, I heard the leader often remarked that he had all the goods on everyone in the congregation.  I also witnessed the leader take former members’ videotaped testimonies and use them against them to twist what they had said and accuse these former members of lying just because they chose to leave for whatever reason.  THIS IS WRONG AND IT IS NOT WHAT CHRISTIANS DO!  This was an act of Satan:  STEAL, KILL & DESTROY!

If you are pressured to share intimate material about yourself more quickly than you're comfortable with, if you're pressured to behave in ways that violate your ethical standards, all of those are warning signs. Any relationship that fosters shame will hamper your psychological/spiritual growth, despite whatever intense experiences come up along the way. Long term, a group that fosters pressure, secrecy and shame will take far more from you than it gives.

Remember this, Jesus said that those who love Him will: Observe all my sayings, and have his affections and conduct regulated by HIS Spirit and doctrine.  There are too many in the ministry that are not keeping the Words of Christ, they are COUNTERFEITING THE GOSPEL!


My beautiful sister, please, keep the prayers going, we are making a difference, and I mean it.  I know we are making a difference against the counterfeit churches.  Pray for those who are blind to God’s truth, and bound in these disgusting and deceitful ministries, that the Lord will deliver them out of the hands of the enemy.  OUR PRAYERS ARE WORKING!


I Love You ALL


Sister Shelly

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.


Philippians 2:3




Philippians 2:3 is the primary verse that addresses selfishness. Paul says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” Selfishness and vanity are the epitome of narcissism, and they are particularly destructive and have no place in the Christian life. As Christians, we are be modest and humble (Colossians 3:12) and live in submission to God (1 Peter 5:5; James 4:7) and to one another “with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2-3 KJV). Humility sees the best traits in others and the lowliest traits in self. It does not envy the graces and gifts of others, but rejoices in them. The truly humble person seeks to serve others; the narcissist seeks only to serve themselves.  Again, the counterfeit churches leaders are jealous of the best traits in those THEY CAN’T CONTROL!


Many narcissists are talented, and others view them as special. This element of a narcissist actually having apparent talent makes it hard to convince those around the narcissist that this person is not what they seem and that underneath the talent and feigned empathy is a monster of attention and energy that wishes for nothing but complete and utter power and control over as many people and institutions as possibleA NARCISSIST = DEMONIC LEADERSHIP “DRIVEN!”


Of course, one logical outcome of this disorder – indeed, one which is necessary for narcissists to wreak the havoc that they do – is that they can’t do the damage to society and their social networks all by themselves. None of the narcissistic despots could have done what they did in their lives without the help and support of others.   Ahab had his false prophets just like the narcissists’ counterfeit churches leaders have their supporters. Even Jim Jones and David Koresh as well – could not have done what they did by themselves – What lessons can we take away from these cults and counterfeits churches about being able to recognize narcissistic people and what damage they are capable of? If we are able to identify narcissists, we can neutralize the damage that they do to society and individuals.


The description of a narcissistic personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior):  THE NEXT LEVEL, HUGE DEBT, SEXUAL PERVERSION, SPIRITUAL MOM & DAD, BUILDING PROJECTS, etc.  There is a need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.


I noticed the leaders of counterfeit churches in this grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements), many of the false leaders boasts behind titles, bunches of college degrees, past and fading glories, just like some former high school football player letterman – still trying to fit into that old jacket.  The narcissist is always caught up in delusion, and they are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, and of course many of these leaders achieved none of these things.  I WARN ALL NARCISSISTIC FALSE LEADERS TO COME OUT OF YOUR DREAM WORLD!  WAKE UP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!


Another bizarre behavior I noticed of counterfeit churches narcissist leaders is that they believe that they are “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).  This delusion seems to stretch to groupie like devotion to people they admire, so they copy and steal their intellectual properties, whining that others who leave them are trying to steal WHAT THEY STOLE!  See how pathetic these counterfeit ministries become? 


Often narcissistic leaders become insanely jealous of ministries like Creflo and Jakes.  These types of leaders will go to any lengths to achieve super status.  Some go as far as to copy their sanctuaries like these ministries.  Sadly, these ministries actually believe that God is telling them to do all the evil that they are doing, claiming that they are leading others to salvation, but it is a lie.  There is no deliverance in false ministries.  These are very messy and dangerous people.


I have seen expressed jealousy (OUTBURST) from counterfeit leaders; if one was to mention actually having been in one of these real churches.  Whatever you do, if you are in a counterfeit ministry where leaders exhibit jealousy and rage:  DON’T BE A NAME DROPPER!  Jealousy drives the narcissistic counterfeit church leaders to insanity; they don’t want to hear about you being in any famous ministry.  The narcissist counterfeit clergy desperately wants to join the super star status of elite ministries.  The narcissist counterfeit church leaders know NO depth to which they will sink to RUSH, STEP ON, LIE, CHEAT SWINDLE to climb the ladder of what they believe is success.  The saddest part of all is that at the top of this ladder, there is no success waiting for those who disobey the Lord.  Those counterfeit churches leaders WILL SEE ALL THOSE THEY ABUSED DURING THEIR “FALL” DOWN THAT LADDER.  They are expelled and THEIR SIN IS THEIR “PROOF!”  


Narcissistic counterfeit churches leaders requires excessive admiration; they have  a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.  Behavior so sophomoric that it actually defies all logic that for a moment you might forget that these ARE ADULTS acting like this.    GOD IS NOT INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S EGOS, NOR DOES HE ENJOY WATCHING PEOPLE ACT LIKE FOOLS!  Especially those who claim that God has call them.  Playing church is dangerous and it is not an option to disobey God and think that you shall have success.  YOU WON’T!  I encourage counterfeit churches to step back for a moment and recognize your position.  As a result of disobedience a ministry with leaders in disobedience to God is a ministry in decline.  Remember that Jesus said that except one abides in Him, that we can do nothing.


In the counterfeit churches, narcissistic leadership is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others, THESE ARE EXTREMELY SHELFISH LEADERS.  They whine and cry when people leave their false churches.  In one of these counterfeit churches I attended, I often heard whining leaders complain:  “I WORK HARD AND INVEST MY TIME – AND THEN YOU LEAVE!”  BIG BABIES – they take it personal that a person leaves their control.  I even heard leaders tell their congregations not to associate with those who left their abusive control.


Some of these leaders spend their time persecuting members who leave these counterfeit churches.  They even go as far as spending money, televising their ungodly behavior to the public by castigating former members.  


Narcissistic counterfeit churches leaders are often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her, shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.   MONEY DESTROYS NARCISSIST COUNTERFEIT CHURCHES LEADERS.  Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom? Proverbs 17: 16


The scripture from Philippians forbids us to do anything, or attempt anything as the mere result of strife.  I have personally witnessed lots of strife in the counterfeit churches, and this is not the principle from which we are to act, or by which we are to be governed. We are to form no plan, and aim at no object which is to be secured in this way. The command prohibits all attempts to secure anything over others by mere physical strength, or by superiority of intellect or numbers, or as the result of dark schemes and plans formed by rivalry, or by the indulgence of angry passions, or with the spirit of ambition. We are not to attempt to do anything merely by outstripping others, or by showing that we have more talent, courage, or zeal.  In the false churches I have attended, leaders are overly aggressive, always boasting, and trying to malign other churches and their leaders.


Christian denominations ARE NOT TO attempt to outstrip each other, and to see which shall be the greatest! How often do FALSE ministers preach with no better aim! How often do they attempt to outdo others in dress and the splendor of furniture and equipment!  The counterfeit churches even go as far as boasting about the expense of the seats which people are sitting – pathetic isn’t it?  These ministries boast of excellence, when there is none.  This is all wrong. There is no holiness in such efforts.  Self is not to be foremost; selfishness is not to be the motive, in the TRUE CHURCH, but they are foremost and motive in the counterfeit churches.


My dear sisters, I urge you to continue to pray for the lost that are bound in these counterfeit churches, our prayers are working.  I am going to continue to remind all of you, that prayer works, and it is not God’s will for people to be lost.  We want to see these bad ministries closed down.  DON’T STOP PRAYING!


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.


1 John 4:1




The first characteristic of narcissism is having a grandiose sense of self-importance, I have seen false ministers like Jim Jones clearly used their talents of speaking and preaching to show and display to others there superiority and self-importance. Funny, Jim Jones told others in the group, “If you see me as your savior, I will be your savior. If you see me as your God, then I’ll be your God.”  The great majority of people in this world would not say these types of things or even think them. Jones not only thought about himself in this manner, but he spoke these things to his followers. Because he was charming and successful early on, many in the group did not challenge him on this arrogant behavior, even though most Christians consider pride to be a deadly sin.   Sadly, many people are charmed by deceptive counterfeiters who speak and handle the word of God craftily to their followers; leaders who tell their followers not to speak or associate with members who leave their counterfeit churches.  Also in their pride and arrogance the counterfeit churches leaders tell people that God will bless those who are close to them, many a cult follower does not challenge the arrogant behavior of counterfeit churches leaders.


Do counterfeit churches leaders exaggerate their talents? Most would say yes, but many – including people outside the group, often are highly impressed with liars.  This may be one of the keys that allow lying churches leaders to avoid the revulsion that people have towards manipulative, arrogant narcissists – they appear to have talent, they appear successful, and the counterfeit churches leaders make people feel welcome and special.  In Narcissism the worst aspects of the disorder are hidden by overtly friendly, warm and charming behavior – as the honeymoon period. This honeymoon quickly turns into a nightmare as the true nature of the narcissist comes out.


Counterfeit churches Narcissists leaders will also put on an entirely false front from others and many times from themselves. Several former members of Peoples Temple reported that during the early days of their involvement, Jones made them feel very special and welcome.  In one of the counterfeit churches that I attended, the leader appeared to be charismatic, friendly, supportive, and seemed to have “divine” powers to heal the body and soul. But then slowly the truth became more and more apparent – the misconduct, the theft of money, the paranoia, the alcohol use, emotional, physical and verbal abuse, and virtual imprisonment in the cult made it clear to many who the cult leader really was.


As for the second characteristic – having fantasy of ultimate power – it is hard to tell since we cannot peer into the inner thoughts of manipulative people, but it is no secret that they are forthright in talking about their thoughts on power.  In general, from all that has been reported – that manipulative counterfeit leaders see themself as influential and powerful beyond their small group.   If the it was not for being exposed for their wrong who knows how high liars would have gone in their quests for power or beyond. We do know that cult leaders are the  undisputed rulers of their fantasy false churches. In the cults counterfeit leaders are spiritual father, king, savior, socialist hero and a god to their followers, or at least that is what they want  followers to believe.   Clearly, the counterfeiters have delusions about the limitlessness of their own power and most likely believed, as many narcissists do, that the world would be better off if they ruled it without question or oversight.  Always remember that counterfeit narcissistic churches leaders say that WE DON’T NEED YOUR OPINION.  JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO!


The third characteristic of the narcissist has to do with an excess of self-love that creates a sense of being special compared to others and needing to be around others who are special and talented as well. They are destined for greatness, they believe, and as such, they should only be around other extraordinary people. This may have been one of the things that drove one such counterfeit church leader to leave their church and start working on his own pipe-dream of a false church.  The counterfeit churches leaders love being seen around powerful people. The counterfeit leaders see themself as a celebrity and an important figure in the future THE NEXT LEVEL!.

This characteristic can lead the narcissist to categorize the people in their life in a highly delineated manner, by grouping them into worthy and unworthy people. The next logical step is that the narcissist really respects only those talented, special people like them, and uses and manipulates all others without conscience.  A good example is Jim Jones; who clearly saw himself as superior and above others, and actively sought to be around powerful people, at least later in his life. Those that he felt were below him were treated very badly, being emotionally abused,  publicly humiliated, and – of course – threatened with death if they left the group.  Jim Jones, is not the only counterfeit church who has done this sort of thing.  There are many deluded people in ministry who are blinded by selfishness.


The fourth characteristic of a narcissist is the need for excessive admiration. This is the characteristic that most people think of when they consider the classic vain narcissist: Someone who is constantly fishing for compliments or showing off new and exclusive possessions, or who otherwise just want to get attention. People who display this characteristic spend a lot of time attending to their looks, getting people to like them, cultivating themselves as the life of the false churches, having the most attractive romantic partners, and trying to keep up with the latest fashions. The more acute version of this characteristic comes in the form of being needy, possessive, jealous and suffering from separation anxiety. This characteristic is very common in narcissists with low self-esteem!


Are counterfeit churches leaders in need of excessive admiration?  It is well reported that they have issues with people leaving them.  False churches leaders are always the head and voice of their church – they want to be the center of the group and the center of attention from the evidence and accounts, it seems as though these false leaders need excessive amounts of admiration. This may be what drives counterfeit leaders to create a fortress mentality inside the group where it was near to impossible to leave AS THEY TELL FOLLWERS THAT THEY CANNOT HEAR FROM GOD APART FROM THE LEADER WITH REGARDS TO THEIR OWN DESTINY!


The bible tells us not to believe every spirit.  Do not confide implicitly in everyone who professes to be under the influences of the Holy Spirit.  The true and the false teachers of Christianity alike claimed to be under the influence of the Spirit of God, and it was of importance that all such pretensions should be examined. It was not to be admitted because anyone claimed to have been sent from God that therefore he was sent. Every such claim should be subjected to the proper proof before it was conceded. All pretensions to divine inspiration, or to being authorized teachers of religion, were to be examined by the proper tests, because there were many false and delusive teachers who set up such claims in the world.  If they taught what God had taught in HIS WORD, yet imposters TWISTS GOD’S WORD, they use it manipulatively, like those priests and minister who use the bible to molested boys and women.  Also if their lives corresponded with God’s requirements, and if their doctrines agreed with what had been inculcated by those who were admitted to be true apostles, 1 John 4:6, they were to receive them as what they professed to be. If not, they were to reject them, and hold them to be impostors.  We should reject church leaders who are in and out of relationship, committing fornication, swindling money, boozing, lying on God and lying to the people. 


Because many false prophets are gone out into the world - The word prophet is often used in the New Testament to denote religious instructors or preachers. Such false teachers evidently abounded in those times and now. The meaning is, that many had gone out into the world pretending to be true teachers of religion, but who inculcated most dangerous doctrines like GOD BLESSES THOSE WHO ARE CLOSET TO ME! When my friend told me that they had attend a counterfeit church that actually had a leader like that, I wanted to know the response of the crowd.  Sadly, my friend told me that members were saying “amen” to this false doctrine.  Then and now it was their duty and ours to be on guard against these leaders, for they HAVE the very spirit of antichrist, 1 John 4:3.


My sisters, please continue to pray for those who are charmed by the lying wonders of the counterfeit churches, that our sisters and brothers will soon be free from the tyranny of imposters and glory seekers.  I have very good reasons to believe that our prayers are working, DON’T STOP PRAYING.  The Lord will deliver!  In Jesus name – Amen.

Have a wonderful weekend.

I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. Yet they lean upon the LORD and say, "Is not the LORD among us? No disaster will come upon us."


Micah 3:11




As I continue to describe narcissistic behaviors of counterfeit church leaders, questions are being answered about the whys counterfeit church officials behave so badly, and why they violate the rights of others.  I notice another characteristic of counterfeit church leaders is a sense of entitlement, whereby those around the narcissist must agree to every request they make or face unwelcome consequences. Consequences include but are not limited to visits and phone calls from members of the cult congregation, they serve as the cult leader’s strong arm, also narcissistic cult leaders use the BULLY PULPIT to attack people during cult services.   In addition, narcissistic cult leaders feel that the norms and laws that govern society and individuals do not apply to them. This allows them to violate the rights of others without feeling of guilt and to harm society by engaging in large scale fraud.   The counterfeit church leaders always USE, HIDE BEHIND AND BLAME for their disgusting behavior:  “IT’S ALWAYS SOMONE ELSES FAULT.”  People who belong to these counterfeit churches will always spend a great deal of time cleaning up and covering up behind dirty leaders that is until leaders turn on them.  


Clearly, David Koresh, Jim Jones and other cult leaders do not believe that the rules and laws of society applied to them. This is apparent from the various accounts of rape of women in the group, abuses, abuse of drugs and alcohol – while simultaneously telling their congregations that THESE THINGS ARE WRONGand their use of physical and emotional techniques to control and humiliate their followers. The most extreme example is best understood when Jim Jones gave the order to kill Congressman Leo Ryan.  It is clear at the moment that narcissist counterfeit churches leaders give orders to hurt others they feel that neither the rules of the law nor morality applied to them.  These sick and mentally disturbed leaders believe they are above reproach and judgment, and anyone who dared to criticize or attack them should suffer ostracism, punishment and any other devilment they can conjure with their reprobate minds.   

I notice that narcissists’ church leaders will justify breaking rules and laws by using broad rationalizations to neutralize the feelings of hypocrisy. Many narcissists, like David Koresh, rationalized having sex with all the other married females in his group because, as he said, he was building the “House of David” (BEING A SPIRITUAL DADDY) by fathering children with the female members of the group. In turn, these children would become the blessed elders who would rebuild the Christian world after Armageddon. It is hard to determine if Koresh really believe this or not, and many felt that he was using that excuse for the sole purpose of having sex with other members of the group.   In other cult cultures, counterfeit church leaders seek to alienate followers from their families by manipulating time off and away from the cult, and this included ALLOWING followers to go on vacation, using such excuses as people need to be there to hear the messages.  By alienating followers, counterfeit churches leaders try and build A FAMILY whereby the counterfeit churches leaders impose this spiritual fatherhood over them as a means of control and manipulation.  This manipulation includes but is not limited to telling members that they must get permission to date and marry, even wear an engagement ring.  If you are reading this and you are a member of such an organization, tell your leaders to jump in a lake, and leave immediately.  If you are contacted by counterfeit churches leaders, tell them not to contact you again, and report them to the authorities.


In comparison, what is clear from the actions I observed in counterfeit churches leaders is that they do believe they are above the law of the state and biblical morality, but they do use rationalizations to justify their behavior.   Jim Jones used drugs, he said, for his kidneys, but then why would he drink on top of that? He justified having sex with both men and women in the group by saying he was helping them deal with their feelings.  (REPROBATE)   The violence he ordered or condoned within the group was good for its cohesion of discipline and self-governance, (MANIPULATION & INTIMIDATION) to do what was right for the collective by making examples out of its miscreants.


Counterfeit churches leaders are very afraid of exposure.  Exposure is like taking a stick and poking a wild animal in a cage -  THEY DON’T LIKE IT!  These leaders know how their behavior would be viewed by the outside world, even if they did not think what they are doing IS WRONGSICK, just sick leadership that abuses people, and think that what they are doing is right.  Then, when discovered, these types of leaders become SCARED THAT IT IS TIME TO FACE THE MUSIC.  No desperate measure will save any liar.  All lying churches leaders have a date with judgment.  GOD DOES NOT CALL YOU FRIEND!

In the counterfeit churches every ministry IS corrupted. One sin, the root of all evil 1 Timothy 6:10, covetousness, entered into all they did. It, not God, was their one end, and so their God. The second sin followed hard upon it, to judge unjustly, absolving the guilty, condemning the innocent, justifying the oppressor, legalizing wrong.


And her priests teach for hire – In the counterfeit churches THEY DO NOT put difference between holy and unholy, and between clean and unclean, and to teach all the statutes, which God has commanded.   It is the job of Christian spiritual authority to set the example; their lips are to keep knowledge Malachi 2:7.


The prophets - divine for money - These are evidently the false prophets; for none, professing to be sent by God, used any kind of divination.  In today’s false churches, leaders divine not only for money, BUT FOR CONTROL of the people!


Yet will they lean upon the Lord - They will prescribe fasts and public thanksgivings, while not one sin is repented of or forsaken, and not one public grievance is redressed.  In today’s false churches leaders call for symposiums, prayer vigils and conferences even though they are vile contemptuous leaders who refuse to obey the Lord and continue down the path of hurting others.


Is not the Lord among us? - Here is his temple, here are his ordinances, and here are his people. Will he leave these? Yes, GOD will abandon the whole, because all are polluted.   The Lord is not among the wicked counterfeit churches; conferences, symposiums, vile appreciations and prayer vigils ARE ALL A WASTE OF TIME!  God does not honor those who do not honor Him.  It is not honor to abuse people and call yourself of ministry about Jesus Christ.


My dear sisters, as you can read, the urgency to pray is just as greater now than at any time before.  All of us can remember what happened to the exposed and desperate leaders Jim Jones and David Koresh, and this is the case of all wicked leaders who turn against God.  Please continue to pray that God will rescue the deceived followers of these dangerous congregations.  Our prayers are working.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly

I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

Jeremiah 23:14




The sixth characteristic of a narcissist – exploiting and abusing others in order to achieve their goals or satisfy their need for power – is indicative of a sociopathic or pathological narcissist. This is more than viewing oneself as superior to others and deserving of admiration and accolades. Rather, it is a means to justify and rationalize the abusive treatment of others.   I have personally witnessed this type of behavior by the leadership in counterfeit churches.  This type of leader is basically out of their head, completely fallen off of logic and rationalization.  Living in darkness and leading a life of sin cause people to lose touch with truth and reality and exhibit bizarre behavior.  Sociopathic/pathological narcissists (sometimes referred to as fanatical narcissists) seek power over others and in the most severe cases, like Hitler, seek power over the entire world.   


If someone becomes abusive and exploitative in order to achieve their goals or to make themselves feel good, it is a good indication that they have slipped into a more acute state of narcissistic behavior. Narcissists who have reached this stage see all those around them as objects and/or tools through which the narcissist will gain more and more power and influence. Since narcissists are insatiable when it comes to feelings of power and importance, this is a dangerous characteristic or phase for a narcissist, and when their power and abilities are revealed to be based on abuse and manipulation – when outside forces threaten their delusions – narcissists many times will lash out with violence against those they feel are responsible for betraying them. Narcissists who display this characteristic are willing to violate the law, harm others, engage in political/economic fraud to try and gain power and kill people who try to get in their way or threaten their delusions of power and grandeur.


Jim Jones clearly displayed these characteristics throughout the middle and later part of his life, and there is some indication that he planned on manipulating his followers from the very beginning. He certainly abused the trust and love of his followers by convincing them to turn their money and property over to the Temple, and demanding demonstrations of loyalty, culminating in the numerous “White Nights” during which Jones led rehearsals for the group’s mass suicide. Moreover, when he perceived himself and his followers under attack from outside forcesdisaffected former members, relatives of Jonestown residents, the press and the government – he threatened retaliation. Ultimately, Jones’ fear that Congressman Ryan – and the others who would inevitably follow – would pull the group apart led him to order the shootings at the Port Kaituma airstrip and the mass murder-suicide in Jonestown.  I witnessed this type of behavior in the counterfeit churches where paranoid leaders cry:  WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!  In the counterfeit churches, leaders sensing that they are about to be found out THAT THEY ARE FAKE, will warn cult members that the DEVIL is sending someone to attack them.  Again, when spiritual leaders live a life of sin, they lose touch with reality, and truth.  They sense danger of being EXPOSED, and they retaliate with THREATS, INTIMIDATION, and further manipulate the people towards destruction just like Jim Jones. 


As for our scripture, first of all, just in case anyone might think this verse doesn’t apply to the modern-day church, we have to remember that God has not changed. This is an issue of His nature as a righteous God, especially dealing with those who are His representatives. This passage was directed specifically to the prophets in Jerusalem, but God’s attitude toward those who proport to speak for Him has never changed and never will change.


The prophets described in this verse look painfully like many clergy today:  THESE ARE COUNTERFEITERS, and according to the scriptures, here is what they do:

They commit adultery. Sound familiar? Adultery includes (but is not limited to) a sexual liaison with another adult to whom one is not married. It also includes any sexual relationship or impropriety with a minor of either sex. It also includes use of pornography which is an epidemic problem among clergy, along with their booze.  These counterfeit leaders can talk the talk, but they can’t walk the walk.  They want to tell us how to live, and these bad leaders want us to support their filthy habits.  It is time out for support lying clergy.  My daily and constant prayer is that all lying preachers, apostles, evangelist, pastors, ministries will be exposed.  Our prayers work.

By the way, why don’t you lying members of the clergy THREATEN RETALIATION AGAINST THE LORD?  Why not accuse God of PERSECUTING ALL OF YOU FOR POWER?  You lying leaders LIE ON GOD ANYWAY, and ALL LIARS WHO REFUSE TO REPENT are headed for destruction.  I wonder what measures or threats of retaliation a liar takes against the Lord?  FALSE PROPHETS, PROPHESY AGAINST THE LORDGO AHEAD LYING DEVILS, I DARE YOU PICK ON GOD!  You been lying on Him anyway.  Abusing people, using them for your lustful dreams of FALSE AMBITION!  Lying about finances, and ripping people off.  YOU DID THIS TO GOD!  I want lying members of the clergy to understand YOU HAVE ATTACKED GOD!  I want you to understand that you are going to pay for your attacks on God’s kingdom and HIS PEOPLE!  No liar is anointed, and no one is to obey any leader that is a counterfeit.

They walk in lies. Hmmm. Denial of known abuse is lying. Even more broadly, walking in lies would also mean walking in untruth or deception. Lying includes more than speaking a deliberate, bare-faced untruth. It also includes deception in all its forms. I encourage lying members of the clergy to REREAD THISFailing to speak truth in such a way that conceals falsehood or perpetrates falsehood, even without actually speaking a direct lie, is still lying.


So, when clergy know of abuse but fail to report it to authorities, to their church body, PROVIDED THE ORGANIZATION YOU BELONG TO HAVE A PARENT BODY OR ANSWERS TO SOME FORM OF ACCOUNTABILITY and to other churches they are walking in deception – lies.


The scripture says:  They strengthen the hands of evildoers, so evildoers do not return from their wickedness. WOW! Reinforcing evil behavior by refusing to enforce consequences, and in fact, shielding wrong-doers from consequences, is clearly strengthening the hands of evildoers. This behavior by church leaders communicates to abusers that their actions are not only beyond reproach but are protected.  As long as the narcissist counterfeit churches leaders have members THAT APPROVE OF AND/OR SHIELD THEM the evil grows and expands and more lives are destroyed.  Again, those who support the wicked, will also share in the punishment.  BETTER STOP SUPPORT COUNTERFEIT LEADERS, THEIR LIES, THEIR FALSE MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS!  IT IS ALL FAKE!  Better repent!


So what is God’s perspective? …they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah. Any questions? Is there the slightest ambiguity here? God isn’t the slightest bit “grey” on the subject and there are no extenuating circumstances given for which He might waffle from His views.  PAY ATTENTION COUNTERFEIT CHURCHES!


This raises the question – how can we tolerate actions and attitudes that are anything less than God’s own? How can we excuse what He is adamantly against? And how can we think there will not be serious consequences to the church for this gross violation of God’s righteous nature?


It is something that God as it is recorded in Acts, when he asked Saul who became the Apostle Paul, while on the road to Damascus:  SAUL – SAUL, WHY DOETH THOU PERSECUTED ME?   But today’s lying wonders have turned this question around:  THEY TWIST THE TRUTH, and they ACCUSE PEOPLE OF PERSECUTING THEM FOR POWER!  Oh, what liars we have before us, these lying church leaders.


To the Saints, I have seen according to the revelation of the Lord what is to come to those I know, that practice a lie, and abuse the people.  Their fate is sealed.  There are those who accuse me of ranting on and on.  This happened to Micaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and other prophets who warned the wicked to repent, and instead of repenting, they went on their way into captivity.  The grave is captivity for those who live in darkness.  Destruction was Ahab’s captivity, and to those who I personally know who are guilty of these types of bad conduct, I am warning you, that God is going to visit upon your sins of abuse and lying.  I CAN SEE, AND I AM TRYING TO WARN YOU!  No one is paying me to say any of these things, and I have nothing to gain or lose from men.  DON’T SHOOT GOD’S MESSENGERS!  So many people fail to heed the warning of the Lord.  Ahab failed to take advantage of a privilege at least on that day, but I have no doubt that destruction was coming to Ahab because of all the nasty things he did:  HE DID THEM TO THE LORD!   When a wicked leader hurts and abuses even one of God’s people, GOD TAKES IT PERSONAL, and the abuser is not going to get away.  YOU ARE EXPOSED!  There is no amount of money or threats of intimidation that is going to keep God’s judgment away from any lying leaders.


Ladies, please continue to pray for the lost, prayer changes situations.  There are so many spiritually blind and deceived people in these bad churches with bad leaders.  We need God to deliver our sisters and brothers.  We want to see people free from the lying wonders in these pulpits of evil.  We are tired of false shepherds taking advantage of people, and our prayers will make a difference.  Please be assured that our prayers are working.  Keep the faith!


I Love You ALL!

Sister Shelly


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