in the church of Christ they dont allow musical instruments?

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Boring...sorry couldn't resist...LOL Hey lets go all the way, since we are being so legalistic 'dese dayz. Shouldn't pastors in the pulpit who don't believe in a guitar or drums, wear a robe or at least a tie standing behind pulpits? Isn't there many verses in the Bible that speaks to the men of God wearing robes? Even Jesus wore a purple robe......:) They will strain at a knat and swallow a camel.

But the brutha' can sho' sang 'doe.....
Newman yes the brotha got pipes!
The Levite Priests were the ones who played the instruments in the temple. COC treats the church like the temple, and so they do not allow musical instruments.
Wow.. really James??? That's why they don't allow instruments because the priests are the only ones who should play instruments in the temple???

Hmmm, then why don't their ministers play instruments? And what do they do with I Pet 2:9??

It seems like a contradictory belief?

Quite interesting.

Well their Pastors are not Priests. 1 Peter 2:9 does not concern the temple, because one can play an instrument anywhere, but to play in the temple, the Priests are the ones that are designated to do so there.
Ok... I can understand that.

But if the COC treats the church like the temple, then why don't they have priests? Why have pastors? I'm just trying to understand?

I guess I'm wondering if they are treating the church like the temple, then do they fullfill I Chronicles 9 all the way or just pick and choose what they want to do.

And Psalm 150 .... should the praise in the sanctuary in verse 1 be different from the praise described in the rest of the verse.

OR are the sanctuary and the temple two different places?

Honestly, if a person doesn't want to use instruments when they praise God, I won't judge that. Why, because I don't worship like everyone else either.

Some people believe if you don't shout (holy ghost dance) that you aren't worshipping.

Some people believe that if you don't pray out loud you aren't really praying or if you are not praying silently that you aren't really praying.

The questions that I ask are just to get an understanding of why COC believes what they believe.

I dated a COC pastor for about a year and when I would question some things, I would get a run around answer.
Min, that pastor you dated messed up a good thang...:)
It was an interesting relationship. I really did care for him but I had an issue with the things in his denomination that I had issues with. you feel me? I would have been one of those women that Paul talked about who were asking their husbands questions while in the synagogue. I would have conceded and waited until we got home, but that doesn't mean I would stop asking questions.

To blindly follow something without a complete biblical framework ... I dunno.. maybe its just my nature to question things.

And honestly, it was divine providence. If I knew then what I know about him now.... the relationship would not have lasted a year LOL

I am endowed with an inquisitive and analytical mind that has the delicious icing of creativity on top. My creative side is what draws people to me but the cake they find themselves nibbling on is the analytical side. *sigh*
Funny how you said that. Wasn't long ago when someone told me about this woman he was dating to determine whether she was "marriage material" and the reasons why he chose not to marry her was because as he stated, "She asked too many questions about the ministry". I laughed and said, "It is always the questions that leads to the answers". I always encourage questions with those who are considering missions. It lets me know that there is some interest, but may need some clarification, whether a biblical understanding or a historical one. Really I don't think there is enough analytical minds but rather those who look to pander those or afraid/intimadated enough not to ask. Personally the best question Jesus posed to those close to Him, who walked with Him, lived with Him, ate with Him, witnessed Him, etc was "Who do you say I am???" It is the questions that always unearths the answers to determine an individuals true heart and core beliefs.

However there are some who look at it as an afront to their manhood or to their authority for fear of stumbling on to a hidden agenda of sorts. Really, sad to say that too many men are insecure and view women who question as someone that is trying to usurp their authority. How could my wife who has lots of questions about becoming a missionary with her husband and taking her children, not ask any questions? How could she be an effective "helpmate" without all the facts? The more questions the more prepared she is for the onslaught of those who seek to deter me from what God has placed on my life.
Some of the biggest mistakes in ministry were made because:

* someone didn't ask questions
* someone didn't know WHICH questions to ask
* someone blindly followed a blind person who led them both into a ditch

What I love soooo much about Jesus is that He asked questions that caused those around him to look at themselves and then.... ask questions LOL (case in point.. lawyer asks "who is my neighbor" Jesus responds with a parable and then asks..."Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?") oooo weee!!! Jesus' way of communicating with people just gets me all excited. He would communicate in a "consider this" manner.

When you see me asking a lot of questions here on BPN it is because some of the statements made are statements that trigger the analytical Tracy and I just have questions or I am asking people "consider this...". I'm not trying to prove that I'm smarter than anyone or even entrap them. I'm just asking questions and posing considerations.

I jokingly call myself the "why" woman. LOL

If you make a statement to me, most likely I will ask you... "why" you said, did, believe whatever you just communicated to me.

(geez... I sure talk about myself alot) LOL

SEEE.. as I was typing I was wondering why I was talking about myself.

I think I need this long weekend because I THINK too much LOL
Yes, me too...Going to hear live "Israel Houghton and New Breed" at this mega-(mess) church here in Orlando....My 7yr old son loves that free food...:) Enjoy your long weekend, I know I will..:)

I dunno.


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