Do Christian women have a right to dress sexually provocative and say that the brothers need to control themselves? Can we truly dress how we want to dress?

Many young women wear this during church services, in the choir and doing their so called praise dances.

It is my believe that we are not to become a stumbling block for our brothers. Many sisters are quoted as saying that is his problem if he can’t contain his lust and we already know that some men’s minds are going to go where they are going to go.

According to the following scripture can a woman truly excuse her sexual dress and provocative behavior. Should a Christian woman wear anything that may cause her brother to fall.

For the record I am not talking about brothers who would be tempted by anything walking but those who struggle daily because of being exposed to underdressed women, media overexposure and so on.

Romans 14:13 KJV
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

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here we go again...

Fashion Police...LOL....

Yes souls count.. that is important... But once a Soul comes in.. they have to be Taught!! There must be gudience..and Structure...... You just can't come in and do what you please......

Even in the bible days they had standards.. come on now!!!

Quote!!!Because yes, I agree the word has got to go forth however I have seen ones wrapped so tight in you can't wear this and that in here, that young people were afraid to come in.

hmmmmmmmmm Ok....

BUT.. we have a lot of young people in our church.... and we had some discussions... and one of the disussion was about how a person dress....some stated there have been times.. if they wanted to get in a club.. they had to dress a certain way to get in... they did it so they be able to go in....that brought back some memories... I did the same thing when I WAS a teenager....

When we were in the world we did as the world did.. But it's sad to say now it when it's pertaining to the church.. then there a Problem..
Why is it??? LOL because man can take it tooo far!!! I have seen where someone wearing boots offended one. What is wrong with sticking to the Word of God? now if one has been taught and refuses to submit and knows the rules okay!!! I can agree with that.

My church teaches dresses only in church, I submit because clothes are not an issue with me, however I can wear my pants, a decent swimsuit, decent shorts, but at my church or any church, I wear a dress.

but babes coming in, let them be taught first before you put a yoke on them. That is what the world did.
That's what we've been saying ..

quote...but babes coming in, let them be taught first before you put a yoke on them.

People have to be taught.. that's why we have sisterhood/brotherhood meeting.. Bible classes..etc..etc..... You just don't dog a person out....
Thank you, leave the pimp, whores and whoremonger descriptions alone
speak to edify
Evangelist, please understand that we are not suggesting that we be fashion police but upholders of holiness. One minister testified that during one of his revivals about a half a dozen young women came to the alter with thongs on and they all bent over. It is my belief that they were trying to be funny and not looking for Jesus. The minister's wife and a few other sister jumped up and start throwing whatever they could find over them.

Now tell me that the brothers in the house that day had the problem if they couldn't withstand that. No, the brothers didn't have the problem but these calculating women had the problem. It is unbelievable to me that anyone would think that we as the people of God should just leave them alone and wait until they decide not to disrespect the house of God any longer. Some of these women know exactly what they are doing. What if there was a young man just getting saved who hasn't been delivered yet, must we subject him to this lunacy and expect him to just understand that these woman are there unrebuked. No

A Pastor that we know told us that once a group of cross dressing, transvestite men came into the service and sat quietly. Now no one is saying put them out, sound the alarm or any such thing, but I guarantee you that their presence that day was meant as a distraction otherwise they would have come dressed as regular men. Now if these men were to come a second dressed this way then I feel that they should be escorted out and not allowed to interfere with someone who may truly be seeking salvation.

Satan knows how to send his demons boldly into the church in people who are not looking for Christ.

Evangelist Kyles seems to understand very well how the enemy can attempt to disrupt the house of God with foolish nonsense. Some people go to church looking to make trouble and we as the people of God having the holyghost should be able to discern their spirits.

For the record once again Evangelist Fugett, I am not talking about new converts just getting saved but trouble makers and those who have been in church long enough to KNOW BETTER.
Evangelist Lisa Kyles seem to understand where I am coming from and obviously sees and gets the point of the message. Sinners can also imitate the fruits. I know many, patient, gentle, meek, longsuffering people who don't even believe in Jesus.

So obviously, the whole package is required. Know one has said that looking holy is the only requirement. Unfortunately, some of the fruit is rottening when you have people preaching contrary to what the word of God is speaking.

You must preach sound doctrine which includes warnings and admonitions about sin. Love isn't the only thing to preach.
Evangelist, please understand that we are not suggesting that we be fashion police but upholders of holiness. One minister testified that during one of his revivals about a half a dozen young women came to the alter with thongs on and they all bent over. It is my belief that they were trying to be funny and not looking for Jesus. The minister's wife and a few other sister jumped up and start throwing whatever they could find over them.

Now tell me that the brothers in the house that day had the problem if they couldn't withstand that. No, the brothers didn't have the problem but these calculating women had the problem.

A Pastor that we know told us that once a group of cross dressing men came into the service and sat quietly. Now no one is saying put them out, sound the alarm or any such thing, but I guarantee you that their presence that day was meant as a distraction otherwise they would have come dressed as regular men. Now if these men were to come a second dressed this way then I feel that they should be escorted out and not allowed to interfere with someone who may truly be seeking salvation.

Satan knows how to send his demons boldly into the church in people who are not looking for Christ.
Pleezzzzzzzzze tell me those stories are not true LOL, but you know what you made me laugh, but EW, seriously, if the Holy Spirit was present, there should have been an outpouring of repentence.

Now I understand the devil getting cocky and wanting to distract, I had a young woman to challenge me on her lesbianism,

I had to speak to her that she was free to do what she pleased, God does not force anyone to do anything. I told her I loved her, but this church is a church that believes that homosexuality is an abomination.
(Not her but homosexuality) and those that participate in that lifestyle were lost and doomed to hell.

I asked to pray for her and she allowed me to, that was a over a year ago, I haven't seen her since. but I pray that God send laborers to the seed that I sowed. We simply can't give up on them.
These stories are very true. I don't need to fabricate a story to make a point. If you buy G. Craige Lewis series at: you will hear his testimony about the young women with the thongs. And if you go to you will see women in all kinds of vulgar attire with no respect for the house of God. Now the story about the cross dressing men was a story a Pastor told us directly in our home fellowship meeting. He explained how bold these people are to disrupt the house of God for their own foolish reasons.

We continue to tell you that we are talking about people who know better not babes who are truly seeking God.
know better ?, NO!, these people are reprobates,
Do you know what a reprobate is or should I say who are reprobates? Last I checked it was those who reject the truth and are turned over to there own selves.
I think you read my reply, before I changed it, I was on the phone, You stated these people knew better, if they do and still acted in that fashion they have rejected the truth and are reprobates


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