In the words of the world's greatest mass murder:

"Give me the music of a nation's youth and I will control that nation."

Adolf Hitler

Our children listen to all this music day in and day out. They fall asleep with the music playing in their ears every night. We as parents don't even know half the time what our kids are listen to. So why do you ask our children come to church and do nothing but sleep, talk and pass notes in church? Why is it so hard to get them into the service/message? The answer--there is a hidden god in their lives that is taking supreme rule over their lives--the spirit behind the music(music that takes the attention and praise off of God and onto man, gods, or the devil). If children worship and lend their members to the worship of false gods, they cannot get into the presence of Christ without being totally delivered. But that won't happen because the majority of the Pastors, Youth Ministers, Apostles, Bishop over the church are listening to it and bring it into the church themselves and calling it a new move of God. Don't you know that God does not share His Glory or His Praise with no one or thing and He will not connect with anything or anyone that is connected to the world, sin or false gods/idols (Isaiah 42:8; Exodus 20:3-5).

Besides, the Bible states that we as God's children [church] are to have no part of sin [the world] or pagan traditions. So why is the church bring hip hop or other pagan traditions [Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter (Ooooh! I just messed some of you all up with that one), etc.] into the church. 'Don't you know if God wanted the devils music in the church, He never would have kicked him out of heaven.' The church should be tired of letting the world get credit for the music in the church. Our excuse for allowing our children and us listening to this deception of the enemy is always, "It's just music", "I just listen to the beats not the words", "It doesn't hurt nothing." Well music can't be just music because it came from Lucifer [satan] and he's not a physical being--he's a spiritual one and there's a spiritual consequence for enjoying a spiritual being. So when you are singing and dancing to the music that the devil influenced people to write and sing he takes the credit of your worship (Romans 6:16). Why you ask? Because of his copyrighted material--the heart of an author always follows and stays attached to his works, in this case, music. Whoever created it takes the credit for it and their spirit is attached to it no matter what or who changes it (I Samuel 16:23).

* Copyright: To secure ownership. to protect an owner against unauthorized uses of his work. The legal right granted to an author to exclusive publication, production, sale or distribution of literary, musical, dramatic or artistic work.

Well what if we take out or change the words of the song? This would not work at all because of the copyright upon the song. That is just the law of the land period. So you see that the spirit of the author is till with the beat of the song. Why? Because the music is made to the words of the song not the other way around. This is why when you hear a beat of a song you know, you can automatically start singing the words to the song. So even if the words are changed your mind is still playing the original track to the music. Let's see how this goes with the Bible. Look at I Samuel 16:23:

"And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him."
(King James Translation)

Here we see that Saul, after all his rebellion against God, the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him and an evil spirit came upon him (I Samuel 16:14). So they called forth David so when this evil spirit would torment Saul, he would play his harp and the evil spirit would depart from King Saul (I Samuel 16:16,23). Now let's break this down for you. David didn't play a song with words in it to make Saul's evil spirit go away, he played an instrumental. So it wasn't the words in a song that refreshed Saul, it was the music [the beat]. Because David's heart was "PURE", God was able to use him to do what he [David] needed to do for Saul to get rid of the evil spirit at that moment that David played. So what are you saying? Just like an evil spirit can be played out--one can be played in as well. So why would God have anything to do with something that persecutes His people. So if it took drugs, sex, lies, murder, lust, envy, strife, etc. to make it... God doesn't won't no part of it (I Samuel 15:2-3,9,15,18-23).

The devil doesn't want the world--he already has them--he wants the church. What better way to do it but through the merging of hip hop[booty shaking music] and the Gospel into God's church.

Root: The part that serves as support of a plant. It draws minerals and water from the surrounding soil, and stores food to survive; A base or support; An essential part or element; the basic core; A primary source; an origin; A progenitor or ancestor from which a person , family or thing is descended from. The state of having or establishing an indigenous relationship with or a personal affinity for a particular culture, society, or environment: music with African roots; To become firmly established, settled, or entrenched; To come into existence; originate. To furnish a primary source or origin to.

Hip Hop is a way of governing your life. It has it's own culture and religion which is being taught it's Hip Hop Temples throughout the world. Therefore, it cannot be exploited as a Christian way of living. Because of it's origin and what it originally represented in it's earlier stages, we cannot embrace it as Christians. God does not embrace anything that has a corrupt origin. The very word "hip hop" was used by Afrika Bambaataa, the pioneer of the culture and professed Zulu Nation god, to describe the parties [booty shaking to the groove] that he would host in clubs across New York in the early 70's. Since then, he has developed a religion that rested upon the hip hop culture. The culture is not from God, therefore it should not be used by the people of God to describe anything of God! So how can we as believers hold on to this culture when it's origin is rooted in witchcraft (I Samuel 15:23) and voodoo? The negatives far out weigh the positive of the hip hop culture. Why do you think that God will embrace what the world has developed as a means of glorifying that which is carnal [flesh] and sin filled. I have given you three different translations of Romans 8:7 and I Corinthians 3:3 below concerning the sinful flesh [carnal].


"For the mind controlled by the old nature is hostile to God, because it does not
submit itself to God's Torah - indeed, it cannot."
Romans 8:7 (The Complete Jewish Bible)

"Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self
ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores
who God is and what he is doing."
Romans 8:7 (The Message Translation)

"For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God's laws,
and it never will."
Romans 8:7 (New Living Translation)


"For you are still worldly! Isn't it obvious from all the jealousy and quarreling among you
that you are worldly and living by merely human standards?"
I Corinthians 3:3 (The Complete Jewish Bible)

"As long as you grab for what makes you feel good or makes you look important, are you
really much different than a babe at the breast, content only when everything's going your way?"
I Corinthians 3:3 (The Message Translation)

"For you are still controlled by your own sinful desires. You are jealous of one another and
quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your own desires?
You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord."
I Corinthians 3:3 (New Living Translation)


Now you ask why did he give us three translation of the same scripture? I don't want any confusion on what the Bible says about the carnal flesh and what it qualities goes with it. For it is important because this is exactly what Hip Hop produces in the world, as well as in our children. Hip Hop is self-gratification, self-worship and is like sexual sin... it is just plain selfish. Look at the artist that the hip hop culture has produced and than read the Scriptures above...get the point! Hip Hop culture is a wide range of musical titles including R&B, Rap, Electric, Neo-Soul.

So let's now look at one of the founders of this culture and where he got the idea from.

The Background of hip hop:

Kevin Donovan aka Afrika Bambaataa Aasim, [meaning affectionate leader], is one of the three main originators of break-beat deejaying and is known as the "Godfather" and "Grandfather" of the hip hop culture. He is responsible for spreading hip hop culture throughout the world.


{Take notice of the two items in his hands (see page 3)}


Hip Hop is the combination of the elements of Afrocentric, spiritual, and health-conscious teachings to his philosophy. He is also known as the historian on Hip Hop roots, which traces the culture back to the times of the "African Griots" (West African poets, praise singers, and wandering musicians). African Griots combines both poetic art and a defined occult power that listeners respect and fear.

Bambaataa, who was the warlord of the Bronx River projects street gang known as the "Black Spades" in the southeast Bronx. After about a year, he reformed the group, calling it the Zulu Nation (inspired by his wide studies on African history) in November 12, 1973. His Zulu Nation did not mess around and was known as the most feared all over the Bronx and the largest gang around in New York City. There theme song was the most famous "Planet Rock, Don't Stop" by Bambaataa. The Universal Zulu Nation has the world's oldest, largest, and most respected roots in the Hip Hop culture.


(Notice the symbol here) (Ankh, Pyramid, & the Snake) (What? Alpha & Omega)

More concerning these symbols on page 3
{Let's keep a eye on all the symbols in these pictures. They all symbolize the hip Hop Culture.}
Notice the symbol in this picture, does it look familiar for all you "Party Like A Rock Star" fans.


On a pilgrimage to Africa, Bambaataa study with the Amazulus who believed that the black man is god and they are the supreme beings. He was to have been visited by a spirit ,which called itself "hip hop", gave him a message that they (the black man) were gods and the only person they really have to obey is themselves because if you are god, you make all the rules. Than this spirit told him how to get this message out to black America and that it would spread like wild fire to the world, making him the supreme god (Pharaoh of Hip Hop). Upon his return to America, he got together with the other three founders and told them about his spiritual visitor and the message it gave him. So they got together and put this message in the music as the spirit told them to do and named it after the spirit. This is how Bambatta's parties started being referred to as hip hop and so on the Sugar Hill Gang gave it's definition...Hip(booty/sexuality) Hop (shaking in a provocative manner to the music/ beat).

So here we have this message of anti-god, anti-Christ and rebellious message in the music and you're singing it all day and every day. Not knowing what you are really singing (the words behind the music), but the spirit behind the music knows exactly what you are truly saying. (Proverbs 18:21). Now how did hip hop take off so fast? In the 70's, mostly all they had was heavy metal, rock n role, and disco. Hip hop basically was the rebellious answer to disco. It said that I can do my own thing and not be govern by no one but my self. So on November 12, 1974, hip hop culture was born. Afrika Bambaataa, adopted the "ankh" and "all seeing eye/ third eye vision" to represent him and the Hip Hop culture.

*Ankh meaning 360 degrees, * Afrika Bambaataa's home, notice the Pharaoh image behind
god is man and woman. (more him and his throne like chair that he sits in. He is known as
on page 3) the Pharaoh/ the Amen Ra of the hip hop culture.


In a interview with Afiika Bambaataa (listed below), he states that the politicalness in hip hop was influenced by the teachings of the Nation of Islam. Now most of us all no what the Nation of Islam teachings and is about (no this isn't Malcolm X's new found nation, it;s the original one). They also asked him about todays hip hop roots which Bambaataa states, "How in the hell did we turn from 'gods' to dogs?". Here we see again that Bambaataa states that the hip hop culture is a group of gods. Now what does the Bible say about having other gods before The God? Lets see...Exodus 20:1-6 (see also: Deuteronomy 6:12-19; II Kings 17:33-41; Jeremiah 25:3-11; 35:12-15)!


"And God spoke all these words: 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of
the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol
in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not
bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the
children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.' "
Exodus 20:1-6 (New International Version)

The hip hop culture has been recognized by the United States as a culture within a culture. They have even started a hip hop congress currently with 29 chapters all over the globe. The hip hop church is known as "The Temple of Hip Hop" with KRS-ONE as the prophet and main speaker of hip hop. The Zulus have chapters on every continent but uses a different name in Africa where they are "O.Z's" or "Original Zulus". One of the statements to the culture of hip hop made by one of it's main founders, Afrikka Bambaataa is, "you must have and get understanding. Understanding when one fraws a picture in his or her mind to see all things clearly with the 'third eye vision(see p. 3)'."

Now let's look at some statements from Bambaataa's Universal Zulu Nation message to his hip hop culture citizens:

"We, the Universal Zulu Nation of Hip Hop are an organization and a universal nation for all people on this planet so called Earth, as well for alien life form of people in the universe, whether you're from Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Earth, etc. We the Zulu's are not foolish people to believe that we are the only life in the universe and that the creator, (Allah, Jehovah, Jah, Yahweh, God or which ever name you wish to call the Almighty One) is only limited to producing LIFE only on the planet so called Earth. And if you do believe we are the only ones in the universe, than we should just get rid of science and base everything on falsehood and not even search for truth."

"We as Zulu's of the Universal Zulu Nation of Hip Hop must always show respect to those who give us respect and must always be disciplined but always alert watching, observing, looking (seeing) with our "third eye vision" and always listening and analyzing."

Notice the continued reference to the "third eye vision." Make sure you pay close attention to that on page 3 of this series.

Now let's look at some of the Universal Zulu Nation's beliefs. Although there are a total of 15 listed on their website, we are going to look at only 6 of them (I have number them according to the website order):



Lawrence Krisna Parker aka "KRS-ONE" [originally Parker's graffiti tag, short for "Kris Number One". He began using it as his stage name and later devised a backronym for the name: "Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone."] has stated that hip hop is not rap! Rapping is style of conveying a message, like singing, humming, whistling, etc. Hip hop is a culture, or way of living and governing your life. There is also a style of music that is a part of the hip hop culture, but it's not just represented by rap.

Hip hop is a religion. It is a tool to point people to the their god, not the God of the Holy Bible. He teaches that the bible is irrelevant to the knowledge of his god. KRS-ONE and the Temple of Hip hop teaches that this culture was designed to give knowledge to self, or to show the Black man himself as god! He also teaches that we should accept hip hop drug of choice...marijuana

Lawrence Krisna Parker aka KRS-ONE,
The Prophet of Hip hop

Hip Hop produces youth with no fear. Youth with no purpose. Youth with no respect for authority. Youth with no parental guidance. Youth with no regards for their bodies, appearance, self-respect or futures. Hip hop drives every aspect of our youth's lives. They live it, breathe it, wear it and die for it. They [hip hop] call it being true to ones self. Hip hop has done what no other tool of the devil has been able to do at this level... it has influenced all races, all ages, and all low-income areas of America.

Here are a few things that are acceptable in the hip hop culture:

1. Prison is a good place. To be arrested and beat the rap makes you a hero.
2. Teen pregnancy is accepted as the norm.
3. Sex is good. Getting VD is not even frowned upon. Having multiple partners is okay.
4. Homosexuality and Bi Sexuality is normal and accepted.
5. Serving God and sin together is the norm.
6. God forgives sin, so it's okay to commit it.
7. Foul language and physical abuse is accepted.
8. Bad grades in school are okay.
9. Using drugs and drinking is accepted.
10. Murder is a good thing, if you deserve it.
11. Choosing a god other than Jesus Christ is okay.
12. Love is just a word.
13. Being a thug is cool. Looking like you just robbed a bank is the norm.
14. The white man is not fair and holds the black man down.
15. Church, The Bible, preachers, etc. are not needed. We can learn on our own.
16. XXX behavior is accepted and preached lyrically in the music.
17. Anything goes, as long as you are feeling it and being true to ones self.

Have we lost our minds to follow and bring this mess in to the Church of God and call it Holy!

"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead,
fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you,
and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity,
God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
Romans 12:2 (The Message Translation)


The music of the hip hop culture is the evangelical tool for spreading the spirit of hip hop abroad. The youth begin to show that spirit in the clothes they were--the sagging jeans, tight fitted tops and bottoms, gang related outfits, prison attire. These are the clothes that Hip hop influences our children to wear freely. What was once considered appropriate only for prostitutes and hardened criminals is now acceptable attire for our youth. Let's not leave out the marking of the body--Tattoos, piercings everywhere, strange hairstyles, gold teeth, vicious jewelry (dragons, dogs, snakes, etc.) and the crucifix are all products of the hip hop culture. The devil wants our children marked like Cain, to show their pledge of allegiance to rebellion and self-gratification. Mentally hip hop causes youth to be rebellious to the core and to use foul language in public, commit very strong sexual acts with other youth and to feel they have nothing to lose at all. Basically, it makes them give up on their "good" values and take on the negativity of the hip hop culture.

Let's remember...every good idea to man is not a Godly idea! But hip hop doesn't care anyway because they teach that they are gods. So let's find out what some of these symbols mean and than we will continue on are journey of learning can hip hop be Holy! We will continue on page 3.


Through my research I found this interview of Bambaataa. Let's read some of his statements, I have put some very important statements concerning hip hop in bold and underlined them, so pay close attention to his words not mine.

Online with Afrika Bambaataa: By Davey D. Corner:

Over the years I've gotten to interview Africa Bambaatta on several occassions.. Its always insightful and a priviledge.. He, after all is one of the key people responsible for this 9 billion dollar a year industry.. Sadly he doesn't make a dime... But way back in the days.. 76-79...Bam was the man.. He was respected and feared.. Respected.. cause he was the Master Of Records.. He had beats for days.. He was innovative.. He preached pro-Blackness.. He was the first person I heard.. run a Malcolm X speech over a hip hop beat.. He was the first to provide a forum for break dancers.. He brought to the world... hip hop culture..

Back in the days Bam was also feared.. His Zulu Nation... weren't the peace loving organization they are now.. Back then... they were a gang.. Zulus did not mess around.. And no one messed around at a Bambaataa party...The history of Zulu Nation shows that they were originally members of the notorious Black Spades...which was one of NYC's largest and most feared gangs. Nowadays.. Zulu Nation is world wide.. and all about peace... although they still don't mess around..

Currently Bam spins on Hot 97 in NY.. and is getting ready to drop a cut with 95 South.. a Miami bass group... Its supposed to be a remake of his classic Planet Rock. As for this interview which was conducted in Dec of '91.. Please pay close attention to Bam's definition of hip hop.. He's best qualified.. A lot of people like to spread misinformation.. Bam doesn't.. But then again how could the inventor of hip hop... be off the mark?
Davey D..c 1995

Excerpts of this interview were taken from Davey D's Hip Hop Archives. This interview first appeared in the KMEL Beat Report of December 1991

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking to a living legend, Afrika Bambaataa, whose innovativeness and love for hip hop has permanently impacted pop culture. During our indepth 2 hour conversation, Bam gave some serious insight into rap music. He went into detail about the formation of his organization The Zulu Nation. He told how they were former gang members who reformed and channeled their energies into breakdancing. He told how the emergence of hip hop culture helped curtail gang violence in NY because it offered young people a viable activity

Bam also spoke about the inherent politicalness in hip hop. He told how the Nation Of Islam had influenced him and others during the 'old school' [1975-1980]. He also spoke about his activism. Bam had been one of the leaders in the Free James Brown movement. He was also the first hip hopper to do a song with Brown, "Peace Love & Unity' , hence acknowledging the Godfather of Soul's major influence. Bam was also heavily involved in the anti-apartheid struggle. In fact he did a number of songs and concerts over the years to help raise money and show support. Nowadays Bam travels all over the world spreading the good word of hip hop and trying to school young people the proper way to view and interpret this music and culture. Here are some highlights from our recent conversation.


What has Bambaataa been doing as of late?

We just released an album, "The Decade Of Darkness 1990-2000". We released a track from the album called 'Get Up And Dance' which is a hip house -hi energy type of record... I've been traveling around the world for many years. Last year I had the Hip Hop Artists Against Apartheid record to help the ANC [African National Congress] raise some money. We gave a big concert in England and I brought Willie Mandella and a lot of the ANC members on stage to a large hip hop audience in London. I also did "Return To Planet Rock" which was a quick type record to raise money for the Ansar [Muslim sect] community...I've been traveling and opening up new ground for hip hop and funk in other countries...

With the release of the hip house style jam 'Get Up And Dance', a lot of folks would argue that what you did isn't really 'hip hop'. As a pioneer and Godfather of this genre of music how do you define hip hop?

Bam: Well hip hop is basically the whole culture of the movement. There's the rap which is a form of hip hop culture. It could be breakdancing, freestyle dancing or whatever type of dancing that's happening now in the Black, Hispanic and White community. It's also the djs and rappers and their dress codes. That is hip hop, meaning the whole culture. Now if you're talking rap rap the music itself is colorless. You can take music from any type of field like soul, funk, heavy metal, jazz, calypso and reggae. As long as it's funky and has that heavy beat and groove. You can take any part of it to make hip hop. Hip hop can deal with the past, the present and it can deal with the future. Now it's what a rapper puts on top of it that will make it a black thing or a white thing or a human thing or a universal thing...The music itself comes from all types of sound. When people are digging for that beat or groove they take from all fields of music. People will say hip hop just comes from soul or rock. It comes from all type of music, but it's based mainly around the toasting element of reggae. That's how rap came about.

What would not make a hip hop record? Do acts like Vanilla Ice, New Kids On The Block or Bell Biv Devoe qualify as hip hop?

Bam: They can be hip hop oriented. Vanilla Ice is still hip hop. He's a white rapper doing a form of rap music. His grooves and beats that he's using is still hip hop music. It's a hard bass or funky drum beat or a groove that he's playing. Like he did 'Ice Ice Baby' which was taken from Queen. The bassline and the beats are still a form of hip hop. Bell Biv Devoe is a form of singing style hip hop. They use hip hop grooves and beats to get their R&B stuff over. It's not a straight hip hop type of group. You have different brands of hip hop. You have hardcore, commercial type of hip hop, you have the electro sound like the 'Planet Rock' sound... A lot of the fans get mixed up because they think of hip hop as being just hardcore or certain beats per minute which it's not. You have high tempo in hip hop and you have low tempo hip hop. You have soft, mellow,and love type hip hop...Hip hop has gone through different stages as it's progressed throughout the years. Some people get across messages. Other people talk about love. Some people talk about what's happening in the Black or Hispanic community. or world problems. Rap is incorporated into songs. For example Gladys Knight might have a little rap section. As would groups like StarpointMidnight Star. or

As an ambassador of hip hop, you've traveled all over the world. How is hip hop being received in other places?

There's hip hop all France, England, Germany, and the south and western part of Africa. There's also hip hop in little parts of Northern Africa. I was recently in Morocco where I heard hip hop. I feel there's a plot to destroy it. world wide.. That's why they're trying to push house music in a lot of clubs or make it look like hip hop is not selling on a mass appeal...The music is directed to a hardcore audience and it is saying something. That's the main thing that makes everyone scared. A lot of rap artists are the most vocal people who'll speak whatever is on their mind, from any angle or culture that they want to speak upon...Other people from other countries hear this and although they might not know English, they take the time to study it. You'll be surprised at how many people have just learned how to speak English from just listening to rap records. They start repeating the words and then they start to get the feeling of what you're talking about. They start putting it to how they're living from country to country and the problems that they're going through. This is music for the young adults and the youth. that's speaking upon the government, the community, whites or blacks. Hip hop can deal with all types of subjects, in addition to peace, unity or 'love you baby-I wanna get down tonight'. It's the fact that the message in rap telling it like it is what's really grabbing hold of young adults throughout the world.

As a youth growing up in the Bronx, I first noticed the emergence of hip hop culture in 1975. What was the climate like back then that inspired people to move in that direction?

It was motivating. It was something new and people were tired of disco at the time. The hip hop at that time came on strong because at that time they [music industry] were trying to shove disco down our throats. Everybody was into it for the first year or two and then they got tired of it. Also New York itself was losing the funk. Back in the early 70s there existed a heavy funk sound. Parliament would come to town and pack Madison Square Garden. Sly & the Family Stone would come in and pack the Garden as did James Brown. Some of the NY radio stations weren't into Sly and James anymore. You stop hearing those hard beats on those records coming through the radio. You stop hearing the soul music of James Brown. All you heard was disco, disco and disco. Hip hop was a rebellious answer to disco.

Also at that time with rock music and heavy metal came the punk rock and new wave which was a rebellious answer to what was supposed to be pop. With both musical styles starting to come up they played a significant role. That's how come so many whites started getting into hip hop. Everybody thinks this is a new thing with Vanilla Ice and the Beastie Boys. It was the punk rockers and new wavers that were the first of all white people to accept this music. They were bringing me down to the punk rock clubs to mix. You used to see punk rockers come up to jam at the hardcore black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Hip Hop is known for it's different symbols, which range from jewelry, hand signs, grestures and more. But where did these symbols come from and what do they mean. We have already established that the roots of hip hop lye deep within witchcraft (voodoo). All though plenty will argue that they have nothing in common but they all have demonic roots and worship. Manly P. Hall was one of the most influential occultists of the last century. He was recognized as a leading figure in the quest for mystical knowledge, and is considered one of the greatest Freemasons of the last one hundred years. Let's see what some had to say about the language of symbols:

"Symbols are oracular forms--mysterious patterns creating vortices in the substances of the invisible
world. They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant with an awful power, which, when
properly fashioned, loose fiery whirlwinds upon the earth."
-- Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 356

"Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries...By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to
each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language...In a single figure a
symbol may both reveal and conceal, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable."
-- Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 20.

"The crucial question, of course, is what kind of meaning is being conferred by the use of certain symbols-
what stands to be gained, what lost, and by whom."
-- Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, The Messianic Legacyu, p. 136

According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, "symbol" can be defined as "a mark or character taken as the conventional signof some object, idea, function, or process." We as people, no longer recognize their spiritual significance. However, just because the average person no longer knows the meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. The fact remains that these symbols have never lost their meaning, and occultists today still recognize their power and influence.
With that said, let's take a look at some of the symbols that the hip hop culture have adopted from the beginning.

WARNING: Operation Battlefield of America's Redemption is out to expose the devil and save souls for his grasp. To do this we must be XXXX-rated in our material of unadulterated materials. I have left off some of the links to the information because of the graphics on those pages. However, if you would like to study for yourself contact me and I will send you those links. All children under the age of 18 must have parental permission. This means that your parents must contact me in your behalf and yes this will be verified first.

I pray in the Name of Jesus, for all who reads and views this material that you are covered and shielded by the Blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour! Watch, Protect, and Shield from all demonic forces. We cancel the attack and retaliation of the enemy now in the Mighty Name of Jesus. We bind up every plan and assignment of the devil now and lose peace of mind, love, and the host of Angels to shield, fight, and protect all who enters this site. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, it is DONE AND IT IS FINISHED...AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

"Wherefore come out from among them, and by ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing: and I will receive you,"
II Corinthians 6:17 (King James Version)


Okay for all you "Party Like A Rock Star" fans, who don't know what it means, just thinks it sounds good:

2. horned god/ horned hand: The horned god represents the horned god of witchcraft, "pan" or "cernunnos" and is made by the right hand. The horned hand is a sign of recognition between those in the occult and is made by the left hand. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. It is called the mano cornuto, the horned hand, with index finger and pinkie raised proudly as the sign of the beast, ready for an unholy wave to your favorite demon king. The Horns of Cernunnos. The woolly Goat of Mendes. And the edifice of Scaccia Scalogna, source of the ancient code to defeat the ?evil eye? and its power to wilt the fruit on trees and the mojo of men. It had been his for centuries, used with conviction just in the last generation by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey himself. To Wiccans, the raised fingers were like antenna to receive a jolt from the mighty and mysterious Goddess. The deaf signal (i.e., a hand sign with the thumb extended) is sign language for 'I love you.' The inventor of the deaf hand sign, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist as mentioned earlier. Helen Blavatsky, who founded The Theosophical Society, was a devout Satan worshipper who said...

"Lucifer represents... Life... Thought... Progress... Civilization... Liberty... Independence... Lucifer is the Logos... the Serpent, the Savior." pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)

If you think Miss Keller's hand sign is just a coincidence, then you are truly gullible. If you were deaf, and wanted to develop a hand sign to tell someone that you love them, what would it be? A hand over the heart would be reasonable. There is no way that any reasonable person would develop the hand sign that Keller invented, paralleling an existing hand salute to Satan. It is abundantly clear to see that Keller's hand sign praises the Devil.
There is a definite spirit invoked in rock music, secular or Christian - and it's NOT the Holy Spirit! And many times, people involved in rock music get "caught up in this unholy spirit"!

Anton LaVey, leader and founder of the Church of Satan.

Above: Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible, displaying the "Horned Hand" (also called the "satanic salute" and Il Cornuto) with his left hand, on the back cover of The Satanic Bible.

A Satanic Ritual

Above: (Satanists making the "Satanic salute" to an altar displaying the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, to acknowledge their allegiance to Satan, during a Satanic ritual.)

"The Goat of Mendez is the god of the witches. (Mendez is another spelling of Mendes, a city of ancient Egypt where fertility worship - Baal worship -- was practiced). Masons admit readily that Baphomet is a pagan fertility god and, more importantly, that Freemasonry is a fertility cult religion. At any rate, this mockery of Jesus is a satanic symbol and figures prominently in Satan worship."-Kerr Cuhulain (Occult author, police investigator, and friend of witches).


This brings us to our next and finally symbol on this page... the goat of mendez also known as "baphomet" and "star of mendes". It is also represented by the 5 point petagram or the inverted pentagram.

I know you didn't know that all this was involved in the roots of the hip hop culture that you want to bring into the Church of God. The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6:
"My people are destroyed F17 for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge,
I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God,
I will also forget thy children."
Hosea 4:6 (King James Version)

We need to keep in mind that our battle is not against flesh and blood, although flesh and blood are used by the forces of evil. But our ultimate battle is against the spiritual principalities of lucifer's dark army.

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Sister. Please keep it in layman's terms for them. They will not understand. You are too deep. Try remedial .
Are you saying that a rapper (rapping about the love, birth, death and ressurrection and salvation of Christ) cannot draw someone to Christ?
Just being a rapper and being a part of the hip-hop culture is NOT the same thing.
Jesus did say He will know a tree by its fruit and the fruit that I see doesn't look too good.
I don't see any togetherness in what you are saying.
If you are saying it is not a "sin" then what is the problem?
This sounds like a "G. Craige Lewis" rant- someone who couldn't make it in the rap game so instead they find a way to draw negativity to it all the while getting the "publicity and attention" they've wanted from the beginning.
Hip-hop or rap "gospel" music has its place but not in the house of God.
I find it very disturbing that people try to shut everything down that they don't agree with however whatever they like they can promote and enjoy.
I grew up in the church and found out more about God and His love OUTSIDE the church than I did sitting in the church from birth- why?
All I ever heard in church was condemnation, judgment and discrimination against my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
When are we going to realize that as long as Jesus is the foundation of what we are doing (within reason) what good are you to try and stop it.
Young people are finding Jesus through rap lyrics as well as the Word does it matter who is giving the Word?
The church ALLOWS fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, lesbians, drinkers, smokers, weedheads, liars, theives and every other kind of mess to preach every Sunday BUT a young man wants to rap about how much Jesus means to Him, his salvation and his love of Christ and we look down on that?
When are we going to stop creating boundaries and closing doors on people because they are not like us?
Some of you sound worse than white people who are claiming salvation who are racist against black people- isn't that a conflict of interest there?
Yes, we understand the hip-hop culture but just because someone raps does that make them apart of the hip-hop "culture?"
I'm sure you drive a car, own a home, rent an apartment and/or have a job.
Are you saying that because you work for a company that supports abortion that YOU support abortion?
Are you saying that because you drive a car whose company supports homosexual rights that YOU support homosexual rights?
If your job allows and supports a sin that you know is a sin did/will your quit your job?
Will you stop driving your car and sell it if the car owner decides that they will support abortion rights?
Will you leave the home you're paying for because the bank that holds your mortgage supports homosexual rights?
Let's be real here people if that were the case we'd be in some big trouble on judgment day.
One thing I realized quite early about church folk- you have very hypocritical views that only seem to bother you when you are not dealing with that particular thing.
Hypocrisy is also sin- be sure you are not partaking in that.
If I want to preach about the love of Jesus and His salvation what makes me any different than the rapper, lyricist or singer who sings about Jesus and His salvation?
Let's not twist scripture to make it fit our personal agendas and biases.
First off sir, you need to read again the entire message and not just a glimpse of it. It doesn't say anything about rap, it speaks on Hip Hop and goes as far to study into it, showing the background, the beliefs, and where it originated from. I never saw one thing about accepting anything that has to do with homosexuals or anything else. Before you come at me with anything, I suggest you go study your history and the history of the church and how these things became infused with the church.

Regardless of what you say, I say, or anybody says... in the end it's all about what the Word of God says. No matter how you look at it HIP HOP and God does not go together and never will.



So don't give me what you think or what you heard someone else tell you. Go and study and learn then come back at me with scripture to support your allegations. Then go and study what the BIBLE says is condemnation, and judgment, not what MAN says it its. Then when you get through with that... go and study what the BIBLE says Hypocrisy is, not what MAN thinks it is.

Wow, and you call yourself a man of God???

Let's see what Jesus had to say about this rant you just placed here:

Matthew 10:16, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

Then let's look here as well:

Colossians 4:6, "Let your speech [be] alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Apparently you didn't get the overall message of what I was saying (which I doubt you cared to even try and understand) but what can I expect from someone such as yourself the most anointed and holy one.
Another reason why I don't deal with "church folk" ain't nuthin' Christ-like about them.
How people in their "right mind" sit under men like you is mind baffling to me.
You be blessed "Prophet Dr." Sanders lol!!!
Okay lets see... what Jesus said about this?

Mark 8:33 "'Get behind me, Satan!' he said, 'You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.'"

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

Oh and by the way... it was Paul that said,

" Colossians 4:6, "Let your speech [be] alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."

not Jesus.

Apparently, you didn't get the overall message.

And yes I am anointed and I surely try to walk a holy line.

This is the reason I LOVE dealing with the "heathen folk" ain't nothing Christ-like about them.

You be blessed as well "Lester "LesBoogie" Demings Jr" LMAO!!!!

It's a shame! But the truth always cuts especially when it finds you out!

But we always tell on ourselves... so be careful next time what you say!!!!

Prophet Dr. Arroyo Sanders to you sir!!! and Peace be unto you! Love you always with the Love of Jesus Christ!!!!
Gospel Jazz Saxophonist Cameron Ross

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