"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer [allow] not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." —1st Timothy 2:11-12

Feminism is of the Devil. One subject you'll never hear a woman preacher preach about is feminism. As with the Homosexual Movement, the Feminist Movement has changed the Word of God into a lie, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie..." (Romans 1:25). Feminists have even fabricated their own Feminist Theology. This is rebellion against God. Women are Scripturally forbidden to be pastors, preachers or leaders over men in any capacity. The average woman today is a feminist in her philosophies. This is tragic and a curse upon America. This is why the sin of abortion is commonplace. This is why the sin of divorce is so prevalent. One sin begets another. Women preachers and feminism are synonymous.

Women have equal human rights, are of equal worth, and are not inferior to men in any way; BUT, woman do not have a right to usurp authority over men. Feminism DEMANDS equality in the area of authority, and cries "inequality" if they don't get it. This is what Lucifer said in Isaiah 14:14... "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Lucifer just wanted EQUALITY, wanting to be "like" the most high. Feminists claim they are simply asking for equality, to be "like" men in authority. Today, America is infested with women in authoritative power positions, and America is going to Hell because of it. Homosexuality is commonplace, abortion has become completely shameless, pornography is considered normal, divorce is highly encouraged nowadays, etc. Sin! Sin! Sin! Feminism is a Trojan Horse sin, that brings with it a slew of godlessness and woeful evils. Feminism and the Word of God are DIAMETRICALLY opposed to each other!

Meet Carter Heyward— an Episcopalian priest, a militant feminist, a lesbian who performs same-sex marriages, and a promoter of child sacrifice through abortion...

"If women were in charge, abortion would be a sacrament, an occasion of deep and serious and sacred meaning."

—Carter Heyward, Massacre of Innocence, from a newsletter published by the National Abortion Federation.

Do you see what happens when women enter the pulpit? It was Solomon's wives who turned his heart away from the Lord, and introduced child-sacrifice to Molech once again in Israel (1st Kings 11:4-8).

One of the best worst examples of Christian Feministhood is Catherine Booth (wife of Salvation Army founder, William Booth). According to her biography, Catherine Booth was an avowed feminist. The Bible says, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft..." (1st Samuel 15:23). Feminism is a horrible sin! Catherine Booth objected to the idea that women are the "weaker sex," which according to the Holy Bible they are (1st Peter 3:7). Booth was a staunch feminist, who publicly criticized her husband, yoked together with unbelievers, and shamed the name of Christ. She was a disgrace to the name of Christ.

It was not until 1860 that Catherine first started to preach. One day in Gateshead Bethseda Chapel, a strange compulsion seized her and she felt she must rise and speak. Later she recalled how an inner voice taunted her: "You will look like a fool and have nothing to say". Catherine decided that this was the Devil's voice: "That's just the point," she retorted, "I have never yet been willing to be a fool for Christ. Now I will be one." It was the Devil's voice alright, that seized her and compelled her to rise and speak, because the Bible states... "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (1st Timothy 2:12). Catherine Booth, and rebellious women preachers today like Melissa Scott, have twisted the Scriptures in an attempt to justify their rebellion. God calls men to preach, NOT women.

Women are not to "usurp authority" over men in any capacity, at any time or in any place. Also, the word "church" is not mentioned in 1st Timothy chapter two. Thus, 1st Timothy 2:11-12 applies in the home, and in society in general. Women are to take a back seat and let the men drive. Meddling feminists are destroying churches, marriages and homes all across America. Say what you will, feminism is rebellion of the Devil, and it has infested many of our churches and homes today. Feminism is more deadly than arsenic, the AIDS virus and the Bubonic Plague all combined. The same fool that will laugh at what I just said is likely also a supporter of abortion rights. Abortion has killed far more people than arsenic, the AIDS virus and the Bubonic Plague ever have. It is estimated worldwide that 400,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion!!! Woe unto the wicked!

Women are to Keep Silent in Matters of Authority

What is meant by: "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection"?

It simply means that women have different roles than men in the church, in the home and in society. Men and women are inherently equal in worth and dignity; but we do not have the same roles. Even the men in the church do not have equal roles. All are commanded to submit to the rule of the church elders.

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection."

"Silence" or "quietly" is the Greek word Hesuchia, which means...

"To rest, to cease from labor. To lead a quiet life, said of those who are not running hither and thither, but stay at home and mind their business."

Thayer’s English Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

The same Greek word "Hesuchia" is also used in 2nd Thessalonians 3:12...

"Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread."

Paul is simply saying that while we're at work, we are not the boss, we are the employees. That puts us into a submissive role. At work we are equal with others as human beings, having equal rights; but we don’t possess an equal role with the boss. The boss is in charge, and we are to submit. This is an excellent illustration of the women's role in marriage, the church and society. There is nothing inferior or demeaning about a wife obeying her husband, anymore than an employee obeying a boss to keep his or her job. The same is true in a church.

Feminist Paranoia, Hatred of Masculine Authority and Insane Laws

The Biblical teaching of womanly submission is vastly different than the monstrous image that feminists paint of authoritative husbands and pastors. If you don't do your job at work, you are going to get written up or fired. It should be no different in the home. A husband who is married to a rebellious wife has no recourse of action nowadays, because society has gone insane with "Domestic Abuse" laws. A husband legally can't rebuke, scold or discipline his wife in any manner, except to beg her to do her job at home. So then who is going to correct her when she fails to care for the children? ... when she fails to clean the house? ... when she doesn't care about the children's safety? Child Protection Services? You're a total idiot if that's your solution. A psychologist? A shrink will just send a struggling wife to a psychiatrist for drugs that'll totally debilitate her. Good luck finding a church that'll care about your family. I am just being frankly honest. Despite the thousands of excellent churches in America, many people are finding it increasingly difficult to find a decent church that believes the King James Bible, isn't money-hungry and goes soulwinning. Most pastors today are simply interested in making a living, and continually pressure their members for more money.

Men are prohibited in America from commanding their homes anymore. In most places in America today, police are required by law to remove the husband from the home, by force if need be, merely on an accusation by the wife that he was abusive towards her. After the O.J. Simpson murder trials, feminists saw their chance to push from wide-sweeping changes to our nations laws, now commonly referred to as the "OJ laws."

How does all this fit in with women preachers? In many ways. As America has turned apostate, feminism has crept into our churches. As a consequence, woman have entered the pulpit in alarming numbers, bringing lesbianism and a host of other sins into the church. The sin of rebellion is a Trojan Horse sin. In other words, when a woman rebels against God by usurping authority over men, a host of other sins follow. Women must accept their role in the body of Christ as those who learn "in silence (quietness) with all subjection." Women preachers are repulsive. It's just not right, ethically or Biblically. Wherever you find a church with a woman in the pulpit, you'll find a liberally-minded church that is infested with doctrinal heresies. This is why God told women to shut-up, and for men to do the preaching.

Does the fact that Satan chose Eve for this first temptation imply that women as such are spiritually weaker than men? Do they have some kind of inherent weakness that makes them more vulnerable to temptation and sin, as some think 1st Peter 3:7 is suggesting? (being the weaker vessel)

Why Did Satan Choose Eve?

The question of why Satan chose Eve as the object of his temptation is made all the more relevant by Paul’s remark that "it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression" (1 Tim. 2:14) This text does mean something.

Does it mean that Eve was chosen because Satan considered her more deceivable, more vulnerable than Adam? Was Eve the "weaker vessel" - emotionally or intellectually?

The Bible does not reveal Satan’s motive for beginning with Eve. It just records the fact that Eve was the first to be tempted and deceived, and the first to sin. We are not told whether it was part of a deliberate strategy of Satan, or if his choice was just random. But the fact that we do not know for sure why Satan chose Eve does not negate the force of 1st Timothy 2:14, which says that Eve’s being the one who was deceived does have something to do with women’s being prohibited from teaching men and having authority over men in the New Testament church.

will continue..By David J. Stewart

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" Paul was speaking with prejudice, not much different than any other preacher/minister. This is not saying that Paul was a fals prophet but it to say that Paul was human, well capable of making mistakes..."

So when Paul was instructing Timothy on what women were permitted to do and what women were not permitted to do - he was not only mistaken but he was speaking in the flesh - other words 'from prejudice'.
And when Paul sent instructions to the church in Corinth and said that women had to be silent in the church - he was speaking from the flesh and out of his mistaken understanding of the word of God.

However YOU have the correct understanding of the word of God and you are not speaking from your flesh like the Holy Apostle...Amazing.
Paul could not have been speaking from the flesh...because ALL SCRIPTURE is given by God...If we were to believe Paul was speaking from his own mind...then who's to say everything Paul wrote was not his own thinking?...you see, this is how God protects his word..ALL SCRIPTURE is given by God...
"...If we were to believe Paul was speaking from his own mind...then who's to say everything Paul wrote was not his own thinking?..."

Paul is a lightening rod - especially as we get closer to the end.

When his writings give room to folk - they love him.
When his writings set limits - they hate him.

And you're right - the same arguments used for women preaching to men or having authority over them is the SAME argument used by homosexuals.
Because its rebellion against God's established order - against God's government.
Its the Garden all over again.
And Satan is getting a kick out women stepping out of bounds and the men that sit by and allow it like Father Adam.
Barak admired, Because her wisdom came from the Lord not her..she was a judge...but not outside of the rule of a man...read the story for yourself...the problem is women are still trying to usurp authority in any way they can...even if it means twisting scripture to fir their agenda...

Please show me in scripture where a woman was high preist,,,and allowed to go into the holy of holies...or one male disciple all the disciples were male...why is that if women were called to preach also?
Thank you for allowing this opportunity to share with your views and opinions. Forbidden we are in 2010 forbidden- to make impossible; prevent. fear of women- unresolved conflict with their own mother.
Worry- is a common expression or symptom of anxiety. Persons troubled about a past, present, future event may worry.Worrying is characterized by a feeling of uneasiness and mental discomfort. Inappropriate prescription for female witnesses, disciples, leaders, teachers and preachers. Whatever happened to follow peace with all men. The footsteps of a good man are ordered from the Lord. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel peace. Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will. James 1:19-20,5 Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. If any of you (male and female) lack wisdom, let him ask of God. Hosea 4:6 My people (male and female) are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. St. Matthew 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. This is not a dispute task force it is for all to continue information endeavors. Thanks again for allowing me to view and understand what was in your heart which was discussed from your mind and fell upon your lips and then on the pages of modern technology (Black Preachers Network) Learn Every Opportunity And Push READING Daily. The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips. Proverbs 16:23 .Revelation 2:20 thou sufferest a specific woman identified not all) that woman called Jezebel, which (she called, God did'nt) herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication (unrighteous acts), and to eat things sacrificed unto idols..
1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.

Any pastor who allows women to preach teach or have authority over men in the congregation is violating God's word...
This is my blog on the subject. This was part 1 of three:

I am a special education teacher at one of our nation’s top schools. One day an intern and I had a long conversation, as can be expected with such things we were verbally jousting about things along the lines of the economy, the state of black education and the state of the black family. When out of the blue…. Okay I may be expected this to come up just not this soon! It was of course the first time that we had taken the time to converse. She asked if I was a believer and what did I think of the rise of the number of women preachers. Before I could give her an answer she made this statement. “The church has come a long way in the liberation of women from under the hand of the all males club.” I did not whish to engage her at work, thinking that there would not be enough time to deal with this topic fairly. So we agreed to table it till a later date. But the issue still bites at me… I have been in ministry now twenty plus years and the rise of the female preacher has shocked me to some degree, but the big question still remains “what’s fueling the big move in this direction. Many may say that it is the hand of Almighty God that is at the heart of this but can that be proven by the Scriptures?….Before I get myself in hot water I think I should give a history lesson on the issues here. There are two that we must take under consideration.
The first is the cultural impact that Womanist theology has had on the state of the black church and black women in and out of the church. You may ask “What is Womanist theology?” It is a feminist theology that was created starting in the mid-late 1980s by a sector of black feminist academics from secular theological schools and universities. It was actually based on feminist theology and black liberation theology, both of which themselves draw from liberation theology (See "Free Articles" on the Christian Research Institute web site www.equip.org Search on "liberation theology" for a summary of these theologies' core teachings.)
The stated purpose of womanist theology was to address what this sector saw as key shortcomings in feminist theology and in black liberation theology. For them, feminist theology did not adequately address the issues and social situations of black women, particularly poor black women, while black liberation theology was male-oriented and did not adequately address the issues of women, one key issue for this post, being that of black women having the right to preach. A fact that Womanist theology tries to be overall affirming to woman,as a theology it departs from and always contradicts scripture at its core defining principles, making it "another gospel" by the Bible's stated definition of "the Gospel". The most basic departure from scripture in womanist theology is its being defined in terms of human philosophy, not scripture: "Womanist theology draws on sources that range from traditional church doctrines, African American fiction and poetry alike, ...conjuring and syncretic black religiosity, and womanist ethnographic approaches.... (see Linda Thomas, "Womanist Theology, Epistemology, and a New Anthropological Paradigm" articles, parts 1-3 on BlackandChristian.com.) " Some womanist theology adherents go even further and flatly deny the gospel of Jesus Christ itself: "The Kingdom of God is not interpreted as private property of the Christians, but as a promise to all people," asserts womanist theologian Doreen Hazel (see Doreen Hazel, abstract from "Daughters of Ham: theology from an Afro-European Womanist Perspective)
If the bible isn't your authority alone...you or anyone else has no ground to stand on...
Women were not allowed to teach preach or have authority over men in the chueches or in the home...the husband is the head of the wife..the man is the head of the woman..as stated by God...not by man...

1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.
Like Feminist Theology, Womanist theology has at least two more scriptural problems. First is its belief that the scripture is sexist. As Sheron C. Patterson writes in her book entitled New Faith; "Face It: There is sexism in the Scriptures due to the cultural attitudes of the time. Passages that demand we submit, be silent, and refrain from teaching have been presented in a way to keep us toward the rear of the church leadership." (emphasis hers p21)
This statement plays on the feelings and emotions of women that feel that men have work to keep them out of leadership roles in the local church. The fact remains we must question her claims of the scriptures being sexist. This is not an attack on male preachers that preached on women being a submissive wife, because many of today’s mega church pastors support women preachers, but this is an attack on the very nature of the text itself. To say that the scriptures only place such demands on women is not true and is an out right deception aimed at the heart of the Gospel message that being said we all must submit to God through Jesus Christ. Let’s look at what the Bible has to say in the book of Ephesians: The very first thing that on should look at when studying this subject is the order in which the passages are arranged. Paul writes, Therefore be imitators of God… (chapter 5:1 emphasis mine). Here the writer draws the mind back to the previous passage where He describes to us some of the attributes of God. Then he takes us on a journey into the relations of the family. Chapter five again begins with the writer informing us to be an imitator of God. He then says walk in love, just as Christ (v.2). The sexist part for the aforementioned writer (Mrs. Patterson) comes in at verse 22, where Paul tells wives to be subjected to their own husbands. For any women to view this passage as sexist is proof that the person misunderstood Paul’s intent. Many believers in Womanist theology skip right over the verse that comes before the one I just mention. It reads and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ (v.21 emphasis mine). Okay this verse means both men and women are too be subjected to one another but how is that possible? What does subjected mean? This is the word hupotassô found 31 times in the New Testament, it is a Greek military term meaning "to arrange [troop divisions] in a military fashion under the command of a leader". In non-military use, it was "a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden. In this passage it is the second meaning that Paul is calling for. We see this in the next few verse. The husband is to submit to Christ rule in his life and the wife is to voluntary giving in, cooperating under the Godly rule of the husband. But look at what the Lord requires of the husband. He is to 1. Love his wife, 2. give himself up for her 3. Sanctify her. How is he to do that? 4. Bath her in the Word. This is done all for one purpose to present her without spot or wrinkle. This is done to teach the world one great truth Christ loves His church this very same way! Wow if that is sexiest it very sexiest in deed.

The next problem for Womanist theology is its view of gender roles. Like its counterpart Feminist theology, Womanist Theology attempts to consider every aspect of religious practice and thought. Some of the questions feminist/womanist theologians ask are:
How do we as women do theology? This basic question of how womanist theologians may go about creating systems of thought is currently being reinterpreted by feminist theologians. Many womanist theologians assert that personal experience can be an important component of insight into the divine. They see the relevance their own personal experience as being the true guide to beliefs and understanding of the Bible.
Who is God? Some womanist theologians have supported the use of non- or multi-gendered language for God, arguing that language powerfully impacts belief about the behavior and essence of God.
Are you calling God a Womanist?

1 Corinthians 11
. 7 For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8 For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; 9 for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. 10 Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.



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