Has Obama's "Smoking Guns" finally been found?

On Tue, 4/28/09, UCT wrote:
Interesting concept Obama opposes :: United States Justice Foundation ... Subject: Smoking gun finally found? April 1, 2009 AP- WASHINGTON D.C. - In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as president. When reached for comment in London, where he has been in meetings with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama smiled but refused comment on the issue. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the administration's efforts to move the country in a new direction.
Britain's Daily Mail has also carried the story in a front-page article titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned", leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrio's case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's citizenship or qualification to serve as president. Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided
to the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter.

Did you notice that the blame was pointed at Right Wing Conservatives? The Americans for Freedom of Information group is not considered Christian, I think....The Devil is always wanting Christians to look bad.. I received this and I will check other sources from which it came for it this is true, then we all need to take note, if it isn't, the truth always comes out..

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The unborn are with God, until we on earth learn to love our brother we can see, we can't say we love God who we can't see.

YOU can't tell ME what God wants ME to do. To thine ownself be true.
If you are in the family of God, we are to judge those within the Body and your words are proving just to whom you belong. The unborn wouldn't have to be with God so soon if people like yourself didn;t vote to kill them.. Also you had better make sure your are not considered one of the unwise virgin Jesus spoke about...To thine own self be true ? Jesus said, to DENY yourself and pick up your cross and follow Him. Paul said, It is no longer "I" that lives but Christ who lives in "ME" You statement originated from carnal man...Again, I will say this. Any person who says they are Christians and they voted for Obama for President, THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS! They are unwise Virgins who have no oil in their lamps and will be judged..
I voted for the one who best exemplified Kingdom and Biblical principles........
Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the REPUBLICAN pipes a blowin'. Now, Dannyboy, when I first answered your post under the 'muslims are a threat' post or sumptin' like that, I knew from your handle, 'prince Danny' heh...heh..that sumptin' wasn't right. "Prince Danny", yeah, right blackfolk...LOL! However, since the REPUBLICAN RIGHT WING let in these Muslims who I, personally have come under personal attack against, I chose to show goodwill and agree with your assessment on their devious, sinister, wicked, chenigans. Yes, for love of an oil deal, Bush/Cheney not only SOLD them America but let them bring in their army of unclean, barbaric forces who are joined with Latin Americans, Africans, Asians, and the yuck...who mean NO goodwill to African/Americans. Again, that's why I answered your other post on MUSLIMS that by the way, stood out like a BEACON LIGHT to AFRICAN/AMERICANS, make no mistake about it! Sheesh, get some better agents, plants, or whatever you all'n calls yourself....THE LORD REBUKE YOU SATANIC DECEIVERS!

At any rate, this your obviously, disgusting, despicable, 'disrespectfu to the intelligence of blackfolk's'
post you put forth is no longer in this 21st century LAUGHABLE rather, that which believers' should unite and pray against.

And for the record, NO, Danny ain't buyin' the OBAMA is 'tricking us cause He was born elswhere' crock.' However, let me put a little bug in your ear, from what I've experienced from times past on these boards, albeit, I've never used my real Christian name such as I have for the first time here, a host of 'white boys' or white boy servants have always slithered into black sites seeking to turn African/Americans against Democrats, and this is looong since Obama's days. In 2000, it was Gore who was really up to NO GOOD, according to those, filthy, unclean, as JUDE would say, "brute beast of whom deepest darkness is reserved for."

Still, Danny, the Bible says, 'test the spirits' and such is that I did, and from others not responding to you, I see, they did also. Now, you have vomited all over yourself with the deception, that is about you and as so, may the Lord God who is against your LIES AND DECEPTIONS, rebuke you for your insanity for no righteous BLACK MAN would speak such words. NONE!

For goodness sake, we come from a people who can smell a Wille Lynch HOUSE KNEE-GRO a mile a way. Again, the Lord REBUKE YOU!

If you are going to SINISTERLY, like the SERPENT seek to DECEIVE then come up with a better game plan other than that which only WHITE-RACIST GROUPS are spouting such as, OBAMA'S not really a AMERICAN CITIZEN!!

Well, again, let me put a little bug in your ear, Obama's MOMMA who CHOSE to LAY DOWN with that AFRICAN FATHER of OBAMA'S is a born and bred, 'Auntie Em, Auntie Em' AMERICAN WHITE GIRL whose MULATTO OBAMA SON would just naturally be as AMERICAN AS APPLE AS SHE IS! Deal with it!

Oh, and don't forget to daily pray to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, THOU CHRISTIAN for OUR FIRST BLACK-SKINNED, AFRICAN/AMERICAN PRESIDENT, just as HIS WHITE MOMMA would have you to do.


Just do the DNA SON, yeah, unlike SLAVERY DAYS, the DNA is now available to PROVE beyond all doubt that OBAMA WITH HIS WHITE MOMMA is PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

Deal with it heh..heh.. PRINCE Danny, Deal with it!
Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the REPUBLICAN pipes a blowin'. Now, Dannyboy, when I first answered your post under the 'muslims are a threat' post or sumptin' like that, I knew from your handle, 'prince Danny' heh...heh..that sumptin' wasn't right. "Prince Danny", yeah, right blackfolk...LOL!

However, since the REPUBLICAN RIGHT WING let in these Muslims who I, personally have come under personal attack against, I chose to show goodwill and agree with your assessment on their devious, sinister, wicked, chenigans. Yes, for love of an oil deal, Bush/Cheney not only SOLD them America but let them bring in their army of unclean, barbaric forces who are joined with Latin Americans, Africans, Asians, and the yuck...who mean NO goodwill to African/Americans. Again, that's why I answered your other post on MUSLIMS that by the way, stood out like a BEACON LIGHT to AFRICAN/AMERICANS, make no mistake about it! Sheesh, get some better agents, plants, or whatever you all'n calls yourself....THE LORD REBUKE YOU SATANIC DECEIVERS!

At any rate, this your obviously, disgusting, despicable, 'disrespectful to the intelligence of blackfolk's'
post you put forth is no longer in this 21st century LAUGHABLE rather, that which believers' should unite and pray against.

And for the record, NO, Danny ain't buyin' the OBAMA is 'tricking us cause He was born elswhere' crock.' However, let me put a little bug in your ear, from what I've experienced from times past on these boards, albeit, I've never used my real Christian name such as I have for the first time here, a host of 'white boys' or white boy servants have always slithered into black sites seeking to turn African/Americans against Democrats, and this is looong before Obama's days. In 2000, it was Gore who was really up to NO GOOD, according to those, filthy, unclean, as JUDE would say, "brute beast of whom deepest darkness is reserved for."

Still, Danny, the Bible says, 'test the spirits' and such is that I did, and from others not responding to you, I see, they did also. Now, you have vomited all over yourself with the deception, that is about you and as so, may the Lord God who is against your LIES AND DECEPTIONS, rebuke you for your insanity for no righteous BLACK MAN would speak such words. NONE!

For goodness sake, we come from a people who can smell a Wille Lynch HOUSE KNEE-GRO a mile a way. Again, the Lord REBUKE YOU!

If you are going to SINISTERLY, like the SERPENT seek to DECEIVE then come up with a better game plan other than that which only WHITE-RACIST GROUPS are spouting such as, OBAMA'S not really a AMERICAN CITIZEN!!

Well, again, let me put a little bug in your ear, Obama's MOMMA who CHOSE to LAY DOWN with that AFRICAN FATHER of OBAMA'S is a Kansas born and bred, 'Auntie Em, Auntie Em' AMERICAN WHITE GIRL whose MULATTO OBAMA SON would just naturally be as AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE AS SHE IS! Deal with it!

Oh, and don't forget to daily pray to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, THOU CHRISTIAN for OUR FIRST BLACK-SKINNED, AFRICAN/AMERICAN PRESIDENT, just as HIS WHITE MOMMA would have you to do.


Just do the DNA SON, yeah, unlike SLAVERY DAYS, the DNA is now available to PROVE beyond all doubt that OBAMA WITH HIS WHITE MOMMA is PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

Deal with it heh..heh.. PRINCE Danny, Deal with it!
I see that you are not being lead by the Holy Spirit of God as you are the one being deceived by Satan. The Gospel of Christ is not a Black man or a White man issue but a issue of being forgiven, being transformed and being empowered by God to do the works of Christ. You can rant on with all your talk about black and white and how you seem to this this is an issue of Obama being black and that white folks have a problem with it. I don't have a problem with Obama being Black for I have never looked at the color of a man's skin ever since God saved me and filled me with His Holy Spirit. But what I do look at it the motives of the man's heart and since Obama has told other people in other Nations that America is not a Christian Nation, I see right there that He was up to no good. You had better get your own grip on how we are living in the Last days and that Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled right before your eyes. Get off you high horse of racism and know that there are only TWO types of people in the world at large....Those who are the children of Almighty God by the power of His Holy Spirit and those who are Children of Satan by the power of His unholy Spirit of the Antichrist! If Obama was a Child of God, His words would prove it. They don't. You can't be a Christian at home and not be one at your Job. As a Christian, His duty is to love God and Have a divine relationship with Him, then Love your neighbor as yourself. You don't say you love God to please only Him then turn around and be a people pleaser. King Saul was guilty of this and His kingdom was taken from Him. Either Obama is going to lead this Country in the righteousness, morality, and justice under the Banner of Christianity or He again, is being lead of the unholy Spirit of the Antichrist and if you agree with His words and his direction He is taking this Country, be warned that the wool is being placed over your own eyes and finding yourself carnal, and left behind to face the coming Antichrist.. Oh, By the way, you can still call me Prince..I have been anointed by Jesus the Christ as a king and a priest unto Him as all Holy Spirit filled Christians are and yes, I will stand with him in Glory...But will you?...Deal with it...
Goodness, I'm so glad I serve God and not man. Man will put you in hell, call you everything but a child of God. I'm so glad that God has the last say
lol....he's a piece of work, isn't he? :-)
God does have a last say and you already know what it is..He will say to those on His left side, ."DEPART FROM ME FOR I NEVER KNEW YOU! And He will say to those who are on his right, "ENTER INTO MY KINGDOM AND MY GLORY, MY PRECIOUS CHILD! To those who voted to kill the unborn, What do you really think He will say??
Oh Danny, you're a piece of work, you are! :-) Okay, according to you, and I'll take your word for it, 'you don't see things in black/white' like 'bad' old me making this a color issue, eh? Whatever!

Now, let me get this straight Danny, Bush who built up the 'Anti-Christ' region of Old Babylon i.e. Iraq via "illegally" sending our beloved sons and daughters to die for oil wells, caused the United States to be hated the world over, wrought division within the United States so causing the United States to be a 'house divided' which the Bible says 'cannot stand' (Matt. 12:25), wrought an economic collaspe of the U.S, plus, through negligence, wrought the death of many of the Katrina victims, as well, like a perverted Robin Hood, stole from the poor and Middle Class and gave to the rich, which, by the way, the Bible repeatedly says, 'Jesus is against" (Matt. 19:23-24; Lk. 1:53; 6:24; Jas. 1:10-11; 2:5-6; etc.), and worse, let the murderer Osama bin Laden of Afghanistan, NOT Iraq, but AFGANISTAN go free, even at one point, declaring, 'he didn't know or care where Osama Bin Laden' the orchestrator of 911 was at,"
Mind you, this same Osama Bin Laden who up until the end of Bush's wretched reign sent 'we the people' of the U.S. videos threatening to do it again. Oh, and one final thing, with an 8 yr. reign, with 6 yrs, full control of House and Senate, 'ABORTION' is still on the books, no less.

Nonetheless, I'm suppose to see this same Bush, as he, who is "of God", why, in fact, a 'replica of God' incarnate, if you will? Truly, had I been a true Christian who supported this wretched soul Bush, I would then be eligible for 'citizenship in heaven'? Have I got YOU right Danny?

Whereas, since I was NOT blinded to all this evil Bush/Cheney and the Republicans pulled off, whereas, I, unlike the so-called Christian Right did NOT call the Republican wretched administration CHRIST-LIKE and 'OF GOD', I should now, question my Christianity as I am deceived for not seeing all that satanic evil, hatred and divisiness as that which is the "Love of God", indeed, that which, "pleased the God of Heaven"? Am I understanding you right Danny?

Now, on the other hand, enter beloved President Barack Obama, quite to the contrary of everything Bush, er, I mean, so-called Christian Right, he says, 'Let's unify, 'enough with the divisiness and hate', I'll be President of 'all,' even you who didn't vote for me. Unlike Bush, I'll respect you enough to hear your views. Let's get America United. Let's pull our soldiers out of that anti-Christ economic headquarters of Iraq/Babylon that Bush/Cheney should have never taken us in in the first place, Let's create jobs for the Middle Class. Let's quit giving to the rich and stealing from the Middle Class and poor. Let's look after the poor and Middle Class with a decent health care program. YES, LET'S DO ALL THE THINGS JESUS REPEATEDLY SPOKE UPON. Yet, I'm suppose to believe HE'S THE ANTI-CHRIST?!!

Moreso, I'm suppose to believe PROVEN LIES about his American citizenship, real stretch there Danny, Oh, and for Pete's sake, I'm NOT suppose to notice that the very ones telling these SATANIC LIES AND DECEITS are known white racists in the first place. In fact, since I noticed it and brought up the term 'black/white' it is I, not YOU or THEM who is a RACIST rather, I, for mentioning the 'terms' black/white that such demented types think they are satanically clever by spewing RACISM but NARY A TIME, using the term black/white so showing all, that you all, are indeed, CHRIST-LIKE! Wow!

Danny, let me put it like this, I will pray for you for the god of this world (satan), has blinded you to the madness that be about you. On the other hand, I will withstand your insanity on all levels for the god of this world has blinded you to the madness that is about you!
Ms Johnson, Don't worry about praying for me, If again you voted for Obama and your prayers are unheard. I do not as well stand for the Republican party if they themselves go against the word of God. Do you remember when Jesus was tell the disciples about how he was going to be arrested and killed? Peter took Him aside and said, No, Lord this can never be.. But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
There are many Christian who think they are doing the will of God but their are "Mindful of the things of Men. But true Christians vote according to the Will of God and are mindful of the plans of God. If Bush would have voted against saving the unborn, He would not have gotten my Vote but I again look at the intent and heart of the man when it comes to His moral stand, confirming God's word in his life as all true Christians do. There were around 93% of the Black Community voting for Obama including all so called Christians. So to me, it was a immoral and unrighteous cause in which they all cast their votes, so in the eyes of God their Vote was in the same sense, being "mindful of the things of men" to which Jesus called Peter, SATAN. and told Him He was an offense unto Him! Jesus also spoke a parable concerning 10 Virgins, five were wise and five were foolish. Did you notice that even though they were ALL Virgins meaning "Christians" Yet only half of the Christians made it into the Wedding of the Lord, the five foolish had no oil meaning they looked like Christians, they went to Church, They when through all the motions but they were not ready.. And again, When so called Christians will use their power to vote to vote for the best moral and righteous of the two candidates, even if it is the lesser of two evils but not someone who is being lead of the Spirit of Antichrist, this is who the True Christian must vote. If both are immoral and ungodly, don't vote. But I have voted Republican even since I've been filled with the Holy Spirit and I am lead of God when I do so because it is known to be the righteous right! Yes, the homosexuals voted for Obama, the pro abortionist voted for Obama,. Those who were against legal immigration voted for Obama, American Muslims voted for Obama, Why because He stood for Almighty God, traditional marriages, and against Abortions, NO!! They voted for Obama because they were "MINDFUL OF THE THINGS OF MEN! Just as you are....Obama is wanting to unite us but under what Banner? IN ALMIGHTY GOD WE STAND! or IN THE UNITED NATIONS WE STAND! Better pray for yourself. I know where I stand with the Holy Spirit..
Well Danny, you're entitled to see things in the way you've just expressed. I'm sorry you do, truly I am. However, rather than go on with this your line of reasoning, I will just say, 'God allows His rain to fall on the just and unjust, and His sun to shine on the just and the unjust.'

A political system has to govern all the people, not just people who 'think' like them.

By the way, everybody is pro-life, what you are speaking of is the ways different people want to go about preserving life. I think that the clergy should outreach to the hearts of women. Take some of the millions of dollars they collect and offer jobs, affordable apartments to young women who are pregnant.

Do an all out blitz NOT against the Democrats but towards women's hearts showing them the value of the life within their wombs. If they had spent a fourth of the time doing that rather than breeding right-wing, gullible followers to loathe and demonize the democrats. countless of the unborn would have been saved. This sin remains clergy for breeding you all like that in the first place. They solved nothing rather, created a great explosion of satanic hate that wrought division and as the Bible says, 'a house divided cannot stand.'

As so Danny, this is why the U.S. fell under Bush and the Republican's hypocrisy. Again, everyone is pro-life, the right-wing just played a mind game on you their followers by claiming that banner, and so automatically putting anyone who thinks differently as pro-abortion when that's not the case.

Anyway, I do think a lot of hurt was done to you innocents by the republican and Christian right hierarchy who I am outraged at for breeding such division. It is wrong. It is so wrong especially, when you can look at all the injustices, downright evils they committed, against the Living masses and still see the republicans as 'of God' and everybody who doesn't think like them as 'evil.' That is a sad rape of your psyche' and a great sin in the eyes of God who knows clergy was wrong to pull off this political evil in the first place.

Danny please try and understand that. Please don't blind yourself to evil of the right-wing simply because they may lie and say, they are 'of God' but their works are 'of satan.'

Let's just together do as Scripture commands and pray for our leaders that we may live in peace.


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