I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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Again, my question is WHO says the hip-hop method is not holy? This is the doctrine and tradition of men and will make of none effect the Word of God!
My point is, simply, if you want to do a "tradition" check on this thread, see if Rev. Miller would invite you -- or any other woman, for that matter -- to stand in his pulpit and preach. Then you will see the silliness of the tradition of men exposed for what it truly is!
Brother Derrick I have not missed your point because there is a difference between Baal and God, sin and holiness
Here is the point that was attempted to be made. If men preached the way you claim they should, women such as yourself that have a word from God, would never get the opportunity because of the misinterpretation of I Tim 2:1-15.
Sister Angela, when you read I Tim.2:1-15, what do you read? I am going to make a point but I desire your participation
That's the best thing that you have said all day! Sis. Angela, if and when you are in the Detroit area; you let me know! you have an open invitation to come and share what the Lord has given you! as a matter of fact look up my friends page and see Rev. Holly and ask her how we treat Holy Women of God! As for you Rev. Day I am more convinced now than ever before that your purpose is to divide, decieve and spread discourse, you are locked in your position and have labeled anyone that disagrees with you has a hypocrite! You are sick and you need help, You have attemted to distort the position of the COGIC belief; changing the subject does not help your cause!

As for the learned Bro Anthony - you really should read a dictionary - The Greek language has more than one use for any given word - the word Pneuma = spirit wind or breath - Since we are not discussing these; there was no point in using this particular word - Muse is the word that I intended to us as it more directly speaks to the point that we are discussing - the INSPIRATION or HIP HOP MUSIC- I also did not include a lot of informaton due to time, space and relevents to the actual argument at hand...for your edification I would encourage you to research the 9 Goddess of Zeus and Mnemosyne - who preside over song...

If we never agree on greek and hebrew transliteration of english words that derived from latin - from greek - from egyptian; the fact still remains- Hip Hop is a way of life, represented in its music which is a reflection or projection of an ungodly life style that has plagued our community for far too long!

The idea of ligitimizing this dispical curse in our pulpit is repugnant to God! In fact if you open your bible you will find that when Peter was denying Jesus one of the things that gave him away was the fact that he talked like Jesus! Jesus did not talk like him he talked like Jesus! the bible says that he began to curse (to prove he was ot with Jesus) hmmm cursing sound familiar - When the power of God walks with the man of God to talk to the people- something has got to change! the man of God does not change; the people that hear him change! we are not here to be changed we are here to be the voice of change; fro death to life!

Jesus said My Sheep hear my voice! I want to be Gods voice in a world that is void of the sound of God! you aught to be the same way!

If you also read your bible sir - you will find that women were more often than not the first evangelist on the scene, and great prophetess of God used as an oracle to Gods people; how dare you use a misunderstood section in our doctrine to suggest that sisters don't have a place of relevents in our Church! the very district that I serve as Pastor; its founding Church was started by a woman! many of the COGIC Churches are founded by praying women and the men were sent to Pastor these churches - that takes nothing from the honorable work done by women for over 100 years from the start of this Church until now!

Again Sis. Angela, If you're saved, sanctified and filled wih the Holy Ghost with a mighty burning fire and you want to see souls revived for the Lord; let me know when you're comming to town! and the Holy Ghost will order the service...Only satan wishes to divide the house of God! To God be the Glory!
Pastor Hodge,

I have picked up Brother Day's divisiveness early on in the discussion, he has tried to define me as a hypocrite and has tried to pit me against Sister Angela. I have no problem with her preaching the Word of God, I have witnessed woman in the church with an anointing to preach, lay hands,and win souls.

I believe that when you are losing in your point of view, it is much easier to try and change the subject. This is what Brother Day attempts to do and it is very divisive.
Rev. Hodge,

I am blessed to hear that you are not so locked into tradition that you would prohibit a woman from preaching. This tells me that you and I are not as far apart as either of us think we are. I pray that, in due season, you will see my heart on this matter -- even if we never come to agreement.

That said, please allow me to address a few points...

1. My purpose is not, and never will be, to divide the Body of Christ.
2. I do not want to SPREAD discourse, I want to HAVE discourse. It is only through fellowship and discussion of God's Word -- point-by-point -- that we are able to replace dissent with unity.
3. I was sick before Jesus found me, saved me, and healed me. I thank God for the Blood of Jesus!
4. I was not trying to distort the position of COGIC or any other denomination, for that matter. I have nothing against any Christian denomination, however I choose not to participate in man-made doctrine.
5. I admit I did change the subject ONCE; this was only because that tangent was germane to the discussion.
6. I think Brother Anthony is a true scholar and steward of the Word of God. His statements reflect sound exegesis and are Biblically sound. I think we can all benefit from his anointing and scholarship.
7. I believe your heart is in the right place in spite of how I perceive your doctrinal position. As a pastor, you have the God-given right AND responsibility to oversee what influences your church. It is neither your right OR responsibility to police any other.
8. Again, you are correct about the role of women in the Bible. From the woman at the well, to Mary Magdalene, to Lydia and Claudia, women have played a significant role in the proclamation of the Gospel. I, for one, have a heart for women in the ministry because tradition has systemically denied anointed women the opportunity to operate in their gifting.

I pray for God's very best for you. I pray His Mercy, Grace, and Favor follow you all the days of your life. I love you and may God bless and keep you always.
I thought we were discussing hip hop in the church? Brother Day if you want to deal with the topic of women preachers why don't you start another thread?
I was merely posing a challenge to the perceived religious thinking on this thread. I apologize if it has caused a distraction...
I noted that pastor, apparently you did not read what I wrote, I said that there are differing meanings to words however not in this case. You opened the door to correcting you with regard to the word with your misuse. So please do not complain when corrected for an error you made. Once again not a good look for a man of God.
By the way the nine muses in the greek pantheon did not preside over music, only two did, the muses Euterpe who dealt with lyrical song, and the other was Polyhymnia who dealt with sacred song.

When Peter denied Christ it was not what he said that gave him away it was his accent and dialect coupled with he speech pattern. Wow and you say I need to read my Bible, sir it was clearly written. Just like people from the south have a distinct accent, so did the people of Galilee. Once again sir if you bothered to do the homework required to properly use the word, you would know that, as opposed to being prideful, and insecure of your position Funny thing you keep alluding to someone here saying that you have to do this or do that, I have not said anything of the sort, Rev Day has said nothing of the sort, so please where is that coming from, it sounds like an argument you have had or are having with someone else, but not here. I have read what others have said, and so far they have all said the same thing, IT IS YOUR CHOICE.
Once again, Rev Anthony,

You have proven how much of a "scholar" you are not...Your assersion is that Peter was betrayed by his "Dialect" are insane? Matthew 26:73 "his speech" gave him away.."he then; began to (curse and to swear) if it was his dialect cursing swearing would not have changed that at all! I have a mid western dialect if I go down south my voice alert people that I am not from down south - my calling someone and MF is not going to change that obiously immutable reality!

Here Peter made a decision to use words that Jesus would never use in order to affirm his standing apart from Jesus! here we have the same thing; you are using a little knowledge, confusing the issue because you want to be able to enjoy the songs you listen to before you got saved; and be saved at the same time if you follow Peter you will find him in the upper room and he was no longer cursing and swearing he was preaching the word of God!

I am not sure what part of slavery you refrence but th fact is I don't remember reading anwhere where anyone was driving down the street with my money on my mind and mind on my money (oh yea) while drinking Jin and Juice! I don't know how you clean that song up and make it "Holy" Lol AGAIN this is not a discussion on what goes on in our respective churches; this is a topic in general on "should Hip Hop be allowed in the Church at large? and the answer is no no not ever absolutly not no way and you can't find one Bible verse that says you should!

With regards to Jeramiah; he said he was not going to preach Gods word anymore "he tried to stop but his "Word" was like Fire shut up in his bones! no body is asserting that you are required to praise God quietly??? were are you getting this material?

you won't find a louder church than COGIC!

Pastor Hodge


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