I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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It just so happens that I'm a real brother from Detroit...so this, too, can be dismissed as an ad hominem, fallacious attack.
Bro Day,

This comment was aimed at Pastor Ray Jones who has decided to hold himself out as the being a brother from the streets, the only hoodlum that got saved...as if some how that makes his opinions right; more directly; my response was directed at his unfair outright attack on Sis. Angela! The Brothers that I associate with don't take kindly to men attacking women.

you can attack the position all day long, but don't attack the person and certainly don't attack the lady!

Bro Jones and Bro. Anthony has run out of amunition, he has no scriptural basis to back up his argument and like most people when backed into a corner he wants to take it out on Sis. Angela or any other women that he can...don't know if this is a character flaw or not; However (call me what you want) I was taught that Real Men protected their sisters! If you're from my generation than you understand what I mean.

Pastor Hodge
Pastor Hodge,

I can say with some certainty that Revs. Jones and Anthony were not out to "attack" anyone. Everything has been said in brotherly love.

I am a former "thug" whom God has bestowed salvation and Grace. Since you're from "the D," you're familiar with Dexter and Fenkell (or Livernois and Fenkell), you know where I come from.

Unfortunately, by virtue of interpretation, man has taken scripture out of context and used it as a tool of control and manipulation. There is no evidence this is the case with Brothers Jones and Anthony.

The Word of God does not endorse hip-hop; on this point, you are correct. However, the Bible does not speak regarding any genre of music. Does your church use musical instruments in worship? If so, members of the Church of Christ might have issues with that.

Do you know that Bishop C.H. Mason, one of the founders of the august body known as the Church of God In Christ was considered a heretic by many of his contemporaries (as was the case with many churches born out of the Azusa Street Movement). Today, COGIC is considered one of the more traditional Christian American denominations.

Just as Bishop Mason was a revolutionary and a visionary of his day, so are many of the "hip-hop" pastors and Christian disciples of today. Would you have forbidden so great a man? Please prayerfully consider this question.

Once again, I understand if you are resistant to hip-hop music; I really do. Unfortunately, I do not agree with you -- and I disagree in brotherly love and in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
Here you go again with this "hip hop" pastor, what in the world is a hip hop pastor? I am sorry but please help with this.
Think "contemporary" pastor...that should work!
No, I don't want to do that, I was just curious because when I hear of something new like "hip hip" pastor I like to know the origin of it.
And so now that we have a hip hop minister or pastor, what do we do with the youth minister/pastor? Or is that too old fashion now days?
30 years ago, there weren't even youth pastors...shall we split hairs about job descriptions?
No, the youth pastor should have a working knowledge of hip-hop. When I said "hip-hop pastor," I was referring to styles, not titles.

Praise be to God, though, we're having true dialogue, now!
Wow I am glad that you can speak with "some" certainty...I have a lot of family in that area...I was arrested oer here before I got saved; very familiar with that neighborhood; I think they were speaking with some certaintity too! in fact we all speaking with some level of certainty...Now that we know that we can all speak with some certaintanty - Perhaps we can locate that "Brotherly love" you just talked about; I don't see none at all; what I do see is a group of men wo have sold themselves out in the name of winning souls for Christ! What I do see is an entire movement of so called Christian people legitamizing the filth that spews out of the bowels of Hip Hop! What I do see is that anyone in disagreement with this nonsense is labled a "hypocrite"! what I do see is the obviouse lack of scriptural basis to back up their argument! What I do see is a mistake going somewhere to happen! anytime you have to conform to someone that God said not to conform too under the idea of winning them to God is a lie! What I do see is the same lie told Jesus...come off the cross and then we will believe...What I do see is the suggestion that the only way to win souls for Christ is we look like, walk like, talk like, sing like, dress like, pretend to be something we're not in order to win these to Christ ...I see alot of things - don't see any love at all - Jesus said if you Love Me - Keep my commandments! Jesus said be ye Holy for I am Holy! Please help me understand how Snoop Doggs' Jin & Juice is holy? please help me undertand how Ice Cube's "How to survive in south central" Holy? What Bible did you read that gave you permission to go to another religion to elevate the saving grace of Jesus Christ?

The question of whether are musical instruments in my Church is an insult to my intellegents! the Church of Christ should read: the 98th number of Psalms...

Please help me understand how the indwelling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other toungs as the spirit gave them utterence compares to "there some hoes in this house" Give me a break! there is no way to justify this nonsense- a dance floor in the pulpit? a dance floor???

That's funny, I have people comming in off the street all the time...I just preach Christ Crucified!?
Pastor Hodge,
I see no need to make a mockery of my reply. I think it is sad that you have to result to base insults to try and illustrate your point. In the name of brotherly love, I have tried to extend an olive branch to you and you slap me in the face.

No one is suggesting that profanity be allowed in the church. No one is endorsing a dance floor in the sanctuary. That is simply your perception.

In place of an intellectual argument you resort to condescension. I could respond at your level but that would be an insult to Jesus and to that which He has called me.

I will pray for you. It's one thing to dislike something It's another thing entirely to condemn others for it.
I am still here pastor, Just getting started, and honestly, and really have cases of 50 Cal that I have not used as of yet. So if you are still up for a debate.....Let's go!


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