I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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"Just changing the words really won't make the sound holy..."

EXACTLY!!!! You are absolutely right.

I don't believe that "Hip Hop" in the church is (or going to be) the "New" Song. But, as people and technology grow... the mind, spirit and the tools to create encounter influences that may have been intended for one thing at first...but CAN indeed be used for a higher good by those with God's Spirit upon them.... God does this all of the time.... and we all know that.

One thing to consider -- just because it has a hip hop style beat that sounds a little like Hip Hop… or whatever...does not necessarily make it really “HIP HOP”. I mean… just the same as if you have an organ in the music, and say the word “Amen”... this does not make it Gospel or for the Church… there are countless Rock songs that have those.

It is the complete vibe fixation… in both the music element, and how it is married to the lyrics.... or all of the ingredients...and what "fruit" it produces. This ultimately will determine what it is...or can be defined as. (in my opinion of course..:-)
Only satan could make something so simple so complicated..no where in the old or new testament did it ban any style of music...yet music is found through out history...music is such a big deal in the world and in life...as big as sex..which God includes many times with many regulations..but none are found for music except for the command to worship him with the timbrel and dance etc etc..yet we are debating...you know why ..members of my generation have been commissioned to preach the Gospel in a right now way becase the time is short..we cannot wait another generation to wait until our chidren are doing someting else and the old folks are doing hip hop... we preach now to everyone...and it extends past music...it goes into movies televison radio broadcasts etc.

this is an evangelical move of God that extends past the church to bring in all people ...

but as usual the the chuch has an issue with the evangelists...which I have discovered is an ongoin thing most of us are operating in a 1 or 2 fold ministry the 5 fold should be in effect and on one accord.......but sadly we are not ....I suspect that most of you would have accused paul of being lukewarm because he became all thing to all men in order that some might be saved....you say no...but your actions show different ..because when I become all things to all men...and I am not paul...you accuse me of evil.. that statement in and itself makes you a respector of persons
Only satan could make something so simple so complicated..no where in the old or new testament did it ban any style of music...yet music is found through out history...music is such a big deal in the world and in life...as big as sex..which God includes many times with many regulations..but none are found for music except for the command to worship him with the timbrel and dance etc etc..yet we are debating...you know why ..members of my generation have been commissioned to preach the Gospel in a right now way becase the time is short..we cannot wait another generation to wait until our chidren are doing someting else and the old folks are doing hip hop... we preach now to everyone...and it extends past music...it goes into movies televison radio broadcasts etc.

this is an evangelical move of God that extends past the church to bring in all people ...

but as usual the the chuch has an issue with the evangelists...which I have discovered is an ongoin thing most of us are operating in a 1 or 2 fold ministry the 5 fold should be in effect and on one accord.......but sadly we are not ....I suspect that most of you would have accused paul of being lukewarm because he became all thing to all men in order that some might be saved....you say no...but your actions show different ..because when I become all things to all men...and I am not paul...you accuse me of evil.. that statement in and itself makes you a respector of persons
Minister Jenkins, Hip-Hop is definitely of the world and yet there are many churches promoting this practice. There are several books written about the matter, one such book indicates that it is "connecting with the movement in shaping our culture" I'm quite sure that there are those who will cite Psalm 150. And in citing this particular Psalm they will interpret this practice as just another way to praise God, however, it is ungodly and unholy; it is the "doctrine of Balaam" (see Revelations 2:14). I wonder sometimes, why are we so interested in mimicking the unsaved world's music? Many pastors and youth ministers have fallen for the devil's big lie and have come to conclusion that it is the best way to reach today's youth in the church, but there is nothing edifying, nothing holy, nothing "Christian" about this devil's brand of music. I want to thank you for bringing it to our attention.
The doctrine of balaam is about teaching the people of God how to be cursed by sinning. period again no mention of music here...are you telling me that God can call out sexual sin by name..and it would be logical to think that this is necessary as sex is a big part of life...but not call out music...which is a big part of life also.. again only the devil could make somethig so simple so complicated...all we are doing is praising the lord thats it...attached is a song from inspiration jam volume 1 please tell me...where is the evil..show me in this song from inspiration jam volume 1
Correct, the doctrine of Balaam does not mention music. However, it does refer to being unequally yoked with the world. You are free to sing whatever praises to the Lord you want, "By faith Able offered a sacrifice of greater worth than Cain..." it is my humble opinion that hip hop music is the imitation of an unsaved world. I have heard some say, "Hip Hop is not as bad as 'Gangster Rap' and by comparing worldly music to something deemed worse than theirs is only an attempt to justify the devil's music in the church. The Bible has already given us a warning that there will be a time when people will no longer endure sound doctrine. I believe that time is now, because bringing Rock or Rap music into God's house has absolutely nothing to do with the Truth.
you still did not answer my question...the song: do what it do...inspiration jam volume 1 show me the wickedness..find in this record the wickedness and abomination before the Lord and I will leave you alone the song is in my above post ..just right click download it and it will play in itunes...

in that song you will find sound doctrine...we play records for people who will not dress how you dress nor talk how you talk...in fact we go to retrieve the lost sheep who trusted the churches..those who gave to the ministries like Jim bakkers old ministry (he has since repented hate to mention names but thats a classic) these folks have been lied to ..they trusted in your choir robes, alters, service times, etc and they were hurt to find that the true God who is love was not and most times is not found in the house that bears his name....now again...the song inspiration jam volume 1 ..titled do what it do...it should be easy ...show me the wickedness
It appears that you are somehow taking this matter in personal manner, I am by no means attacking you or your specific song. I simply have an objection with hip hop music in the church as a whole. Of course none of us are perfect, myself, Jim Baker, or you. I am simply in disagreement with you concerning the type of music presented in our churches today. There is nothing you can do or say that would cause me to change my opinion, just like there is nothing that I can do to apparently change yours. One thing we can do for each other is pray, and allow God to give us an answer.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I am in agreement with you concerning this infiltration. The Word of God makes a distinction concerning the change He makes, which does not include embracing the world's philosophy. Hip-Hop is founded on the principle of the butt-shaking of Black women in dance. So, is it the will of God to accentuate anything whose roots glorify the flesh?
Remember Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
nobody is conforming to the world...if you listen to the gospel being preached by those of us who support and do holy hip hop you wll find no such thing we do not embrace the worlds philosophy..but using your own words..lets talk about foundation...if I am born to a family of perverts and pervesion...yet convert to christianity am I still the same...answer...of course not....so now the music I make...is not the same either...its content basis and purpose are totally different..what you are arguing is that a persons fundamental origins make him incapable of change even with Christs help...I will expand on that point...when solomon allowed sacrifice in Gods holy temple to false gods...God was unhappy...when future kings came along and took down the Idols and kicked out the illegal worship..God was satisfied...I believe that God is the author of the bible...at that point God could have said...make sure you do not praise and worship in the same manner as the heathen....on the contrary God said nothing of the sort...instead...its really clear that God does not want us worshipping any other god...the manner of worship (minus anything that violates the ten comandments and other things) did not matter...or he would have indicated so! once again...only the devil could make something so simple so complicated...

we who do holy hip hop are reaching out to those who you for the most part will never see..they will never come your church and are definitly on the way to hell...

we are telling them to turn from thier wicked ways ...I am sure God is happy with that....

conforming to the world is about your heart..many times in the bible God talks about not accepting
the praise of individuals because of the contents of thier hearts and the intent of thier actions

by the way nobody on this side ever wanted to infiltrate the church we have always been about going to get the world and bring them to the church..its called evangelism

(well I do want to infiltrate the minds of those youngsters who attend your church and are denied holy hip hop ...and when you look in thier ipods..you will find what they choose instead and it aint that stuff you guys play on sunday morning either)
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. There are many pastors who strive for their church to be "user-friendly" in other words they use worldly amusement in an attempt to attract non-Christian seekers or the unchurched by appealing to their fleshly interest. They even water down their sermons to accommodate their new members, their sermons are relevant, upbeat and very short. There is no fire and brimstone, just practical witty messages. The old song is right, "...time, time, time, time has brought a change".
Dude most of us in holy hip hop ...all we do is preach holiness or hell what are you talking about..no watered down doctrines..might have a good beat ...which is the idea ......I am a fisher of men....


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