I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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Again, you seem to think that I am addressing you and your church only. I do not know you or the church you attend. In other words, you and your church are probably the exception and I would not dare attempt to say what YOUR pastor preaches because I never heard him/her preach. There are some churches which have pastors that are only interested in numbers as oppose to saving souls, and they do what they can to make it easier and more desirable to join the church that they pastor. There is no way that I can say that you and the church you attend fit that description. But I still say that there is nothing 'holy' about hip hop. I will allow you to believe what you want, and I hope you will allow me the same.
Pastor Miller,

You would do well to learn the autobiography of Isaac Watts (17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748), who wrote many beloved hymns, such as "Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed." Watts was considered a heretic in his day because he wrote spiritual lyrics to pub (read: bar or club) music. Sound familiar? Also, a great number of today's "standards" are born of the blues tradition -- again, considered heretical upon their debut. Many of the hip-hop artists in the church are simply doing what Watts did, challenging the status quo regarding what is and is not "godly" music and trying to reach the lost of their generation through music. I would urge you to open your heart to what these young men and women are saying and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you instead of your own prejudices.

Stay Blessed,
Pastor Day
Pastor Day; I agree with you! 100% This is not a new subject! The devil has attemtped to infiltrate the Church since before Christ died on the Cross! in fact he tried to buy off Jesus in Matthew 4:1. By 68AD the book of acts tells you of the man that wanted to buy the Holy Ghost power- By 325 AD the 70 elders met at the council of Nicea and sold the Church out by selected the emporers birthday Dec. 25th to celebrate the Birth of Christ! by 600 AD the Chuch had became so watered down so unrecognizable that Muhammed believed he heard from God to write the Holy Quaran - which for the most part is a misguied attempt to do what Christians failed to do - Preach Teach and Practice Holiness and separation from Sin...its no wonder that by 1647 Brother Watts was inspired by the Muse of the Bars and Clubs instead of the Word of God; and of course (like you sai) people like yourself are following right in his foot steps! I am sad for you sir! as Pastors we are charged with the obligation to preach Holiness! to hold up a standard before the people regardless of the status of the convictions or hipocracy our members, to be a bold contrast to that which upholds wickedness. Hip Hop is a religion all to itself! it denies the Power of Christ is an afront to all that is rightouse - Stealing the Music and changing the words - does not all of a sudden make it "Holy" - I would argue that the God of al creation - if sought - could give you a sound, a muse, a rythm, a beat that caused the world to look to us - let them steal our stuff! let them copy us! le them pretend to be us! and let us boldly proclaim who and what we are!

Back sliding is not challanging the status quo; its simply demonstrating a lack of the willingness to stand fast in the liberty where with we were called!

Copying what someone else did is not original, it can never be its a copy and the copy is a display of the highest form of flatery! and the world is the subject of our admiration - then the world can never change and we have lost our ability to change the world.

My Prayers are with you!
Great thread pastor miller...to everyone else ..I am afraid I cant leave it alone..its critical out here..we need the support of the church...the body needs to act like one...right now its like the eye hates the foot and the hand cannot stand the leg...the heart has beef with the lungs and so on and so on...we all perform different functions out here right now as it stands our main fan base which is the church is attacking us...and the world is definitly NOT trying to here what we are talking about.....that is why I respond to these forums...the threat is ever increasing as territory that was once taken for granted has now been seceeded over to the enemy

any one from that very generation that pastor miller speaks of would be shocked to find the bible removed from public school and the name of Jesus mocked openly everywhere...

in certain work places if you utter the name you can be fired
at certain schools your children are under attack if they draw pictures of him

like i said earlier only satan can make such a simple and obvious territory taking move by those who want to see the kingdom advance and turn it into something else..all the while
he is strategically and surgically removing us from relevance in this culture. dont believe me

check the average sunday school kids radio television and internet viewing content...
the whole holy hip hop movement is about taking worship into a 7 day a week thing as opposed to the one day a week status that it is now..and you all reject us...repent before its to late!
Pastor Day,

I am familiar with Isaac Watts, he was considered a nonconformist. The hymns and spiritual songs written by him can hardly be compared to the hip hop, blues, and rock music of today. Please do not mistake me for being intolerant to the needs of our youth in the church today. But, I will always be against putting secular music into gospel music. With that said, what I do at my church and what you do at church aren't the same. In other words, if you feel that it is OK to include hip-hop music in your order of service by all means do so. My heart is open and I have no prejudgments, I am simply stating what I believe to be true. Many children participate in the church I attend, although they may be fond of hip hop music, it was not hip-hop music that brought them to church. Although you present an interesting point, it still does not change the Word of God. You speak of "...trying to reach the lost of their generation..." The question is, are they coming to Christ or are they coming to a synthetic form of Christianity? The Bible says, "...know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God?" The so-called Christian hip-hop is as worldly as it can be, and eventhough the apostate churches today openly admit that they have eagerly embraced hip hop music because it is an effective means of drawing young people into their ministries it is still wrong. Pastor Day, you are surely welcome to disagree with me and I wholeheartedly respect your viewpoint.
Amen Brother Spencer, Amen.
Pastor Miller,

Isaac Watts was considered a heretic for his unconventional approach to musical worship. Fifty years or more from now , Da Truth, Tye Tribbett, GRITS, and others may represent the standard. We should be focused on Jesus and how we may lead others to him, not the traditions of men. It could easily have been said that those who heard Isaac Watts or the Soul Stirrers in their respective heydays and were led to the cross may have been led to a "synthetic form of Christianity." There is far too much emphasis on religion and tradition in the Church and this shuts up the Kingdom of Heaven against men.

Be Blessed,
Pastor Day
I will accept your viewpoint and leave it at that.
BTW, I am not one concerned about numbers or money. My concern is winning souls for Jesus. I understand your point of view and appreciate your genteel response -- that is the hallmark of a true man of God!
You know, I think hip hop is ONE way of appealing to the youth...I can remember taking an issue with Kirk Franklin when I first heard his music...but now, I am ok with it...as long as the music/words remains respectful I think it's ok.
Would this be acceptable in your church?

Does anyone have a problem with Gospel R&B?

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