I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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Again, this is called pragmatism which means to be results oriented, if we do this or that then we would be able to draw in this person or that particular group of people. That's not in accordance to God's way concerning His church. I have a teenage daughter and she loves to attend church, but not because hip hop is performed during worship service.
What is avant-garde today will be tradition 25 years from now.
In my area there a lady posted that they were looking for a non-denomination church whose music would help receive a touch from the Holy Spirit. So someone offered a church and posted a clip of their music for this woman to check out.
She checked it out and was blown away by the music which she said was indeed Holy Ghost filled. Enjoy

Waters Edge Presents "Get This Party Started" from Waters Edge Church on Vimeo.

"Let's get this party started" seems to be the only words uttered in this song. How could anyone say that this is something that should be lifted up to the Lord in praise? It makes me wonder, who is the Waters Edge Church worshiping? Surely not God almighty.
I suppose when you get to heaven you think we are all going to be singing and praising the same way for eons into eternity with no evolution of style.......my point is we are real worshippers who worship the Lord sometimes I worship him with an 18th century praise and sometimes I hit him with something futuristic....In spirit and in truth
"...I worship him with an 18th century praise and sometimes I hit him with something futuristic ..."

Well aren't you just chummy with the Holy One of Israel.
Do you also call Him 'JC' or your 'dog' or the 'man upstairs' because he gets down like that ?
I guess we ought to just go back to speaking King James English, too...
" I guess we ought to just go back to speaking King James English, too... "

Why do that?
King James English was the vernacular of the day. Today, we who are called to preach or teach must speak in the vernacular of the hearer. That said "...hit Him with..." works if it reaches people and witnesses Christ to them...
as much sinning as you have done in your life you should be happy He even talks to you let alone identifies Himself to you as Father.. ..of couse as Father He is nothing to play around with...but at the same time God is Love... hence ... his Lamb/ Lion characteristics

so yes I am pretty chummy with Him and Totally respectful...for the most part I do have my david moments ..though...happens to the best of us ...even those after his own heart...but I digress
" "Let's get this party started" seems to be the only words uttered in this song. "

What got me was the 'lady' that requested a church that played music led by the Holy Spirit and when she saw this clip - she could feel the Holy Spirit!
Time will tell what spirit she felt...I saw a lady that felt what she thought was holy spirit; the next week she left her (saved) husband; shacked up with her old boyfreind and took up drinking, smoking and drugging..no thanks, I'll take that old time religion! it seems to have "staying power"

The question that you refuse to answer is this:Why can't you create a NEW sound? WHY must you iitate the worlds hand me downs?

Please; answer me those two questions.

Pastor Hodge


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