Home Churches are re-emerging....Seeing that this is how the first church was established why are so many people in Modern day churches opposed to home churches?

Since being here on BPN we have come across so much opposition to Home Churches. Can anyone show in scripture where assembling together in a home is unbiblical and damaging to those who do this? The main scripture used is:

Hebrews 10:25
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

But the following scripture explains what the Lord considers to be an assembly, versus what we are use to seeing or being involved in:

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Now, back to the subject. How did the early churches meet. They met in homes. This old type of church is re-emerging all over again because there are many who will not set foot into today’s modern churches for various reasons. Many of these people want Jesus but are not comfortable with what they see happening in our congregations.

There are many good examples of church homes in the scripture so where does all this opposition come from.

Priscilla & Aquilla: 1 Corinthians 16:19
The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.

Romans 16:5
Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ.

Colossians 4:15
Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.

Philemon 1:2
And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house:

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Hello Minister Jenine, your post was directed at my wife "EW Ministries" but I thought I should interject a little here. I mean no disrespect to you or your teaching as everyone is entitled to believe what they want about home churches. However what you are saying does not line up with the word of God. You have said a lot but no scriptures to back up your words which leaves me to believe that this is just "Your Words."

It is a known fact that the early churches met anywhere they could fellowship, It is a fact in Bible history and if you study early Roman history you will find it to be true also. It wasn't until Christianity became popular when they were even able to meet in cathedrals, when you read about the Apostles preaching in the temples (in the book of Acts), these were Jewish Synagogues. This is why they were arrested and beaten. There were not church buildings everywhere with preachers preaching, every wind of doctrine, as you see today. They were in the Spirit, led completely by the Spirit, and they were anointed. Wow! They were truly anointed with signs, wonders, miracles and they preached with power.

When John the baptist came preaching repentance, the religious leaders did not agree with him because he was not apart of their religious assemblies and instead of him preaching in the cities and temples, he went out in the wilderness and the people came to him. Be very careful of what you say about these house assemblies, God's move is not confined to a church building or origanization.

Now you speak of this new understanding, What is that! Understanding is Understanding, either you understand or you don't, and anointing is anointing, either you are anointed or you're not. The scriptures are based on this old understanding and anointing as you so put it, and this new understanding and anointing where is it? The churches are literally in ruins, hip hop, christian homosexuals, prosperity gospel and fornication are at an all time high in the churches. Fornication is at a rate of 75%, the divorce rate in the church is at 50%. Wow! this is some new anointing, if this is all the result of some new understanding and new anointing in the church, then me and my family don't need it. It seems to me that the church needs the old understanding on how to live free from sin, they need the old understanding on how to stand and fight the adversary. They need the old understanding on how to live and walk in victory, and how to teach and evangelize.

Do you really think that you will all be able to preach from your big churches always. Real soon they are going to be hauling Christians out of these churches to be persecuted and where do you think church is going to be held? In homes. Churches and religious leaders are at the top of the Governments list for dangerous groups, not to mention people are tired of this watered down gospel while the pastors are robbing the flock. Home churches are on the rise and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

And there are plenty of scriptures to reference the effectiveness of home churches. Matthew 18:20, 1 Corinthians 16:19, Colossians 4:15, Philemon 1:2

God bless you
Minister Jenine,

I am neither angry nor offended by your reply . I understand that not really knowing the nature of our callings you want to interject your suggestions. My husband and I do not title ourselves and neither do we feel the need to exalt ourselves. We work with others in the ministry as well but It is not necessary for us to lay out the ministry format or those whom we affiliate with during this conversation.

My husband and I are operating completely in ministry as the Lord has placed that anointing on us. Our ministry is not about what many seem to focus on. Our focus is where God has placed it and that is on those that are lost. Too much focus is placed on structure, government, submission to man, and church protocol and not enough focus on the real issues at hand.

I understand that, you don’t have a clear understanding of what a home church entails and thus your reply is based on little knowledge of how we operate. You still have not provided any scripture to support your view as God’s plan as it pertains to establishing a home church.

You said the following: Though God is raising up those with this new understanding, we still have everyone else who are still operating on yesterdays understanding and under yesterday's anointing. Yesterday's anointing will not work today or tomorrow. Which is why God is bringing the entire body of Christ up to speed with his current plans. We can't keep having "church" the same way.

I am sorry, but the above statement is simply not in line with the word of God Minister Jenine. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. You seem to be saying that the old understanding of scripture is wrong and that it will be replaced by a new understanding. You also state that yesterday’s anointing won’t work today or tomorrow. This new anointing you speak of is not of God which is why people are more bound than they’ve ever been. I don’t mean to sound offensive or anger you in any way, but that statement seems to be in line with the spirit of Jezebel that wants to dominate, control and subjugate the people of God to strip away God‘s power and anointing from them. It sounds like you’re saying that we need to replace the old way (GOD’s way) with this new way. You seem to be suggesting that we subscribe to man’s way and leave the scripture out or change it’s meaning. You seem to be saying the old anointing has expired. That theology is out of line and borders on This New wind of doctrine the scripture warned us of.

Haven’t you noticed the great falling away? That is happening in the very church system of government you’re suggesting we should subscribe to. There is a major malfunction and dysfunction in the church system and those coming out of it are simply being lead by the Spirit of God. Your analysis of the failures of home churches is unfounded, but I notice how you have cleverly placed them in the same category as the present dysfunctional church system set up by man. The problem is, we have become so accustomed to the Roman Catholic way of churching that we have failed to implement the plan of God and thus man’s system is failing. God’s plan can’t and won’t fail and that is what my husband and I subscribe too. We are a part of the Body of believers who have been appointed as Watchman for this latter time that we are living in. We have no interest in being a part of this mainstream religious culture that seeks to elevate self and promote denominations. It is time out for that. God is not interested in this church system being promoted. You will soon see or may already know that God's wrath has begun in many of these churches and will soon escalate.

I would suggest you seek the Lord on this subject as your theology places those living in remote areas in other countries as being out of the loop and unable to be saved or reached by God due to lack of Church governmental structure. I am sorry Minister but what you are teaching is not sound doctrine and is very dangerous at best. We must all rightly divide God’s word. We were not all called to sit in church buildings 20 to 30 years without going out into the world. If that is your calling, praise God, but our ministry is that of a total different area within the body.

God Bless you Minister Jenine
God Bless everyone who has responded.

I can assure you that the enemy of the church are not those coming out of the churches to establish Ministries in home assemblies. Our enemy is Satan who has injected the Jezebel Spirit into the Body of Christ to implement this new Doctrine of Satan. The turmoil present within churches today can solidly be linked to “The great falling away” spoken of in the scripture. Also, where it states that many will not stand sound doctrine, but with itching ears, heap unto themselves false teachers.

The falsehoods present in the teachings in most churches today are widely seen and are very infectious. In these perilous times it was prophesied that we would see this type of seducing spirit in our churches. The Doctrines of Devils is being masked by all the prosperity and titles being thrown around by many. We must take heed to what the real move of God is, which is to send forth laborers into his harvest. Too many are focusing their attention on the up building of their physical churches while the harvest of new believers and souls are unattended to.

This is why Jesus said that we should pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send forth laborers into his harvest, because it is plenteous but the workers are few. Let’s shift our focus from man’s programs and agendas and place them where they belong. GOD’S PROGRAM AND AGENDA.

God Bless everyone.
Now I have to say Amen to this Sister EW! Jesus simply said it in Matthew 28:18 - 20. Just go and make disciples of people in all nations/countries/the world baptizing them all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever He commanded us and know that He is with us even unto the end of the world.

We need to reach people not fill churches that only have members that are already believers (suppose to be). If all we want to do is sit in churches to fellowship and edify then we're missing the boat. Don't get me wrong that is needful, vital and necessary for the Body of Christ BUT we need emphasis on Matthew 28:18 - 20. Like you said, GOD'S PROGRAM AND AGENDA.

God bless all and stay in His mercy, grace and love.
Brother John,
As always, you seem to bring things into perspective. Too much concentration is placed on "INCREASE OR TRIPLE YOUR MEMBERSHIP" but nothing is said about the lost souls and the harvest of God. We want to see our church buildings packed, (Usually with hat wearing, bible toting, tithing members) but what about that harvest that Jesus was talking about. That is the area of ministry God has placed us in and my husband and I have even a Desire to go abroad, if God is willing, to minister in some of these remote areas, where the Gospel is needed.

Sadly, too many church folk associate God's church with physical buildings which couldn't be further from the truth.

God bless you and yours
Thank you for you kind words Sister EW but I just try to be as real with/about God as I can and not use my own personal judgments/theories about His Word. Plus I'm not good with the "politically right thing to say things" kind of person. Meaning I don't sugar coat things when I speak. I've never known how and it poses problems at times because it's taken wrong. The lost souls are not in the churches but outside the churches. We may have confused souls in these churches and to some extent lost but mostly taught wrong doctrine of men.

I pray that if God calls for you and Brother Watchman to go abroad and preach/teach His Word you let Him direct your steps and do it. I was offered round trip airfare to be in Ghana this week but they gave me too short of a notice to visit. If the opportunity comes again I pray it is of the right convenience and time. I really wanted to go but with only a one week notice I just couldn't. Anyway God bless you always and may the joy, mercy, grace and love of God bless your home.
We need to reach people not fill churches that only have members that are already believers (suppose to be). If all we want to do is sit in churches to fellowship and edify then we're missing the boat-AMEN Brother John!!!!!!
There is a major malfunction and dysfunction in the church system and those coming out of it are simply being lead by the Spirit of God-AMEN EW Ministries!!!!!!!!
It is not the Christian or so-called jew that will be persecuted it will be those who go back to their Hebraic roots (true Israel) that will be persecuted more... It will be those who call on the name of Yahweh and His son Yahshua...Christians will fit right in with the status quo that is and will be set up...

Look at how people are up on Obama....Now he is a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, for what????




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