We are called to love everyone just the way they are. In the past white thelogians use biblical text to teach hatred to the laity. In the parable of the marriage feast the call we to invite. How do we invite or do you invite gay people without telling them they are wrong. If we judge them we violate the Matthew 7:1-3 perhaps. Just wanted your thoughts. Not being judgmental but instrumental. As Dr. King would say an instrument of peace.
Thank you for sharing in advance and remember with are Christian "words are powerful'...:)

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Hi Sis, I get your point.

Here is the definition of 'empower':
To invest with power, especially legal power or official authority
So my 2nd question is - Why would they need empowering?

What they need is to be prayed for and preached to and taught the very word of God and explained how what they do - God hates.

Empower them to see that what they do the CHURCH frowns upon because God frowns upon it.
Empower them to see that what they do they will burn in hell as long as there is a God.
Empower them to see that righteous people would not want them to stay in their sins and go to a Christless grave.
Empower them by loving them with the truth - because the truth will set them FREE. :-)
That's because most of CHUCH is full of them....
...and please stop making these folk the new MARTYRS.

And begin using the biblical word SODOMITES when you speak of/preach about these down trodden sinners.
This will make them see that they were spoken of even in the bible days.
Isnt that beautiful?
They have their own special name ----> SODOMITE.
This way if you want them to feel some kind of special way - this will help empower them to see be set from from their sin....How?

Once they see that what they do is so horrific and so abominable then they will know that they need a saviour and they will REPENT.
If you moddycoddle them and pat them on the back and make all kinds of excuses and tell them to join the choir while they are in the midst of switching and skipping and being EFFEMINATE (which is a sin) then they will think that there is nothing to repent for.
But the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit will set them and anyone else free!

And if you cant be as sweet and kind to a pedophile as you do them - then dont talk about empowerment.

In sweet humble love,
Newview :-)
Wow, my sister got up this morning swinging a sword. Amen to everything you've said. No need to coddle only sodomites. If we do that then we are a respecter of persons. Jesus chastises those whom he loves not coddle their sins but chastises (whips you into shape).

All of this soft love for homosexuals comes from this new false Doctrine. Seems everyone has pegged Christ all wrong and don't realize that he is coming for a church without spot or blemish. HE WILL NOT BE RAPTURING 2 BIG MEN LOCKED UP TOGETHER. Amen saints.

Oh my goodness.
Wow, our poor black babies.
Our poor children of EVERY color having to go through this crap.
May the Lord break up satan's follow ground.
Brother what makes you still feel you are a sinner? IF you are then you admit that you disobey Yah's Scriptures on purpose?

This is why RELIGION has people walking around with a Yoke around their neck...

I've been away for a minute and is still amazes me the cliche's that people hold for doctrine and are no way supported by scripture...


I know of a way to empower these sodomites, so that they will soar in the Lord, and truly be in the power of the Lord. The way you do this is to tell them that they will BURN IN HELL if they continue to sodomize one another. Once a person see God’s curse and punishment of eternal damnation in hell fire, they will flee from sin. Tell them to REPENT OR BURN IN HELL, this is not just for the sodomites, but for the fornicators, liars, killers, and every sinner.

Be empowered and receive the fear of the LORD! Proverbs 16:6 ….By mercy and truth iniquity is purged : and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.

Give them the word, it empowers me everyday.
"...Give them the word, it empowers me everyday "

I know thats right, you said a mouth full Brother.

The blood of these elders are going to be on their hands when they stand before the Lord.
They would rather NOT offend homosexuals in order for them to realize and KNOW and UNDERSTAND that this is against God's will for them. Why?
Keep those pews filled.
Which does not make much sense because if they told the truth - wouldnt it prick the the hearts of those that want to serve God in the beauty of holiness and therefore seek to be saved and the others -- well the others are going to do wickedly anyway.
Dont they understand if you dont tell a person that they sin - then they wont know that they have to repent?
If no one understands that they need to be saved from something then they wont know they need a saviour.

I would hope that the pastors would just let God be true and every man a liar.
Preach the whole counsel of God - the world be damned - just preach the WORD.
At the end of the day, you have to tell them that they are wrong, you just have to do it in a loving manner. There really is no way to avoid doing that if you want them to be saved. Now how you introduce the fact that there life style is wrong is up for debate. You also still have to tell them that God loves them in spite of, and can help them get there life together.
Laura are you suggesting the preachers not preach against homosexuality? Just asking. How will they know it's wrong if we don't tell them. We can love people straight to hell.
You are right sister, the sad state of the so called church is just where the enemy wants it, be easy on sin. use "Don't judge" to make people feel guilty about having ill feelings towards those who do commit sin...

You cannot really know what is going on until you find out who you are and who Yah is...



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