This gospel singer was having an affair on his wife, got her pregnant and pleaded with her to have an abortion that HE would pay for.
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Confession and Repentance. Not repeating the sin of Adultery.
Shouldn't he have been turned away from performing in churches/venues until he OPENLY apologized for his actions?
Its all depends......."In all thy getting, get understanding"
It depends on what???
Who he is?
Who his family is?
How much clout his family has?
The Word tells us how to handle these situations WHY are they not being handled the way the Word says?
Or does it depend on who the person is?
I don't need t get an understanding of something that has already been proven.
You ONCE AGAIN shoot out and shout out all out of zeal. Zeal is a good fuel, but fuel should not be detected in the driver's seat. Some things are to be handled in private, some in public. I do know all the details of the man's life, and neither do you. Therefore, until you get a FULL understanding of the details, it all depends. This has nothing to do with clout. This has EVERYTHING to do with understanding, because the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of GOD. If you ever want to become a Bishop someday, you will take heed and always seek after wisdom and understanding. When you finally seek those things, you begin to see THAT GOD's Kingdom & even GOD's Word is not black and white. You were saved by a "technicality" and a "depends".
The details have already been laid out- play by play. The baby's mother has already gave the story and evidence to prove therewith. Oh, and if you didn't know there was a blood test done as well. It has nothing to do with wrath of man it has to do with the name of God being made of mockery in the world because of the selfishness and greed of man for his own glory. I don't plan on trying to become a "bishop" in the church. That is just a nickname I was given. My endeavor is to be a child of God. If having a title makes me act like I see some of you act I'd rather just be MarQuiese or Junior (my nickname since birth). I'd rather stay the humble man than I am instead of prideful and lifted up as I see some of you. I see you also tried to skate through with this statement, "even God's Word is not black white." That shows me right there that you have chose to make the Word what you want it to be to fit what you believe- unlike myself who takes it for what it says.
You people are a joke lol a pure joke hahahaaaa!!!
Even God's Word s not black and white???
Are you referring to women pastors and bishops again lol???!!!
It yet amazes me how you people will lower yourselves to personal attacks to make yourselves seem so much and mighty while you willfully choose to go against the Word of God on whatever issue you hold near and dear to your heart.
When you get some consistency in your "rants" then you will have earned my respect- until then you are nothing more than some e-profit (prophet) trying to get that next "engagement."
How dare you try and act all "spiritual" and try to give Word then come out your flesh and says, "Even God's Word is not black and white."
Though it is disgusting he is in the flesh so he's not immuned to things of the flesh. If he is a member of a congregation the church leaders should have met with him first to talk about this and remind him of his error in judgment and tell him he prsonally needs to repent to the Lord and never ever do this again. Second they should meet with he and his wife to consel them and somehow contact the mistress to see how she can be helped. Too bad that most times leaders will (if it hasn't been made public) try to cover things up and especially if the person is a money maker. We don't blindfold him and shoot him (though we may want to) because he has to answer to God still and not us. He needs to be made responsible for his wrong action for sure. I agree with you to the point he should apologize to his congregation and especially his wife and the other woman. He should have gone to God first for forgiveness. That's my 2 cent worth.
John i like your two cent worth and i think that is how it should have been handled hopefully it was.
Thank You Tara!
John, good response sir!

Mr. Smith, you obviously don't know me at all. An "e-profit (prophet) trying to get that next "engagement", huh? You really don't know me. In time, with some seasoning, you'll see that you were moving out of youthful zeal. An awesome thing when it has the key elements which you lack: discipline and focus. For that reason I don't even take any offense, because when I was locked up and going hard for the Word of GOD, I was pretty much like you. Over zealous, lacking the fruit of the spirit, using the Sword of the Spirit like a butcher with a hatchet or like Dr. "Death" Kevorkian, slaughtering minds in the name of GOD's righteousness. I soon learned instead (with much trial and error) to move like a skilled swordsman, who not only has the wisdom and awareness to strike the RIGHT opponent, instead of an ally in blind fury, and a surgeon who heals with every cut. Apostle John was just like you: when he went with JESUS and his brother James and they were rejected in a certain town, John spoke out of zeal saying "LORD shall we call down fire from Heaven just as Elijah did?" JESUS corrected him and stopped the would be massacre.

I say this in front of all to see: you have great zeal and thats valuable, but lack discipline and patience which is of greater value; you have biblical knowledge, but lack understanding. In all your getting, get understanding. Right now you'd make a great executioner in the Kingdom; too bad there is NO SUCH JOB opening.

Romans 10:2
Oh, but you know me? Whateva pimp lol!!!
I could care less to hear your self-glorification.
I don't have ZEAL I have WORD AND A BACKBONE WITH COURAGE something the majority of men in the church do not have. Most people would hear this crap you just spoke and fall all over themselves.
Yes I have great biblical knowledge but because I won't twist and turn to fit the church's and man's agenda then it is counted as a "lack" of understanding?!
I would be one of the most loved and revered if I would follow man's doctrine.
Glad I don't need your approval to be called of God for HIS service.
I am seasoned well beyond my 31 years, have experience, discipline and focus.
YOUR problem with me is that I won't do as you and pick and choose what I believe in the Word.
The Word is the Word and whether you want to take it or not it won't change.
God is calling for MEN in this day to stand and speak His Word with truth and power.
Some of you men so weak its sad.
You don't discourage me.
You won't discourage me.
You can speak as bad about me or negatively about me as you choose but I guarantee you this one thing when you get done with all that I will YET be standing on the Word.
All you've done since day one is try to attack me personally which shows YOUR lack of character and abundance of immaturity and ignorance.
You think I'm going to retreat because one weak man has an issue because I won't follow the majority?
My grandfather always told me, "If everybody agrees with you either they lying or you lying; either way somebody lying."

"For that reason I don't even take any offense, because when I was locked up and going hard for the Word of GOD, I was pretty much like you. Over zealous, lacking the fruit of the spirit, using the Sword of the Spirit like a butcher with a hatchet or like Dr. "Death" Kevorkian, slaughtering minds in the name of GOD's righteousness."

You have the NERVE and the AUDACITY to say I lack the fruit of the Spirit?
How many times have you disrespected me?
How many times have you spoke negatively TO me and ABOUT me?
Where are these "fruits" that you are supposed to have then playa???
Everyone that knows me knows I am none of the things you have mentioned negatively about me. I am just not a weak-minded, soft-speaking man and many of you "church boys" have an issue with that.
You are upset (as most of these jacklegs and pimps are on here) because I won't follow the mess you trying to pass off as God's Word and Truth.
You can't even give me a scripture to prove some of the mess you teaching but I have a "lack" of understanding?
You've got to be kidding me???!!!
Then to further try and discourage me you try and compare me to a biblical character???
You church folk never cease to amaze me.
Try again playa.
Every time you start preaching falsehood, heresy, and doctrines of men I will challenge you and if you have NO scripture to prove what you are teaching that means you are teaching lies and deceptions.
You jacklegs get a title and for some reason you believe you are above reproach and the mess you teach shouldn't be challenged. Sorry, those times of, "Do as I say, not as I do" are over homie.
You speaking foolishness expect to be challenged.
Oh, and I am YET waiting for that scripture that says women are called to be pastors and/or bishops.
Mr. Smith:
When I do give a scripture, your usual response is "these church folks kill me!! LOL". Is that a response of a person within the Body of Christ? Your constant assaults against the Church is disgusting. People who say the term "church" and use it as an insult better beware: they are speaking against the Body of Christ. You however, have no fear or regard of such. You claim not to have zeal? You really don't even understand what the term zealous means then! Like I said, lacking understanding....Zeal can kill way faster than a sword if misdirected. It can bind tighter than chains if misdirected. Someday, and someday soon, you'll understand.....

Oh, and I brought scripture after scripture on the women preachers thing, while you stood dormant on maybe a verse or two. I could easily go on and on concerning it from OT to NT, to the Apostolic Fathers which you rejected, but why bother? I'll leave you to your madness. If you challenge me though, then the challenge is on.....


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