2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

i think we all seek the LORD //// but fail @ his righteousness /// we the people of god calling names and all sorts of thing/// this not the righteousness of God /// doctrine is 1 thing we can dis agree on that but at no point in time are we to "Not 2 Represent righteousness of YHWH"

now my question to My BPN family is where do we find the insturction in righteousness........................
also forgive and ask forgiveness for where we fall short............

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amen sis Doretta Lee- the only thing is you hav to throw out a lot of scripture to believe that you also hav to put paul over Jesus to follow that
sista Doretta,
i agree wit you whole heartedly ,but LOVE and FAITH and OBEDIENCE to what???
do we go about to make our own righteousness???
how could believe that the LORD has a unconditional love
(the disobedient go in the lake of fire right??)

to believe that doctrine you hav to throw these scripture out (refering to chaplain harris scriptural reference)

matt. 17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

i am not asking to believe what i believe, which we should do what is written, for us to do, to the best of our ability, to the letter, the feast of god, the dietary law, the commandments of God, and be obedient to that ,do what thus saith of the lord,like Yahshua(Jesus) did

Lov No malice,2the Ncrease of Knowledge&truth BruthaPharoah
wowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! every body stop and read the post / i posted the answer scripturally ,then posted the question nobody got it/// i clearly said this is not about agreeing on doctrine but the more important "the righteousness of God" needless to say
hez- went straight to scripture yes bru the keeping of what thus saith the LORD is the rightousness of God
Doretta Lee- tryed to give an answer /but not based on scripture(i posted the answer 1st)
chaplain harris- went right in to aruging doctrine "nothing to do with righteousness"
bru. jame- thank for having my bac and obedients to the law is "the instruction in rightousness"
bru trevor- forgave me, but went straight in to aruging doctrine never mentioned the rightousness of God
sista Newview- gave a good answer saying repent, be baptized, and follow the scripture
(yes 2 all your questions sis newview, thanks for having my bac Hez)

now any problem you hav with me is none only a problem with the scripture, i've not made any thing up and i all wayz post the scripture ,ms. newview i'm not preaching color salvation and when you get more learned you'll find that the idenity of israel is very important
then sis when you concider the condition of our people , and the need for them to know they are more than just a n!#%*a,
to know why we suffer the things we suffer thru,and how to change our situation

remember here in america you are not even a whole human without a nationallity /Africa is a continent not a country not a nationality
Doretta Lee , i do apologize if you were offended the post is about us representing the rightousness of God even in our disagreeance of scripture stillrep it if you go thru the post people are saying things i dare associate with the righteousness of god ///so how do we reset ourselves to rep God as we commune remember there is nobody on this site not trying to do the will of God ,i am sure they would be on myspace or facebook,so asked the group to see some of the wrong they are doing and get on top of it ,no confusion inteded

love, no malice,2the Ncrease of knowledge&truth BruthaPharoah
That is an adult post Brother Pharoah!!

Knowledge and truth.

Shalom, Shalom


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