Though I would like to be done, the Lord led me to realize that in previous garden discussions I neglected to make reference to Genesis 3:14 which states:

“And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.”

The question is, when God says, “Because thou hast done this,” what specifically is he referring to? The preceding verse (Genesis 3:13) says:

“And the LORD God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.”

It is my assertion that God validates the truth of the female’s confession in Genesis 3:13 (and therefore true initial lack of intent to sin in Genesis 3:1-6) by saying to the serpent, “Because thou hast done this” in Genesis 3:14. That is, God proves to believe the female was tricked into this sin just as she confessed (and was subsequently proven honored in alignment with the will of God in Genesis 3:20).

But what do you think? Did the female speak the truth in Genesis 3:13 and God believed her? Or did she lie in Genesis 3:13 and make God into a fool because he proves to believe her by cursing the serpent in the very next verse saying “Because thou hast done this” (and even allowing her the honor to be called “Eve” (life-giver) and “mother of all living” in Genesis 3:20)? Or if you don’t believe God was speaking in Genesis 3:14 about the confession of the female in Genesis 3:13, what then in reference to the serpent was he speaking about saying, “Because thou hast done this?” What specifically did the serpent otherwise do?

Keep in mind Genesis 3:15 when God says:

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Genesis 3:14 and 3:15 are written as one sentence (one complete thought/action of God) separated only by a colon (and even positioned as a direct response of God to the words of the female in Genesis 3:13). So we know whatever was the justification of God (a justification determined by the free-will and dominion of humans causing God to either destroy, save, punish, or honor) to punish the serpent in Genesis 3:14, and to even make a difference between his “seed” and her “seed” in Genesis 3:15, had nothing directly to do with Adam. In action, this is solely between the serpent and the female, otherwise Genesis 3:15 would have been inclusive of Adam yet it is not (though we know both sinned).

What do you think?

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Amen on that, but then too, do we know that within this span of time they did not witness the death of an animal at least? Certainly not a human death however.
Hi Dawn, I will gladly answer your questions but I wanted to post a spectacular account given of the 'Eden' issue that I hope you get around to discussing. It is written by a wonderful female Rabbi.


Havvah was taken from man's side his rib was used to produce her, rib is bone, the flesh part is stretching it. Hebrew writers use an ancient form of poetry when writing the Scriptures called 'parrallism' this is the art of using different words that mean the same side-by-side. This is what Adam was saying when He said "bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh". It does not change the fact that Father Yahweh used 'bone' but not knowing about the style of writing one would make that mistake.

Havvah did not confess until after Father Yahweh approached her, so she is not guiltless in this situation, Adam was standing there watching as stated in Genesis 3:6 so he fell in contempt because the Command was given to him to govern his house. The 'fruit' that is used here is from the primitive root word 'parah' which means to be fruitful as giving birth not as an apple as the Hebrew word 'yebûl' which is fruit from a tree or from the ground. So, we know that Cayan (Cain) was the seed of the serpent and that tells us what fruit she took part in and then she turned and shared that 'fruit' with her husband. This is why in my opinion that Father Yahweh told her that she would 'desire' her husband, because she coveted or 'desired' somethings else. Father put a stop to that!

The bottom line to the saga of who is at fault.

The Law that governs 'Making vows' concerning a woman who is married is as stated below:

When Yahweh breathed into Adam He gave His Laws and Right Rulings. We know this because Adam was created without sin therefore we know that outside of the Torah Yah's Teachings and Instructions is sin.

These are the Laws concerning a married woman making a vow:

Num 30:6-8 “But if she at all belongs to a husband, while bound by her vows or by a rash utterance from her lips by which she bound herself, and her husband hears it, and he has kept silent towards her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her agreements by which she bound herself do stand. “But if her husband forbids her on the day that he hears it, then he has nullified her vow which she vowed, and the rash utterance of her lips by which she bound herself, and יהוה pardons her."

This falls under the Laws of 'aguddah' binding and loosing, where the one in authority has the right to 'allow' or to 'deny' Adam was supposed to 'deny' the vow that was made between Havvah and the serpent, he didn't he took part in the act.

Then Yahweh breathed into Adam He gave His Laws and Right Rulings. We know this because Adam was created without sin therefore we know that outside of the Torah Yah's Teachings and Instructions is sin.

These are the Laws concerning a married woman making a vow:

Num 30:6-8 “But if she at all belongs to a husband, while bound by her vows or by a rash utterance from her lips by which she bound herself, and her husband hears it, and he has kept silent towards her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her agreements by which she bound herself do stand. “But if her husband forbids her on the day that he hears it, then he has nullified her vow which she vowed, and the rash utterance of her lips by which she bound herself, and יהוה pardons her."

This falls under the Laws of 'aguddah' binding and loosing, where the one in authority has the right to 'allow' or to 'deny' Adam was supposed to 'deny' the vow that was made between Havvah and the serpent, he didn't he took part in the act himself with her therefore that lost 'light' of Yahweh and found themselves naked and they knew they were no longer like Him. Adam had to 'bind' that vow made by Havvah in that day, he didn't so the vow stood, he gave consent.

Adam was the head of Havvah, the sin came through her, but Adam could have nullified it.
Sister Elaine,

As I said in a personal message to you, I will read the information you sent but for purposes of this text, it is off-topic and I would really like to discuss the matter within the parameters as it has been posted in the discussion, but again thank you, it is certainly worth the read.
Hi Dawn, yes I got your personal email but had already posted this before I read it. Anyway, look forward to your reply and hopefully the Rabbi will show up that a good, healthy, wholesome, spiritually enlightening discussion on these dynamite matters might take place among us.
Keep up the good teachings. Blessings remain upon you.
Okay, so let me see if I got your take right. According to you the woman was originally 'lied' to or misled by Adam and this is seen in her profession of what she believed was God's word, 'thou shall not TOUCH nor EAT of the fruit' when in reality, God only said, 'thou shall not eat' (Gen. 2:16-17;3:3)?

See, I always thought the woman didn't take in the will of God properly as she was taught the same truth by Yah. Now, the reason I thought that she knew the same truth is because after the Most High put Adam to sleep, in a sense, 'he ceased to be' and only the Most High and the Woman was alive to the world around them. Prior to bringing the woman to the man, I thought the Most High taught her all the laws as well. I know He told her somethings as Scripture tells us the Most High put His Spirit in both the man and the woman (Mal. 2:15).

Also, because they both hid when they heard God's voice walking in the garden. It was my understanding that the Most High used to commune with both of them as Scripture put it, 'in the cool of the day' (Gen. 3:8).

At any rate, you are saying, the woman spoke the 'deceit of Adam' in truthfulness to the serpent and was 'beguiled' or tricked? In the same like manner, she truthfully 'confessed' to the Heavenly Father and it was accepted as just that a 'confession'? This I agree with and as you rightly pointed out the statement of acceptance of the woman's truthful confession is seen within the words the Most High spoke to the serpent, 'because thou has done this.'

I also believe that the Most High stepped in to do the job Adam should have done. Meaning, when the Heavenly Father, stated that 'He would put enmity between the serpent and the woman' He was redeeming the woman via her being the 'Redeemer' vessel whose son would come to 'crush the serpent's head.' We know Yahshua did just that, Praise His glorious name forever and ever (Gen. 3:15).

I believe that redemption or the Most High letting the serpent know that not only hadn't he destroyed the woman whom the serpent thought he had done so, but rather, the Most High would honor the woman, lift her up high and forever let the Redeemer who would destroy the serpent, honorably, throughout eternity, be referred to among other names, as the 'Seed of the Woman' for that is who Yahshua is. What say you?

Finally, yes Yahshua will also throughout all Eternity be referred to as the 'Second Adam' who did what the First Adam failed to do. Whereas there will never be a 'Second woman' for she confessed what she had done. Those are facts. Those are sacred secrets that the Most High is enlightening all with 'eyes to see and ears to hear' to receive (1 Cor. 15:47-49).

Bottom line, these are spiritual truths worth gleaning not to divide for the fact is, 'all', male and female, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God' says Scripture. Rather, I think the Most High is allowing such truths crushed to the ground to be revealed in order that the man and woman of God may be thoroughly equipped so causing a church without spot or wrinkle to be birth.
Sister Elaine,

Thank you for posting but again, I would greatly like to stick with the parameters of this post, so when God says, "Because thou hast done this" to the serpent in Genesis 3:14, if he was not speaking in response to, even validating (as I believe) the confession of the female in Genesis 3:13, then what other thing done by the serpent in the garden was he speaking to?
Brother Watson,

I hope you have intention to post according to the topic of the discussion and not with mere intention to distract.
Our brother is not being distractive ,you are. You have posted your gospel and doctrine , which is not of God. There are people on this site ,who are still on the milk of the word. They have yet to mature to the meat of the word. So when like minded people as yourself come on board with fairy tails , what you think and what you feel and how God felt . and they have been lying to you all this time . Lady please. I know your work is of the Devil. I hope and Pray , I hope and Pray . That no Man , Woman,. Boy, Or Girl end up in Hell ,because of the follishness you teach and preach . Shame on you . As a Born again believer in Jesus the Christ, I pray that God would rebuke this particular Spirit, which is in you . I am not being mean, someone's soul salvation could be at stake.. I VALUE thier Soul more than your FEELINGS
If you are posting here without constructively contributing to the discussion of the topic at hand, whether in agreement or not, I will assume it is due to a limitation of your ability in word to do so.
My sister it is constructive for one to know the Truth. It's not about me or you it's about the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Being constructive is to bring forth what thus saith the lord .My Life and the Life of others who Hold Jesus the Christ so dear , must stand up and speak out agasn't a gospel. That who's foundation is not of Jesus the Christ. As long as said is produced,preached and taught . I and others along with the Unction of the Holy Ghost . We will stand tall and speak with Holy Boldness agasint this heresy
All I ask, is that you respectfully disprove it employing the actual text of the word from which it is taught. Your truth is your truth, but once we depart from the actual word of God (in full) it ceases to be God's Truth. We both know we won't agree here, so please abstain from the conversation, there are those (myself included) who would like to for themselves discern what the word actually says. If your tradition is proven, then it stands but let it be based upon word and not character attack,
WE can rspectively disagree on some things , But when it comes to the word of God , and the Deity of Jesus the Chrsit . There cannot be a middle ground or medium to explore. The word of God is true and withour Err. I use a scripture as to my point. Revelation 22:19 and if any man [woman] shall take away from the Words of the book of this prophesy, God shall take away his [her] part out of the book of life , and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. I known that the book of genesis is not a prophetic book. Yet the real bible rearder, would understand the which i speak of. The Holy Ghost alludes in my Spirit another scripture.That heaven and earth would pass away if one Jot or one Title of my word would change.


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