To have eternal salvation/ eternal life , Jesus the Christ is the ONLY Way. A person cannot enter Heaven/ New Jeruselm without Jeus the Christ . You must accept Chrsit Jesus as your Lord and saviour. There is a heaven and a hell , and yes everyone will live forever. A person cannot make it to Glory on the prayers promises , and covenants of our fore fathers and mothers. You must have a relationship with Chrsit Jesus for yourself. Time is nigh yesterday is gone , and tomorrow is not promised . all you have is today , this moment in time. In eternaity you will be with Chrsit jesus and paradise, or Burn in the lake of fire and brimestone. I pose the question, if you died right now oh where, oh where will your soul find rest.Jesus the Christ is the ONLY Way. A denominational name, church, synagoge, temple ,hall, etc. can't save you { salvation] You must have Christ Jesus and your name recorded in the Lambs Book of Life. if you went around the great wall of china. you will find buddah and confusehes dead cold and in the grave.. If you went to taj mahal you will hindu ,janism,dead cold and still in the grave. if you went around central park in New york city. You will find sweet daddy grace and father divine dead,cold, and in the grave. if you went to saudia arabia around the Black rock you will find mohamend dead cold and in the grave. YET if you went to jerusalen around a hill called calvary. YOU will find an Empty Tomb, because Chrsit jesus rose from the grave with all power in his hands. Chrsit Jesus sits at the right hand of the father making intercess for whom so ever will. Jesus the Christ is The ONLY WAY

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I do not think we have to work to get into the Kingom. A man,woman, boy, or girl CANNOT work or EARN there way into the Kingdom of God. The way into the kingdom of God is through accepting Chrsit jesus as Lord and saviour This is the ONLY WAY
You just said to me, forget that scripture you put down, Brother Hezekiah, All I have to do is accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and I can do what I want to. I can kill, steal, lie, sleep with another man's wife, I can covet another man's things, I don't have to honor my mother and father. I can worship any God I want to, I can take the Lord's name in vain. This is what you are telling me. As a matter of fact, what's your phone number, so I can call your wife. If we don't have to keep no law, it is not wrong for me to sleep with your wife is it? What's that number?
I never said or would not fix my mouth to tell anyone to put down scripture. for in the scriptures bares the truth of almighty God.yes all you have to do is to confess chrsit Jesus as Lord and Saviour , for salvation is free. THIS does not give you a liicsense to sin. There are consequences to sin, aids, liver,kidneyproblems etc.the law and comandments are a good tool or guide line/map fro each and everyman. my point is that you cannot aatainsalvation in and of the law. PoInt.. Mr. Israel Name me one save Christ Jesus who was able to live the law/comsndments

Pastor Smith,


If I tell you the sky is orange at midnight from your youth; you would believe it. And as you grow older you will continue to believe it when in fact the sky is black at midnight. Now because of the wrong conditioning over the years you will say "I know the sky is orange". Why? because you believed without investigation or research. A lot of good information has been changed in the scripture over the years.


And I can tell you that Zealot is not blind, but he can see very clearly.


Additionally, my brother what I am trying to say is do not accuse Zealot of your own blindness.    


Moreover, the Savior did not die on the cross; He died on an upright post with both hand nailed over His head. The cross was not used until 350 after the Savior died. Did someone say history lessons.




Me, my wife, Brother Pharoah, Brother Adams, Brother Zealot, and his wife, My church congregation, I can go on and on because I know lots of people trying their best to keep the commandments.

What you are telling me is that we don't have to keep the law, but we can't sin/

Does that make sense?

Where there is no law, there is not sin, so if there is not sin, let me get at your wife.
Bro. Israel,

Receiving salvation does not mean you will not have the potential to sin because salvation does not remove the inherited sin nature. Salvation means we will not have to pay the penalty (death) for our sins, BUT, if we continue in sin, there will still be consequences, because whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Salvation for the Church (non Israelites and Jews) does not require us to live under the OT Laws; this is not to say that we all should not keep the moral laws. God still expects all of us to live according to the Ten Commandments, but just obeying these commandments only is not the way to heaven. You can keep all the Laws and Commandments, but if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart and mind (life) as your Lord & Savior, you will not make it to heaven when you leave this earthly life. Once you die without Jesus as your Lord & Savior, THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE! WHAT'S DONE IS DONE!

This is where Grace and Mercy comes into play because as long as we live and breathe here on earth, we still have the opportunity to receive salvation before this life ends. It is as simple as that. So, why not receive the Lord Jesus into your life and still continue to keep the Laws and Commandments and all of the other traditions except for the animal sacrifice.
Because Faith without works is dead.
So true Hez....

What is your faith in for salvation?
My faith is that if I keep the commandments, Feasts, and ordinances of Jesus or God the best I can for the rest of my life, or until the Lord makes his 2nd coming, he will raise me and give me a Spirit body, that I may rule with him in his kingdom in Jerusalem for a 1000 years, and not me only, but all who do these things. If I be alive my hope is that he gives me my change or body, and I rule with him. Flesh can not inherit the kingdom, and the Kingdom is not in Heaven, it will be on this Earth. I believe all of that will happen, that is the faith I have, and it is from scripture, and not tradition, or the imagination of my heart.
My brother you cannot enter the new jerusalem on works, deed's and living the comandments. We are all born with a sin nature, that nature can only be conquerd by the blood of Christ Jesus

Pastor Smith,


Please explain this to me. First the Savior's name is not Jesus. Now the English alphabet is arranged a from A to Z.


J 10 x 9 =  90

E 5 x 9 =   45

S 19 x 9 =171

U 21 x 9 =189

S 19 x 9 =171



please explain how this could be and the English was not even invented at the time the scripture was written. How can all of these letter with their numerical values multiplied by nine equal 666.




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